soulmie' s m e s s and e d i t s ;
31 posts
Les 𝗲́͟𝘃͟𝗲͟𝗻͟𝗲͟𝗺͟𝗲͟𝗻͟𝘁͟𝘀 nous frappent, sans nous laisser le temps de nous y préparer, sans que l'on ait voulu s'y préparer. Tout au long de cette course d'obstacles, nous ne sommes parfois que des pantins qui subissons son rythme effréné. 𝗖'𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗹𝗮 𝘃𝗶𝗲, tout simplement, mais elle n'en est pas moins rude.
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simpsqueendom · 22 days ago
my characters and their style - campus drivers edition ;
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simpsqueendom · 3 months ago
some of my most underrated duos / 10
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MOLLY AND RANDY : « no doubt that in another life, they would never have spoken to each other. but since they belong to the same group of friends, it's pretty easy for Molly and Randy to get closer. he's the slightly awkward friend, who gets in the way of the girls in the group, but Molly can't even make fun of him. he's endearing and very interesting, and will be pleasant company during student parties organized at his home. his death will leave a big sadness in Molly who will miss Randy very much, who will not stop thinking about him when this whole story is over. »
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CORDELIA AND KINAM : « Kinam is a bit like the group's ray of sunshine, the new kid who brings warmth to their hearts. and this does not escape Cordelia who will become extremely attached to Kinam, also because he's Nari's best friend. When the disagreement breaks out between Kinam and Sam, Cordelia will have a hard time not blaming him, because she will be sad for him, but her loyalty to one of her best friends will be stronger. but time does things well, and she will soon consider him one of her closest friends, it will not be rare to see them chatting at the bar. »
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BAMBI AND YERIM : « Bambi tends to believe that it was fate that put her on the same path as Yerim, because there isn't a day that goes by that she isn't grateful to have the brunette in her life. they are very similar, in terms of their life path, in terms of the obstacles they have had to overcome, but also in terms of their maturity which is obvious. she will be there, when Yerim sinks, she will be there to help her raise her head and get through this mourning, just as she will be there when she needs to breathe, to spend a quiet day. »
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LOUISA AND SEOB : « Louisa meets Seob thanks to Hee, during a concert, during several parties where she will be invited. and no doubt she will see in Seob a big brother, a friend on whom she can count, a friend who understands her and who does not judge her. they are calm, he's mature while she's a little more childish, but they complement each other and it will not be rare to see them discussing books they have read, shared readings. »
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NAMRA AND JUNO : « Nothing predestined them not to get along, it's quite the opposite. Namra is a bit like the Juno of the group, and vice versa. they understand each other, have the same sense of the party and their behavior matches rather well. the first time Namra understands that she's important to Juno is when he defends her against Kirby, when he refuses to let her go home alone at night. it's also when he'll make her laugh and teach her what it's like to have real friends. so things won't always be good, because Juno will make mistakes, but deep down, Namra will never come to hate Juno. »
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HYONU AND BAI : « Hyonu and Bai may be in the same group, but they are polar opposites. Hyonu is calmer while the youngest tends to get into stupid things. they don't have the same interests, but by going to the café every afternoon, Hyonu will see in Bai someone really interesting, someone deeply kind, and it's over the course of conversations that will bring them closer. »
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EUNBI AND JINHO : « Eunbi and Jinho know each other by sight, because they belong to the same group of friends. but it's also thanks to Chanwoo and Namgi that she will meet Jinho. he's a bit of everything that represents her past, the fact that she was constantly getting high in her adolescence, but strangely, that doesn't scare her, on the contrary, she sees in Jinho someone endearing and someone one that is naturally funny. when she learns about Jinho, it will be natural for her to always look for him when she goes to the cafe. »
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HASUN AND CAMIL : « Hasun and Camil have nothing in common, not the same interests, not the same characters. Hasun lets himself be stepped on, while Camil does not hesitate to open it to defend himself. and speaking of that, it's the day when Camil will stand up for Hasun when he's being bullied, that he'll see real support in him. he didn't have to, but the youngest will always be grateful to him for protecting him, even if he risked punishment at any moment. »
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SUNGNAM AND FELIX : « they've practically grown up together at this point. Felix is ​​Adam's childhood best friend, who is his little brother, so it wasn't unusual to see him at home or see them talking. even more so when they are young adults and start to form a small group of friends. Sungnam will never blame Felix for not being there when the two sisters died, because he understands, and he also understands his pain. he will always be there for him, even when his anxiety overwhelms him, even when the youngest feels like it was his fault too. there is nothing that Sungnam cannot do for the well-being of his second little brother. »
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MINJI AND SIWOO : « Minji and Siwoo are forced to spend time together because they are attending the same internship. but they will match pretty well, with Siwoo and Mitsuha. Minji will see in the boy someone endearing, funny, and above all, compassionate. she will be grateful to him when he defends her, when they share candies between two revision sheets. just as she will be grateful to him when, during the tragic events, he does not let her down even once. »
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simpsqueendom · 3 months ago
my characters and their siblings ; p2
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RENATA AND REI : « the definition of white swan - black swan. if Rei often remains silent, building a shell, Renata does not hesitate to respond, to provoke, to live despite the constant danger above their heads. they are united, the two sisters, because they share the same hell, because they have always supported each other. although in adulthood, a distance seems to settle between the two, this will not prevent the love and admiration that Renata has for Rei. because his primary goal is to take Rei's side, to intervene, to ensure that she leaves their grandparents' house as quickly as possible. »
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CONNIE AND NANA : « before being her big sister, Nana is above all like a second mother to Connie. they don't have the same mother, but that doesn't stop them from being loyal and united. when Connie has problems, she can count on Nana. when Nana is thrown out of the house after being disowned following her pregnancy, Connie will follow her no matter what. Nana is her only constant in her life, her most infallible support. the youngest will always keep an eye on the oldest, to ensure that nothing happens to her, even if it means acting like the big sister herself. »
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SADIE, BIANCA AND LILO : « the three siblings have absolutely nothing in common. Sadie is too discreet, angry with the whole world. Bianca is the popular girl, their parents' favorite, not hesitating to overshadow her brother and sister. Lilo is... in his world. they have nothing in common, do not share the same interests, which is to say, the two sisters cannot even tolerate each other. the only one for whom Sadie can really feel sorry is Lilo, her parents not even seeming to realize the presence of their little brother. these two will end up getting closer when Lilo meets the boys in the group. »
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MILAN AND NAMGI : « they don't have blood relationship, and yet that doesn't stop Milan from considering Namgi as his little brother. they meet stupidly, when the youngest goes to Milan's record store. what follows is a somewhat awkward conversation, but the two boys get along very quickly, the oldest even coming to offer Namgi a roommate when he learns that he has been living in the hotel for several weeks now. it's as if Namgi was sent from heaven, because for Milan who lost his little brother very young, he sees in Namgi a sign of life, a sign of the universe, and it's not unusual to see him being overprotective towards the youngest. and if Namgi did not have good relationships with his family, with his half-brother by marriage, he sees in Milan a big brother, an important support for him. »
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RAVEN AND HASUN : « the Glow twins. Raven and Hasun are very close, whether in their childhood, adolescence or at the academy. if Raven often acts like the big sister, Hasun is much more sensitive to her. they do not leave each other, Hasun not really knowing how to live more than one afternoon without his twin. when she's kicked out of the house and sent by force to this school, him, who will not cope well with the distance with his sister, will decide to leave everything behind to go join her. everything for his sister. everything so that they can rebuild themselves together. »
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URSULA, SERAPHINA AND ULRICH : « the wizards are not close in their childhood. because Ursula is already almost ten years older than Seraphina when she was born and Ulrich is the youngest, who already has a big gap with the oldest. above all, it's the events of life that force them to reunite, when their parents die and Ursula welcomes them into the house that belonged to their grandmother. they learn that they are wizards, and it's this gift that unites them even more. even if Ursula is cold and feels like a surrogate mother. even though Seraphina is unpleasant three-quarters of the time. even if Ulrich is the one who does the most stupidity, who forces his sisters to roll their eyes every five minutes. »
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SUNGNAM AND ADAM : « Sungnam and Adam are different, but complement each other quite well. if the youngest is considered a problem in himself, a troublemaker, incapable of staying still, the oldest is considered the voice of reason. always there to calm Adam, suffice to say that Sungnam fulfills his role of big brother very well. even when they witness the death of the two sisters, in the mountain, even when they share the same pain and the same rage, they will remain united. because even when they have nothing, they have everything, because they can count on each other. »
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simpsqueendom · 3 months ago
my characters and their siblings ; p1
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NAO AND MINA : « Mina is both his greatest pride and his greatest worry. their family is catastrophic, but at least Nao and Mina can count on each other. it's also logical for the boy to take Mina into his home, into his apartment, to keep an eye on her and to ensure that nothing happens to her. if before the fireworks, they argue, once in borderland, Nao will do everything to find her little sister, even if it means putting himself in danger during the games. when he finds her again, he will be relieved and happy, because with Mina and Hana, he will finally find his family. »
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OCTAVIA AND EMIL : « Octavia and Emil have, strictly speaking, nothing in common, apart from their family which is falling apart. they rarely speak to each other, can't stand each other, and have always acted this way towards each other. even if Emil couldn't prevent the accident that cost him his leg, Octavia will have a hard time forgiving him. because she will have to take over in their family, make sure everything is put back in order. and even if they are not close, it's in the arena that Octavia will have a last thought for her big brother. »
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TAYDEN AND NARI : « it was not until the age of twenty five that Tayden met Nari. they are just friends, at least he tolerates her because she's Cordelia's girlfriend. but it's a much deeper secret that unites them. they are step-siblings, due to Nari's father's adultery with Tayden's mother. it's a shock for the boy who doesn't know how to handle the situation. if at first he puts Nari at distance because he has difficulty letting her enter his life, it's with time that he will succeed. if it's awkward at first, he's still happy to have a little sister to keep an eye on, and he will realize how much they have in common. »
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GABRIEL AND VIOLET : « Gabriel and Violet are a bit of opposites. he's noisy and his presence is quickly noticed, while she's more discreet, more in the background. that's not what stops them from being close during their childhood. Violet is everything for Gabriel, the most important person to him and he will do anything to protect her, even from a distance, for a while, before he cuts ties out of shame for what he's becoming. when they are forced to live together, Gabriel will do everything to regain his little sister's trust, even if it will take time. there's nothing he can't do for Violet. »
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BAMBI AND JADE : « Bambi and Jade are cousins, but it's much more than that for the brunette who sees Jade as a real big sister. they are barely a year apart, but it's like they are one. fate brings them together when Jade researches her family and discovers she has a cousin. they do everything together, spend most of their time together, to the great joy of Kyungsu who often finds themselves between the two cousins. but Bambi is the happiest, because she has Jade, and she's the most precious person for her, her real daily support. »
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SAM AND CHARLIE : « Sam and Charlie have the twin gene and are very close in their childhood and adolescence. they do the worst stupid things together, making their parents see it all, but honestly ? they don't care, because they can count on each other and nothing can happen to them. isn't it ? everything changes when Charlie leaves for the academy, which leaves Sam prey to his worst demons. and he worries, a lot, because his twin seems to change day by day, but that doesn't stop the love he has for her, this pride he always has. and even if he's thrown out of the house, not a day exists without him thinking about Charlie, without promising himself that he will find her one day. »
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DELILAH AND KAZ : « Delilah and Kaz were very close in their teenage years, until their mother died, until Delilah left home to go to college. a time goes by without them being in contact, because they have changed, because Kaz has returned to Halazia, because Delilah was kicked out of university and then joined the Serpents. but destiny does things well, because their common activities mean that they are destined to see each other, often. and if their relationship was awkward at first, even though Delilah is the oldest, Kaz will act like a big brother to her again, to protect her, to make sure nothing happens to her. it's awkward, but they will be even more united and close when they are in the same gang. »
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KYUNGSU, HYUNSU, EUNWOO AND SEUNG : « the kim brothers. or the most degenerate brothers that could exist. they have nothing in their childhood, no parental love, no clothes, no stability, but at least they can count on each other. Kyungsu is the eldest who always keeps an eye on the younger ones, who takes for them. Hyunsu the one who defends them, who helps his little brothers do their homework or discover real life. Eunwoo is the one who hurts Kyungsu the most, because even when their mother decides to make them experience horror, he continues to smile, and it breaks the oldest's heart. Seung is the youngest, the one who suffers the most, the one who will be the last to leave the house. Kyungsu will be very angry with himself for not being able to get them out of there. but after finding Hyunsu in conditions that are far from perfect, the two older ones will do anything to find the younger ones. »
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HYUN-KI AND HYEJI : « Hyeji is everything Hyun-ki has in life, his strongest support, the most important person to him. they're not happy in their childhood, because they see how much their parents struggle to get their heads above water. but they are there, Hyun-ki has Hyeji, and Hyeji has Hyun-ki, it's that simple. until they were separated and the boy had problems. they will meet again, years later, when his big sister takes him into her apartment. and even though he's terrified of seeing his future shattered into pieces, he knows that Hyeji will always be there, like this constant that doesn't move. »
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simpsqueendom · 5 months ago
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« like damn, we got history shared every misery lived every victory we got synergy if they hurt you, they're hurting me that's just the way it be we walked through the fire and as the flames got higher it made us survivors it made us fighters, fighters »
jaesa as between us my little mix.
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simpsqueendom · 6 months ago
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JI - HAE ;
« the leader of the glade, the person who inspires the most respect, but also the former leader of the runners. he owes his position as leader because he's the oldest glader. ji-hae is a fair person who doesn't make unfair decisions, he's also the one who looks out for the well-being of his friends and there is nothing he couldn't do for them. »
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« finding a role for misha was a complicated task. the last glader and the only girl on the glade, it's the worry she can cause to the boys already there. although she wants to be a runner at first, she will be assigned as a weeder to help seojoon when he's too busy in the kitchen. despite this, and with time, misha will become an unfailing support. »
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« minjun is the leader of the runners, but also ji-hae's right-hand man. somewhat impulsive and a little more thoughtless than his friend, he's the one who makes the decisions when the leader is not there. it doesn't seem like it, but minjun's voice is one of those that counts the most during general meetings. even cold and bitter, he remains very loyal to his friends. »
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« seojoon is the leader of the cooks, but also one of the glade's weeders. taking care of what grows in the gardens, although some plantings can lead to many surprises. but above all, seojoon is the glue of the group. he's a bit of a ray of sunshine that makes this experience a little more bearable. »
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« the block medjack and also the little hands who come to treat the gladers. not very good at physical activities and above all not feeling the desire to run all over the glade, he finds what he likes, but it's undoubtedly because he has kept reflexes from his past life. dramaqueen and somewhat virulent on the edges, tae-hee is a bit of the group's little protégé. »
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« hothead of the glade, the leader of the builders and also the one who plays the tough guy when necessary. although he's discreet and quiet, hwan is also the one who protects his friends. if there's one thing to remember in the glade, it's that you shouldn't bother his friends, at the risk of getting angry. »
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simpsqueendom · 7 months ago
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jaekai as see you later by jenna raine ;
let me know when it's time to come back maybe when your life is on track and you don't have to hesitate hopefully it isn't too late luckily for you i'm patient i'm ok with you making me wait and as long as you're near, i'll be here even if it takes ten years
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simpsqueendom · 8 months ago
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𝘁͟𝗵͟𝗲͟ 𝘁͟𝗵͟𝗿͟𝗲͟𝗲͟ 𝗺͟𝘂͟𝘀͟𝗸͟𝗲͟𝘁͟𝗲͟𝗲͟𝗿͟𝘀 : « the three musketeers, even if this nickname tends to make everyone laugh, everyone knows that it's the truth, that without them the gang is nothing. they are the three members with the most responsibilities. Sullivan the boss, Ujin the one who leads the negotiations and supervises them, Junseo who is sent to the field when they are risky and important. they have three completely different personalities, but it's these differences that make everything work so well. beyond work, beyond their membership in the same gang, the three are real friends and know that they can help and support each other. »
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𝘁͟𝗵͟𝗲͟ 𝗶͟𝗺͟𝗽͟𝗿͟𝗲͟𝘀͟𝘀͟𝗶͟𝘃͟𝗲͟ 𝗼͟𝗻͟𝗲͟𝘀 ; « these three are the big arms of the gang, or at least the most impressive. they are often sent on missions when it comes to protecting the other members, to ensure that everything goes well, as it's the case with Gabriel. the other two are mainly sent when it's necessary to impress their rivals. Tayden with his legendary composure, his closed figure and his imposing musculature, Hyunsu when it comes to hitting twice as hard. »
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𝗽͟𝗮͟𝗿͟𝗲͟𝗻͟𝘁͟𝗮͟𝗹͟ 𝗳͟𝗶͟𝗴͟𝘂͟𝗿͟𝗲͟𝘀 ; « the parents of the gang, the most mature and those who provide authority. the two friends who created the gang, Sullivan and Ujin who make sure everything goes well, but who are also people, the youngest can trust. Min-ah who quickly becomes the substitute mother, who takes care of the other members. and Yerim, Min-ah's best friend, as mature as Ujin. these four are respected and are often the ones that the members come to see when they need advice or when something is wrong. if things work so well between these four, it’s because they are friends above all. »
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𝘁͟𝗵͟𝗲͟ 𝘁͟𝗵͟𝗿͟𝗲͟𝗲͟ 𝗶͟𝗻͟𝘀͟𝗲͟𝗽͟𝗮͟𝗿͟𝗮͟𝗯͟𝗹͟𝗲 ; « these three are best friends, and are without doubt the three closest of all the gang members. they spend most of their time together, having a sibling relationship. it's not rare to see Cordelia and Rei show up at Junseo's to pass the time, or just because they feel comfortable at his place. three different personalities, three different temperaments, but they support each other, defend each other. you shouldn't hope to attack one without seeing the other two arrive.»
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𝘁͟𝗵͟𝗲͟ 𝗰͟𝗵͟𝗮͟𝗼͟𝘁͟𝗶͟𝗰͟ 𝗼͟𝗻͟𝗲͟𝘀 ; « leaving these four in the same room is dangerous. if Junseo is serious when it comes to missions and he can be responsible, he's a little less when he's in the company of his three friends. Minjae is carefree in person, bitter, there to fuck up everything and he loves it. Sam, this darts enthusiast who spends his time at the QG to beat his score or to get hangovers bigger than him. we might think that Delilah could raise the bar, that she is the oldest, but she's far from being one of the parental figures of the gang, on the contrary, she seems to lose a few years when she's with them. »
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𝘀͟𝘂͟𝗻͟𝘀͟𝗵͟𝗶͟𝗻͟𝗲͟𝘀 ; « Minsu is already considered the baby of the gang and the little sunshine. tut the arrival of the other three will be seen as a breath of fresh air. Nari goes very easily with the gang, adapts to everyone's personalities. Kinam is a sunshine who makes, anyone who crosses his path, smile. and Violet is a bit of a protégé because she's Gabriel's little sister, who threatens anyone who dares to attack his sister. it's important to say that these four know how to soften the most complicated members of the gang. »
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𝗵͟𝗮͟𝗹͟𝗮͟𝘇͟𝗶͟𝗮͟ 𝗴͟𝗮͟𝗻͟𝗴 ; « as their group name suggests, most of them have more ties to the Halazia gang than the Serpents. Kaz, Kyungsu and Iseul were kicked out of their gang after being loyal to their positions for years. when they arrive in the Serpents, the rival gang will decide to give them the benefit of the doubt, allowing them to prove themselves. Jade and Bambi, two cousins, Kyungsu's girlfriend and best friend. it’s not surprising to see Hyunsu getting closer to this group, because he has just found his big brother – Kyungsu – and will become friend with the others. Tayden naturally follows his man. although this group is a bit the extra piece, they are no less impressive. »
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simpsqueendom · 9 months ago
the idiots and their unexpected duos ;
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NAMRA — EUJIN : « at first glance you might think that the two have nothing in common, and they are the first to think that. an extrovert, an introvert and not the same interests. but that doesn't stop them, because they will get to know each other with the help of their partners, and will realize that they are similar in many ways. if Namra is the most mature and the mother of her group of friends, Eujin is the most mature of his group. they meet on this point, can have serious discussions. Namra knows that she can always count on Eujin, because he has proven to her on several occasions that he is a good person, especially with Connie, and just for the happiness he can bring to her best friend, she appreciates him. »
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CONNIE — CHIN-HAE : « they have a cat-and-dog relationship, constantly bickering over their love for Haoyu, or just because Connie forgot to bring cookies for Chin-hae. despite everything, Connie sincerely likes the boy. she may have had prejudices about him at first, but she will get to know the boy's true personality, will become attached, because it's impossible not to become attached to Chin-hae. then he will defend her, even though nothing obliges him, and it will affect her a lot. he will teach her to have fun without thinking about the others, to let it go. no doubt the one with whom she feels the most comfortable – after Eujin – is him. »
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SADIE — DAEHYUN : « everyone tends to turn towards Haoyu. but it’s for Daehyun that Sadie has a soft spot. he’s kind, gentle, clumsy, and despite the fact that he is two heads taller than her, she has this desire to protect him and let no one hurt him. not many people know that the boy will be an unfailing support for her when she’s not well, that it will be him that she will confide in, and with whom she will spend the most time. it won't be uncommon to see Sadie show up at Daehyun's to share a drink or two. he may be older, but she really considers him a little brother, as one of her best friends. »
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HAOYU — POPPY : « for Haoyu, Poppy is like the big sister he never had, the only constant maternal figure in his life. maybe she covers him excessively, she protects him more than necessary, but he never complains about it. because with her, he understands what it's to have a real family, to have someone to count on. and maybe he plays it, because he knows that she can't refuse him anything with a little smile from him, but damn he loves Poppy. it's not uncommon to see him send her messages, at random times of the day, to ask her for advice, or just to check if she's okay. she will also be the first to prevent him from returning to China. »
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AKISE — JUNO : « the agents of chaos, as we might call them. it may not seem obvious, but Akise and Juno have a lot in common. due to their belonging to the same environment, they have similar personalities. Juno her best friend, the one she can count on. she doesn't have many friends, apart from his wife's, so she's happy to have him. they are hellish, they are not serious, they are often argued with by Poppy because they are incapable of behaving well, but it's with them that Akise feels like herself. she will also be grateful to Juno, for all the times he covered up for them, finding excuses for them with their families. and they will be forced to marry, to keep up appearances. and even if she doesn't like it, she is reassured to see that it's with Juno and not another man. »
𝘀͟𝗽͟𝗲͟𝗰͟𝗶͟𝗮͟𝗹͟ 𝗺͟𝗲͟𝗻͟𝘁͟𝗶͟𝗼͟𝗻 ;
NAMRA — JUNO — CONNIE : « they have nothing in common, except maybe their friends, and don't talk much because they don't have the same interests. but if the girls, at first, have a bad image of Juno, they will quickly understand that he's someone dedicated, someone who gives everything for his friends. and they are not friends at the beginning, it will take time, but Namra and Connie are touched to see that the boy is always the first to come to their defense, to defend them in front of everyone, to defend his friends. things may take a complicated turn, but the two best friends will always be grateful to Juno. »
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simpsqueendom · 9 months ago
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simpsqueendom · 9 months ago
the kids being chaotics.
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narinari : omfg… have i ever told you i love sandwiches ??? junniejun : can you please leave my gf alone ? deerbambi : can i be the pickle ? please please please itscordeliaaa : you can be what you want baby junniejun : oh fuck… samueeel : it's funny because everyone said that leaving bambi with hyunsu was dangerous, completely forgetting the existence of cordelia hyunnoying : why does everyone assume i'm the most disturbed here ? choitayden : i do have some proof
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simpsqueendom · 9 months ago
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the sun and the moon ;
« we're getting closer inches away lose composure favorite mistake friendship's over won't be the same
baby, i'm yours »
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simpsqueendom · 9 months ago
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« don't call me by my name all of this is temporary watch as i slip away for your sake all of this is temporary
well, maybe i could hold you in the dark you won't even notice me depart secondhand thread in a second hand bed with a second man's head leaving through the door without a word you won't even notice, little bird better off dead so i reckon i'm headed to hell instead »
__ bells in santa fe ; halsey.
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simpsqueendom · 11 months ago
the idiots and their relationships ; popise.
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POPISE : « when Akise thinks about Poppy, she thinks about her future. the young woman represents all that she has always wished, all the love that she has always wished to receive and give. their relationship does not evolve in the best conditions, because they are not supposed to love each other, must hide to allow their love to live. arguments, misunderstandings, but Akise knows that as long as she's able to hold her wife’s hand in hers, everything will be fine. Akise doesn’t care about her family, her already defined future, because all she wants is to leave this environment in which she evolves to be able to live her life with Poppy, love her, help her with her creations, not be afraid of the gaze of others, not having to introduce her as her best friend. all she really wants is to be able to love her freely, even if it means following her to the end of the world for that. »
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simpsqueendom · 11 months ago
the idiots and their relationships ; yeonjia.
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YEONJIA : « yeong is forbidden, he's inaccessible to her. because they have known each other since childhood, because he's her little brother’s best friend, and for these two valid reasons, she has never had any loving thoughts about him. everything changes. one night, drunk together, they will become closer and spend the night together, spend a single night loving each other, lost in a space time that escapes them. it’s time for regrets for the boy who will reject her, who will make her understand that all this was a mistake. it breaks her heart, and love turns into hate. it will also take time for them to say something about their relationship, but Jia knows perfectly well that her love for Yeong is stronger than anything and she's almost ready to offend her little brother to be able to live her love in public. »
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simpsqueendom · 11 months ago
the idiots and their relationships ; daeyu.
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DAEYU : « they are the definition of puppy love. as soon as their paths cross, it will be almost impossible to separate them from each other. they are shy, embarrassed, do not know how to express their attraction and feelings. it’ll be a helping hand from fate, when they learn they’ve been talking to each other for months, on an anonymous app. but even before that, Daehyun is all that interests Haoyu, and he admires him from the depths of his soul, observes him from a distance, can’t help but watch him play when they are on the field. he has a crush on him. a crush that will be confirmed when he gets to know him, when he understands that his feelings are the same. this is new for Haoyu who has ever known only his best friends, but what is certain is that he will never leave his life, not when he feels like living for the first time, not when every day he wakes up with butterflies in his stomach thinking about all these things that they will be able to discover together. »
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simpsqueendom · 11 months ago
the idiots and their relationships ; judie.
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JUDIE : « their relationship is a lie, a need to have a revenge for Chin-hae. their relationship is not on the right foot, because sadie is hurt, because her trust is broken to the core. if Sadie had to describe Juno in one word, she would probably say freedom. because even though those moments were semi-real, even though she knew it wasn’t all a bad intention, she still knew that when she was with him, she felt free. she had always been restrained, had no life, saw herself reliving with Juno. he made her discover new things, and it's these moments that she can't forget. even if those moments were stained by lies and betrayal, she won’t be able to hold it against him all her life, because he represents everything she’s ever had. and love undoubtedly plays a big role in this story, even if she can’t help but remind him from time to time how much he broke her heart, she can’t get him out of her life so easily. not when her heart cries for his heart. »
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