I Do Sims Stuff
6 posts
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simmygwynny · 2 years ago
Wow, episode 17 already!
I’m going to probably tone back on posting these soon.... I was posting three a week because I was playing heavily and didn’t want another hard drive disaster to wipe everything out....
But I haven’t been able to play as much lately!
Might switch to playing a little more especially with the new pack coming up... since it’s being released as a pack for purchase instead of an update (.......  ..................................................... ) I’ll want to wait until I’ve seen some reviews and it’s compatible with my mods before I get it....
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simmygwynny · 2 years ago
Phew!  Finally updated the ruleset part II, and I’m done!
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simmygwynny · 2 years ago
Mega Challenge Rules/Guide part 2
Lol so annoyed, I had this completely edited when Tumblr crapped out.  Take 2 of rules part 2.  
The “Mega Challenge” is basically a combination of four(ish) challenges. I go into what those four challenges are in part I, which is here, was getting way too long….
This post is to sort out the two major challenges that I'm combining/modifying (so I can try to achieve both) which are the Rags to Riches challenge (original here:
and the 100 Baby Challenge (original here: )
As mentioned in the first part, I do have Carl’s difficulty/gameplay overhaul mod enabled (here: and a number of Little Ms. Sam’s mods, including the ATM mod:
Modifications to RTR and 100BB
So rags to riches (RTR) and the 100 Baby (100BB) challenges are pretty well known, but if you’ve done both you’ll find they have contradictory rules, so I’m modifying the rules so I can keep the spirit of each of the challenges, and make it more realistic.  I’m not 100% sure how I’m going to do this... I think I’ll just list the standard rules then note any changes when they come up.... I think I’m also going to remove any rules that simply don’t apply (e,g, restrictions for expansions I don’t - and don’t plan to - have)
Rags to Riches:
Main goal:  Start with no money and work your way up to having a decent home (with at least (3) bedrooms, two (2) bathrooms, A kitchen and a dining room, A family or living room, A study with at least one (1) computer, An outdoor garden with a pool), reaching level 10 of any career, getting the entrepreneurial trait, Get married, Become a grandparent, Complete at least one Aspiration for your Sim and its spouse, Complete an Aspiration for each of your Sim’s children. Increase your home’s worth to §100,000 or more. Have at least §1,000,000 reserve money.
(Actual steps and optional Goals listed below in the RTR details)
There aren’t many changes, except....
-  you can keep money from hobbies (since the money is halved anyway).
- To get a job you need to pay 10,000 Simoleons for college (not 1000), or complete a degree through Discover University or ItaSan2’s “get to college” mod ( ).
- You can enroll in college as long as you can afford the application fee and you do not have any outstanding daily payments on your lot loan.
- When you move into a lot you not only need to set your funds to 0, but you also need to take out a loan (LMS’s ATM mod) approximate to the amount the lot is worth.
- You must pay a 10% penalty on any outstanding loan principal every 2 weeks.
100 Baby Challenge Changes: Main goal - have 100 babies in as few generations as possible, without using the same man for more than one pregnancy.  
...side note....within the original ruleset the fewest generations this can be done in is.... ONE, since your sims don’t age during pregnancy.  So it’s honestly not even a challenge, just a grind.  By combining it with rags to riches (so a lot of time spent without a house or a bed) and carls difficulty/gameplay mod (which reduces relationship gains) I’m interested to see how many generations it takes....
Changes: There are a lot more to this one, and some are just specifications....
- One thousand simoleons must be moved into the adult household your child moves into.  You cannot move an adult if you do not have the funds
-The matriarch can hold any type of job
-The matriarch can NOT leave the lot freely - paid childcare must be arranged for any children younger than teenager (daycare or babysitter)
-If a sibling (teenager or older) watches their siblings they must be paid 50 simoleons the first hour then 25 simoleons for each subsequent consequtive hour.  The same sibling cannot babysit for more than three days each week.  The funds will be deducted by the household funds.  (3 hrs = 100, 5= 150, 7=200, 9=250) Nannies may be hired at 100 simoleons the first hour and 50 each subsequent consecutive hour.  Daycare may be used at a cost of 200 simoleons a day for the first child + 100 each additional child.
-The matriarch may make money in any manner.
-The matriarch cannot marry a man when she is of child-bearing age
-If the matriarch gets married, she does not have to move out (RTR requires marriage and spouse aspirations, so....)
-Little Ms Sam’s genderchance mod will be used so foods and music do not have an effect on gender (useful in RTR when all you have to eat are foraged strawberries...)
-Children’s aspirations CAN be selected if they match a trait (which was randomized) - eg. if a child has the “slob” trait then “Fabulously Filthy” could be chosen....  Child Aspirations must be chosen at random if there is not a clear trait link.
-A trait re-roll is allowed only if a potential matriarch gets the “hates children” trait.  ....It’s just mean otherwise :(  A girl is considered a potential matriarch if the current matriarch is within a week of aging to elder and there are no younger girls.
All in-game rewards from completing aspirations and social events may be used except ones that prolong your Sim’s lifespan or save them from death.
Babies cannot be aged up until you get a notification saying that it is their birthday. Toddlers can be aged up when they reach level 3 in all toddler skills. Children and can be aged up when they get an A in school Teenagers may be aged up when they have an A in school and at least one character value within trait range. Your matriarch must always stop whatever she is doing and go scold/punish her children as you see fit if you catch them misbehaving. Young adults can be moved out of the house to make room for more children but they cannot be moved back in after. When your matriarch becomes an elder and can no longer bear children, her youngest daughter takes over as the next matriarch. You may move out your elderly matriarch only if her youngest daughter has become a young adult. You cannot make more room in the house faster by killing off underage Sims or letting babies, toddlers or children be taken by social services. Raise your children to adulthood. Simple. Your matriarch may register as self-employed or have a work from home career, but cannot have any job that requires her to go to a rabbithole destination. She cannot have a part-time job. Teenagers may hold part-time jobs to help support the family and bring in extra income. Your matriarch may leave her home lot freely. She does not have to bring all her children with her whenever she leaves the lot. Your matriarch may not get married to a man while she is of child-bearing age. She may get married as an elder but she must move out of the home with her spouse. They can’t move into the active household. Your matriarch may not get pregnant by the same donor twice. Once he has impregnated your Sim once, he cannot be used again for more children. Donors may not contribute to the household in any way. They may not move in, help look after the children or provide any financial aid to the household. Your matriarch is responsible for supporting all her children by herself. Your matriarch may not influence the gender of her children. Strawberries, carrots, pop music, and alternative music must be avoided if they would influence the gender of unborn babies (or Little Ms. Sam's remove genderchance mod must be used). Use the in-game randomiser to select all the children’s traits as they age.  You cannot cherry pick their traits. 
RTR specific steps:
You must play with aging on and set to a normal lifespan. Move your Sim to the most expensive empty lot and get rid of the Simoleons and possessions you have. Sleep in public areas or a friend’s home if you don’t own a bed. You can eat and make dishes in public places or your friend’s home, but taking the food with you when you leave is not allowed. Build a Home: Level 5 Handiness Skill and Level 3 Logic Pay a fine of $500 for noise disturbances - if downloading a home pay at least 20% and take out a loan for remainder (You can only place things at your Sim’s lot after completing the Mandatory Rules for Building a Home.)
Garden: Finish all the Mandatory Steps for Building a Home. Reach Level 7 Handiness and Level 5 Gardening before you can begin building or placing items outside. Have at least one (1) bedroom with a bed, a bathroom with a toilet and shower, a living room, and a kitchen. Own at least one of each of the following: fridge, sink, stove, counter, table, chair, couch, and fire alarm. Blueprint cost $500.
Career: Finish all the Mandatory Steps for Building a Home. Pay 10,000 Simoleons or complete a college degree (GTC or CL) to begin your career.
Start a family: You must have a starter home before you can marry a Sim. Host  a wedding every time a pair of Sims get married.
Goal: At least three (3) bedrooms, At least two (2) bathrooms, A kitchen and a dining room, A family or living room, A study with at least one (1) computer, An outdoor garden with a pool Choose any career or run a business. Earn the Entrepreneurial lifetime award. Reach level 10 of the chosen career branch. If running a business: earn $100,000 with fully-trained employees. Get married. Become a grandparent. Complete at least one Aspiration for your Sim and its spouse. Complete an Aspiration for each of your Sim’s children. Increase your home’s worth to §100,000 or more. Have at least §200,000 reserve money. You can increase this goal up to §1,000,000.
Optional: Family And Relationships Have at least three more children and at least three more grandchildren. Have at least one child and its children live with your starter Sim. Get a divorce and remarry after you have kids. Keep the kids after the divorce. Have an amazing relationship with your kids. Woohoo in every place possible. Complete one of your children’s adult aspirations. Complete one of your grandchildren’s child aspirations. Complete one of your grandchildren’s adult aspirations. Have twins or triplets. Skills And Career Get both your Sim and its spouse to Level 10 in their career. Have a part-time hobby while employed. Write every style book. Read every book. Reach Level 5 at all skills House Place at least five (5) of your paintings on the walls of your home. Upgrade your house to a mansion using the most expensive items in the game. Social And Parties Complete every type of party successfully. Throw 10 house parties with at least three (3) guests swim at each one. Host five (5) or more weddings. Others Purchase every lifetime reward for one Sim. Potions are excluded. Visit every public lot at least three (3) times. Raise your family’s worth to one million Simoleons. Your objective for this challenge is to give birth to 100 children in as few generations as possible. The challenge ends as soon as the 100th child is born or if you fail the challenge for breaking rules.
Hundred baby
Any mods or CC that give you an unfair advantage over other players are not allowed. Mods that allow you to overstuff your household or gain money through child support payments are definitely not allowed. No cheats! The only exceptions to this are bb.moveobjects on for creative building purposes and cheating to resolve glitches. If a lot your matriarch moves into has existing lot traits, you may not edit or add to them. If your lot has no lot traits, you may pick three traits but your decision is permanent. You cannot change them after. Add-On Rules The following rules apply to players who have add-on packs installed. Disregard any rules for packs you don’t have.
Your matriarch may run a retail business, restaurant, or vet clinic. Teenagers may help out at these venues as an alternative to hiring employees. Your matriarch may have a work from home job but she must always choose the work from home option. Your matriarch may join and create clubs as long as the club activities do not violate any challenge rules. Your matriarch may have pets but keep in mind pets take up space in the household and there are no rewards for having them. You may participate in holidays and create your own holidays as long as none of the traditions violate challenge rules. Feel free to edit existing holiday traditions to comply with the rules. Your matriarch may become famous and build reputation through any means that don’t involve careers. Your matriarch may go on vacation but she must bring her entire household with her. She may not go on vacation if she is pregnant or has a newborn at home. Your matriarch cannot be a vampire. She may use vampires as donors but any female vampire children are ineligible to take over as the next matriarch. You may cure a female vampire child to make her eligible again.
Your matriarch may use the wishing well but she cannot wish for a child. Your matriarch may hire a butler but the butler cannot look after the children. Disable child care in the butler’s menu.
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simmygwynny · 2 years ago
Ok let’s try this again
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simmygwynny · 2 years ago
Mega Challenge Rules Part I
The “Mega Challenge” is basically a combination of four(ish) challenges:
Rags to Riches (based on:
100 Baby (based on: )
Lot challenges
Carl’s difficulty/gameplay overhaul mod (here:
(while not officially a challenge, I’m also using a number of Little Ms. Sam’s mods, including the ATM mod: and I just want to give a shout out because so many of Little Ms Sam’s mods make the game so much more functional!)
Carl’s Difficult/Gameplay Overhaul Mod Notes: If you haven’t checked out this mod yet, you should!  It does a number of things - but most pertinent to this challenge are the interaction and finance tweaks. 
Relationship gains are capped for the day, and Sims with conflicting interests and traits are less likely to get along.  So when it comes to 100BB gone are the days of meeting a man and having a baby with him same day! You might spend all day interacting with almost no positive gains, or even if you do sync well, your relationship won’t be high enough to try for baby after just one day!
Financially, all regular sources of income are halved, and property taxes are doubled. A small classic painting that cost you 50 simoleons to make and is listed as being worth 70 Simoleons has actually cost you money as it will only sell for 35. This applies to just about any source of funds, including jobs.
Additionally, job progress is slowed...and school is classified as a job for children!  So again, gone are the days of jumping two letter grades in two days and aging up (and out) your kids!
As a side note, as of now, the multi-select function for selling doesn’t work with Carl’s mod (it just gives you nothing!) so if you see me selling things one by one...I do know about it!
Little Ms Sam’s Mod notes: I use little Ms. Sam’s mods a LOT!  One of the more important ones for this challenge is the ATM mod - I’ll talk about that in the RTR challenge.
 I also use her "No gender chance” mod, which removes the effects of food and music on baby gender (determining gender is not allowed in 100BB so if you see me eating strawberries or something, it won’t actually affect the gender bc of this mod).
I also use her babysitter mod (!) again, more details below.
I also have her lot fee mod on the gym, which charges money every day....otherwise it’s too tempting to just stay at the gym all day (so instead I just stay at the library all day....)
Lot Challenge Challenge: So this one I kind of made up.... my sim’s home lot has ALL lot challenges enabled and no (removable) lot traits on.  To change a lot trait (add a good trait or remove a lot challenge) I have to complete a major event and pay a fee in increasing increments of 1000 Simoleons (i.e. to change the first trait will require a goal be met and 1000 Simoleons.  to change the next trait requires another goal and 2000, then next one is another goal and 3000, etc.)
Major goals include: The current Matriarch fully completing an Aspiration, Fully completing a Scenario, getting a top notch-toddler (all toddler skills maxed - potty 3 and the rest all 5), a child completing ALL aspirations, a teen aging up with ALL positive character traits.
When it comes to Aspirations, the Matriarch must complete her first aspiration completely.  She can then select up to two new aspirations - she can only switch after completing an Aspirational milestone (in the case of Aspirations with only a single milestone, like neighborhood confidante, each aspect will count as a “milestone” for this).  Children can switch between aspirations after each milestone.
If the family moves lots, the lot challenge resets (new lot will have all challenges enabled and no positive traits).  The “lot challenge” aims for all lot challenges removed and three positive traits to be on the final home. 
Modifications to RTR and 100BB
Holy Crap this post is getting so long.  I’m going to move these to a separate post.....
Part II
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simmygwynny · 2 years ago
Right now just making this as a landing page for my sims mega challenge
I’ll post more later but right now I’m doing kind of a combined rags to riches and hundred baby challenge….
….but also have all in-game lot challenges enabled.
And I also have Carl’s difficulty mod enabled (capping relationship gains and cutting income)! It’s definitely going to be a challenge!
I’ll post the “rules” that I’m following, and other details here later - I’m trying to follow the rules for each challenge but the 100 baby and rags to riches challenges have some contradictory rules that I have to navigate and I want to do so in a consistent manner…
…anyway, I will say I’m a bit bummed- I started this challenge a few months back…and I go through spurts of playing then editing…and the drive I saved all my videos to crashed! Basically a month of gameplay was on the file, and it would be a month long gap between my last video and my current save point, so I scrapped it :(
But since EA is supposed to do a baby update soon, maybe it’s not such a bad thing! :)
Avatar is from this hilarious EA bug thread:
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