Sims Medieval ♥
31 posts
This the blog I created for Sims Medieval. I just created this page so I could share some tips and screenshots. If you have questions, feel free to ask me and I'll try my best to answer them. I have my personal blog. If you want to follow me, click here. Arigatou~
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
simsmedieval · 9 years ago
Do you know how to get the expansion pack for Sims Medieval (Pirates and Nobles, I believe) without having to buy the main game again?
Hi. I guess it is kinda impossible cause Sims Medieval is an expansion pack. You need to have the Main game.
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simsmedieval · 9 years ago
How do you find the quest of Heir to the Throne to start it?
First of all, you should have an unmarried monarch to have this quest. Quests usually random appear. But there’s a higher chance that this quest will appear if the well-being of your kingdom is low. (Based on my observation.)
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simsmedieval · 10 years ago
Hi there :) I was wondering if you could help me out with something? Well you know the ambition New Beginnings, um how do you place more than 11 buildings in the kingdom because I've placed every single building in the game, including the lighthouse, king ball court and mill. If you could help that'd be great thanks! have a nice day :)
Hi there. :3 Use all your remaining quest points and you will be able to unlock the next ambitions. Hope this helps and have a nice day too!
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simsmedieval · 11 years ago
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simsmedieval · 11 years ago
Do you know how to uninstall Sims Medieval on the Mac? I don't want to delete anything I shouldn't. I contacted EA for support and they told me to resolve the issue I was experiencing I needed to uninstall, and I didn't think to ask them for instructions. Any help would be very appreciated! Thanks!
I am using Windows so I don't really know how. But I read that you just need to delete the Sims Medieval Folder from your Applications folder. (That's the instruction for deleting Sims 3)... I hope this will help.
>>(Mac Users can submit an answer too. Thanks!)
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simsmedieval · 11 years ago
I installed sims medieval on my macbook pro and the launchers comes up with a message saying The request timed out. DO you know how I can fix this
Hello Anon! Did you try updating your game? Or you can install the patch manually. You may try this link. They say that works for them.
How about you guys? Do you have any solution? You may send something in ask and I’ll publish it. Thanks!
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simsmedieval · 12 years ago
Saturday in Paris the french metro was all Sims Medieval
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simsmedieval · 12 years ago
What's the best possible wine/ale/mead that you can make in Pirates and Nobles? I'm not sure if PandN has different drinks from the base game or not but if so...What's the drink that will make my Sim the happiest? I usually stick with Honey Mead...
Hi Anon. According to my research, Honey Mead is the best drink and it will give your Sim +40 buff. The others are 20+buff like:
Barley Ale: 3 Barley | Bloody Moss: Mary4 Bloodmoss | Hypocras: 3 Grapes, 2 Spices
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simsmedieval · 12 years ago
not really the God or Watcher because you are the Watcher.. it's just a priest/elder I believe.
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simsmedieval · 12 years ago
Should I close it or not?
I've been busy with my work and I can't manage two blogs. I'm planning to delete this one and just retain my main blog. But before I do that, I will post all of the entries here and put it under SIMS MEDIEVAL page. What do you think? >.<
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simsmedieval · 12 years ago
you can do partnership with me? my blog is in portuguese, but you can translate in english.. contosdetsm .blogspot. com
hi. i don't speak portuguese. But I can use google translate or babel fish to translate it to english. I'll just proofread it
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simsmedieval · 13 years ago
I have Windows Vista, and when I go to The Sims Medieval folder, the only folders in it are CurrentGame.tsm, InstalledWorlds, SavedSims, Saves, and Thumbnails. There are also a few loose files, but not the Command one...
You should go to my computer/local c/program files/ea games..Not the medieval folder in my documents
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simsmedieval · 13 years ago
There is a bug in my game where the actions are just queueing up but my sim can only stand there and his mood gets progressively worse as none of his needs or wants are met since he can't move, despite the commands I give him. I've already save, so it's too late to go back and I need the TestingCheats thing to fix it, but the "Game Data" folder or the Command file that I'm supposed to have to be able to to that doesn't exist in my Sims Medieval folder. What can I do? Where do I find it?
Hi there. I encountered that while playing Sims 3. I got frustrated so I just deleted the character. But unfortunately, I found the answer online after I deleted my sim. I just don't know if it will work in Sims Medieval.
about the folder, what OS are you using?
Go to (Local C) then Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims Medieval\GameData\Shared\NonPackaged\Ini
and you can see the Command file..
(I hope this will help or if not, you can look to EA forums) :)
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simsmedieval · 13 years ago
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GLITCH! My blacksmith is inside the well. Sometimes, glitches can be cute/funny too.
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simsmedieval · 13 years ago
These are some of the items that the physician can craft. You can discover and collect ingredients (herbs) or you can just go to the village shoppe and buy what you need.
*Weak Curative Tonic - Grasweed (3) - Valoroot (1) - Wildflowers (2)
* Weak Health Salve - Bloodmoss (3) - Valoroot (2) - Wildflowers (1)
* Citrus Infusion - Citrus fruit (3)
*Curative Rum Tonic - Apple (1) - Honey (2) - Weak Curative Tonic (1)
I'll update it soon. Others like Moderate Health Salve and Moderate Curative Tonic are not yet listed here.
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simsmedieval · 13 years ago
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This is the best way to pickpocket somebody.
Actually, I don't understand why it's one of the responsibilities of the spy.
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simsmedieval · 13 years ago
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Even I will get afraid of this shot! Just look at the injection. So big!
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