Chapter 11
Digital Self
Social media is the biggest factor that give different influences to the many especially the teenager, through social media many of us find comfort and learned socializing to the other people. Part of of our self is doing social media which is the digital self. What is digital self? It is the aspect of the self that is expressed or shared with others through online interactions on the internet, specifically in social networking sites. Having social media has a great impact whom to the people he or she interact with even liking or reacting your post by someone contribute positive effect and how you present yourself with them. But most of the people try to impress for self satisfaction and create positive impression to other people, they tend to make positive image as possible for him or her to like by everybody. Using social media and digital technology is good but still we can't be just comfortabke because int todays generation your account can be easily hacked by someone or cyberbullying that may use it for other transaction that might interiorate your reputation that's why there's a policy to protect our privacy which is Data Privacy Act of 2012. Still we need to be careful on what are we posting and think before we click.
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Chapter 10
Political Self
When we mention politics, what comes in our mind? The ones who govern us especially for the sake of our country, who has the power to take In charge and implement laws to prevent accident and have equal right of every citizen. Political self is understand the concept of politics, it is important in our country that someone who has skills, leadership and knowledge to lead us. It prompts freedom l, democracy and social issues that are happening right now. To identify your nationality or where you came from or born, there is what we called citizenship that gives you identification of where did you born, some people migrate to other places and pay pention to become a citizen on that certain place that they lived. Political community were people belong to a group to offer opportunity and it is also part of self, it exemplifies the ideas and aspiration of the people that determine the state and protection of our fellow countrymen. Before, the origin of the politics was started from a person or family who are powerful and known. The families before consist of members that every members should have a place in politics or replace their father on their positions. But most of the politicians are men because we see them as most influencial and act as a leader and wihh their personalities. There's a lot of institutes like church who participate for the politics to teach and help them wit values and traditions or the ideal shape of a citizen. Family, school and church emphasise moral behaviors that also influence political self. Mass media also contribute a lot for politics because they are the one who gathered and share information on what is happening in our country, media also help them by having commercials like campaign. Politics is not just power and fame, its a duty on how true you are to your work and to your fellow people but now a days it's seems vague or not clearly see the outcome to have a better country because some of them took money by their own hands and that is why some of the country still experience poverty and corruption. Politics is not the one that is bad, but the persons behind it.
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Chapter 9:
Spiritual Self
Part of the history of human civilization is being spiritual in many aspect, it could be in religion, nature or even in daily works/life. Being spiritual has a great impact in our lives, it give positivity, relaxation and daily hope. Spirituality of every human civilization molded the history of the world. Because of spiritual self we feel oneness with other people, by expressing love, hope and compassion but it always depend on how a person brings themselves spiritually to the other people. The root meaning of spirituality is taken from the latin word spiritus, meaning breath or life force. The term spirituality originally developed in early Christianity. Originally spirituality is connected to Religion which is the root of spirituality but as time continue, spirituality use in many ways. One of the known book that talk about spirituality is Man's search for meaning written by Viktor Frankl, this books talk about learning the meaning of life despite of how cruel the life of a person is. Viktor embraced both the bright and dark side of human existence and he believe that every suffering contribute to the growth of one self. There are three ways of finding meaning of life, The first is throug achievement or accomplishment, second is experiencing something or someone, such as loving a peroan and lastly is through suffering. Spirituality is also associated with Animism. Anismisn is the belief that thing and places arw alive and grounded by a spiritual order. Despite of our differences in beliefs we should be eager to be connected to other people to obtain peace and oneness.
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Chapter 8:
Material Self
We live in this world that having so much material possession is the right bases for a successful life. It always depends on how a person sees a successful life and successful life does not only centralizes on having too much material possession but it is also a contentment of everything he/she may have despite of how little or how big it is. Material self does not only occurs on what you have (materials possessions) it can also be your beliefs or public image as what William James stated that to him "the self is everything that an individual considers to be his or hers, not only his or her body and material possessions but also his or her reputation and beliefs". It was stated that the basic component of material self is the body. One of the basic task of adolescents is to accept and appreciate the body but only few was able to do this successfully, as what we observed many of teenagers today tend to find satisfaction for their body. Social media and television are the main factor that influenced many adolescents about the perception of having a beautiful body. Another component of material self is the clothes, it represents the self. Clothes give formality to the person and it even give lively appearance to the many. Some adolescents are anxious of what should they wear and sometimes they tend to find another form of fashion to be easily recognize. Material self is a representation of hardwork which shows everything that the person owns including houses, cars or even businesses (material possession), moreover defining self by material possession can contribute of feeling of being a better person or better version of self, including a sense of purpose in life.
We may have little of what we wanted to have in life but what really matter is gaining experiences in everything that we do becuase experiences can give us a better version of self.
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Chapter 7
Sexual self
Understanding sexual self focus in development of our sex characteristic in our human reproductive system until we experience some stimulation in our body and so on. In the beginning of Adolescence we experience some changes in our body because of the increase of sex hormone that leads to maturation of our reproductive organ. The primary sex characteristic shows the physical characteristic present in birth that from the first time we were born you will see and distinguish if its male or female even before giving birth by having ultrasound. The secondary sex characteristics is the development on the puberty stage were we see and observe changes in our body even in our reproductive organ like having menstruation for women and male for having mustach or big muscles. In the stage of Adolescence or teenage life this stage start to feel of having love to a specific person whom he or she trust and comfortable with it and as they go along the way they make love and having courtship, make commitment to each others. In puberty it is important that Adolescence experience love because it helps them to be motivated at work, school or maybe in other place in their daily life and by having motivation it may lead you to become happy and contented but we all know that a person is insatiable, but if we have trust to that person and you are faithful to him or her maybe that's the time we can say that we're contented in one person whom we really love. In today's generation our sexual identity anchored what gender we are attract, some of us do not like opposite sex but they prefer and love the same sex which we call Homosexuality attracted to the same sex while Heterosexuality is attracted to its opposite sex and last bisexuality one can attract both opposite or same sex. We cannot judge a person what they like, all we need is to respect others descicions especially when it comes to love we can't just force them what they don't like but instead of bullying them or won't agree to them, let's just respect their descicions and be happy for them. But mostly in our time many women get pregnant at the early age that is why there is sexual orientation for us to be aware what to do in times of we cannot control or self to feel something also for us to be enlighten if we proceed to do such a thing without any knowledge that may lead us of in the wrong path or consequences. STI or sexual transmitted infection is an infection contracted through sexual contact like vaginal, oral, and anal sex. STI is a life threatening effect to those person who have it. This infection also treatable by taking up antibiotics but those virus like HIV/AIDS are more difficult to treat and often incurable but also have antibiotics to lessen. That is why the government and RH law provide contraceptive like condoms, pills, IUD, birth control injection to prevent STI or other infectious microorganism but also for family planning and getting pregnant at an early age.
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Chapter 6
The Pyhysical Self
From the title itself "physical self" talks about the physical development and growth of an individual wherein a certain person from infant to puberty to late adulthood identify the stages in life and how they change in very stage in life.
Stages in life starts in prenatal which is fertilisation to birth after is infancy birth 2 weeks of life, babyhood, early childhood, late childhood, and puberty in this stage this is were physical changes occur because of the hormone that has been release that affect to become Adolescence, so Adolescence is the beginning of puberty wherein we see the changes physical like having mustach for men and having big breast for women but women are the only ones who experience menstruation as their puberty starts where their reproductive system is ready for them to get pregnant. After is adulthood, middle adulthood and late adulthood. In the last stage are the individuals who are old, they reflect all the past memories and experienced they have, we see them as slow because as they grow older their system also get decrease. When we also get physically change its not just because of puberty but there are parts of our development is inherit from our parents or we have this attitude because of our surroundings l. There are 2 types that affect physical growth the herdutsry and the environment.
As we grow we also learn things not just by ourselves but from the experience that we have, we are unique in every way, physical and emotional. We don't need to please others to like us back but the important is we have respect to others that also appear us to become beautiful not just physical but inside our hearts, the importance of beauty according to the Egyptian perceived having slim and high waist but people only see beauty in physical not the other side of us. That is why other people tend to judge others based on their physical appearance without knowing the true character of a person. It is more important to be beautiful on the inside
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Chapter 5:
Western and Eastern concept of self.
Understanding of self is subjective that can be describe by variety of people. Each civilization has their own understanding of self that maybe influence by culture, knowledge, religion and how people live. This chapter will talk about the "western and eastern concept of self".
The western concept of self was define by Geertz as "a bounded, unique, more or less integrated motivational and cognitive universe..."
and it has four categories and this are Western self as analytic, western self as monotheistic, western self as individualistic and wester self as materialistic and rationalistic. In addition of the western concept about self, David Ho also give his own definition, according to him Western self as "an individualistic self that is deeply aware of itself, its uniqueness, sense if direction, purpose and volition".
In eastern concept of self it was stated that it is a philosophy and religion that are only twisted together. It has major religion, this are Hinduism, buddhism, confucianism and taoism. Each of this religion has their own major teaching, in Hinduism they have law of karma which is the most important doctrine. In Buddhism they had four noble truth this are life is suffering, suffering is cause by attachment to desire, suffering can be eliminated and lastly is elimination of suffering. In confucianism they had a Golden rule " Do not do to others what you would not want others do to you" and this phrase also by Christian faith. Lastly Taoism believe that simplicity, spontaneity and harmony with nature should govern one's life.
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Chapter 4:
Psychological Perspective of the Self
Understanding the every aspect (psychological aspect) of self has been one of the phenomenon that molded our knowledge of self. There are many studies that has been recognized and was use for educational purposes. One of the known study of self is the "concept of self" which is created by William James, it talks about the I-self and me-self and how this two differentiate. The study of Carl Rogers about the real self and ideal self is a study of identifying what you are truly and what you wanted to be in the future, this was connected to the study of Winnicott about true self and false self, it explain how the false self give protection to the true self as sometimes it tends to be practicality of life. This is study are only partial of the whole lesson that we had but it one of the major understanding of self. Psychological perspective of self does not only centralizes on how we should understand ourselves but it is also a way of becoming a better person for others.
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Chapter 3:
Anthropological Conceptualization of self: The Self as Embedded in culture
We see many different culture and traditions in any places also here in Philippines, we still have those tradition that we used until now like saying "po" and "opo". It contribute to understanding the self because as we have our culture in our life we also adopt others culture and traditions that may leads us to understand them and have knowledge to its traditions and tend to experience their identity and attained by overcoming traditional practices and suppressing any conflicts between other culture. Even though we have different culture and traditions we still able to communicate well by sharing our traditions and respect our own identity by that we can live happily.
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Chapter 2:
Sociological Perspective: The Self as a Product of Society
Sociological Perspective is based on the human behavior that is influenced by the group or its environment and the relationship of between self and other people to interact.
Sociologist Charles Horton Cookley "looking glass self" theory talks about how we think we appear to others like looking in a mirror in which how we present ourselves to other. Convincing to appear or create an image that we are truly not (real identity) might lead to negative self image that he or she might think that other people would judge if his/her appearance is not good even his status in life.
Another Sociologist George Mead "theory of social self" explained that self has two divisions. The "I" and "me". The "I" is the subjective that represent the unique traits of an individual while The "me" is the objective that represent the internalised demands of people to an individual. According to Mead the self is develops with social experience like culture, language and more. As we live along the way the self also continues to change because of social experience, according to Kendall 2013, Macionis 2015- no matter how much the world shapes he or she will remain creative being and able to react to the world around him. In Mead details about the developmental of self there are 3 stages, first is preparatory stage (0-3 yrs old) were children imitate the people that surrounds them, they copy the gestures and behavior of a person without understanding. This stage is no sense of self. Second is play stage (3-5 yrs old) children starts to view themselves as they learn to communicate with others, it exhibits the stage role taking l. Third is game stage In this stage children starts to go to school at the age of 8 to 9 they know how to understand things on their own, their behavior depends on the demand and expectations of the people to them in this stage the self is now present.
Why self is a product of society? As what I learned, ourselves was molded by education and experiences that inside of society, we grew up in the sense of being the self as what society wants us to be, it can an educated person, a businessman or a political minded person that can contribute to the growth of all. What really matters is how we bring ourselves to help others build their own selves.
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Chapter 1:
Philosophical Perspective of the Self
In this discussion it leads us in different theories from different philosophera and person who contribute in philosophy. But first before we tackle about the theories we should know about philosophy itself. So philosophy is a study of fundamental nature of knowledge , the existence and reality in life. It also consider the thoughts of oneself on how they describe life, with the use of their thoughts and knowledge that leads them to have answer by their curiosity. It is to reason out and analyse the way how human experience the world l. The goal of philosophy is to be wise, why? Because in certain point it reveal or provide the truth, but how just like socrates he always asked question to others that makes them annoyed by socrates curiosity and at the same time the learning of socrates through asking may learn something new that you didn't know. It is not just socrates who contributed theories in life but there are a lot of them like plato, aristotle, at augustine, rene descartes, immanuel kang and more but the theory of socrates was the famous among them and the best philosopher from his discovery that led him to understand and develop into the conscience. For me it's theory "unexaminde life in out worth living" explanation in life that we should analyze things well before we do our action and examining our lives and if we were wrons we must learn from it and be happy to deal with ita agleast you as a person accept your mistake and you learn from it.
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