sixtenseven · 1 year
Anything is possible, but most things are unlikely
- The Heart's Invisible Furies
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sixtenseven · 2 years
“Let everything happen to you. Beauty and terror. Just keep going. No feeling is final”. ― Rainer Maria Rilke
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sixtenseven · 2 years
"You remember too much,
my mother said to me recently.
Why hold onto all that? And I said,
Where can I put it down?"
Anne Carson, Glass, Irony and God
"The deplorable mania of doubt exhausts me. I doubt about everything, even my doubts."
Gustave Flaubert
I hope the rest of your life is your idea
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sixtenseven · 2 years
I need a reminder to myself that sometimes its not about me, but about them. And if there are issues so early on, it wouldn't turn out well in the future.
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sixtenseven · 2 years
There are two tragedies in life - not getting what you want, and getting it
Oscar Wilde
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sixtenseven · 2 years
One minute of everything at once
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sixtenseven · 2 years
bought new speakers during 11.11 and now my life is enhanced. suddenly the music video im starring in is 4k instead of 240p and i can emo and pretend im the main character while 1975 plays in the background in crisp clear sounds
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sixtenseven · 2 years
If you averaged out all the averages
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sixtenseven · 2 years
I shouldn't be jealous of something like that but I am. Is it a short attention span or are we just scared to let the thoughts settle in? Sometimes I don't understand the obsessive need to find out about death and the contrasting instinct to stop doing that.
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sixtenseven · 2 years
Don't need to have your feelings validated for them to be valid
Don't need an apology to prove that they were wrong
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sixtenseven · 2 years
You are not entitled to any of the things other people possess any more than they are of yours
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sixtenseven · 2 years
인생 드럽게 힘들어
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sixtenseven · 2 years
The fucks has to die so I can fucking live
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sixtenseven · 2 years
shitty how most of us have our self worths tagged to our ability to do our jobs. shittier how our job seems to be our whole lives.
Struggling with finding a reason for everything, the need to do anything. Ugh everything seems so pointless in the grand scheme of things but yet here we are like cogs in a machine, day in day out same old damn routine
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sixtenseven · 3 years
"It seems to Werner that in the space between whatever has happened already and whatever is to come hovers an invisible borderland, the known on one side and the unknown on the other."
All the light we cannot see
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sixtenseven · 3 years
When there's nothing left to burn you got to set yourself on fire
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sixtenseven · 3 years
I think, maybe, my goal for 2022 is to bite the bullet and see a therapist.
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