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Always Make Him Eat His Cum
One great rule in a FLR is mandatory cum eating.
It's really not even meant to be an option.
There's really no excuse not to eat it. It's polite.
But there's more to it than just that. There's multiple reasons on why he should be eating his cum, without being told.
The main reason is because it helps him develop the submissive mindset beyond sexuality.
When he is always submissive, and horny, he ties submission to being horny. So naturally when he gets off, his submission will drop off and he will want a break from submission.
In a FLR there are no breaks from submission that she doesn't agree to. So it's unacceptable for him to not be in the mood to submit, just because he had a full release orgasm.
This actually makes full release orgasms something to fear, and avoid, which isn't very ideal. You don't want to be afraid of certain acts just because it might cause his submission to drop.
Instead, it's time to train him to be submissive, whether he's horny or not. Whether it's sexual or not.
The moment he cums, any ideas and appeal of eating his cum he entertained only moments before, are completely gone.
The idea of eating it now is a turn off, and maybe even gross.
This is a perfect opportunity.
It's the perfect time for him to demonstrate his submission to her, and re-enforce the submissive mindset in his non-horny mind.
It's time to make him eat his cum. Not quickly either. Slowly. Make him wait a few seconds between each lick.
If it was collected in a glass, sip it slowly, and let the taste infiltrate his entire mouth.
He doesn't get to just slurp it up and gone, that's too easy. No, he must savor it, and understand, he will be eating it from now one, every time, every last drop.
This will maintain his submissive mindset through a full release orgasm, and will train his non-horny mind that he's still owned by her. That submission to her is not optional.
It's also a sign of respect for her, to do it without being told, to demonstrate that he knows his place, and will respectfully clean up his own mess, as a sign of gratitude, so she doesn't have to do it.
It's the polite, submissive thing to do.
There are other benefits of this as well, since cum is full of vitamins and minerals, it's a complete and total waste to not eat it. It's healthy, and replenishes the nutrition lost in cumming.
It should be mandatory, and non negotiable. Every time. The bigger the load, the better.
Always make him eat it.
Create the FLR of your dreams with the Practical FLR book series!

Please reblog if you support me as an author.
It helps expand my reach, and shows the world the amazing benefits of a FLR.
Thank you for reading!
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