simonscare · 5 years
me: clicks your blog --- me: *stares at entire fucking bee movie script --- me: evelyn,,,
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I’m proud to say that I can disappoint (myself) and inspire many (no one)
i keep forgetting that its there until I click on my own blog lmaoooo
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simonscare · 5 years
Water trickling down my face
“Ooh!! Where are you going little droplet??”
“Back to hell where father is waiting”
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simonscare · 5 years
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Something to think about:
The Earth is 4.6 billion years old. Let’s scale that to 46 years. We have been here for 4 hours. Our industrial revolution began 1 minute ago. In that time, we have destroyed more than 50% of the world’s forests.
This isn’t sustainable.
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simonscare · 5 years
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simonscare · 5 years
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simonscare · 5 years
we should take the “does it spark joy?” question to social media. go through your facebook, remove friends that do not spark joy, go through instagram and unfollow people and pages that do not spark joy. don’t surround yourself with things that don’t make you happy.
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simonscare · 5 years
being trans is like one long retail shift. I won’t elaborate.
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simonscare · 5 years
"Piracy isn't a victimless crime" yeah the only victims are companies that make millions, fuck off and let me watch my illegal movies
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simonscare · 5 years
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All of you out there supporting planned parenthood should really remember what the woman who founded them said…. just saying. Do not stand with PP
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simonscare · 5 years
one thing I’m grateful to my mom for is telling me from a very young age that if a man ever says he’ll kill me if I don’t do what he says, that I should fight and die. that it would be better to die than to be brought to a second location, it would be better to die instantly than live a little longer after god knows how much violation. i know that other people’s moms gave different advice, to be quiet so you can live and get away. little girls all got some kind of advice on what to do, though, huh? like… WHEN a man wants to hurt you. it’s surreal to think about how this shadow affects the landscape of girlhood
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simonscare · 5 years
rivals are always one ‘make me!’ away from kissing, and i think that’s very iconic
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simonscare · 5 years
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do you ever forget that you really, actually, can just sit down and draw? like it don’t gotta be good or look like anything?
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simonscare · 5 years
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Send me pictures of your animals, I want to rename them...
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simonscare · 5 years
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Hello it’s Logan Sanders appreciation time
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simonscare · 5 years
there’s ten kinds of soup in the fridge
why are there so many soups
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simonscare · 5 years
Don’t cha just love that “SCREEuuRRRRNNNTTTT” sound that shows up whenever Yurio is on screen(in the early episodes at least)
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simonscare · 5 years
This is my new blog, fuck the other one
Please stop acknowledging this tumblr account and go to @simonscare because this one uses my old name, I go by Simon now and will not be using avery1lovingbird from now on!!
Love you all!
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