sirwlm · 5 years
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Hard to believe it's been 8yrs since my first time volunteering on behalf of my classmate, Stephen Malieswski. The people are extremely supportive of each other and even though some are no longer able to fight the fight, we're still here to celebrate them and keep up the battle to defeat ALS. #NeverGiveUp #itsabeautifulworldletsgetoutthere #sirwlm #2019 #als (at Justin-Siena) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2ren7OBe83/?igshid=a3d9w4b203l8
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sirwlm · 6 years
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It's been a busy year, but was great to get out tonight and get in a few shots. On the way out these merry ladies allowed me to take a couple shots. #sirwlm #itsabeautifulworldletsgetoutthere #2018 #diadelosmuertos #missiondistrict #sanfrancisco (at 24th and Mission) https://www.instagram.com/p/BptAvYjgAay/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ct21szh7cto3
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sirwlm · 8 years
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My main man a couple yrs back
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