✰ pisces sun, cancer moon, capri rising ✰ esfp 8w7 sp/sx ✰ inactive<3 ✰
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ardra nakshatra:
the sixth constellation— (6°40 to 20°00): gemini.
ruler: rahu
symbol: teardrop
animal: female dog
this nakshatra has a lot of pent up anger within themselves. it’s symbolized by the teardrop which in this case can be associated with any and all forms of destruction, rage and power. this is a very emotional constellation—commonly known as ‘the wet one..’ rudra; the god of storms and destructive thunder was always seen as an outcast who didn’t care for superficial appearances, but more so for the depths of one’s soul.
the teardrop signifies both sorrow and cleansing. if you think about it, storms have the ability to cause great damage to an environment, but can also bring benefits such as rainfalls to areas of drought, increasing the flow of rivers and streams, etc.
ardras are connected to diamonds, which can give you a clear idea as to what these individuals are all about. in general, if you didn’t know—diamonds are a hard stone created from extreme heat/pressure. these people usually lead a challenging childhood especially when this nak is in a personal planet or luminary.
they feel this dire need to make sacrificial decisions, all about getting whatever they want at any cost. mischievous actions and egotistical energy can be seen here. both mercury and rahu are present. they have the ability of mastering deception on all levels. these are the types you go to when you find yourself in any situation that isn’t beneficial for you.
having multiple planets in ardra can indicate hyper competence, but not in a socially accepted away. going against social norms is like a routine for them. the embodiment of rudra can be seen because this god reflects the themes related to chaos. “out of all suffering, comes transformation..”
here, gender is flipped—a sense of duality lgbt and androgynous themes are prevalent. woman with this constellation prominent in their chart usually take on ‘male traits’ and vice-versa. sexual liberation/being complete control of their sexual preferences are something they take pride in. 🏳️🌈
a visual representation of what this nakshatra is energy wise:
— xycmp
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The Rising Signs’ 🦢
In The Signs Series™
Looks tense like somebody just said something stupid. A lot of them have a widows peak or just a very square hairline to draw attention to their head. The hairline can sometimes be so good it looks like they are wearing a wig, and not only in the forhead but the whole hairline even behind the ears looks super good. They can have a high forhead like Rihanna whos an Aries Rising. There tend to be a ”bitchiness” to them but at the same time they got this innocence to them. Some of them have a babyface while some of them have a more sharp and angular look. Men with this rising sign can have hairline shaped like an M. Might also start to bald early. Some of them might have red tints to their hair or beard and freckles are also common(depends on cultural background tho) Might have oily skin or very ”leather” like texture to the skin. These peoples hair is usually very prominent which is who they can easily be mistaken for a Leo Rising. If they have a lot of Mars squares in their chart they can be very confrontational with a lack of filter. They look very good in anything sporty and tight. These people might have people wanting beef with them because they can come across as cocky or rude when they are not. There is something very respectable with them especially when they have a Capricorn Midheaven. Like you really want them to like you. They also have the most gorgeous eyebrows and face shapes. There is this ”Since nobody else will, I will do it.” They are the ones who might stand up for someone when nobody else does. The real go getters. Unfortunately might be involved in a relationship where they have to do anything because people expect them to.
A lot of Taurus Risings have the Taylor Lautner look with the smaller eyes and short nose, very ”cute” but there is also the Taurus Risings with the longer look like Jake Paul and Robert Pattinsson with the prominent long chin and the small ears. The longer types are usually skinnier with a longer nose while the short nose ones are usually heavier built. If the Ascendant is conjunct fixed star Algol the look can be very intimidating and the person might be more aggressive in both appearance and behaviour like Conor McGregor whos a Taurus Rising. The women with this Rising are very often praised for their good looks like Halle Berry. They have the that calm feminine aura to them. There is a strength to Taurus Risings in a way that they look very kind but at the same time you can see that there is a raging bull inside of them ready to put someone in their place. For example Snoop Dogg whos a Taurus Rising, super kind and funny but very quick to show it of he find an interviewer or fan annoying. These people can have a skin thats completely flawless. They usually have extremely even skintone. They can also have those super small pointy ears. A lot of Taurus Rising look curvy even if they are skinny and if Lilith is on the Ascendant the curves can be very pronounced for example Megan The Stallon. There is always something about the nose that stands out and a lot of them might want to highlight it by having a nose ring. The neck can be very thick and short or super slim and long and they like to show the neck of by wearing a chain. Taurus Rising is found in a lot of criminals especially when it conjunct the violent star Algol.
There can be a roundedness to their features but still pointy? Look at Pamela Anderson and Jessica Biel for example they are both Gemini Risings, very round but still pointy. Can have a cleft chin or a cleft on the nose to show ”hey im parted” or a mole on only one side of the face but very close to the middle of the face to show ”here is where the other side of be begins”. The mouth can be very shapely and while closed might give of the look of an M. Like the opening of the mouth is shaped like that when the mouth is closed instead of just being one straight line. Might remind you of a bird in some way. Some of them stand and walk with their feet pointing outwards like a bird. The upper body can sometimes be larger than the lower body and legs. The nosestrils might not be visible unless you are standing below them. Might color their hair or change hairstyles very often. The Gemini Risings with a longer face usually have a slightly bigger nose like Lady Gaga and Amy Winehouse who are both Gemini Risings. Gemini Risings from a cultural background where big noses/roman noses are not common usually have a rounder face shape with a very ”bent” nose instead. A lot of them have this slightly sneaky look like Drew Barrymore like they just did something very naughty. A lot of them have a signature hairstyle or signature makeup look that makes it easy to know its them. Like Pamela Anderson and her messy bun. If someone said ”paint this person” its easy to paint them and everyone will know who it is. They look good in parted hairstyles and midpart to show that there is two sides to them.
Very glossy hair, can look veeeery kind just like pisces rising. Some of them look ”wet” like super hydrated. The iris of the eye is close to the inner corner of the eye. There are two types of Cancer Risings: 1. The ones with the more round face, usually lighter skintone than other family members no matter cultural background, smaller facial features, sneaky eyes, shorter hair, curvy. And type 2. Skinny, darker skin than others from the same ethnicity, longer hair, longer face and big forhead, a longer nose and sometimes a roman nose. Larger eyes than the round faced Cancer Risings. The Cancer Risings with the long face are usually less shy and can be very outgoing while the roundfaced Cancer Risings usually have a more shy personality and they are also more calm personality wise. Type 2 are usually very funny and seem to smile more than type 1. Cancer Risings also have a special relationship to children. They are warm people and when they form connections they want it to last for life. These people can suffer from some very intense moodswings tho. Cancer Rising men come in the same 2 different types too but here the round faced ones are often the more outgoing ones while the longer face ones are less social. Cancer Rising men can often have a M shaped hairline with a very defined widowspeak. The eyes can sometimes bulge out. The round faced Cancer Rising men are usually very into fitness and might have a very defined jawline. There can be some intense issues with masculinity and self esteem in these men since at an early age they knew they were sensitive which was not considered ”manly”. Some of them seek out a mother/father figure in their relationships.
These people are very confident and might even come across as bitchy. They come in two similar types as Cancer Rising, Selena Gomez obviously being type 1. They take a lot of pride in their hair. Some of these people might have hair so long it touches their butt, but there are also Leo Risings who rock the shorter hair, for example Tina Turner. The Leo Risings with shorter hair might have thicker hair from what Ive noticed. They can have a feline look to them and some of them can have this cute cozy look like Selena Gomez. If afflicted the ego become a real issue here and they might start to compare themselves with everyone around them which can make others back off from them. Men with this rising sign might want to have long hair and you can often see them with a bun. These people love to be seen and might start acting weird when focus is not on them. They love to show off and they love the feeling of being the center of attention. When younger they might be loud or even annoying to get this attention but Ive also seen a lot of very shy Leo Rising. There are a lot of ”cat” looking Leo Risings like Emma Stone with the cat eyes and wider face and prominent cheekbones, but not all of them got that feline look. Jessica Alba for example does not look feline at all and shes a Leo Rising. They love fashion since its their way of expressing themselves and they absolutely love looking good. A lot of them love leopard print. They absolutely love brand name clothes and anything quality since they are a fixed sign. They look sooo good in sunglasses, orange, gold and beige.
Think DOLL. There is a perfection to these people that can be almost creepy. I have a Virgo rising friend and I swear that every single hairstrand on her head is the exact same length. Her hairline is so perfect it almost look like she shaved it. These people are youthful but not in a childish way. The skin can be very perfect too. They are very refined almost to the point you feel ashamed cursing infront of them. Very well groomed. They are ethereal just like their sister sign. Their shyness will often be mistaken for being snobby or arrogant tho. This is something ive noticed with a lot of Virgo Risings, being accused of being arrogant. Some of them are tho since Virgo is a very picky and judgmental sign but most times they are just shy. Their personality infront of people they feel safe with and people they dont differs a lot. There is a charming quality to their mouth and to the way they speak. A lot of them prefer a more natural look and might look better without makeup than with it. There is a ”perfection” here that is impossible to copy. No matter what they wear it looks neat and tidy. They usually have sensitive stomachs so they have to be careful what they eat and ofc they are. They look smart and the eyes can be penetrating but not in the same way as scorpio risings. They dont have that ”I will expose you look” like scorpio risings have they have more of a ”I know what you are doing but I feel bad for you” look. They need to be careful not to be too perfectionistic and picky tho since this can have a very negative effect on their self esteem. There is very often a huge issue with the self esteem with this rising sign. These people might not be approached often because they look ”out of your league”. The head is often diamondshaped.
Looks like they thought of every detail. Not a hair out of place. Ive seen a lot of Libra Risings and they all looked so different tl eachother. I think Libra Rising is the rising sign most affected by their chart ruler sign because they all looked like that sign. But they all had söme things in common and that was flawless skin, symmetric face, nice body with evenly distributed fat. They were also friendly and polite. They spend a lot of time perfecting themselves because these people care a lot about how they are seen. When you see someone and you instantly see think ”that probably took a long time” then most likely a Libra Rising. They know their flaws and they know what their best features are. These people are born stylists. Knowing what need to be hidden and what to highlight comes naturally for them. Not all Libra Risings care this much about appearance tho. And its not always about them being vain, its just that looking presentable is important for them because they are the socializers and they just want to look nice. For them its a sign of respect too. They would never show up at your party underdressed because for them thats disrespectful to YOU. So its not only about themselves. A lot of them have a strong cupid bow and their mouth might even be shaped lile a heart. The outside corners of the mouth are always pointed upwards making them look like they are always smiling. This makes them seem very friendly and makes people approach them easily because you can see that this person wont diss you. Them being so approachable blesses them with a lot of social contacts. They might have dimples either on the lower back or on their face. They can also have a mouth thats always slightly open.
A lot of teeth showing when they talk, almost looks like they are talking with their teeth, gummy smile and sometimes vampire teeth. Can look very different from other family members for example light skin that cant tan while living in a warm country or dark skin while rest of the family is pale and living in a cold country. Remember that pluto rules being the black sheep of the family so this rising have a high possibility of looking different than other family members. Eyes are impossible to miss because they can be very small or very big. Usually framed by a shadow or darker pigment around the eyes, like they were born with eyeshadow. The scorpio risings with the smaller eyes usually have extremely arched eyebrows and a pointy small nose while the ones with the larger eyes have less arched brows and instead usually have a rounder nose OR a roman nose. There is also the scorpio risings with a more square face and square shaped nose. Some of them have a protruding brow bone giving them a predatory look and adds to the shadow around their eyes. The guys can have a prominent, low hairline and sometimes it almost look like the hair is a helmet. Can also have very pointy ears. Moles and beautymarks. Very good at talking with their eyes. They like to watch people and especially people who they are intimidated by. They cant hide envy, their eyes turn all reptilian when they envy someone. Good at having a conversation without revealing anything about themselves. You talk to them for 2 hours only to leave without knowing anything. Might smile without saying a word when you talk to them, making the conversation uncomfortable.
There is always something with the walk here. The walk might be extremely attractive and model like or they can be super clumsy, or both. These people will definitely have others noticing them because of how they walk. They are naturally funny without trying. They might look super tall from far away even if they are short because their legs are usually longer than their upper body. They can have a horse like look to them like Kim K. With a longer prominent nose and a oval face. But there is also Sag Risings with a more round or even square face. The Sag Risings with the round or square face usually have a wider forhead and smaller nose. The butt and breasts might be very pronounced and protruding here making them look curvy even if they are not. Might have a protruding belly. The smile will be one of their best qualities. They might walk a lot or just be outside all the time. These are the kind of people who are almost never home. Gen Z Sag Risings might be very different tho since a lot of them have Pluto in the 1st house. These people can be very reckless and sometimes dont think about consequences. They come across as super friendly and have an easy when it comes to interacting with people. These people can be extremely popular especially if mixed with a strong Venus influence. A lot of the most popular people in the world got this rising sign like Princess Diana, Bob Marley, Elizabeth Taylor, Kim K. They just attract attention wherever they go.
The arch of the eyebrow starts at the very end of the eyebrow. Looks like they hade work done. Could get wrinkles and grey hair early or have no wrinkles at all at 70, usually one or the other. The hairline on the side can be close to their eyebrows. Looks like they are squinting their eyes to see you better. They usually dont like people who act innapropriately in public and they will show it. Very well mannered and aware of social codes. They care a lot about who they are seen with in public. Very scared of public humiliation. Can look very tired. Might come across as rude. The hair is usually gorgeous and very thicker than others from the same cultural background. Can have a very prominent t-zone. Might have a bigger chin or just very prominent shape. They can also have creases on the sides of their mouth instead of dimples or hollow cheeks. The cheekbones are prominent and high. They look aristocratic. Some of them have very small ears with a pointy top. They can be very petite and have a thigh gap. The teeth will also be prominent and might even protrude making it hard for them to close their mouth completely. Their face change a lot until they reach their 20s thats when they start to grow into their looks(this does not mean they didnt look good before tho). A lot of them experience skin issues but since Saturn rules ”You reap what you sow” they have the possibilty to have really good skin if they take care of it well. The younger years are usually difficult and they might suffer a lot with their self esteem. The best part of their life starts after their Saturn Return. The corners of the mouth usually point downward making them look less approachable but also makes them look serious. They look like they are someone important.
These people always have striking eyes. They look tall even if they are short because the limbs are usually long. They can have some very uncommon physical features like super light blue eyes with darker skin tone while everyone else in their family is light, or jet black hair mixed with super pale skin making them look like they colored their hair. Might be hard to guess which country they are from. Some of them can have such a unique look to their eyes that you think they are wearing contacts. Definitely striking. Some of them have a very long chin. The hair have a tendency to stand right up even if they have straight hair almost like they were electrocuted. They can have a very shocking style and they usually have their own look like Nicki Minaj for example with her bangs and pink hair. They look so good in neon colors. Some of them have a shocked expression like Jared Leto. Something about the body language, way of talking or way of thinking might be considered unique and people easily become fascinated by them. The eyes can also be downturned at the outer corners. They could be asked where they are from a lot just like Sag Rising. They are usually popular because they are social and easily gets to know new people. They have this friendly ”I know everyone” aura mixed with their down to earthness just look at Barack Obama. They can have an interesting mix of sharp and soft. The cheeks might be shubby paired with a pointy nose or slim and bony faced with a very rounded button nose. Some of them have a baby face. They might be taller than average or shorter than average.
These people have a vulnerability to them. They might look sad or tired. They might have the bedroom eyes like Marilyn Monroe who had Neptune in the 1st house. The lips and eyes are their strongest features. Some of them could even be accused of being on drugs, look at Billie Eilish and you know what I mean. They can look unreal because they have this Disney Princess look sitt the glossy eyes and helpess expression. Some of them even have the baby voice to go with the look. A lot of them look younger than they are and can have that little babydoll look like Barbara Palvin. People might overshare to them a lot. They look much more innocent than what they actually are and people might be disappointed when they find out they were not that helpless damsel in distress. There is usually rumours about them because people cant figure them out so they have to talk about them. They might be quiet when around a lot of people and then super talkative when around people they are comfortable with. Dark circles under the eyes are common too, adding to the sleepy look. The lips might be naturally pouty. The eyes are watery. These people absorb energies easily and they need to learn that not everyone should be trusted. They feel bad for people easily and people can see this. The eyelashes can be longer than average like Zayn Malik whos a pisces rising. They could also have a lot of baby hair forming a natural gloria as the little angels they are. Some of them look glittery because the eyes are watery and the skin is usually watery so everything just shines and glows. Usually shorter than average. The Bratz Dolls of the zodiac.
Aspects to Ascendant is not taken into consideration in this post. Aspects to Ascendant and planets in the 1st house can make you look different than your Ascendant sign. ❕
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mbti✨ Looks vs Actually-isms
- from your local intp 🖤✨
(all 16 types)
The Intuitive Thinkers
ENTJ (the commander)
looks like they'd kill you | is actually little baby
ENTP (the debater)
looks like a lazy bastard | is actually the most determined
INTJ (the architect)
looks like they would kill you | would actually kill you
INTP (the logician)
looks like a cryptid | actually is a cryptid
The Intuitive Feelers
ENFJ (the protagonist)
looks like a conqueror | actually just wants cuddles
ENFP (the campaigner)
looks like a golden retriever | actually is a golden retriever
INFJ (the advocate)
looks like a wise wizard | is actually a hot mess
INFP (the mediator)
looks like a hot mess | is actually an under appreciated genius
The Sensor Thinkers
ESTJ (the executive)
looks like the boss | is actually the boss
ESTP (the entrepreneur)
looks like the maverick | is actually a white knight
ISTJ (the logistician)
looks like a square | will actually fuck you up
ISTP (the engineer)
looks chill | is actually an assassin
The Sensor Feelers
ESFJ (the consul)
looks like popular kid | is the popular kid
ESFP (the entertainer)
looks like a party animal | is actually wife/(husband) material
ISFJ (the defender)
looks like a simple peach | has actually calculated several ways for your demise in case of emergency
ISFP (the adventurer)
looks like a flower child | is actually a party animal
#mbti#16 personalities#mbti memes#mbti humor#entj#entp#intj#intp#enfj#enfp#infj#infp#estj#estp#istj#istp#esfj#esfp#isfj#isfp#looks like vs actually is#mbti friendships#mbti shitpost#fictional mbti#mbti types#16 personality types#intuitives#sensors#thinkers#feelers
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#entp#entp female#entp memes#mbti memes#mbti#mbti stereotypes#mbti types#intp#intj#entj#istj#estj#esfj#isfj#enfj#infj#esfp#isfp#infp#enfp
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good things will happen 🧿
things that are meant to be will fall into place 🧿
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reblog and make a wish! this was removed from tumbrl due to “violating one or more of Tumblr’s Community Guidelines”, but since my wish came true the first time, I’m putting it back. :)
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hello which member of exo do you ship me with
idk i feel like you’d work well as an ex-ho
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my feelings rn: 😩💢💔❌🚫♨️🚷🛑⛔️📛
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Hi I hope you’re doing well! I was wondering if you could do a post on Venus signs and how they’re like in a relationship?!
omg you better be doing well too and be having the best day ever!!!! yes totally!! i’d love to talk about the venus signs :D i’ll try my best to make a post about them today!!
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Hi! Just wanted to say that I am indeed a goofball and am a very...atypical Capricorn according to my friends 😂 I’m a Capricorn Sun, Cancer Moon, and Libra Ascendant 🌸
Oh, and Scorpio Mars is definitely spot on 😆 though I’m not so sure about Lilith in the 7th, at least it’s not really my case 😀
awwhh please you seem so nice T-T<333 thank u so much for your feedback, have an amazing day!! :)
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Just give you feedback about your observation: spot on. I’m almost full Cancer (sun, mars, venus, merc) and despite of being cardinal, Cancer sucks at starting/doing anything alone; quite and reserved but when the time comes, truly wild, let loose and the soul of party.
Also I want to ask more about your recent observation. You said something about 8th/ Scorpio but I don’t get it. Can you be more specific? (Scorpio moon and stellium in 8th asking btw)
oh sure!! yes i just noticed, outside of my head that probably didnt make any sense sjcbvhj basically what i meant is that wherever scorpio or pluto or 8th house appears (like for example i have scorpio in my 10th house and pluto aspecting my sun and venus) this could make those areas kind of.. familiar to me, like things i never had to learn about because i always felt like i naturally knew about them. 10th house scorpio made me good at managing work, perfecting it and being a good leader and having ability to plan out my work, pluto-venus negative aspect made me very familiar with a darker, more controlling side of me and it makes it easier for me to understand people who show controlling behaviors, and sun-pluto made me very good at understanding true emotions of me and other people, i’m usually the person my friends go to when they need words of encouragement or support because they know i will understand them. that aspect makes me good at seeing what’s behind the surface and connecting with a person. that being said, your scorpio moon can make you very in touch with your emotions, you feel everything very deeply (combined with all those cancer placements damn bro i hope you’re doing well jfdvhbv that must be tough :o), your feelings can be overwhelming because you know exactly what you’re going through. sometimes this can make you overreact because this position of the moon can be very suspicious of others and sometimes you may immediately assume they have bad intentions and become very secretive and negative. anyways, scorpio here can make you good at reading people’s emotions if your own feelings don’t get in the way. this isn’t always bad if it happens, however, because you’re an empath and can feel what the other person is feeling as if their emotions are your own. you’re probably an amazing friend!! <3 hope that helped, have an amazing day!!
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ms gurl your placement hella similar to mine HAHAHA i'm a cancer sun pisces moon leo rising i cant-
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