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21 posts
alexandrea conway, eloise bram, henry king, jamie flores, & penny rourke do i make you horny baby ? that's my ego that you're stroking ! dependent mumu for @keypassionhq
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sinfulnature · 5 years ago
milo + penny
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“ that makes the two of us. although the view I had in my bedroom just a few days ago sadly doesn’t compare.” milo quipped back easily. when he’d first started flirting with penny he hadn’t expected much of anything. but somehow they’d ended up in his villa and the sight of her nude losing herself to waves of pleasure was quite honestly an image that was burned into his memory. still she looked practically radiant in the moonlight. the light reflecting off her demure features she looked even more angelic than usual. 
milo gave her an empathetic look. he knew what it was like to be haunted too, but bearing his soul to her he imagined wasn’t what she needed. instead he tenderly cupped the side of her face the pad of his thumb tenderly grazing over her cheekbones. he hesitated momentarily before he leaned down and kissed her softly. more an invitation rather than a kiss really. an invitation of distraction to perhaps ward off what was nipping at her heels. �� well I don’t know about peace, pen. but you and I could definitely get lost in each other again, what’d’ya say?” he murmured against her lips this time kissing her upper lip.
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they  were  closer  to  the  villas  than  employee  housing  and  had  milo  not  kissed  her,  maybe  she  would  have  initiated  the  contact.  it  stunned  her,  though,  this  tenderness  that  he  had  for  her.  how  soft  he  was  with  a  heart  that  he  did  not  know  and  a  woman  he  did  not  understand,  it  made  her  nostalgic  for  a  man  she’d  known  so  many  years  ago  who  had  become  the  one  to  know  the  most  intimate  things  about  her.  milo’s  …  well  his  everything  was  a  welcome  reprieve  from  her  own  thoughts,  a  gentle  reminder  that  she  did  not  have  to  force  herself  to  be  lonely.  
her  hand  gently  reached  to  thread  her  fingers  in  his  hair  and  hold  him  in  for  just  a  moment,  pressing  a  more  solid  kiss  to  his  lips,  an  acceptance  of  his  invitation.  she  took  a  half  step  back,  wanting  to  get  a  better  look  at  him  as  her  other  hand  moved  to  rest  on  the  side  of  his  neck.  penny  nodded  for  a  second  before  she  could  find  her  voice  to  say,  ❛  yes.  ❜  she  sounded  breathy,  soft.  more  forcefully,  near  desperate,  she  tacked  on,  ❛  please.  ❜  her  desire  for  reprieve  became  a  desire  to  get  lost  and  it  was  such  a  welcoming  invitation  when  it  came  from  milo.
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sinfulnature · 5 years ago
gibson + drea
closed starter for Alexandrea / @sinfulnature​
Denying his impulses had never been a real problem for Gibson.  He’d done it all his life, buried his wants and needs deep inside and kept them prisoner til they built to a fever pitch and exploded.  Work made a perfect distraction, as did the never-ending procession of one night stands a life in New York high society afforded.  Yes, he had convinced himself by now that he was fine with the lonely life he led and most nights spent at the office instead of a quiet penthouse apartment.
So why had he been so quick to agree to the offer that came with Drea’s latest email?  It probably had more to do with her than the enticements of Key Passion (which were many).  She was a unique fixture in his limited world of any meaningful relationships.  A genuine ex, and the only one he cared enough for to stay on good terms with.  She made that easy, though, so did Ollie, and that was probably the only thing that could have pulled him away from the glass and steel spires of the city for the warm, sultry beaches of the Florida Keys. 
He’d done little more than checked in, sent his baggage along to his villa and was following after looking fully native in a fully open button-down shirt, a pair of cargo shorts, flip-flops and a Panama hat.  But the pleasures of this place could wait until he took attended to something far more important and it only took questioning a very promising employee in a sarong he made a mental note to look up later to get the directions to the main office.
A few minutes later and he was casually leaning against an open doorway, flashing a rare ear-to-ear smile at the sight of a woman who could still take his breath away.  Not so much that he wouldn’t make his presence known with a wry, “Someone told me this was where I’d find the welcome committee.  Hope I’m not interrupting anything?” and tilting his sunglasses to wink over the mirrored lenses.
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part  of  the  most  interesting  aspects  of  drea’s  job  technically  didn’t  even  fall  under  her  department.  though  she  handled  the  finances,  she  often  made  contacts  at  the  resort  that  she  kept  in  touch  with  throughout  the  year.  nice  fruit  baskets  for  birthdays,  thoughtful  christmas  gifts  along  with  a  family  card  from  her  and  ollie,  and  the  occasional  message  to  touch  base  were  all  things  that  she  did  in  order  to  keep  attendance  frequent.  drea  also,  for  as  often  as  she  made  new  contacts,  kept  in  touch  with  old  ones.  numbered  among  these  people  was  gibson.  their  connection  had  been  one  that  she  knew  from  the  start  was  special,  whether  or  not  they  stayed  together,  and  his  friendship  was  one  that  drea  considered  invaluable.  
glasses  perched  on  the  top  of  her  nose,  drea’s  fingers  seemed  to  fly  against  her  keyboard,  eyes  darting  back  and  forth  in  an  attempt  to  keep  up.  though  she  heard  her  door  open,  she  didn’t  bother  to  look  up,  as  her  assistant  usually  announced  themselves  and  their  guest.  instead  of  the  usual  mrs.  conway  ?  someone’s  here  to  see  you  that  she  was  so  used  to  hearing,  she  was  greeted  with  the  familiarity  she  had  craved  and  invited  down.  looking  up,  bright  grin  on  her  face,  drea  stood  and  made  her  way  around  the  desk.  
❛  gibson  !  ❜  drea  wrapped  her  arms  around  him  in  a  hug,  glad  to  see  that  he’d  already  taken  to  the  wardrobe  of  the  island.  she  was  wearing  a  sundress,  one  that  did  not  leave  anything  up  to  the  imagination,  and  she  was  barefoot  in  her  office.  ❛  i  didn’t  think  you  were  getting  in  today  or  else  i  would  have  come  to  get  you  at  the  airport.  y’know,  really  play  into  my  welcoming  committee  bit.  ❜  she  took  half  a  step  back,  hands  still  on  his  back.  ❛  you  look,  and  i  mean  this  with  all  the  love  i  have  for  you,  awful.  have  you  eaten  yet  today  ?  ❜
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sinfulnature · 5 years ago
okay hello friends, just a little update ! today is my birthday and i’m going out with family in at like 6pm est and i’m going to be running some errands soon. but i wanted to let you know that i have all of my intros posted here ( it’s also the pinned post on my blog ! ). while i’m out, i’ll definitely replying to as many plotting message as i can so please hit me up if you haven’t already. 
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sinfulnature · 5 years ago
addison + jamie
{ 𝒸𝓁𝑜𝓈𝑒𝒹 + @sinfulnature​ –– jamie } 𝓁𝑜𝒸𝒶𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃: outside hottub/pool area
When one sends a DM to a celebrity, the automatic response should be no response. That was typically the case for any standard fan. Addison was no standard fan. The girl had a stan twitter, a stan tumblr, a very popular fanfiction running, and this celebrity’s likeness often found itself on her OnlyFans about once a week. Addison was a special sort of fan. Having met Jamie Flores multiple times, Addy had no preconceived notion that he would even remember her, let alone be in the same place as her. After her run in with Arden, she couldn’t help but wonder if the bandmates had come together. It was worth a shot, and Addison really needed a new story to tell people other than the time she was at a meet and greet and asked Arden to choke her for a picture. 
When Addison thought of Jamie, many visceral things overcame her body. At times, she didn’t believe that he was even real. The signature on her ass would suggest otherwise, but sometimes one couldn’t be sure. If Jamie was in fact here, Addison knew what she wanted to do with him, but that of course didn’t include what she even could do to him. Jamie was a musician, a celebrity, there was no way he was into her and all her curves. Just as she was about to get in the hot tub by herself and pretend that she wasn’t just standing there waiting for someone to show up, Addison saw a face and her heart lurched in her throat. 
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when  a  girl  dms  you  on  twitter  asking  if  she  could  get  your  signature  tattooed  on  her  ass,  that’s  the  kind  of  thing  that  you’re  inclined  to  remember  in  all  fairness.  and  beyond  addy’s  sphere  of  knowledge,  jamie  had  become  as  much  a  fan  of  hers  as  she  was  of  his.  and  though  he’d  thought  she  was  pretty  from  her  profile  picture,  it  wasn’t  until  one  of  the  meet  and  greets  that  he’d  decided  to  simp  forever  and  that  was  simply  the  way  it  went.  hell,  even  the  awkward  prom  photo  that  they  took  together  from  a  meet  and  greet  was  saved  on  his  camera  roll.  the  problem  was  that  he  didn’t  know  how  to  talk  to  her  without  the  inequality  of  the  connection  being  incredibly  apparent.  he  wasn’t  about  to  be  the  creepy  celebrity  who  made  his  fans  uncomfortable  just  because  he  couldn’t  read  the  fucking  room.  
and  then  there  was  an  invitation  to  a  hot  tub  a  week  into  his  vacation  and  he  couldn’t  agree  fast  enough  on  seeing  it.  his  smile  was  easy  as  ever,  he  made  eye  contact  with  her,  as  though  wanting  to  assure  her  that  there  was  no  mistake,  he  wasn’t  going  to  simply  walk  by.  
❛  addison,  ❜  he  called  out,  the  familiarity  in  his  tone  nothing  but  warm.  ❛  i’m  so  sorry  for  making  you  wait,  i  got  caught  up  in  a  band  meeting.  ❜  absolutely  the  fuck  he  did  not.  he  spent  thirty  five  minutes  playing  with  his  curls  and  fifteen  more  minutes  on  top  of  that  making  sure  that  he  picked  out  the  right  bathing  suit.  now,  five  minutes  late,  he  felt  like  he  had  to  make  it  up  to  her.  he  gestured  towards  the  hot  tub.  ❛  after  you,  please.  can  i  buy  you  a  drink  ?  ❜
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sinfulnature · 5 years ago
milo + penny
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milo swears that in another life he must have been a fish. his mornings are spent running on the beach and he’s been drawn to the pool many a time. but tonight after a rigorous run when he couldn’t quiet the fraught energy inside of him he decided to wade into the ocean. his gym shorts are discarded and he lets the water lap over him until he sees a figure on the beach and swims toward it. he’s not shy about showing off his naked body as he picks up the shorts and dons them casting the other person a sheepish smile. “ couldn’t sleep either huh?”
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❛  i  hope  you  didn’t  feel  like  you  had  to  put  your  trunks  back  on  for  my  own  benefit.  i  was  enjoying  the  view.  ❜  though  her  tone  was  teasing,  there  was  some  truth  to  it  as  penny  stood  a  few  feet  away  from  him.  the  moonlight  only  did  beautiful  things  for  her,  casting  her  in  a  radiance  that  the  sun  never  quite  knew  how  to  give.  this  was  a  girl  designed  for  the  witching  hour,  the  kind  of  girl  who  knew  she  outshined  the  stars  ten  to  one  and  still  found  herself  complimenting  their  existence.  she  and  the  stars  were  quite  well  suited  to  one  another.  
❛  if  we’re  being  honest,  i’m  feeling  a  little  haunted.  i’ve  never  had  to  deal  with  ghosts  before  tonight.  ❜  for  archie  to  have  the  audacity  to  show  up  to  the  resort  as  an  employee  was  something  she  was  struggling  to  wrap  her  mind  around  but  it  had  planted  this  little  seed  of  anger  in  her  that  she  desperately  willed  herself  to  stop  watering.  ❛  i  thought  i’d  find  peace  by  the  water  and  it  looks  like  i  might  have  been  right.  ❜
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sinfulnature · 5 years ago
archie + penny
{ 𝒸𝓁𝑜𝓈𝑒𝒹 + @sinfulnature​ –– penny } 𝓁𝑜𝒸𝒶𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃: pool area
It had been his second day at the resort and he was on the hunt for Penny. Though he may or may not have spent his first day getting drunk and texting his mom, he could only hope that him being here, looking for her, showing that he still loved the fuck out of her, would mean something. When Penny left and his mother explained that his father had poisoned his mind and made him paranoid when paranoia shouldn’t have existed, he was furious. The ring that he had been keeping in his pocket for the right moment had long since been returned to Mama Hughes, but that didn’t mean that the ring belonged truly to anyone else but Penny. He was going to win her back, somehow. 
Though he had only been to the gym and now the pool, Archie was sure that he was going to have to spend each day in search of his ex-girlfriend. Just as he settled down with his towel at a lounger, Archie could not actually believe his eyes. There on a perch, sitting as pretty as ever, was Penny. His heart started pounded. As he looked in her direction to see if she had spotted him yet, he made a move to stand and head her way before thinking better of it. Archie couldn’t just storm over there and demand that she speak to him. He had to play a better game than that. This wasn’t amateur hour, this was his future wife. Slipping his shirt off and over his head, Archie laid a nonchalant smile on his face and spread himself out on the chair. He could contain himself, he could play this out. This was the easy part, right?
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one  of  the  pair  had  luck  on  their  side  and  the  other  was  devastated  to  be  betrayed.  the  large  sunglasses  covered  a  good  portion  of  her  face,  which  was  usually  incredibly  easy  to  read.  too  often  did  she  make  faces  out  loud  that  she  hadn’t  meant  to  give  away  but  when  it  was  archie  she  had  seldom  cared.  up  until  the  break  up  a  few  weeks  ago,  she  knew  that  she  was  going  to  spend  the  rest  of  her  life  with  him  without  hesitation.  if  anyone  had  told  her  six  months,  fuck  even  six  weeks  ago, that  she  was  going  to  be  at  a  sex  resort  hiding  out  from  him  and  debating  her  exit  strategies,  penny  would  have  laughed  in  their  face.  we’re  too  strong  for  that,  she  would  have  told  them.  he  loves  me  more  than  he  cares  about  his  father’s  opinions.  how  bitter  those  words  tasted  in  her  mouth  now.  
part  of  her  thought  she’d  seen  a  ghost  out  of  the  corner  of  her  eye  when  a  tall  figure  started  walking  towards  the  employee  pool.  it  was  the  easier  position  than  the  guests  but  only  because  a  lot  of  her  coworkers  didn’t  find  themselves  at  the  pool  when  the  weather  was  so  clear  it  made  the  beach  far  too  perfect  an  option  to  visit.  he  walked  in  like  he  owned  the  place  and  her  hands  balled  up  into  fists  and  her  jaw  set  in  disdain.  she  wanted  to  tell  him  to  leave,  that  he  didn’t  belong  here,  that  she  was  trying  to  move  on,  and  instead  she  could  not  force  her  mouth  open.  penny  sighed  out  softly,  pushing  her  sunglasses  further  up  her  nose.  she  watched  him  peel  off  his  shirt  and  there  were  these  little  desires  that  she’d  thought  she  was  doing  well  at  pushing  away  all  came  right  to  the  forefront  of  her  mind.  she  wanted  him  more  than  anything  and  it  felt  like  ash  in  her  mouth.  if  he  wasn’t  going  to  say  anything,  penny  would  return  the  silence,  focusing  her  gaze  on  the  water  than  the  deck.
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sinfulnature · 5 years ago
adam + henry
{ 𝒸𝓁𝑜𝓈𝑒𝒹 + @sinfulnature​ –– henry }  𝓁𝑜𝒸𝒶𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃: the passion bar – 10:30 pm
Adam was having an existential crisis, truly. Looking around at all the little teenyboppers, that weren’t actually teenyboppers, his head was about to explode. Last year when the little crew that they were attended Key Passion, it had seemed like the attendants were just a tad older? It wasn’t that Adam didn’t realize that people who were 21 where now a full twenty years younger than him, but they just looked so young. When Adam was 21, people looked so much older, but that had also been Wales and people had been drinking for 5 years at that point. Shaking his head, Adam finished his drink. 
“Henry, darling, I need you to help me out here,” Adam tugged on Henry’s shirt sleeve to pull his attention away. Wrapping an arm around Henry’s shoulders, he nodded toward an especially young looking couple dancing together. “Are those old enough to be here?” The disdain in his voice couldn’t be hidden. “I mean, am I really to the age where I’m gonna yell at children to get off my lawn? I need this answered now and if you pause I swear on Willy Shakespeare I will leave this resort without you,” Adam turned to face Henry and peered deeply into his eyes. Before he could answer, he waved a waitress over. “Hi, yes, I’m gonna need two more cherry bourbon smashes, and some denture cream.”
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the  disdain  in  adam’s  tone  amused  henry  more  than  he  should  be  willing  to  admit  to  his  significant  other  who,  in  such  a  state,  sounded  exactly  like  one  of  the  crotchety  old  men  who  sat  in  a  well  furnished  box  at  the  muppet  theater  and  mercilessly  mocked  the  goings  on  around  them.  was  that  too  much  to  tell  him  ?  that  probably  was  going  to  make  things  worse.  as  adam  wrapped  his  arm  around  henry’s  shoulder,  he  wrapped  his  arm  around  adam’s  middle.  his  fingertips  started  to  draw  little  patterns,  wanting  to  distract  him  from  the  things  that  were  bothering  him.  which,  you  know,  maybe  he  wasn’t  wrong  to  be  worried  about  the  unending  march  towards  old  age  and  death  but  that  wasn’t  the  typical  vacation  thinking.  
henry  opened  his  mouth  to  speak  and  then  the  waitress  arrived.  paused  in  a  state  of  preparing  to  answer,  he  said,  as  she  started  to  walk  away,  ❛  that  shouldn’t  count  against  my  available  time  to  answer.  ❜  henry  leaned  in,  pressing  a  sweet  kiss  to  adam’s  lips.  ❛  you  didn’t  have  to  bring  willy  shakes  into  this,  carl.  ❜  
huh,  well  that  probably  wasn’t  going  to  work  in  his  favor.  so  much  time  focused  on  the  muppets  he  forgot  about  the  easy  up  joke  that  he  took  advantage  of  without  hesitation.  ❛  i  don’t  think  we’re  physically  at  that  age  yet  but  we’re  definitely  both  mentally  there.  i  saw  someone  spell  mood  as  m  -  e  -  w  -  d  and  i  almost  lost  my  mind.  we’re  in  this  together.  ❜  he  looked  at  the  dancing  couple  and  back  at  adam.  ❛  now  that  that’s  out  in  the  universe,  it  feels  less  reassuring  than  i  intended  it  to  be.  ❜  
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sinfulnature · 5 years ago
arden + jamie
the night was just starting to heat up. the strippers and escorts hadn’t come out yet, but more people were gathering in the bar and spilling out to the outdoor area where arden was currently sitting at a table over looking the waves. he heard the chair at his table move and he turned to see jamie. “well, hello there, jamie my boy!”
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❛  arden,  my  favorite  delight,  how  are  we  this  evening  ?  ❜  the  easy  smile  that  existed  on  his  face  was  present  now,  too,  as  he  set  down  two  drinks.  the  bar  was  full  but  apparently  the  raptors  truly  did  have  fans  everywhere  and  his  drinks  were  very  thankfully  prioritized  (  though  that  also  might  have  been  the  hundred  dollar  tip  after  his  first  drink  going  to  work  ).  placing  one  of  the  drinks  in  front  of  arden,  he  declared,  ❛  for  you,  good  sir.  and  a  cheers  to  the  best  idea  i’ve  had  in  a  long  time.  ❜
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sinfulnature · 5 years ago
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hello, hello, hello ! i am late but i am here finally and i’m sorry it took me so long. below the cut you’ll find little write ups for each of my muses. wanted connections will be posted later but in the meantime please take this. 
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{  chris  evans,  39,  cis  male,  he/him,  pansexual  }  welcome,  henry  king   !  you  make  a  living  as  a  high  profile  director  outside  of  the  island  ?  cool.  you’ve  been  here  for  two  and  a  half  weeks,  right  ?  staying  in  room  402  ?  you’re  into  ass  to  mouth  &  worship,  but  not  gaping  &  extreme  humiliation  ?  mr.  conway  will  be  sure  to  accommodate.  i  heard  you  were  most  excited  for  the  beach,  which  makes  sense.  rumor  has  it  you’re  resourceful  &  critical,  but  i  think  people  should  get  to  know  you  for  themselves.
introducing henry king, a high profile director who flies out annually to the resort to spend his summer months relaxing with his wife and boyfriend at his side. 
he had a mostly stable childhood, one that was spent with two younger siblings in tow and a mother who was like a prototype of what a pinterest mom would be. his father spent a lot of time at work and it’s something that, while henry doesn’t begrudge him for it now, was frustrating as a child and not knowing why he wasn’t there. 
the first major thing that henry remembered his father attending was his junior year of high school when he was the student director for a one act production of snapshots, an anthology of short plays. his father, also a director, took the time to give him notes about the things that could have been done to tighten up the show. the last four words were i’m proud of you. that was the moment that henry decided that he wanted to be a director. 
fast forward to college and he goes to the goes to the university of southern california’s film school and instead of taking just the director classes, he takes the time to add a year and a half to his time in college and gets a screenwriting degree out of it. 
his first production partner was his father, who promised henry that he would fund one movie, from top to bottom, with the help of a production company that was owned by a close friend. henry wrote and directed the thing himself and, though it didn’t garner major awards, it was screened at sxsw. that was enough. 
let it be known that henry knows that his introduction into the world of filmmaking was super nepotistic. he understands that he had so many more advantages than any other person in his shoes, at his time, first starting to make movies when he did, and he was still terrified of failing. 
with the above, it should also be known that henry goes out of his way to make sure he’s telling stories that, while he has not experienced them, he can find the right people to help him tell it and amplify voices that otherwise might not be heard. not out of guilt or a need to make up for his introduction to the business, but out of an understanding that his platform should be used to reach every single person and not alienate. 
due to the stresses of his job and the level of scrutiny he’s constantly under, he’s well known to seem to abscond from the world as soon as his movies have come out for the summer. as a director of typically action packed, star studded films, he’s usually on his way to the resort by the second or third week of june. 
though he makes so many of these action packed blockbusters, he also tries to make sure that he makes movies that appeal to his soul and finds himself in the process of developing a high fantasy series that’s in the same line as the authorless harry potter books and lord of the rings. 
this is his second year at the resort and henry can see this honestly becoming an annual thing for himself, his wife, and his boyfriend to do. so many frustrations of his are squashed down throughout the year, not through anyone’s own fault, but just because there’s a lot of weight on one’s shoulders when billions of dollars sit on it every year. this is the place where his hedonistic tendencies shine through and he’s not particularly mad about it. 
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{  corinna  kopf,  27,  cis  female,  she/her,  pansexual  }  hey  there,  alexandrea  conway!  you’re  still  the  financial  officer  and  you’ve  been  working  here  for  two  and  a  half  years ?  and  you’re  living  in  villa  one.  cool.  you’re  into  body  worship  &  creampies,  but  not  extreme  humiliation  &  scat  play  ?  that’s  what  i  thought.  when  you’re  not  working,  you’re  at  her  villa,  right  ?  well,  makes  sense.  people  say  you’re  even  tempered  &  prying,  but  i  think  they  should  get  to  know  you  for  themselves. 
introducing alexandrea katherine conway née douglas, the wife of oliver conway and chief financial officer at the resort. they’ve been married for about two years.
she had a relatively happy childhood and comes from a line of claimants to a scottish duchy of hamilton. she’s the youngest of six children and does technically hold the title of lady but she’s never done anything with it and it’s more a funny story that she tells at parties than it is a serious thing she buys into because she always thought it was a family joke.
prior to coming to the resort, drea graduated from the wharton school of business double major in business and marketing. post graduation she spent a fair amount of time as a prominent social media influencer. her multi million follower platform has translated into some business for the resort in the form of some of their most consistent guests. 
at the time of marrying her husband, he offered for the resort to be something they shared in ownership and it sprung some little goblin in her head to deny his offer. she wanted to earn it and not marry into it. 
the joke in that, of course, is that when most people look at drea they see incredibly soft curves, the bright blonde hair, the fact that the most articles of clothing she owns are just bathing suits, swim cover ups, and the occasionally very beautifully form fitting dress, the word bimbo appears in their mind on repeat. other words come to mind, too, but that’s the one that drea finds comes up most often. 
if we’re being really honest, in the depths of her soul, there’s something that drea finds funny about it. there is a gift in being underestimated and who cared what their perceptions were ? her happiness with her husband and job did not rely on anyone but herself.
she has incredibly open sexual preferences but with a body like hers she favors worship and the kinds of things that don’t leave bruises unless they are loves bites. drea is a switch and is happy to lead or follow, though goddess remains either way, if you’re interested in having her.  
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{  inbar  lavi,  33,  cis  female,  she/her,  lesbian  }  welcome,  elodie  bram  !  you  make  a  living  as  an  international  fashion  designer  outside  of  the  island  ?  cool.  you’ve  been  here  for  two  weeks,  right  ?  staying  in  villa  two  ?  you’re  into  face  sitting  &  rimming,  but  not  food  play  &  blood  play  ?  mr.  conway  will  be  sure  to  accommodate.  i  heard  you  were  most  excited  for  the  beach,  which  makes  sense.  rumor  has  it  you’re  empathetic  &  domineering,  but  i  think  people  should  get  to  know  you  for  themselves.  {  dottie,  22,  est,  she/her  }
introducing  elodie odeya bram, an international fashion designer who makes an annual pilgrimage to the island as part of her process of designing her next year’s summer line. she had a relatively 
elodie has always strived to make sure that her brand is inclusive to all sizes and genders. another facet of her brand is that her clothes are considered kosher as they are fully made from plant or animal fibers but not both. her interest in design first came in high school when she was helping to craft costumes for a play and things spiraled from there. 
she realized that it was her passion, she attended the parsons school for design, and graduated with an apprentice ship under another designer who had long since been an inspiration for her own work.
elodie’s first collection to make waves happened a few years ago, when she was thirty and her mentor had agreed to take six pieces and let a capsule collection of elodie’s creation as part of their slot in paris’ fashion week. her luck in this mentorship was not beyond her and her good fortune has been at the forefront of her mind for years. seldom is there a night where she does not thank her lucky stars for all the things that have happened and continue to happen.
her mentor, in opening so many doors, also opened the door to the resort and has brought her into the light of one of her favorite places of inspiration. as part of her stay in the villas, she does frequently sketch her own designs and occasionally, when she brings back women to spend time with her, she’ll dress some of them up in her newest designs to see how they’ll functionally work.  
she’s quite likely to pull together a collection of women she wants to spend time with and there’s almost always some kind of sexual activity happening in her villa. whether fellow guests or employees of the villa, elodie’s indiscriminate in any girl she flirts with and wants to make a move on and we stan her for it. 
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{  madelyn  cline,  23,  cis  female,  she/her,  pansexual  }  hey  there,  penny  rourke  !  you’re  still  a  lifeguard  and  you’ve  been  working  here  for  two  weeks  ?  and  you’re  living  in  room  202.  cool.  you’re  into  rimming  &  exhibitionism,  but  not  fisting  &  scat  ?  that’s  what  i  thought.  when  you’re  not  working,  you’re  at  the  spa,  right  ?  well,  makes  sense.  people  say  you’re  insightful  &  fickle,  but  i  think  they  should  get  to  know  you  for  themselves.  {  dottie,  22,  est,  she/her  }
introducing penelope jean “penny” rourke, a sweet natured girl with a petty streak who grew up in a small town in oregon and honestly only considers going back when the weather in the new york makes her forget about how bad the weather in oregon is. 
she grew up in a lovely home with a big family, her mother owning her own small business and her father a detective at the local precinct. solidly middle class, there was very little that penny craved or needed that she did not get. she took on a maternal role in her home, a natural adoption as the oldest of seven children, and she had a hand in their upbringing. while others may have seen that as a burden, it was something that penny enjoyed with her whole heart. 
when she went off to college, she applied to all of the ivy leagues and got a significant scholarship to columbia, which is where she met archibald hughes, son of a virginia senator and guy who she said, “you can’t sway my attention from my studies” to on their first day of meeting. she moved in with him in an off campus apartment their junior year of school. he was her greatest hype man and while they’d been having serious talks about marriage and their future. 
her relationship with archie ended rather abruptly when his paranoia hit an all time high at the behest of his father. insidious rumors, according to penny, accusations of things she’d promised archie long before that she would never do. her devotion to him was near unbreakable and archie had found the one straw that broke her back and everything came crumbling down: he put his trust in someone else. 
recently single, in need of a fresh start and a warm place to go for the summer, and on her summer break from law school, penny has been ready to engage in her first ever hoe phase and has already started it with some success. her ex has recently shown up on the property, though, and that’s made some of her more recent encounters awkward, to say the least, but she’s making it work. 
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{  tommy  martinez,  26,  cis  male,  he/him,  pansexual  }  welcome,  jamie  flores!  you  make  a  living  as  a  famous  musician  /  drummer  for  the  raptors  outside  of  the  island  ?  cool.  you’ve  been  here  for  one  week,  right  ?  staying  in  room  401  ?  you’re  into  threesomes  &  body  writing,  but  not  bathroom  play  &  scat  play  ?  mr.  conway  will  be  sure  to  accommodate.  i  heard  you  were  most  excited  for  the  docks,  which  makes  sense.  rumor  has  it  you’re  charming  &  nosy,  but  i  think  people  should  get  to  know  you  for  themselves.  
introducing james sebastian “jamie” ibarra flores, known professionally as jamie flores. he makes a living as a drummer for the raptors, a band that has achieved critical success and have just wrapped up their first tour and the release of their first album. it was his idea to come to key passion in the first place and it honestly super tracks. 
he’s been with the raptors for about three years and prior to joining with them, he’d heard about the resort and promised himself when he had enough to comfortably afford to go after setting his parents up with making sure that their mortgage was paid for and it wouldn’t be the literally most financially irresponsible decision he’s ever made when there were other things and people to prioritize.
prior to coming to the island, though, did he drop like $3k on a girl’s amazon wishlist because he’s simpin’ real hard ? yes. can he afford to do it ? Yes. 
not particularly religious and verging on the edge of anarchist, jamie uses his platform to promote a lot of social issues and advocate for the reformation of most systems in the united states. he will not shut up when he talks about politics and one of his most used photos on his camera roll is a picture of his degree in political science from ucla. he’ll come at you with facts and an army of stans. 
though he’s typically a relaxed kind of person he’s under the belief that he’s Totally Chill and this is Not At All True. he constantly wants to know 103% of the drama without being directly involved but he’ll do it from his couch and creeping through stan twitter on a burner account so if he accidentally likes something, it doesn’t get back to the band. 
he loves ,,, reading fan fiction and reader imagines about himself. 
sexually very open and just wants to have a good time while coming off the success of his tour with his bandmates. 
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sinfulnature · 5 years ago
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hello my friends ! i have not gotten started on my intros yet because i hit peak procrastination and then did Not wake up to my alarm reminding me to write them so i’m going to be jumping on that soon. in the meantime, if you want to give this a little like i’ll come hit up your ims with some quick details about whichever character of mine you want to start with ! 
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sinfulnature · 5 years ago
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sinfulnature · 5 years ago
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⟨  ‹  henry  king  ⋅  a  tag  dump.  ›  always  awake  when  your  alarm  goes  off,  turn  off  your  brain.  the  mug  of  hot  coffee  warming  your  hands  is  not  nearly  as  kind  as  the  love  around  you. ⟩
⟨  ‹  henry  king  ⋅  how  human,drunk  on  the  idea  of  love  ⋅  answered.  ›  ⟩
⟨  ‹  henry  king  ⋅  how  human,drunk  on  the  idea  of  love  ⋅  headcanon.  ›  ⟩
⟨  ‹  henry  king  ⋅  how  human,drunk  on  the  idea  of  love  ⋅  interaction.  ›  ⟩
⟨  ‹  henry  king  ⋅  how  human,drunk  on  the  idea  of  love  ⋅  mirror.  ›  ⟩
⟨  ‹  henry  king  ⋅  how  human,drunk  on  the  idea  of  love  ⋅  wanted.  ›  ⟩
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sinfulnature · 5 years ago
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sinfulnature · 5 years ago
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sinfulnature · 5 years ago
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⟨  ‹  drea  conway  ⋅  a  tag  dump.  ›  luxury  has  followed  her  in  every  step  but  she  is  nothing  but  unendingly  kind.  what  a  lovely  way  to  be. ⟩
⟨  ‹  drea  conway  ⋅  crowned  with  sunlight,she  is  a  queen  here  ⋅  answered.  ›  ⟩
⟨  ‹  drea  conway  ⋅  crowned  with  sunlight,she  is  a  queen  here  ⋅  headcanon.  ›  ⟩
⟨  ‹  drea  conway  ⋅  crowned  with  sunlight,she  is  a  queen  here  ⋅  interaction.  ›  ⟩
⟨  ‹  drea  conway  ⋅  crowned  with  sunlight,she  is  a  queen  here  ⋅  mirror.  ›  ⟩
⟨  ‹  drea  conway  ⋅  crowned  with  sunlight,she  is  a  queen  here  ⋅  wanted.  ›  ⟩
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sinfulnature · 5 years ago
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⟨  ‹  elodie  bram  ⋅  a  tag  dump.  ›  every  time  you  open  her  book,  the  pages  always  seem  to  share  something  new.  let  her  transform  herself  as  makes  her  happy. ⟩
⟨  ‹  elodie  bram  ⋅  do  not  force  innocence,it  will  only  give  way  to  chaos  ⋅  answered.  ›  ⟩
⟨  ‹  elodie  bram  ⋅  do  not  force  innocence,it  will  only  give  way  to  chaos  ⋅  headcanon.  ›  ⟩
⟨  ‹  elodie  bram  ⋅  do  not  force  innocence,it  will  only  give  way  to  chaos  ⋅  interaction.  ›  ⟩
⟨  ‹  elodie  bram  ⋅  do  not  force  innocence,it  will  only  give  way  to  chaos  ⋅  mirror.  ›  ⟩
⟨  ‹  elodie  bram  ⋅  do  not  force  innocence,it  will  only  give  way  to  chaos  ⋅  wanted.  ›  ⟩
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sinfulnature · 5 years ago
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⟨  ‹  jamie  flores  ⋅  a  tag  dump.  ›  let  him  cast  a  light  on  your  future  while  he  ignores  his  own  advice. ⟩
⟨  ‹  jamie  flores  ⋅  angel  made  devil,put  no  stock  in  smoke  and  mirrors  ⋅  answered.  ›  ⟩
⟨  ‹  jamie  flores  ⋅  angel  made  devil,put  no  stock  in  smoke  and  mirrors  ⋅  headcanon.  ›  ⟩
⟨  ‹  jamie  flores  ⋅  angel  made  devil,put  no  stock  in  smoke  and  mirrors  ⋅  interaction.  ›  ⟩
⟨  ‹  jamie  flores  ⋅  angel  made  devil,put  no  stock  in  smoke  and  mirrors  ⋅  mirror.  ›  ⟩
⟨  ‹  jamie  flores  ⋅  angel  made  devil,put  no  stock  in  smoke  and  mirrors  ⋅  wanted.  ›  ⟩
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