Briggsy's pissed at you btw
Good... I need a nap...
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And if the scarecrow does come looking for a fight? Will you kill him then?
If I have to.
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Duchess? I think Jericho is planning on attempting to murder you, which I know he wouldn’t be much of a problem on his own, but he does have the demon of secrets on his side. Are you at all concerned?
Not at all! If that demon of his is smart enough than he should know that it would be a bad idea.
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…but Virgil is ok with it I think? So he’ll hopefully be ok.
That's good…
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Marius I can’t tell if Jericho is about to do something stupid or not because he’s being very vague and ominous about what his plan is…
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You're hopeless
I know.
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Why don't you just kill Jericho, Duchess? It'd be pretty easy. He's very weak.
Because it's better to toy with him until he cracks.
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Are you enjoying these turns of events, Miss Duchess?
Very much~
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Marius please, only one person wants to punish you - and it's the one threatening your loved ones. Think.
She's only threatening them because I won't behave.
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That vision of the future didn't have Jericho in it, now did it?
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You didn't what?
I didn't abandon him. I offered a plan, but no one seems to agree with it. If they just understood that sometimes I need a punishment...
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He's also got abandonment issues, and the whole idea of the wedding was that you were going to be bound forever. That's the part he was always talking about.
But I didn't-
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And the Duchess is going to keep training you until you get it right
I suppose that's right...
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....if the marriage is off, will you even still be a couple?
... People cancel their weddings and stay couples, right?
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Jericho's just got like. The worst self worth issues, and this ain't helping.
I've been trying to help him with that, but I just end up making it worse.
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You always do what you're told, don't you? Like a good little soldier
I was... Trained...
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Marius you didn't do anything wrong telling him. Whatever Jerichos reaction, it's a good thing you told him.
It doesn't feel like a good thing.
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