sitcomfan-uk · 10 months
Fanfic idea - sperm donor
Kathy never separates from her husband so James never moves to Derry and doesn't meet the girls (let's say Kathy visits Derry about once a year for no more than 48 hours at any given time). Though she never mentions it, Erin is intrigued by the existence of James.
Erin struggles with relationships but always wants a child, so in her twenties she opts to use a sperm donor and has a son. She knows her donor is English but with Irish heritage which is fine with her.
Fast forward a few years and James finally visits Derry. For comic value, he comes with Kathy and Aunt Sarah assumes he's her toy boy.
Michelle is a little frosty towards James but Niall somehow hits it off with him straightaway over a shared love of cars, football and films. The others are also very taken with James, especially Erin's son (let's call him Conor). Suddenly, everyone notices the resemblance between James and Conor and it eventually turns out that James is Connor's biological father.
James and Erin then get together and live happily ever after etc
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sitcomfan-uk · 1 year
Orla listens to the shipping forecast on the radio when she's struggling to sleep and likes to quote it to people the next day.
Orla: it's choppy around Rockall today.
Erin: Orla, stop going on about Rockall!
Michelle: no one knows or cares what Rockall is!
James: is it some sort of rock...in...all? Wait, ignore me.
Michelle: gladly.
Clare: well actually-
Orla: you're right, James, it is a rock. Well done!
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sitcomfan-uk · 1 year
In the future...
James gets engaged to Jenny Joyce.
The girls are all disgusted but pretend to support James.
Kathy is naturally delighted that James is marrying into a rich family and brags to anyone who will listen.
With the help of Michelle, Erin stops the wedding just before James and Jenny tie the knot and declares that she's in love with James and has been for many years. James hesitates but then realises he feels the same, so ditches Jenny at the altar and kisses Erin passionately. Finally, they are together.
Sister Michael says she was worried about missing the X Files but that the drama was much better entertainment.
Kathy is disappointed that she won't have a doctor's daughter as a daughter in law but everyone else in Derry now respects James and Erin for humiliating the Joyces.
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sitcomfan-uk · 1 year
Derry Girls - present day
Derry Girls universe, 2023
Mary has just finished watching the BBC series Happy Valley and is very upset about the singeing of the crochet blanket.
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sitcomfan-uk · 1 year
The gang enter a competition to re-enact a music video and win with a version of C'est la vie by B*Witched
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sitcomfan-uk · 1 year
Random idea:
Michelle builds a small business as an adult and appears on The Apprentice. I think she'd hold her own against Lord Sugar!
Interestingly, it was once won by Derry native Leah Totton.
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sitcomfan-uk · 1 year
today marks five years to the day that Derry Girls was first aired - on Channel 4!
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sitcomfan-uk · 2 years
Harry Potter/Derry Girls fanfiction idea
Happy new year all!
I recently rewatched the last two Harry Potter films and was reminded of how brilliantly Evanna Lynch plays Luna Lovegood.
Now imagine a universe where she and Orla meet...possibly by Luna getting confused and apparating to (London)Derry instead of London (assuming that the Ministry of Magic hasn't taken a clear stance on the name dispute).
Orla having magical powers would be quite something....can you imagine the sort of things she'd do??
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sitcomfan-uk · 2 years
If you want to see my take on the gang twelve years from the end of the show, look no further!
Chapters: 10/? Fandom: Derry Girls (TV) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: James Maguire/Erin Quinn Characters: James Maguire, Erin Quinn, Mary Quinn, Gerry Quinn, Deirdre Mallon, Original Characters, Martin Mallon, Anna Quinn (Derry Girls), Michelle Mallon, Orla McCool Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Canon Compliant, Well mostly anyway, 2010s Summary:
After years of little contact, James and Erin find themselves in each other's lives again. They never acted on their mutual feelings for each other, but those are water under the bridge now. Or are they?
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sitcomfan-uk · 2 years
Fanfic idea!
James and Erin go to separate unis; James claims to be missing England but really he needs a bit of space and distance from Erin and the girls because his heart is still crushed. Erin is devastated by James's decision but deep down she understands why. James doesn't see the girls as much over the next few years and spends some time working in NYC - that would be a useful plot device to explain why he hasn't seen them much.
When Joe passes away, James decides to attend the funeral as he respected Joe greatly. When he gets there, it's a little awkward and he feels guilty for not seeing the girls much (especially Erin) but the family are happy to see him there. He gets talking to Erin who reveals she's applied for a job in the same city James lives. She's very nervous about the idea of living in England but James offers her his spare room - initially as a temporary measure - and Erin decides to accept the offer.
After a few months of living together, they receive an unexpected visit from one of James's old flames. James insists that there's nothing going on but this upsets Erin, to James's confusion. Eventually, she breaks down and admits to James that she has feelings for him again and that they never went away, she just suppressed them. James in turn admits he never really got over Erin turning him down but has tried to repress his feelings. Now that they live away from Derry with no family nearby and with strong support networks of their own, they decide now is the best chance they'll ever have, and decide to make a go of it.
Michelle is not happy when they tell her and a nasty fight ensues, but eventually she gives up though she still has reservations about it. When James and Erin eventually tell their families, everyone is delighted that it's finally happened but for Mary, it's bittersweet that Joe never got to see it.
The story ends with James and Erin agreeing that while the long wait was difficult, it was ultimately worth it in the end.
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