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sirfuxsuffsuffixs · 2 years ago
Can someone make the cops understand that I'm not allowed to be in contact with them so much pain and probly worse
I know I'm asking the dad that might've lived with me in person Jesus is that why they're killing my children to try and make me talk weird
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sirfuxsuffsuffixs · 2 years ago
The doctor who made eyes fall into everyone I looked at around same time had me like seemed time to walk past radio when it said donate to Cornwall hospital and can my friend if it's safe go home to his wife and possibly kids instead of being arrested for stupid stuff in person friend I wasn't allowed to meet and said I used to be a millionaire and somehow made that me and my grandmother diamond and sapphire were stolen.
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sirfuxsuffsuffixs · 2 years ago
Oh yeah big HELP they must've picked names of criminals or drug addicts or something to everytime I thought of my future husband options because I think sits with me puts arms around me and now scary the weird people that ended up being around me in 2023 are doing what I fantasize in private about persons I've saved myself for and wanted to be clean for as well as myself obviously
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sirfuxsuffsuffixs · 2 years ago
My condolences to the family (I think I figured it out if not my bad lol) that helped me block my supposed family after I gave him my star power and a lot more
Friggen d word might've been forced in the past three yrs ouch I gave willingly most of the other stuff
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sirfuxsuffsuffixs · 2 years ago
Most frustrating undeserved abuse rn someone stripping my tattoos when I didn't get the chance to find out what they all said dumbass what the fuck did I do just wanted to make people smile and feel invigorated energized passionate beautiful
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sirfuxsuffsuffixs · 2 years ago
Can the cops or whoever stop saying reyes or rayez it's rayessss ray of sunshine like rays how I make it spelled you are my sunshine song stupid wifes hot just found out what u looked like 2021
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sirfuxsuffsuffixs · 2 years ago
Last one someone put u on :]
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sirfuxsuffsuffixs · 2 years ago
It's my favourite sound can you use it I mean
And remembered when I first said I practice it lmao I'm so fucked love you
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sirfuxsuffsuffixs · 2 years ago
I swear it's not the right people in the moving magic picture shows apparently or at home
Oh i took hat off or/and
Stepped out almost ran into or tripped coming out or something said Emily or I said Emily was a nice name maybe ill use
They showed the wrong trucks the ones the cheo undeveloped brain kid was supposed to be shown
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sirfuxsuffsuffixs · 2 years ago
Thank you to everyone who used something fun
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sirfuxsuffsuffixs · 2 years ago
Phrased sounds: hey're trying to make it real people but sucky ones instead of creative ones I curate and held onto waited for so long to use more and experiment with. Ty just Ty always like I requested hopefully to whoever helped but frigginsuckies cuz f too spensive so not this time why now and why wouldn't you at least make it fun
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sirfuxsuffsuffixs · 2 years ago
Also not sure when Tina became a nickname for a drug but it's my favourite Teddy Bear's name and I rarely ingested anything bad before age 30. Please hope this new place works out.
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sirfuxsuffsuffixs · 2 years ago
Thank you and it's totally okay and hey rock on to anyone who wanted to talk or meet, but also to someone that can help I don't think it's safe to meet these people and I don't think I should be,
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sirfuxsuffsuffixs · 2 years ago
Like even looking up a song I like with someone I met when Im left so uninformed they could put weird shit on it (APPARENTLY THATS FUCKIN NEW LIKE THE DOCTOR AT HOP THAT WAS MOVING WEIRD AND THEN SAID HE WAS GOING TO DO SOMETHING AND MY EYES STARTED MOVING WEIRD read fucked up symptoms for whatever the overdosing med is) to make reactions like instances and reactions like certain movements -- the hypnotism. Can I please move at least a few days driving time away from where I grew up.
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sirfuxsuffsuffixs · 2 years ago
Blot someone said when I started to accept the word blog as opposed to online diary and now there stupid police blogs wtf were the newsletter inspired things or request when I was a kid
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sirfuxsuffsuffixs · 2 years ago
I can't remember my cats friend's name because it's the same name of one I had emphasis on the I and I swear he was calling it something different when I first hung out at his place. Fuckin stupid situation it's my cat get the name right obvious you know when you have 'lines' word for word. Can we erase the right persons mind or get rid of it finally. Why is it allowed to speak when it witnessed the original Rotten Pieces moment. Fuckin bitch went to public school was premature born finally after we made sure tons weren't born is a cheo advocate and donate family money we
We should donate it all creepy head nod rocking on chair e(f)
Donate what
Did they actually pay
Donate it
We're gonna donate it
So creepy and weird the way they said stuff sometimes
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sirfuxsuffsuffixs · 2 years ago
Sick of meeting doubles of names etc from my own life. How could they get this so fucked up. How after so much already by age 10 could they seriously use someone else and make me live what was meant for them, a super F. Mad annoying and dangerous when I'm the real one. And how have I not yet hit record. Gained weight so I could blame it on something but honestly my ass got to music video standards before I finally ate at 30yrs old. Can't wait for my trust fund because it actually is so hard to accept that while still working but having done so much already I haven't been paid, still haven't been able to buy mama a house, still haven't worn the fanciest shoes in existence, still haven't attended a gala, honestly what do you have to do. What's left throw my reputation away publicly to cause a scene? Leak my own sex tape? All the things I was holding my nose too. Apparently work and effort means nothing. Apparently heart and soul is better pretended on whoever and not appraised or appreciated to the rightful owner. Apparently if there's no money being shown to the right person thats not the only way they want to upset them. Don't put their name, don't let them participate in person with the masses, don't let them see the inside of a studio even from a distance. Why was I starving next to my parents for six years. I asked for a piece of toast and got screamed at. Why would you choose the one person I asked you to ignore, you have the whole world to choose from. Is that supposed to be my diss? Thanks, I guess, but shit. I was the one that asked and dreamed all the time and now I'm hearing my thoughts in voice and it hurts. And when trying to remember moments from my adult home life I'm getting hurt. Not to mention I still can't picture or remember my childhood room. And the photos. I actually found some amazing ones from my amazing childhood and glorious moments with the gparents and had them posted on Instagram and for some reason they deleted my account. I wanted to be able to look at them anywhere, now I don't know when I'll see my innocence again. And it's being challenge with interactions of strange (not just because they're strangers, but ethics or lack thereof completely defy what I believed in humanity for the past several decades.) How have you not taken the time when you've taken so much in other ways -- thank you -- to fix my voice in time so the phone wouldn't disconnect with my grandparent, that I still don't have money to visit. In the latest place I tried to escape to a person within my first week there said something about "the stalker life" and hands moved like supposed cousin from cheo e(f) and I need Myself the one day like I did when I was a kid from the stage fright they tried to get out ahead of time. I need my panic attacks to think. Cool and thank you that we were alive at the same time thanks for letting me live, and for college. "She's allowed college" okay great. And I'm still rapping and writing but it would help if I was finally away from the people who said "I don't want my ____ talking like a black person"
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