Siren Sovereign
49 posts
Call me Siren.she/they | 24 | TransfeminineRebranding a bit.
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siren-sovereign · 21 hours ago
Because it disrespects a sacred practice and its gross and ruins the scene for newcommers too no one wants to hear about your horny fantasies. Post to soemwhere that is about kink NOT HERE
yknow what. I wasn’t going to post these silly doodles because they’re kinda cringe. But just for you ✨ I’m going to post them. Here’s Lucifer and I fucking
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uh oh! oops! somebody come arrest me
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siren-sovereign · 7 days ago
“I am not a good friend, but I am a worse enemy.” -Svengali
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siren-sovereign · 16 days ago
Was conversing with Lord Asmodeus earlier while I was at my doctors appointment. Had to get blood drawn and the process always stresses me out, so I asked him to stay by my side during the appointment.
“Yes, doll— of course I can.”
Doll? Never heard him call me that before. I didn’t think too much more about it. After he answered me, I felt his heavy —yet comforting— presence wash over me in a cold chill that remained for the remaining duration of my appointment.
After the appointment was over I thanked him for his presence.
“You’re welcome my little doll.”
He used it again. I remember becoming suspicious when I heard him use it the second time, though I still didn’t say anything about it.
Later in the day, when I was getting home I was conversing with Queen Lilith. I had been wearing her mala while I was out and about so was tuned into her energy for a while. When I got to my room and locked eyes onto her altar, I heard her very clear:
“Hello my dear.”
I haven’t conversed with her for quite a while so hearing her speak to me genuinely surprised me and caught me off guard.
“Oh! Hello! We haven’t spoken in a while, I apologize!”
“That is alright. Do me a favor and light my candle please. We have some catching-up to do.”
I agreed and got up to grab my lighter. As I was in the middle of lighting her candle, she spoke again:
“-and your father’s candle as well.” (referring to Asmodeus as he is my patron)
Now I was a little concerned. They planned something.
“Oh, okay! Am I in trouble?”
No response.
I continued to light Lord Asmodeus’s candle. Once I set the candle down on his altar, I felt that ever-familiar cold tingle run down my spine. I smiled.
“Hello, doll.”
I decided to ask about it this time.
“Doll? That’s a new one. Where did that come from?”
He pretended to be extremely offended by my question:
“What? Do you not like it? I think it’s very fitting and I KNOW you love it. I can tell.”
I had to stop myself from smiling. He was right.
“You’re right, I do like it. It’s just I’ve never even thought of doll as a pet name. Like I know it’s one that is used, but it’s never one I considered wanting to be called. Just caught me off-guard hearing you start using it on me. How exactly do you find it “fitting” for me?”
“What do you mean? You’re the pretty little toy that I play around with from time to time. Dress you up like a doll. Coddle you like a baby doll. Fuck you like a sex doll. You know— like a doll. I know I can always count on you being there for me to play with.”
I was too flustered to even speak. I turned to face my mirror behind me. My face was bright red.
“Anyway, you better get yourself to bed now. You have work in the morning and you have not been taking care of yourself. You are going to rewrite your pact with us this weekend, it wasn’t that it was wrong or poorly written the first time, just that we feel you can improve upon it and thus allow us to be better teachers and guardians for you.”
“Wait is that why you wanted to talk to me? Is that all? Just to tell me we’re redoing our pact?”
“No. There is more to discuss, but we will worry about that another time. Now is bedtime. A witch takes care of herself before she tends to her magick.”
It was a long day and I indeed have been letting my self-care fall by the wayside.
“Yes master.”
“Good doll.”
I let their candles burn as I got ready for bed. As I was dozing off, I could feel Asmodeus’s energy flow all around me. I’ve never felt comfortable sleeping alone. Until I found my gods. With them, I am never truly alone. They watch over me, tend to me, protect me, and nurture me. I love my gods.
Ave Queen Lilith!
Ave Lord Asmodeus!
Ave King Satan!
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siren-sovereign · 16 days ago
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siren-sovereign · 25 days ago
The Gods are not trans allies.
The Gods are not trans-friendly.
The Gods do not ‘support’ queer people.
The Gods ARE trans. The Gods ARE queer.
The Gods are transgender, They are transsexual. ‘Trans’ means ‘beyond, across’.
The Gods are beyond gender. Beyond sex. Beyond flesh. Beyond normality and norms— thus, They are queer. They are trans. They are on the other side of gender, of sex— on the side we cannot even begin to understand.
The Gods are transsexual and transgender and queer not (only) within our human understanding of transness— They are not trans in the way we humans are trans.
But They are still trans. They are the original transness. The ultimate transsexuality.
Transness as a transition from a state to another state, from a form to another form— from Their divine form to one we humans can behold without being consumed by Their inherent queerness. From Their divinity to words we humans can attempt to understand and think of without being utterly lost in the enormity and infinity of the divine.
Transness as a journey, a constant state of evolution within the world— evolution of the world itself, for the Gods are the world, are beyond time, beyond space, yet constantly changing.
The Gods do not love trans worshippers despite their transness, despite their queerness. The Gods love trans worshippers for their transness. They love us because we are trans. Because we are queer.
As we defy norms, we become closer to Them— trans people are humans, mortals, but I firmly believe that there is something inherently holy in transition. To change yourself, to think the limits of the body and to alter your own flesh is to create, is to destroy. To understand how limitless the world is— how flesh and sex and gender are human things, social things, that are made by us and can be expended and transgressed— is to take a step towards the Gods.
The Gods love you. You are made in Their image. Or maybe— you make yourself in Their image. And that is beautiful.
(reminder that this is my vision of divinity, not a definite fact, even if i think there are a lot of things (in multiple cultures/religions) that point to the divine being beyond gender)
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siren-sovereign · 25 days ago
“Life is the universe’s way of experiencing itself, suffering is the universe’s way of testing itself, and death is the universe digesting all that which it has learned in life.”
- Satan during formal invocation ritual last night
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siren-sovereign · 1 month ago
Resources for Luciferians
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Firstly, my asks are always open and you can search through my blog. The #information tag is full of info. My number one recommendation is to go on the r/DemonolatryPractices subreddit search bar and type key words for any questions you may have:
I made a post with a list of communities you can join. Each community has its own resources you may find helpful:
TikTok is full of a lot of misinformation surrounding demonolatry, but my personal favorite account on the subject is MadameFortune. I don’t agree with all of her gnosis, but she’s got some fantastic information and cites her sources. Her Geography of Hell series is my favorite:
Dancing Corpse Witch is a blog that I like. It has good information and experiences that line up with what I’ve experienced:
They also have an Instagram where they post channeled messages from the infernal divine on their stories:
As for informative blogs here on Tumblr, these are my top three picks:
These are just what I’ve read so far. I know there’s much more out there. I’ll get to them… eventually
The Lesser Key of Solomon:
The Complete Book of Demonolatry by S. Connolly:
Demonolater’s Handbook by Mirta Wake:
A Luciferian's View Deity Work and Ideas for Diversifying Your Practice by Mirta Wake:
Lucifer: Princeps by Peter Grey:
Rites of Lucifer by Temple of Ascending Flame:
The Diabolicon by Michael Aquino:
For historical literature, which can provide great context, I recommend Paradise Lost by John Milton, Dante’s Inferno, and Goethe’s Faust. These are all free on Apple Books and can probably be found at any public library.
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siren-sovereign · 2 months ago
Infernal Sabbot
"I deny Christianity and the Path of Self-Disillusion,
I affirm Life and Flesh,
I affirm Spirit and Desire,
I seek the Path of Sorcery and the knowledge of being.
I kiss the reversed and Opposing Face of Satan, that by Darkness I shall awaken to the Light of Self-
Love and the Wisdom of the Black Flame. "
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siren-sovereign · 2 months ago
Not A Christian Nation
Christian Nationalism is a dangerous ideology that seeks to merge Christianity with American government, often at the expense of religious freedom and diversity. From a witch’s perspective, this movement is particularly harmful because it enforces a rigid, exclusionary worldview that suppresses spiritual paths outside of its narrow interpretation of Christianity. The United States was founded on the principle of religious liberty, and the First Amendment explicitly ensures that no single religion dominates the nation. Yet, Christian Nationalists push policies and rhetoric that imply the U.S. is, or should be, a Christian nation, disregarding the rights and beliefs of millions who practice different faiths—including Paganism, witchcraft, and other earth-based traditions.
For those who follow pagan and witch's traditions, Christian Nationalism presents a direct threat to religious freedom. Many of us honor nature, practice magick, and celebrate the cycles of the earth in ways that predate Christianity by thousands of years. However, Christian Nationalists often dismiss our beliefs as "evil" or "illegitimate," promoting laws and social attitudes that attempt to suppress our practices. Historical examples, such as the demonization of witches during the Burning Times or the forced conversion of indigenous peoples, remind us of what happens when a government aligns itself with religious extremism. Today, we see echoes of this in efforts to censor pagan practices in schools, restrict access to public spaces for non-Christian religious gatherings, and use Christian doctrine to shape laws about bodily autonomy and personal freedoms.
The idea that the United States is a "Christian nation" is historically inaccurate and politically dangerous. The Founding Fathers deliberately created a secular government, ensuring that no religion—Christianity included—could dictate laws or public policy. The Treaty of Tripoli, signed in 1797, explicitly states that "the government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion." This was meant to ensure that people of all faiths (or none) would be free to worship as they choose. Christian Nationalists distort history to justify their agenda, but the truth is that the U.S. has always been a nation of religious plurality, where freedom of belief is a fundamental right.
For witches and pagans, the spread of Christian Nationalism represents an attempt to erase or delegitimize our faiths in public life. It fosters an environment where non-Christian traditions are ridiculed, feared, or even criminalized. This ideology also undermines the core values of spiritual exploration and personal sovereignty that many of us hold dear. If left unchecked, it could lead to policies that limit access to sacred spaces, ban the teaching of alternative spiritualities, or even reintroduce laws targeting practices deemed "heretical." As witches, we must stand against religious extremism in all forms and advocate for a society where all spiritual paths are respected, protected, and allowed to flourish. The United States is not, and has never been, a Christian nation—it is a nation built on freedom, and that includes the freedom to practice witchcraft, paganism, and any other path that calls to us.
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siren-sovereign · 2 months ago
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siren-sovereign · 2 months ago
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These men just stole the personal information of everyone in America AND control the Treasury. Link to article.
Akash Bobba
Edward Coristine
Luke Farritor
Gautier Cole Killian
Gavin Kliger
Ethan Shaotran
Spread their names!
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siren-sovereign · 2 months ago
gods after devotees put really… unique offerings on an altar
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siren-sovereign · 2 months ago
Everyone has their own relationship with their gods.
Some will be more casual than others and some will be stricter. Some will have a lot of rules and some will go with the flow and there will be worshippers who don't agree or are tempted to judge how others choose to worship their own gods, but that's between the devotees and their gods.
Don't like how people choose to worship their gods? Unfollow, block, do whatever you have to for a more enjoyable Tumblr experience if you don't wanna see it on your dash, but don't judge how they choose to worship the gods because it's not how you would do it and you don't understand it. You're not them. That's between them and their gods, you have nothing to do with it.
It may offend you but the gods may have asked for it. Maybe their gods are cool with it and it was something they agreed on. The gods will let their worshippers know if it offends them. It's none of your business.
Stop trying to police how people worship the gods.
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siren-sovereign · 2 months ago
Some Miscellaneous Satan Quotes
I've compiled a list of quotes from Satan from my time spent speaking with him these past few months. Here's a bunch of random ones I've decided to share:
"Suffering is the birthplace of necessity, and necessity is the birthplace of innovation."
"I am not a loving god. But I do love."
"We may give our tools to man as he may comprehend them, but he himself must be entrusted with the direction of their use."
"Suffer only that which will give strength."
"To deny something its ability to change, you are denying its Will and imposing upon it your own."
"We are all slaves to our expectations. Our expectations influence our perspectives and it is through our perspectives that we experience the world."
"Suffering shifts even the purest of souls."
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siren-sovereign · 2 months ago
i was born in the wrong generation, i should be singing hymns to the gods in their temples rn
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siren-sovereign · 2 months ago
Take Back Control: A Conversion with Satan
I was speaking with Satan this morning, just kind of complaining about how everything kinda sucks right now and was looking for some advice. I expressed my frustration with the world (the USA in particular) and how ignorant, apathetic, and naïve we’ve become as a collective. And also how modern life is a far cry from the kind of life I want to be living. He ended up having a lot to say (as per usual, he’s a yapper and i LOVE that about him) and I decided to share what he said. I’m sure we can all take something away from his words:
“Mankind needs to stop seeing everything in black and white. The nuances and complexities of the world you all live in has been boiled down to an idiotic game of polarities. It’s incredibly stupid. And insulting. Yes, polarity is a naturally occurring force within the universe, but understand that you are all blind to a vast majority of the universe because you are all trapped in these games of tug-of-war over every fucking thing under the sun. And this is just an unfortunate consequence of your history being ruled by primarily one “side”. Yahweh and I exist as a polarity, as I exist to oppose all that which it (Yahweh) is. This is something that everyone knows. I am the adversary. It is in my name. Yet, they outnumber me time and time again so they always have the say and now I’ve been reduced to this dark malicious force that wants nothing more than for humanity to burn and suffer. But that’s only because that is all they can see in me. They don’t see everything else that I am, that makes me the God that I am. They only know that of me because that is what they see me as. To view me in a different light than what Yahweh has asked of them would go against their faith.”
“It’s divine ignorance if I ever seen it.”
“The Abrahamic world has not been very forgiving with me, painting me an absolute monster merely because I oppose them. They don’t see outside of themselves. They just take the word of God like good little dogs and expect hellfire and eternal suffering if they should cross him and end up with me. That is what they have been told. Those are the expectations they carry of me. I am certain you feel a similar way.”
“Let me say this: We are all slaves to our expectations. May it be the expectations of others, of society, or of oneself. Our expectations influence our perspectives. And it is through our perspectives that we experience the world.”
“Taking back control of your world begins with taking back control of YOUR world. In other words, when you reclaim your worldview and rid yourself of expectations that have been imposed upon you, you will begin to find yourself and know yourself like never before. Take this time my child, and do away with anything that is weighing you down. Everything seems out of control, but that is only because a lot of things are out of YOUR control. There is still a lot you can do that you have complete control over. Shift your expectations to something reasonable and grounded. I’m not telling you to lower all of your expectations, but you know where I’m getting at. Fixate on that which you can control. Hone yourself, manage all that you are able to, and when something comes your way that you cannot control, tough it out and keep your momentum. Do not lose hope. Do not despair. Suffering is inevitable, but it will only stop you in your tracks if you let it do so.”
“Suffer only that which will give you strength.”
I then asked him what I specifically should be doing right now, regarding America and the revolution we seem to be headed towards.
“You ask me what it is you should be doing, but I assure you that you are doing just fine right now. I understand your life has been especially difficult lately, but I need you to listen to my words and focus on what is within your control. Every day, revolution grows closer and I understand that you wish to help and play a role in your community and country at large. Do not forget that your priority is yourself. Do not abandon yourself for this cause. By that I mean, do not give in to the expectations of your peers that you should be resisting this way or that way or come to this protest or whatever it may be. Use your judgement, your intuition, and your instincts.”
“I only desire that my children remain safe and look out for one another. I do not care for much else at present.”
“You are more aware of your skills than anyone else. You are more aware of your comforts than anyone else. You are more aware of your passions than anyone else. Nobody has the right to demand you do things a certain way. And that includes your perception of others and the expectations you create for yourself as a result. You are all SURVIVING. That is what you are doing. There is no “correct” way.”
“I will never tell you the correct way to do things, but I will always tell you the RIGHT way. And that is through continued survival and respect for oneself.”
He then brought up the French Revolution
“The French Revolution was a bloody, bloody era of human history. But I’ll tell you this, it wasn’t just Robespierre and the folks with the guillotines and heads on pikes that made that revolution— it was everyone. Everyone had a part to play, some big, some small. But all these pieces, all these people rather, were united in their suffering. While some took to the streets with pitchforks and stones, others took to writing. Their pamphlets and books carried with them the pain and suffering of the French peasantry and fueled the flames in their hearts.”
Things are scary, the future is uncertain, but it is through community, authenticity, and resilience that we move forwards. I’m ever grateful for my Gods and I will not stop fighting. I will become a mouthpiece for my Gods and for my people, spreading hope and rally cries uniting us in our suffering. I don’t care about what might happen to me in the future. That doesn’t matter now. It’s out of my control. But what I CAN do is this right here. I’m not going down without making some noise.
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siren-sovereign · 2 months ago
Ok something I find kind of ironic about Christian conversion therapy is the fact that I’ve heard more stories of people converting to Satanism from it than people actually being “cured” of their homosexuality.
Like, not only are you supporting such an unethical practice but you’re also instilling religious trauma onto your youth while simultaneously kinda helping out your adversary. 😅
So like, maybe stop advocating for conversion therapy? You’re contributing to suffering and shooting yourselves in the foot.
Until then, anyone who has been put through conversion therapy, I see you. My siblings of Satan see you. Satan sees you. All of Hell sees you. We’re here for you.
Freedom FROM religion is freedom OF religion.
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