sissyincurlers · 3 months
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Us bald sluts hate to see long hair on an otherwise beautiful woman. Sit back. I’m shaving you as bald as me.
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sissyincurlers · 3 months
No More Red Hair For Lily
By whynotshaveme
Due to a lost bet, Lily, a beautiful teenaged redhead, had to visit her small town's barbershop and let the barber who ran it choose her next haircut.
Mrs. Grayson, the barber, had a particular distaste for redheads. Whenever Lily's older brother Colin went to her, he always came home bald as a cueball, his face red from the humiliation that she inflicted on him. Despite the anxiety gnawing at her, picturing her brother after his infrequent as possible trips to the barber, Lily kept her word. With her head down, in a misguided effort to protect her hair, she walked into the barbershop, the bell above the door jangling to announce her arrival.
Mrs. Grayson looked up from her station, her steely gray eyes locking onto Lily's vibrant hair. A faint smirk tugged at the corners of her lips as she recognized the girl. "Look at that red hair. Are you Colin's sister? Are you here for a haircut?" she said, her voice carrying an edge of disdain.
"Yes, I lost a bet," said Lily, "You can do anything that you want to my hair."
Mrs. Grayson smiled and motioned for Lily to sit down. Her heart pounded in her chest as she settled into the barber chair, gripping the armrests tightly. Mrs. Grayson caped her. Then she started to brush Lily's beautiful long hair.
"I don't usually cut women's hair," Mrs. Grayson muttered, picking up the clippers. ", but it will be an act of Christian charity to shave your head."
Lily bit her lip, trying to keep her voice steady. "Please go easy on me. Please don't shave my head."
"No, it's for your own good, my dear. All of this hair must come off," Mrs. Grayson replied. Without another word, she popped the guards off the clippers and turned them on, the ominous hum filling the room.
With tears dripping down her face, Lily watched as the clippers made the first pass, leaving a strip of fair skin down the middle of her scalp. Mrs. Grayson worked methodically, mowing away in swift, brutal strokes. Piles of red hair tumbled to the floor.
"It's always such a pleasure to shave that sinful red hair off your brother." Mrs. Grayson smiled, putting down her clippers. "I'm so happy to be giving you the same special treatment."
Mrs. Grayson then tilted Lily's head back and lathered her scalp with shaving cream. With a straight razor in hand, Mrs. Grayson scraped away the remaining stubble, leaving Lily's scalp smooth and gleaming.
Mrs. Grayson's eyes narrowed as she examined Lily. "Your eyebrows. They're too red. They've got to go."
Before Lily could object, not that she'd be listened to, Mrs. Grayson went back to work. Using her straight razor, the barber scraped off Lily's carefully shaped red eyebrows.
When Mrs. Grayson finally finished, she stepped back to admire Lily's bare, startled face. "There," she said, a note of satisfaction in her voice. "You now look properly humbled like a woman should be."
Lily barely recognized the bald, browless girl staring back at her in the mirror. She felt small and submissive in the barber's chair. That stupid bet wasn't worth it at all. It cost her beautiful hair, her dignity, and her self-confidence.
"Thank you," Lily said finally, reaching for her purse to pay the barber.
"You're welcome," Mrs. Grayson replied. "Tell your brother that he's due for a visit."
Mrs. Grayson took Lily's twenty and then shooed her out the shop. She had to clean up all that hair that was on Lily's head from her floor before her next customer. As Lily walked out of the barbershop, the bell jingling softly behind her and beads of sweat forming on her bald head due to the summer heat, she felt a wave of despair wash over her. As she trudged home, her scalp getting pinker and pinker, she couldn't shake the feeling of ugliness that now clung to her like a stink.
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sissyincurlers · 3 months
The Ad
By whynotshaveme
Claire had always been known for her long, beautiful hair that cascaded down her back in blonde waves. But lately, Claire found herself tired of dealing it. Then she saw the ad.
The ad read: "Looking for a woman willing to shave her head bald as a cueball for $500. Serious inquiries only." Claire's heart raced as she read the words. Without overthinking, she sent an email and a photo of her hair.
The next morning, Claire received a reply with an address and a time to meet. She left her hair loose, knowing it was about to meet its end. As she arrived at the house in a nearby, she felt a mix of excitement and apprehension. She rang the doorbell, and a tall woman in her late forties answered.
"Hi, I'm Evelyn," the woman said with a sly smile. "You must be Claire. Come in."
Claire stepped inside and followed Evelyn out to her garbage, which was set up as barbershop. The atmosphere was far from welcoming. Claire's heart pounded with nerves.
"Take off your clothes," Evelyn commanded, her voice cold and authoritative. Claire hesitated, but, seeing the other woman's steely glaze, she didn't agree. Reluctantly, Claire stripped naked.
"Good girl," Evelyn sneered, producing a pair of nipple clamps. Claire's eyes widened in shock, but, before she could protest, Evelyn roughly attached them. The pain made Claire gasp. At Evelyn's direction, she sat in the barber's chair, her bare ass causing the leather to squawk.
Evelyn began by roughly brushing Claire's hair. Once she got out all the tangles, she pulled Claire's hair tightly into a braid.
Evelyn asked with a cruel smirk, "Ready to say goodbye to your pretty locks?"
Claire nodded, unable to speak, her heart pounding with a mix of fear and anticipation.
Evelyn picked up a pair of clippers and turned them on with a sharp buzz. Holding Claire's braid taunt, she started at the nape of her neck, the vibration harsh and unsettling as the clippers glided upward.
"Look at all that hair," Evelyn taunted. "You must have spent years growing it. Now I'm going to sell it for a tidy profit."
Once she has her prize, which she dropped with a thud in Claire's lap, she fetched a bowl of warm water and a can of shaving cream. She lathered the cream onto Claire's scalp. Carefully, Evelyn used a BIC razor to shave her head smooth. Finally, Evelyn moved to her eyebrows, leaving her face completely bare.
Claire stared at her reflection in the mirror, almost not recognizing the bald, eyebrow-less woman looking back. There was a sense of shock and disorientation in her new appearance. Oh, she thought, about to cry, I've made a huge mistake.
Evelyn handed her an envelope with $500, as promised. "Get dressed and get out, Egghead," she said, gently smacking the back of Claire's head.
Claire quickly put on her clothes and stepped out of Evelyn's house, very aware of the stares of passersby at the bald lady.
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sissyincurlers · 3 months
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sissyincurlers · 3 months
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The complete Helen Sanger story! A perfect bald head!
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sissyincurlers · 1 year
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It was a Craig's list add that popped up once. Fortunately, I took a screen shot, because a couple minutes later it was gone.
"Creative Barberettes will give you the hairstyle you deserve today! You just need to submit 100% to their choice for you." it gave a phone #. Intrigued I called. A young female voice answered with only, "yes," no business name or anything. I asked for an appointment and was told a time and place for the next weekend. I called to confirm the day before but the # seemed to be disconnected. I elected to go anyway. Upon arriving at the address -- an unmarked door on the side of a building in the bad part of town, I opened it and entered. The door slammed shut behind me. I turned to open it, for the first time feeling fear. It was locked. I turned toward the barren room as an authoritative female voice on an intercom and said, "You agreed to submit 100% to the Barberette. Now remove all your clothes and proceed to the next room." i knew I did not have a choice.
Naked, I opened the next door to be greeted to two beautiful barberette assistants who handcuffed me, led me to sit in a box where only my head would be stuck out, and locked me in.
Soon the barberette came, and She began what truly was a "Creative Haircut" as the ad had promissed. It would be a haircut that would change my life forever.
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sissyincurlers · 1 year
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She has decided it's time. You've known this was coming for months now as she grew your hair. You had time to escape. But you knew you had to obey. Tomorrow when you return to your job, you will feel the cold beeeze of humiliation as your bald dome and missing eyebrows will elicit demeaning comments from the ladies who will then know you are a beta. Your life will never be the same. Now it is time to kneel before Her as She brings Her clippers to roaring life. Somehow you know this is where you belong as you feel Her shearing all dignity from you.
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sissyincurlers · 1 year
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Bald girls
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sissyincurlers · 1 year
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Don’t you enjoy watching me cut my hair?
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sissyincurlers · 1 year
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Feeling devilish and impulsive
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sissyincurlers · 1 year
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Nothing left for you
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sissyincurlers · 1 year
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sissyincurlers · 1 year
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sissyincurlers · 1 year
A slave receiving a proper haircut to remind him of his place.
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sissyincurlers · 1 year
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Your boyfriend thinks you’ll look cuter with a pixie cut.
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sissyincurlers · 1 year
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sissyincurlers · 1 year
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