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#Journal Entry 10.07.15 #3
The meeting today was held at the UWI Campus, in the food court area, from 2:30pm to 5:20pm. All five members were present. In this meeting the original goals were to • create a rough sketch for the design, • plan and assign members respectively to the chapters (i.e. which members are responsible for manually inputting a chapter into the final Design Journal (hardcopy) • Decide on the journal to be used for the Design Journal. • Also discuss initial concepts of how the device would work.
In addition we were also able to • Plan a general idea for the presentation. • Design a Group T-shirt! : ))
Firstly, as mentioned before we were able to discuss how we would carry out or presentation on the day, we settled on preparing a power-point presentation, as well as distribute 10 pamphlets to the judges and all parties associated. Then we proceeded to designing a group T-shirt. It’s a simple and effective way of showing our efforts. The design will be blogged later. But it’s a straightforward V-neck with our group name, with our respective letter highlighted, with each member’s letter assigned to a specific colour.
We then discussed our Chapter Organisation. Using the Design Journal Guide, as our, well guide, we made up the different chapters required as necessary. We organised them, by discussing the details of what would go into each individual chapter, also we discussed the appropriate order in which the chapters would be placed in the book. The design and nature of the book would be discussed later. We also decided that for each chapter assigned to a person, they would come up with a creative way to make the chapter seem artistically appealing. (I mean make it look pretty : ))
We assigned respective members to each chapter. However it must be noted that these members are not expected to write out and come with an entire chapter by themselves. They are supposed to “write” it into the journal, the contents of the chapter itself will be discussed by the members. (details in a separate blog entry)
Finally we made a rough sketch of our device. Just an idea of how we would like it to look and function at first. We will begin assembling our first official trial model my Monday 13th. The sketch will also be blogged separately and explained.
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Part of the dismantling process . not as easy as 1 2 3
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08/07/15 (9am-11:30)
Two and a half hours. We really scheduled 6 hours for this meeting session, but as time went by, we got a lot more done than was expected. We updated our inventory by bringing in more parts ( and sources of parts) for the project.  One computer speaker set, four cellular phones and one ancient landline (trust me it’s ancient); and we pulled them all apart to retrieve magnets. 
Those old cell phones were tough to pull apart! Screwdrivers of all shapes and sizes came into play. Smashing with our wooden base( due to lack of hammer. I mean we had everything else), grunts, and groans, “help me” , “help her”. So many elements in this experience. Wire stripping of old telephone and computer wires to obtain their internal copper was actually really enjoyable.  Apart from the magnets and wires, we salvaged the aesthetically pleasing components of these devices for our creative design. Even the motherboards  we discussed as being a part of the design and part of the name of our device. Realizing we had a lot of unused material from the old electronics, we began discussing the option of making this project even wider by recycling these materials and more. 
Another accomplisment in this day was our first test run ; theory to practical , leading to the flow of more ideas. The water turbine,we had out ruled in theory by saying that junky components like a pump would be needed or a continuous flow of water ( also cant necessarily fit into a box of the given dimensions). This turbine comprised of styrofoam ( light weight), plastic spoons, and a skewer. It was too large on it own, much less for considering any other parts for a device with that wheel !
We obtained a separate turbine for the current motor alternatively, this is a 10 year old cooling fan from an old computer. 
After the messy dismantling session and running our failed water turbine test, we relocated to the library where we began the process of sending sharing and uploading the videos and pictures for the day . 
Who knew so much was to be found in a phone ? 
Who knew breaking things in that way was so satisfying? 
Who knew our water turbine would have failed ?
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It's satisfying breaking stuff apart
KRAFT (and at times painful 😜)
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The post shows the old phones that were scrapped to obtain batteries for the system. The first was a blue nokia, orginally seen in the first picture; a magent was obtained from its speaker. the second was a pink Blu Phone, one round magent from the speaker was extracted.
Appropriate pliers, screw drivers were used where necessary.
In order to identify where the magent was in the phone, we used a paper clip to see where on the phone it was by attracted by it sticking to the phone’s surface.
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after learning from the Water Turbine, we decided to go with something a little more elaborate this time. An old cooling fan from a Plasma Desktop Computer’s system. The fan itself is about 10 years old and is no longer functioning in the computer, and is hence now a recycled materail to be used in out home made generator.
Within the stucture, there are already made copper solenoids tha twould help with the induced current to be used later for the cicuit. the structure itself cannot run on its own, adn requires a power source. (ie. it is not a motor or anything)
however, rather than using a current, it will be used to MAKE the current. From scraping old no longer usable phones, the fan blades will be attached to magnets which will then be used later to allow it to spin in order to generate a current. The fan was removed using a screw driver and a plyers to cut the wires that held it to the old CPU.
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this video shows the operation of the Mock water turbine
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water turbine FAILURE
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We attempted to create a water turbine.
we did this using household recucled materails such as plastic spoons, a kebab stick and leftover foam from earlier decorative projects. The goal was to create a turbine that would later connect to coils of copper wire with magnets, along the stucture, such that when the turbine was allowed to spin, it would induce a current, that could allow the circuit to work.
however, due to the water conditions after a hurricane as well as the considerable dimensions expected for the project, this idea didnt progress any further.
however the device was made inspite of just for a tester. the device itself, wasn’t very stable as seen that spoons flew out during the water test.
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6/07/15 meeting #2
The aim of this meeting was to officially finalize ideas. Through discussion and research we decided to eliminate our renewable energy sources such as solar, wind and water for the following reasons. 
It was found that after a hurricane solar energy may not necessarily be present and if present requires time to first charge the solar panel making it a fickle energy source.
A substantial amount of wind is often not present after a hurricane since the atmosphere is usually much calmer.
Water as a source of energy would be difficult to transfer and not very feasible to fit into the desired dimensions while still producing an efficient amount of energy. 
Due to these reason we narrowed down our energy sources to two, the main being a home made current generator made of easily found recycled parts around the house and the second a homemade chemical battery, which is easily made from household items that one may have after a storm, making it an easy safe guard. After these two sources were decided upon a list of proposed items needed to construct these sources was made as well as indication of places where these items may be found and recycled from.
Deadlines were then assigned for the group members to bring in these items ,for us all to start construction on our budding ‘invention’ and design journal as well as desired dates for which we would compete both our invention and our journal with ample time to fix any problem that we know will arise as with any project. Days of the week ( Mondays and Wednesdays) were also assigned for solely constructing and building the device while Fridays and Sundays were assigned to research, development of our idea, any changes that should be made and work on our design journal. In addition each member was assigned alternating days to upload the content of our meetings unto our blog to promote group effort and ensure that the blog progressed as we did. 
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Kraft first meeting. 03.07.17
Due to registration of incoming form one students at school, all team members were present due to having responsibilities as captains,head girls or prefects. Upon completion of registration, a meeting was held amongst the members in which there was a discussion of meeting days,times and places. There was also a short discussion of potential ideas and materials that may be needed to successfully complete our design. Our tumblr blog was born on this day in addition to our whatsapp group to enable better communication and research.
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Many minds one monitor
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Magnetts can be taken from loudspeakers from old phones
copper wire or wire in general can be taken from old phones and devices as well inorder to build a motor
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Due to the size of the materials need and method of generation of energy, this mechanism can no longer be used for our design.
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Due to attraction and repulsion between magnets, the fan was manipulated into spinning and therefore an electric current was generated. This is quite effective and therefore it can be a great aid in our design.
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