child of persephone
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sixseedss · 3 years ago
Grimoire - Spell Jars and Spell Bags
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Simple Jar Spell List Witch Bottles? Witch Bottles! - Explained Self love and healing spell bottle Emotional Healing Spell Jar Jar Of Cuddles Elemental Spell Jar Health spell jar Sleep well spell jar Moon Mysteries Protection Charm Bag Spell Jar for Protection Invisibility (Pathfinder Inspired Sachet Spell) Jar Spell for Clarity Creative Writing Spell Bottle Calming Jar “Heat of the Flame” Fire Jar Spell Fire & Sun witch bottle Sugar & Spice Prosperity Jar Spell Sea Witch’s Protection Bottle Forest With Me Spell Happy Home Spell Jar get the fuck away from me spell Honey Jar Spell for Happiness and Fortune Happiness spell jar Spell for Reassurance Empath Protection Jar Home Sweet Home Spell Jar Beauty Sleep Sachet Glamour Spell Consider: Sensory Jars as Witch Jars protection sachets “Sun Kissed,” Energy Jar Sea Spell
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sixseedss · 3 years ago
✨🍵Tiny tea spell to feel better 🍵✨
Use whenever you’re feeling less than tip top.
🌷Incantation: “Witch’s brew, witch’s brew, make me feel good as new”
🌷Breathe into the cup to charge.
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sixseedss · 3 years ago
Broke Witch Tip
These are the best websites to download free witch books from and its ALL FREE
Melinoe and Grim
Feel free to contact us at [email protected]
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sixseedss · 3 years ago
my book of shadows blessing
persephone, watch over this book of mine
shed it from world's prying eyes
but to witches who's map this may be
make the way be clear to see
so mote it be
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sixseedss · 3 years ago
spell coins
jars are relatively easy to find, but hard to hide/can take up space/are hard to take along with you. so what i've been doing as a dorm witch takes out the need for a jar.
drip some wax on to a piece of paper with a sigil relating to your intention. sprinkle your herbs into the wax. when it dries, just cut or rip the wax off the paper! this way you have your wax, herbs, and a sigil.
the only downside is is that you can't use full crystals, but crystal chips are still an option. just make the wax a lil thicker
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sixseedss · 3 years ago
lemon hex
i do not recommend that beginner practitioners perform hexes due to their dangerous nature. if you cast a hex, place a protection spell unto yourself and your living space.
a lemon (or lime if need be)
a petition
black and/or red pepper
OPTIONAL: cumin, mustard seed, garlic, thorns, chili powder, cayenne pepper. any or all of these would work, it's just what is available to you.
red or black wax
access to a forest or a spot to bury things in.
cut a slit into the lemon using two cuts (effectively taking a slice out)
bury your petition deep into the lemon
add the pepper, and if you are using other herbs, those.
place the slice back into the lemon and seal it using the wax.
to activate the hex, bury it if possible. if that isn't an option, throw it as far as you can into a forest. THROW it. chuck that lemon. i live in a dorm so i can't dig, so this is helpful for me.
things to add into a petition
a sigil of the name of the victim
your intention written three times
when folding your petition, fold and turn it away from you to drive the energy away from you.
be safe.
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sixseedss · 3 years ago
Low Effort Magic 🌙
Pt. 2
Are you someone who plays minecraft? Animal Crossing? Something where you build and decorate stuff? Build a shrine or a park for your deities. This is mine that i built for Loki.
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Take a nap to recharge and put a glass of water under your bed while sleeping. It will absorb all unwanted energy. Do not drink the water afterwards!
Play with your pet to let your inner child be a child (and also to make your pet happy)
Clay makes for a perfect fidget toy (in my opinion). Make small charms out if it to use in your spells or readings!
No energy for a spell? Dress up in the corresponding colors for what you want to achieve that day.
If you can keep them alive, get plants. They literally cleanse the air you're breathing, if that isn't the best low effort cleansing ever then i don't know what is.
Make your phones background a sigil. You'll automatically interact with it multiple times a day.
Write words on your plastic waterbottle to charge your water (e.g.: spiritual awareness, easy communication, love, good health, clear thoughts, etc). If you have a glass one, write the words on a paper and put the bottle on top of it for a few minutes.
Since part 1 was a success, I hope you like part 2 as well! :)
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sixseedss · 3 years ago
dorm witchery be like
offering some water to your deity from a day old water bottle and saying you’re “pouring one out for the homies”
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sixseedss · 3 years ago
Dorm Witchery
Okay, so it’s that time of year again, and this time, I’m actually at University!
Plants. Personally, I have a chocolate soldier variety succulent, but any sort of plant is grounding, especially when you’re stressing over classes.
A small fountain. You can put moon water in the fountain, and put crystals along its edges, also the sound of water can help with how things dorm walls are.
Crystals. Necklaces, decorations, bookend, there’s almost as many ways to bring them in as there are kinds of crystal!
Pictures or paintings of nature. This can be especially important if your university is further away from nature, to help bring some elements of nature into your life.
An air freshener with a specific scent. Personally, I’m used to burning candles and incense to make my room smell nice, but that’s a no no in dorms, so corresponding the smell of an air freshener to your intent can help, and you can draw a sigil on the bottom to diffuse into the air of your room.
Possibly more to follow, but hey, it’s been a week at uni so far, so I think I’m doing fairly well for that. I know a lot of dorm witchery posts I’ve seen are about making alters or kits, and personally, I don’t see myself using that stuff that often, and I’d worry about my roommate finding them. So my tips are more general. I wish luck to everyone else away for the first time, both in their practice and with the pain of studying and assigned readings.
Blessed be!
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sixseedss · 3 years ago
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Put a small ward on the door and windows 
Visualize the energy you are getting when eating food or ingesting caffeine
Put a glamour on your make-up and brush
Put a glamour on your closet for the clothes inside
Put a small bowl/plate with rose quartz, amethyst, and quartz crystal on your sink counter
Make every shower a “cleansing” for yourself and every bath a gentle recharging
Hang a sigil somewhere in your kitchen to ensure delicious food
Spend a few minutes talking to your plants
Meditate for at least 5 minutes a day
If you do sage cleansings, mix the leftover ashes and sea salt together in a container to keep for if you need a quick protection
Charm your necklace for protection and recharge it once a week
Charm your shoes to ensure that you will make it to where you are going
Add some of y'all’s small things y’all do around the house
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sixseedss · 3 years ago
A spell to dispel unwanted thoughts
1.) Lay down on the floor 2.) Scream
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