♔ La Bella Vita
970 posts
I can do all things through Christ who gives me Strength -Phil 4:13 The names Mayte’, I am an animal activists, I speak for the voiceless. Currently a Health & Fitness coach :) Baking is my specialty, I adore anything that’s with fashion. I have an obsession with nail polish and hair. You are cordially invited to bounce with me in my princess castle bounce house on the 11th of July, I’ll be turning 26. I love anything vintage from the 1950s. I love to learn about religions and politics. I love meeting new people, and making friends.
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simplycita · 10 years ago
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Good morning beautiful friends. May you all have a fabulous Monday filled with countless blessings. You are wonderful and can do anything. It's a new week, new beginning so make today count. I love you 😘🙏❤️
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simplycita · 10 years ago
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Please adopt don't shop. There are so many beautiful loving dogs and cats that need homes and only have 1 week to find one before they are killed. Please don't give puppy mills and backyard breeders business. Don't be the problem, be apart of the solution. Open your eyes, dog and cats are being killed daily for lack of space, don't believe me? I'll show you the proof, just ask.
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simplycita · 10 years ago
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Apple Cider vinegar is one of my favorite items (I buy it by the gallon). It not only helps with burning fat and detoxifying your body, but it's got amazing anti-fungal properties and it's great as a household cleaner. Aside from using it for it's health benefits, I use it to clean my coffee pot, floors, refrigerator and so much more. You're making a mistake if you don't have this bad boy in your pantry.
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simplycita · 10 years ago
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This is such a crucial mindset everyone should have in all aspects of life. Not a day goes by that I don't come across someone who has an amazing chiseled body and is super (happy) successful in life. Obviously those are two things that I truly want. But I don't compare myself to them EVER, and neither should you. Do you know how long they've been at it? Where in life were they when they started their journey? What motivated them? How big or how small were they? No, I didn't think so. I can't compare my body that I've only been working for 1-2 years to that of someone whose been at it for 4+ years. I can't compare my Career journey when I've only just started it, to that of someone who has been doing it for 10 years. It's what makes your journey that much special. It's yours, you're living it, you're breathing it. Enjoy the process, trust your struggles and if you truly want it be successful at gotta want it as bad as you want to breath.
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simplycita · 10 years ago
Double tap & tag a friend to do this workout. ◾️▪️3 sets & 10 reps each▪️◾️ Comment below what workout you'd like to see next.
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simplycita · 10 years ago
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Vanilla Laté on this chilly morning? Don't mind if do 😊 1 scoop of Shakeology, 1 cup brewed coffee, 1/2cup almond milk & 1tsp of Maple syrup 👌 enjoy my friends!
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simplycita · 10 years ago
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Why yes, yes I am. I said I would be singing Christmas carols the day after Halloween. I'm so excited 54 days left until Christmas 🎄
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simplycita · 10 years ago
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Mr Kitty PooPoo keeping me company 💙 (more like trying to eat my quesadilla😸) isn't his costume adorbs? Lmao, he's dressed as Salem, duh! I love him to pieces 😍 #blackcat #hesdressedlikesalem
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simplycita · 10 years ago
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There is still time to join the next free challenge starting tomorrow! We will be targeting the dreaded "muffin top", one of the hardest areas to get rid of unwanted fat. The exercises will take 5-10 minutes each day, yes that's it 👍 If you're interested, send me a friend request on Facebook (link in my bio) and message me telling me you're in!
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simplycita · 10 years ago
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Good morning everyone. Happy Friday & Happy Hallows Eve. Hope you all have tons of SAFE fun tonight. Also please keep this in mind and spread the word. You know all the stories of black cats, but they're just stories. Help keep them safe please. There are people out there who take part in rituals or just for giggles and hurt these poor babies. Spread the word.
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simplycita · 10 years ago
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Ask me when was the last time I had a cold? Actually don't cause I don't remember lol. I was told about this miracle herb from multiple people who swore by it. I figured why not give it a try. I never looked back after that. While everyone is out there getting their flu shots (which most people get sick right after) I'm over here taking this tiny pill of awesomeness. I HIGHLY recommend this, you can find it in any vitamin store, I recommend getting the one labeled "goldenseal". I promise you won't regret it.
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simplycita · 10 years ago
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Man oh man has this guy been tugging at my heart for the last few days. His voice is just perfect, such a talent I tell ya. Also so totally excited cause #Incubus will soon be releasing their new album ----> Queue school girl scream now AHHHHH! #brandonboyd
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simplycita · 10 years ago
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This is a huge deal for me to post this! Oh happy day, my BFF finally for her license Lord knows so many obstacles got in her way, but in the end things work out. 🙏I'm so proud of you @lexylutherr another item to check of your list this year ✔ on to the next one!
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simplycita · 10 years ago
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A little morning humor for everyone 😊 Stop hating on the itty-bitties !!! We're just low fat ;)
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simplycita · 10 years ago
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This is a huge deal for me to post this! Oh happy day, my BFF finally for her license 🙏 Lord knows so many obstacles got in her way, but in the end things work out. I'm so proud of you @lexylutherr another item to check of your list this year ✔️ on to the next one!
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simplycita · 10 years ago
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Received this in the mail a few days ago 😊 Small gestures that make me feel super wonderful. I've always been one to feel "iffy" about technology and social media. But I'm so glad I got over that, if not I would have never met this wonderful inspiring woman 👑 thank you so much Dani for welcoming me into your team. I am so excited to be apart of it, and I am so blessed to have this opportunity to change lives. 💕"Surround yourself with people who reflect who you want be and how you want to feel, energies are contagious" 💕
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simplycita · 10 years ago
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What a workout 😝 talk about total body! The best way to burn more calories = Interval Training. Working multiple muscle groups and incorporating Cardio. You just can't go wrong with it. Don't just go for a run, mix things up a bit.
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