234 posts
Simularity is a resource for the Sims 4 with mods, custom content, and more! Visit the official website at for all the latest content. For all of my links, see Simularity Links
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simularity-sims · 1 day ago
A Quick Pre-Pack Update
First off, all of my mods appear to be working with last week’s patch. I’ll be retesting them all when the new expansion pack is released on March 6th. There are several mods which I have made minor tweaks to and will be sharing them after that pack is released just in case I need to make more such tweaks.
I also want to mention that I am way, WAY behind on adding translations to my mods to the point that I’ve completely lost track of them all. Please be patient as I try to catch back up with all of you who have generously submitted translations for my mods.
I am also way behind on email messages. I’m trying my best to get caught up now but again, please be patient. I will answer every email as soon as I am able to, which will take a bit of time as there are nearly 100 emails waiting to be answered right now. 
The biggest news though is that I’m working on a new version 2025 of this website. I am streamlining all download pages so that they are quicker to read through and you get only the information you need to use the mods. At least that’s the plan. I am also updating all of the readme texts in all the zip files to include descriptions of what’s in the zip file so you can more easily keep track of what mods you have installed and what each file is for. The new zip files will be released with the new site. No ETA on the site’s release but it should be sometime soonish. I still have quite a bit of work to do on it but it is coming along nicely and at a decent pace.
I think that’s all for now. I’ll post another update after the new pack is released. See you soon!
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simularity-sims · 6 days ago
An Update! Finally!
A news update. Finally! I'm back and currently working on updates though I'll be waiting for this week's patch before releasing anything. Simularity - Simularity Update 153
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simularity-sims · 4 months ago
A Small Update Today
A small update today with a couple mod updates and some news about a couple broken mods. First off, the social interactions for the Paranormal Aspiration’s reward trait are currently broken. I am trying to fix it now. I’ve also received a report about the interactions for the Psychology Career are not working correctly. I will check that out momentarily. 
As for mod updates released today: 
Plopsy Seller Part-Time Career – Fixed some tuning errors.
Stop Most Annoying Calls & Texts – Fixed LE errors some users were reporting and also added a new type of call to stop (Sims asking you to vote for various NAPs).
I’m also currently working on a few new mods. I have a new career mod almost ready; I just need to code in the chance cards and then test it. I am also working on a brand-new version of my popular Graveyard Lot Trait. I think it’s special enough to still be useful even to those who have the Life & Death EP. Between those two mods and the earlier mentioned mods I need to fix, I have a full plate for now. I’m glad. I need the distraction from the tribulations of real life. 
cc: @scarlets-realm @luthsthings
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simularity-sims · 4 months ago
I finally have some mod updates!
Lots of updates today!! I’ll list them here, but you can also find them, as always, on the Mod Updates page as well. 
Paranormal Trait – Added support for Life & Death EP. Now has perks for Thanatology and Reaper Career. Also blocks them from having a Fear of Death. Life & Death EP is NOT required for the trait to work. 
Tiny Living Rumbasim Fix – Updated to work with all the latest patches and packs.
Clearly Stinky Pets – Fixed icon code so it works for all game configurations.
Mental Health Medications – Completely overhauled. Now each medication is a separate package. Added new Sleep Aid Medication. Also added new separate “Simularity Pharmacy” on the phones to buy all medications.
Don’t Do That Mods Vol 1 – Updated the “Don’t Be Shy During First Kiss” so that it no longer prevents kissing Grim which is allowed with newest pack.
Don’t Do That Mods Vol 2 – Updated Don’t Do Pushups so that it works for NPCs. Added new Don’t Judge Decor per request.
The following mods have been updated so that their icons work with DirectX 11: Rock Star Career, Archaeology Preference, Candle Making Preference, Coffee Preference, Fabrication Preference, Juice Fizzing Preference, and Tea Preference.
I’m working on some brand-new mods for next time along with some more updates of older mods. I have a new career almost finished, I just need to add the chance cards and then test it out again. I’m also working on a brand-new overhaul of my Graveyard Lot Trait that will have tons more unique buffs for various Sims and many other new features. I think it will be useful even to those who have the new pack with its cemetery venues. 
As for updates, I know that my Paranormal Aspiration needs an update as the social interactions for the reward trait are currently not working right. I’m working on a fix right now. I am also working on my Stop Annoying Calls and Texts which is throwing an LE for some people. I plan to figure that out then also add some new call types to it. 
That’s all I can think of for now. See you all again soon
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simularity-sims · 4 months ago
Hey! I love your mods. I was wondering if they are all okay with the new patch. :) Thank you!
I did a lot of testing this morning and, as far as I can tell, all of my mods are okay and working with the latest patch. You should be fine. If you or anyone else run into any errors I missed, please let me know so I can fix them. Thank you!
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simularity-sims · 6 months ago
Updates Now, More Soon
I have six new mod updates for you today with more updates and new mods coming soon. For the full story: Simularity - Simularity Update 149
Mod Updates:
Farmer Trait - Overhauled with all new features and more.
Plopsy Part-Time Seller Career - Added all-new work from home assignments with more craft types.
No Dying Livestock - Updated to make extra certain that rabbits live forever.
Crafter Trait - Added blocks to the game buffs that stop crafting.
Agoraphobia Trait - Overhauled with all new features and more.
More Outcomes to Advice Phone Calls - Fixed a stupid mistake I made.
Coming Soon:
I’m currently working updating, improving, and editing various parts of the Bipolar Trait as per several requests. I’ve even come up with a few new features and buffs for it! It’s still being tested but should be ready in time for next week’s update. Due to one of the new features in the soon-to-come updated Bipolar Trait, I had to rework my Mental Health Medications mod. There will soon be four medications, and they will each be in a separate package so you can just use what you need. Oh, I’m also trying to add an “online pharmacy” element to the phone menu where you can purchase these medications. You will still be able to buy them via computer though.
In addition to all of that, I am going to soon work on overhauling my Clinical Depression Trait and Dementia Trait so I can add new features to them. I also have ideas for two or three requested lot traits that I will soon start work on. I may also tune in a few improvements to my Rock Star Career if I can get my ideas to work.
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simularity-sims · 6 months ago
Belated Update Post :)
I meant to write this after I finished updating the website, but it got kinda late and I needed some sleep. :) Anyway, for the full news thingy, here's the link: Simularity - Simularity Update 148 And now, here's the brief:
New Mods
Comedian Career - Brand-new career that requires Get Famous EP & Lot51 Core Library
Better Temperature Reactions - Brand-new tuning mod that requires Seasons EP.
Mod Updates
Comedian Trait - Completely overhauled and recreated.
Happy Go Lucky Dog Trait - Now dogs with this trait will develop no fear quirks.
Zen Cat Trait - Now cats with this trait will not develop any fear quirks.
Clearly Stinky Pets - Updated the "stinky" buff icon.
More to come next week!! :D Take care and happy Simming!
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simularity-sims · 7 months ago
More New Mods and Overhauls
For my full news post, see here: Here's the brief version:
New Mods:
More Outcomes from Advice Phone Calls - New mod!
Don't Do That Vol. 2 - Added two new mods to stop the trait animations for the two new traits from Lovestruck EP.
Mod Updates:
Ultimate Happy Homemaker Aspiration - Overhauled and Improved
Homemaker Trait - Overhauled and improved.
New Translations have been added to a ton of my mods. (Too many to list here.) If you would like to submit new mod translations for any of my mods in any of the Sims 4’s supported languages, please either contact me or join the #translators channel on my Discord server by clicking here.
Important Info About Patreon
I recently received an email from Patreon about upcoming forced changes. Long story short, they are going to start charging people who sign up via the Patreon app (on your iPhones) a 30% increase that creators see no part of. So, do not sign up as a patron via the Patreon App! Always use your web browser! Another thing is that they will force me in November of this year to change the way billing works. Right now, all patrons are charged, and I receive the donations, at the first of the month every month. In November, this will change to being charged every month on whatever day you signed up on. This is going to mess up the way I am able to make future plans as I rely on the that predictable first of the month payment. It’s going to be a mess for me, but I hope it won’t be a mess for you. If you don’t like the changes that Patreon is making, remember that you can also support me via Ko-Fi where you can make either one-time or monthly donations.
That's all for now as I need a nap. Take care out there and Happy Simming!
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simularity-sims · 7 months ago
A New Mod and some Mod Overhauls
I have one new mod for your today along with some important mod updates and overhauls. If you want some hints of what's to come, check out the Simularity Update 146. Here's the brief:
New Mod
Slower Relationship Satisfaction Decay - Dramatically slows the decay without shutting off the feature completely.
Mod Updates
Bowling Alley Lot Trait - Fixed it so that this time is REALLY does allow generic venues!
University Life Aspiration - Completely recreated and improved. Now includes code update necessary from latest patches.
Green Thumb Trait - Completely recreated and improved! Now has working Wants!
More coming soon so stay tuned for my next update sometime next week! :D
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simularity-sims · 7 months ago
Aspiring Updates
I've got some new stuff for you today! I'm also reworking all of the aspirations that haven't been updated yet. You can see more about that here: Now onto the mods!
New Mods:
Stop Most Annoying Random Calls & Texts
Enhanced Jealous Reactions
Mod Updates:
Scientist Extraordinaire Aspiration - Completely overhauled
Don't Do That Mods Vol. 2 - Added new "Don't Auto Use Grills"
Bipolar Trait - Fixed Trait restrictions
Artist Trait - Fixed some buff timing
Restaurant Dining Fix - Updated for latest patches and packs
Bowling Alley Lot Trait - Added "Generic" to list of allowed venues
That's all for today. See you next time!
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simularity-sims · 7 months ago
Hey! I really love your mods in my game. They make gameplay so much better. Thank you for sharing with the rest of us! I just have a little suggestion / request. Could you please enable your Bowling Lot Trait for Generic Lots? If you don't, that's ok too. Anyways, hope you have a nice weekend!
Sure, I can do that. :) Look for the updated lot trait in my next site update. Should be sometime early next week. 
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simularity-sims · 7 months ago
Lots of New News!
Lots of updates and such today including a couple new mods!
New Mods:
Edit Rejected Content Faster
Faster Plant Research
Mod Updates:
Don't Do That Vol. 1 - Updated Don't Be Shy First Kiss & Don't Do Mischief Socials
Crafter's Corner Lot Trait - Updated to add Nectar Making
Shorter Console Makes - Updated to shorten time and fix errors
Mad Scientist Aspiration - Completely recreated with new features
Equestrian Expert Aspiration - Updated for v1.108 patch
Paranormal Proficiency Aspiration - Updated for v1.108 patch
Mod Translations:
Rock Star Career - Polish
Spellcaster Covenstead Lot Trait - Russian
Psychotherapies - Russian
Swimming Preference - French & Russian
That's all for now. I should have some more new stuff for you next week including another aspiration overhaul update!!
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simularity-sims · 7 months ago
New Mods! New Updates! New! New! New!
For the full news post including me asking for help with a game bug and thanks to all those who've helped me, see the Simularity - Simularity Update 143 As for now, here is the news brief!
New Mods:
Faster Song Writing
Faster Book Writing
Faster Video Production
Swimming Custom Preference
Don't Autonomously Light Fireplaces (Part of Don't Do That Mods Vol. 2)
Don't Autonomously Use Pizza Oven (Part of Don't Do That Mods Vol. 2)
Don't Do Pushups (Part of Don't Do That Mods Vol. 2)
Mod Updates:
Improved Maxis-Made Traits (Updated the Improved Bookwork Trait)
Reading Custom Preferences (Fixed more broken icons)
Don't Do That Mods Vol. 1 (Updated Don't Drink from the Sink to fix tuning errors)
Coming Soon:
All Aspirations will be re-created and improved
More new Tuning Mods
More new Mods from Requests
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simularity-sims · 7 months ago
Some more updates & fixes
Got a late night (for me anyway) update for you all! I just finished updating ALL of my preference mods due to some broken icons. Apparently one of the recent patches changed the way icons need to be coded which means every mod I coded in the old way now has broken icons. I’ll try to catch all that I can but if you see any broken icons in my mods, please let me know so I can fix them. 
After a report on my Discord of the Watch Scary Stuff Holiday Traditions being broken, I have fixed and updated them to work better than ever before. I also updated the “Don’t Notify Me About Batuu” and “Don’t Be Shy First Kiss” in the first volume of the Don’t Do That Mods. 
Yesterday (at least I think it was yesterday) I released a fix for my Stop All Sims from Messing with Phones mod because I left a couple files out of the mod package. You can see all the mods that have been recently updated on my Mod Updates page.
Also, after popular demand, I put my Semi-Long Lifespan mod back on the Simularity website. I initially took it down because I thought no one was using it anymore. I was apparently very wrong! 
That’s all for now. I will probably have a few new mods for you next week! See you then!
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simularity-sims · 7 months ago
Hi! I really love your mods, especially the traits and preferences. I'm not sure if you take suggestions, but if so I would love to get swimming as a preference. Regardless, thanks for making my game better!
Sure I take suggestions! I’ll see what I can do about making a swimming preference. :) It may take me a bit but I’ll get to it very soon. :)
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simularity-sims · 7 months ago
Patch News & More
Yesterday’s patch (version 1.108) really messed up a LOT of mods. Most of my mods survived unharmed. There was talk of all Aspiration Mods being broken but mine are all working fine. I may update all of my aspirations later anyway as some of them are showing their age and I’d like to add some new features. That will happen later down the road though; too much else to do right now.
Here is a list of the mods I have so far needed to update (details found on this page):
 Bipolar Trait
Longer Crystal Charge & More
Don’t Do That Mods Vol. 1
Coffee Custom Preference
Faster Crafting on Gemology Table
Keep University Homework in Inventory
Stop All Sims from Messing with Phones
Prefer Tables when Eating
Improved Visitor Notifications
I’m fairly sure that’s all that needed updating after this patch. If you find anything I missed, PLEASE let me know!
Once I get some sleep, I plan to finish some brand-new and requested mods. I will, after popular demand, put the Lifespan mod back on this website. I just need to re-check it with the patch and rewrite the download post for that mod. Just give me a few days to put the finishing touches on everything new and double-check a few things with that patch and when the new expansion is released.
That’s all for now. I’ll probably post my next update sometime after tomorrow when I download the new EP and play around in it for a while. Happy Simming out there!
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simularity-sims · 7 months ago
A long overdue update
I'm sorry I haven't posted an update here since April. It's just been one thing after another. In mid-April, I came down with flu/pneumonia. Once I recovered from that, I had a really bad fall (on Star Wars day no less) which caused a lot of injuries and even more health problems. I am now dealing with recovering from foot surgery. I posted about most of this stuff on my Patreon so I'll list those post links below. (There's more to this Tumblr post after the links so please keep reading.)
I am now on the mend from the aforementioned foot surgery but I am able to hobble over to my computer for a couple hours at a time and work on mods and stuff. :) I just responded to a ton of emails sent to me and am now trying to figure out exactly where I left off back in April so I can get going again.
There will be a huge Sims 4 patch this Tuesday so I might wait until then to update/clear all of my mods and start work on some new ones. I'll still see what work I can do today and tomorrow though. :) Not being able to walk without a crutch or walker has me quite stationary at the moment so I might as well get to work on something. LOL
Take care everyone and there will most likely be an update from me after this Tuesday!
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