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sittinthroughthisoreshit · 5 hours ago
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New Pathfinder character!! We finished our big campaign last fall and so we are starting a smaller sillier one! Meet Conan, my awakened Lamb Barbarian who is ALSO a werewolf.:3 You know, Wolf in sheep clothing and all that.XD
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sittinthroughthisoreshit · 8 hours ago
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sittinthroughthisoreshit · 8 hours ago
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sittinthroughthisoreshit · 8 hours ago
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sittinthroughthisoreshit · 8 hours ago
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This is Iron Fang. Once and obedient guardian, his oath to protect a nobleman, only to receive constant lashes if he didn't comply to his corrupt bidding. Parts of their body replaced, little by little, to make them more lethal. More obedient. More a beast than a human.And like a beast, they tore the hand that fed them off, and now roams the realm seeking to protect those who have yet to grow their fangs.
Yippee! I can finally show you the paladin i did for Book of Devotion by @sleepywyrm_ed. Some leftovers are available right now so if you didn't grab your copy through the kickstarter now's your chance! 🩸
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sittinthroughthisoreshit · 8 hours ago
OP: "Every respectable lion head has a rebellious butt."
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sittinthroughthisoreshit · 8 hours ago
Hmm, this sounds familiar, but I can’t quite put my finger on why…
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sittinthroughthisoreshit · 8 hours ago
oof! ouch! hang on there's something stuck in my shoe *I remove my shoe and turn it over and a small wooden structure tumbles out* well fuck. looks like someone built a little birdhouse in my sole
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sittinthroughthisoreshit · 8 hours ago
i think the reason why the assassination of Julius Caesar is one of the funniest political assassinations is for this very simple reason:
1 guy stabs 1 guy: not funny. that's murder.
2 guys stab 1 guy: even less funny. that's two against one.
60 guys stab 1 guy: uproariously funny. why do you need so many guys.
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sittinthroughthisoreshit · 9 hours ago
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(I love this meme going around, I had to make a quick contribution
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the main characters of my changing skies rewrite, changing winds!
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Some furniture stuff for daemon aus, because because.
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Naming daemons is so hard how dooooo???
Lots of different ways!
The basic approaches I go with are:
1) Totally normal name, for a human or for a pet. In canon, Lee Scoresby’s daemon’s name is Hester, Serafina Pekkala’s is Kaisa, Ruta Skadi’s is Sergi, and one of the severed children had a daemon who was flat-out named Ratter.
In the HDM-universe fic I’ve been writing lately, the daemons of the Jewish characters have normal (if old-fashioned) names taken from the Tanakh: Ahisamach, Zephaniah, and Tirzah. Maureen’s daemon is named Dalziel, which looks like it should be the name of an angel, but is in fact a Scottish clan. This hasn’t been mentioned in-story yet, but the Li Huas’ daemons are both named Sapphire.
2) Classical, literary, or historical inspiration. In canon, Pantalaimon is from the Greek name of Saint Pantaleon, and one of the children from the world of the dead has a daemon named Castor. (These can overlap — for instance, Sergi might have been chosen because it’s a modernized form of Saint Sergius.)
In fic, Eustathias (Dana’s daemon) is from the Greek name of Saint Eustace. Vanessa’s daemon is another that hasn’t come up, but his name was Orestes.
3) An evocative foreign-language word. In canon, Will’s daemon gets named Kirjava, a Finnish word for “many-colored.” Lord Asriel’s manservant has a daemon named Anfang, German for “start/beginning.”
In fic, a bunch of the daemons have names based on Hebrew words: Khoshekh (darkness), Bedamim (blood), Tehom (the abyss), Neharah (daylight).
4) Start with a target language, mess around with names and parts of speech until you find something that sounds right. Can’t speak for Pullman, but that’s where I got a bunch of names. Josie’s Ojansi has a name thrown together from Finnish syllables; Köhler’s Rozarilde is very German; Henriette’s Clotère, very French. Carlos’s Isaña was named after spending a while in Spanish-language recipe sites.
(Very important to google names like this before using them, to make sure you haven’t accidentally stumbled on a word that means something. You don’t want to be unintentionally scandalous and/or hilarious.)
5) Online fantasy name generators ftw. You don’t need to go to a lot of effort every time, or make every name meaningful. Take your pick of all the generators Google has to offer. I resorted to those for Steve Carlsberg’s Taeminlahn, Renée Carlsberg’s Tovitthae, and Megan Wallaby’s Isidorus.
Final note: Daemon descriptions are more important than names!
HDM has dozens of daemons whose names were never mentioned. Not just background characters, but significant ones like Ma Costa, Charles Latrom, the Master of Jordan, all the way up to Mary Malone and Mrs. Coulter.
That’s because the fewer names you include, the easier it is for a reader to keep up. And if you refer to the daemon by their species and/or the human they’re associated with, you take the burden off your audience of tracking those things too. It’s way simpler and quicker for readers to parse “the golden monkey held Sir Charles’s snake daemon” than “Omuvaryx held S’ctarhaclign.”
(Especially if you never gave your readers a description in the first place. I can’t tell you how many daemon AUs I’ve read that go “Jon came over for lunch with Linicembes. Stephen and Rilleusthi were happy to see him. Olivia called, and Italene said hi too.” And it’s only when you get to the author’s notes at the end that it says “by the way, Linicembes is a fox, Rilleusthi is a ribbon-tailed astrapia, and Italene is a cicada.” Aaaargh. Don’t be that writer!)
So if coming up with names is annoying or taxing, just remember that any given daemon only needs a name if the narrative would get noticeably awkward without it.
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M.A.S.H Daemons!!!
Names and Species: Hawkeye - Evelyn (Capuchin monkey) Trapper - Aileen (Irish Wolfhound) BJ - Matilda (Golden retriever) Father Mulcahy - Máiréad (Highland cow) Margaret - Conley (Rooster)  Charles - Patricia (Berkshire pig) Klinger - Hani (chukar) Radar - Aishling (Little brown bat) Henry - Winnie (Jackrabbit)  Col. Potter - Lorraine (Catahoula Leopard Dog) Sidney - Rivka (Polyphemus moth) Frank - Karen (turkey)
If you’re wondering at all the dogs and farm animals, I imagined that was probably common in the 1940′s when there wasn’t a lot of exposure to more relatively exotic animals (unless you’re Hawkeye who went to the zoo once and had to be special)
If anyone wants to tell me my choices are wrong… don’t. don’t do that. that’s mean.
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Thinking about. The fact that people in Lyra's world in HDM see daemonless people as incredibly uncanny and Wrong due to the implications of them being literally souless. Thinking about the fun horror tropes that would result in that world.
In the HDM version of The Thing, the titular Thing tries to imitate the both the humans and the accompanying daemons at the camp, but there's something Off about the daemons in the same way there's something Off about Thing!Jed the dog. They don't act right, they don't feel right when next to a real daemon.
In HDM! Dracula, Dracula, being a souless vampire, has to use his wolf control ability to manipulate a wild wolf to act as his 'daemon' when Jonathan is at the castle. Of course, since Dracula has not interacted with a daemon in hundreds of years, the wolf does not act right. Jonathan can tell there's something off about this 'daemon' but brushes it off at first, his daemon (a dog, to contrast Dracula's fake wolf 'daemon') can tell there's something off about the's all very off.
When Lucy is revealed to be a vampire, there is clear horror at the uncanniness of her missing daemon in addition to her feeding off the children and being unable to rest in peace, when she was never able to travel away from her daemon in life.
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sittinthroughthisoreshit · 2 days ago
Thinking about a world with daemons, having that expression about "be careful or your face will freeze like that" but for kids whose daemons change rapidly. The myth that if you're not careful, your daemon will freeze between forms.
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sittinthroughthisoreshit · 2 days ago
Okay, but the Taboo wouldn’t count for parents and young children, right?  I mean, toddlers are naturally grabby and it’s just their way of looking for comfort, and babies are babies, there’s no stopping them.  How could they not hold onto their parent’s dæmons, especially if they’re larger animals?  That’d probably be a safe place for them, something comforting.  And besides don’t parents have to hold baby dæmons in order to carry their baby from room to room?
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