sisyoubass · 6 months
Still reblobbin fanworks from last media piece that gave me fandom brain and not tesisit g the urge to comment as part of my fandom separation process lmaoooo
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sisyoubass · 9 months
Tfw one of your meta gets so derailed you don’t have it in you to even attempt to reel that shit in
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sisyoubass · 11 months
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sisyoubass · 11 months
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rest in power
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sisyoubass · 11 months
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Back in 2019 I contributed an illustration to the first Book of Shadows erotica art book Buffomet, and the series is back with a new installment, Paradise Lust.  The editorial team behind this series puts a lot of fun and care into making gorgeous art books, so I was excited to be asked back for book two and join a great roster of other artists.
We've got 5 days and $2k left to go, so check out Paradise Lust's crowdfunding page (and if it wasn't obvious, it's an nsfw project!) for more info!
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sisyoubass · 11 months
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Boleslas BIEGAS (1877- 1954) - L’Étreinte, 1920-1925
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sisyoubass · 1 year
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sisyoubass · 1 year
Bring back the joy of talking about different cultures with ppl from different places. So tired of the taboo in cosmopolitan US cities around talking about our differences—ppl dancing around the fact that we come from wildly diverse places and talk and look different. I get it. Keeping up the illusion of racial harmony is just the name of the game. But it’s so tinged in anxiety especially with progressives and ppl from majority populations who are uneasy with their status being so dominating. Putting themselves down and putting minoritized ppl in situations where we gotta soothe and ease those feelings boring annoying and sad
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sisyoubass · 1 year
I see so many people starting to use Threads as a way to escape Twitter and yes, it's owned by Facebook's CEO and giving Facebook the monopoly of social media is bad but I think we should also talk about the fact that, you know, Threads isn't avalibe in the EU for privacy reasons????? That should be concerning to EVERYONE
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sisyoubass · 1 year
That last post just hit me like a fucking truck—letting myself think about n and l and their untimely departures. How I wouldn’t have been able to get thru the last six years without them. How there was so much I wanted to share with them that I never got to share in life. What a massive kick in the ass this past year has been to practice better care with my all my elders—especially the queer ones
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sisyoubass · 1 year
thoughts on purity & culture
The last time I mentioned “purity culture” tangentially in a post I got a pretty dismissive response from someone nominally progressive. I was really surprised by how much this startled and cut me.
It got me thinking about what I actually mean when I use the term– not just the simpler, more widely used definition that focuses on the roots of sexual puritanism in our culture (although that’s a big part of it), but also the broad cultural patterns I keep noticing, the all-or-nothing, virtue-signaling mindsets many people have, and the ways it has been an integral part of abuse dynamics towards myself and people I love.
So, in no particular order, some unfocused observations:
Purity culture is abstinence-only education, because the only possible reason you could have to want information about sex would be to ~do something unclean~ with it.
Purity culture is a popular artist getting harassed off tumblr for the “crime” of shipping Dirk/Jake, which, by several complicated steps of reasoning, made her an “abuse apologist.” (Because they broke up in canon, you see, and break-ups always mean that somebody is an irredeemable bad guy.)
Purity culture is “Hillary is indistinguishable from Trump”, because any deviation from your values is equivalent to total deviation from your values.
Purity culture is telling teenage girls that their bodies are shameful objects which must be hidden to avoid “distracting” people–because female bodies are inherently sexual and sex is inherently immoral.
Purity culture is emphasizing the naivete and chasteness of potential victims, because it’s the moral and sexual purity of a person that determines whether they have been abused, not their consent.
(Purity culture is rape culture.)
Purity culture is the weird fixation on sex-as-the-ultimate-impurity that lead to the blurring out of the breasts of historical artwork depicting a decapitated, impaled woman.
Purity culture is enshrining the unwillingness to compromise so intensely that politicians actually shut down the government.
Purity culture is sweeping generalizations about people, ideas, topics, actions, and motivations, because purity means things are either pure or they are impure.
Purity culture is “the only way to protect you is to limit your access to information, because I can’t be sure you’ll make the right choice unless I MAKE you.”
(Purity culture is “they’re teaching our kids to be gay in school.”)
Purity culture is teenage-me feeling smug over a friend-of-a-friend’s bad sexual experience because “she shouldn’t have been having sex in the first place.“
Purity culture is suicide-baiting a CSA survivor because they wrote about the thing they survived.
Purity culture is believing abuse is okay as long as it’s aimed at the RIGHT group of impure people.
Purity culture is popular authoritarian parenting books like “To Train Up a Child” and “The Danger of Peer-Dependency” that advocate physical abuse and emotional isolation as long term tactics to control children’s values.
Purity culture is the demand for purity-of-association, because you might be contaminated by people, or ideas, or topics and: “why would you need to know anything about that thing unless you were going to do something unclean with it?”
…Purity culture is toxic.
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sisyoubass · 1 year
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The Gentleman Pirate I presume? You’ve heard of me? Oh yeah, I’ve heard of you. I’ve heard all about you.
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sisyoubass · 1 year
annoying to see the little clique i got blocked on my dashboard through mutual follows especially when its cause these assholes decided to stir shit up in order to stay relevant.
lmao ok then
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sisyoubass · 1 year
Garak in A Stitch In Time:
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sisyoubass · 1 year
The line between binary and nonbinary trans people is nowhere near as clean as some of yall think it is
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sisyoubass · 1 year
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sisyoubass · 1 year
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I've been working in my story notebooks for the past five weeks for an assignment and here are some of the beasties and margin creatures that I've done!!!
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