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simmora · 16 hours ago
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Day 22 (Part II : 3/3)
In all this mess, we say bye-bye to the Dirty Diner :( Until next time!!
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next post tomorrow💘
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simmora · 17 hours ago
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⇠🏕️ | 💘⇢
Day 22 (Part II : 2/3)
Chris finds out that Mason has already told quite a few people about his feelings, so Jaden and Nikole tell it to him straight
(ever reliable those two <3)
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Upon reflection I lowkey get Chris' approach here because Jaden and Nikole's advice only works if Chris wanted just Cressida but no he wanted Lena first. So of course he's not going to tell Cressida about the kiss, maybe not ever, if he thinks he has a chance with Lena he wouldn't want to ruin that but making Cressida aware he's into another girl. Still cheeky though!!
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simmora · 17 hours ago
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⇠🏕️ | 💘⇢
Day 22 (Part II : 1/3)
Whilst Ty voices his concerns to Lena about their close friends, Chris gets ahead of Cressida to warn Mason not to say anything incriminating about him.
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simmora · 23 hours ago
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A moment of peace.
Previous / Next Beginning (Gen 8)
Image transcripts (PT & ENG):
Um momento de paz.
Penelope foi embora no fim do dia, e o casal saiu para respirar um pouco de ar fresco no parque.
Touma: Está se sentindo melhor?
Callie: Bem, sim! Acho que eu realmente precisava de um pouco de ar fresco.
Touma: É, eu também. Temos passado tempo demais naquele apartamento.
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Penelope left at the end of the day, and the couple went to get some fresh air at the park.
Touma: Feeling better?
Callie: Well, yes! I think I really needed some fresh air.
Touma: Yeah, me too. We’ve been spending way too much time in that apartment.
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simmora · 23 hours ago
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thank you so much to everyone who suggested a townie for me to makeover!! 😍
Venessa Jeong suggested by @thatsimreese
Johnny Zest suggested by @queenmabsim
Liberty Lee suggested by @changingplumbob
Brytani Cho suggested by @stargazer-sims
Dina Caliente suggested by @sleepyselkiesiren
L. Faba suggested by @ravingsockmonkey
Jeb Harris suggested by @abbysimsfun
Laye Coffin suggested by @abbysimsfun
Alexander Goth suggested by @abbysimsfun
Knox Greenburg suggested by @hav-sims
J Huntington III suggested by @cocoiko
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simmora · 24 hours ago
Sims In Bloom: Generation 2 Pt. 136 (Twists and Turns)
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The next morning, Heather woke to a fresh blanket of spring snow (must be Canada 😂). She was hit with another bout of nausea, and stunned by news that one of her vet techs, Rico Garrison, had been unceremoniously culled killed in a shock drowning accident in Dachshund's Creek. This left her down a tech and about to commit to a months-long rebuild of Buttercup Pet Clinic.
Despite the unseasonably snowy holiday and feeling less than stellar, Heather had to go to work to cover Rico's appointments. She felt horrible for her best tech, Kaori Hayashi, who had been dating Rico since late winter. They were even expecting a child, which meant Heather would soon lose Kaori to maternity leave, too. At least Thaddeus, her most recent hire, could help pick up the slack, but this was undoubtedly a tragic setback.
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Despite the unseasonal snowfall, J Huntington came in with his dog, Archimedes, thanking Heather for her advice over working with Landgraab Corp. "I signed the contract to give them the company. They'll take care of straightening out George's books, and for the first time, my guys will get healthcare, so everyone's on board with the change."
Heather forced a smile. She didn't care much for things that would please Nancy Landgraab, but she knew a strong presence at the docks was important after everything they'd been through over winter. "I'm happy for you," she said, and it wasn't a total lie.
She returned home in mid-afternoon, finding her younger sister back from Henford in the living room. "Hey Hazel! How was Easter dinner?"
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"It was great." She fiddled with the hem of her jacket as she sat on the sofa. "I'm sorry I got upset with you while you were away. I was freaking out about all the marriage talk, but I shouldn't have put that on you."
"It's okay," said Heather. "I'm not upset, but I couldn't tell you what you should do. What if I had said no?" (That option won the poll, by the way!)
"I would've been more upset," she admitted. "I'm not ready to marry again right now, but I want to be with her for a long time."
"Did you talk to Suri?"
"I did. She said she's been feeling like she needs to hold on to the important people in her life since she lost her aunt so suddenly, and I totally understand what she's going through. But it's too soon to get married. We want to live together first - just the two of us."
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"Here in Brindleton Bay?"
Hazel nodded. "I like working with Alex Goth, and the deal's almost done for Suri to buy the Salty Paw. She said when the owners found out her grandmother was Clara Bjergsen they did their own renovations and upped the price, but once a deal goes through, I'll move in with her in the small apartment over the bar."
"There's an apartment over the bar?"
"Not much of one, but we're going to try to turn it into something nice."
"I'm happy for you, Hazel. And I'm happy you handled this so maturely with Suri."
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"You didn't think I could, did you."
"I hoped you would."
"Are you sure you guys won't miss me when I'm gone?"
"The Salty Paw's only about fifteen blocks away."
They laughed together and Hazel smiled. "Thanks for everything, sis. You're the best."
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Heather still wasn't feeling great as she tried to get a few chores done around the house. She'd started to feel like she was fighting off an infection; it was time to see a doctor, so she left Conrad at home with Lavender to visit her gynecologist.
But she came home in a daze, stunned by the doctor's diagnosis. She found Conrad and Lavender upstairs, chatting as Lavender tried to bargain for another story. "When you're five, we'll talk about a later bedtime, but until then, that's now. Time to get into your pajamas." Conrad's attention turned when Heather shut the bedroom door behind her. "Hey! What did the doctor say?"
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Heather sighed. "Well, I have a UTI. But that, the nausea, the fatigue...they have nothing to do with the spider bite."
Conrad's face fell. "What's up? You're okay...right?"
"I'm pregnant. About seven weeks."
She smiled as his expression flipped from concern to ecstatic joy. "Heather, that's incredible!"
Lavender glanced at her parents with confusion. "What's pregnen?"
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"It means you're going to have a baby brother or sister."
Lavender still wasn't sure what they meant. "I have a brother awreddy. Can it be sister?"
"We don't choose, sweet girl."
"I hope it's a sister!"
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After tucking Lavender into bed they settled onto the sofa for a comfortable night in, but their movie was interrupted when Heather's phone rang. She checked the call display before she connected the call. "Malcolm? What's going on? Is Ash there?"
The line was quiet for a long time. Too long, and Heather felt the phone start to shake in her hand. Finally, she heard Malcolm take a breath.
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"Heather...I...It's...Ash is missing. H-he's been kidnapped." ->
<- Previous Chapter | Gen 2 Start | Gen 2.1 Summary
Gen 1 Start | Gen 1 Summary
NOTE: Sorry I buried the baby news, but I didn't have enough content to make a whole other post and I set myself another arbitrary deadline to get to a certain point in the story by a certain date. And Heather was supposed to learn she was pregnant later than this, but the mod-generated UTI sent her to the gynecologist and she/we found out earlier than planned. No offense to this very wanted baby but ASH IS MISSING!!
NOTE 2: @purplesimmer455 the way I couldn't react with the excitement I wanted to your meme share on Sunday knowing I paid homage to it in this very post ("What's pregnen?") and didn't want to give the truth away yet! 😅 Shout out to @matchalovertrait who also guessed this, and @changingplumbob who I think was thinking it when she asked why Ash's room had bunk beds. I made up a small fib about repurposing the tiny nursery space, but actually I still need it for the new nooboo!
NOTE 3: On one hand, it's very sad that Rico was culled when he's expecting a baby. On another hand, this is a setback on my likely-fruitless search for a five-star rating because now I have to train up a new tech! Tragic!!
WCIF Phone Poses: Unexpected Phone Call by @starrysimsie and Shocked News by @simmireen. I used @nataliaauditore-blog's iPhone 11 accessory in both poses.
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simmora · 1 day ago
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Mr. and Mrs. Summers. 🥰
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simmora · 2 days ago
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what do you diagnose a girl that spent a considerable amount of time making social media accounts for her MCs for plot reasons😀
what had happened was!!! i made instagram simstagram post templates for camp dramarama because i already had page templates (but not post templates), and so obviously i had to test them out to make sure they're gucci and so one thing lead to another and i will be doing this again
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simmora · 2 days ago
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Week 2 ~ The Big City ~ Saturday
But until then I must get on with my day and what better way than eggs and toast? A classic, a staple, so something you can rarely go wrong with.
I do have a lot on my mind lades, maybe a little too much on my mind, but they are all good and happy thoughts! Life, life is going well which I suppose is expected. I am Marisol after all.
Index ~ Next
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simmora · 2 days ago
Does anyone know where I can get v1.46 UI Cheat Extensions from? Weerbesu doesn't keep old history versions :/
It's the version just before the recent one. I was hoping to find someone (like me) who isn't updating their game to the newest version just yet because of the pregnant juveniles. Or maybe deleted it and it's in your recycle bin app? I cleared mine yesterday, the odds😀
I have v1.45 because I haven't played in over a month.
If you could reblog to help me out I would soooo appreciate it!!
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simmora · 2 days ago
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Seeing Caruso's new house and impressive kitchen brought out the envious side of Dulce. It's not an emotion that she's used to. She needs a kitchen suitable for a highly-skilled chef, but how was she supposed to get one now??? Her cookbook sales are at an all-time low, and her sponsorships are gone. What makes her more mad is that she doesn't know who to blame: Herself or Caruso? She's been building her brand ever since she was in middle school. The perfectly curated reputation was NOT easy for her to create. Clubbing had to be sacrificed once she hit a certain amount of followers! People tried to take pictures to make her look bad, but she was just trying to enjoy her youth. However, some things make it all worth it. Over the years, she gained more young fans, such as a little boy named Ash. The children warm her heart and they inspire her even more to someday open a cooking school for young chefs. And the thought of those kids believing all the lies Caruso has spread makes her stomach twist and turn.
Note: That magazine issue was made by deardiaryts4 :) I wasn't really brave enough to do something like that myself because I didn't know if Dulce being that famous seemed practical, so it gave me a boost of confidence for sure. It adds so much more realism to my story too. Thank you 💞
Start from the beginning (Gen 2)
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DULCE: Wasn’t that awesome?
ANTONIO: You scared me half to death.
DULCE: Aw, you care about me?
ANTONIO: Well, I can’t do the mission on my own. Remember what Carlos and Tyson said.
DULCE: Obviously you can’t...
ANTONIO: Why do I feel like that wasn’t the first time you’ve thought you were a gymnast at a party?
DULCE: Because it’s not. It’s a trick I picked up back when I use to live it up at the club.
DULCE: But I can’t really anymore. I have a reputation to maintain... promote “good values” or whatever, y’know?
[Dulce mentally recalled how a gossip magazine did a blurb about the court case. She shook her head. “Hmph, at least they picked a nice photo of me,” she thought.]
ANTONIO: Yes, that’s why you hired me. To fix your mess.
DULCE: And I can fire you just as easily, so don’t test me.
[”Oops, did I go too far with that? Maybe he knows I’m not being serious.”]
ANTONIO: Oh no, please don’t [sarcastic tone].
ANTONIO: But seriously, I’m sorry. I tried to get you but you were too far. Are you all right?
[Dulce turned around. Something caught her eye.]
ANTONIO: ...Hello?
DULCE: Sorry. I got distracted.
DULCE: What a space. Looks like he got his dream kitchen, with a nice walk-in pantry and everything.
[Antonio paused to think. He’s terrible with words outside of the courtroom. How does he find common ground with her? Does he bash on the kitchen? Does he agree?]
ANTONIO: ...I like the sleek shapes.
DULCE: I could’ve had a kitchen like this by now. This could’ve been all mine.
ANTONIO: You can’t possibly believe that.
DULCE: What?
ANTONIO: No, it couldn’t have been yours. You have a different tastes... no pun intended.
ANTONIO: Obviously it needs more purple, geometric shapes, and a much larger stove—all things you’d be getting once we’re out of this mess.
[Dulce wasn’t sure why, but his usage of “we’re” made her stomach do a flip.]
DULCE: Yeah, you’re right.
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simmora · 2 days ago
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A Beautiful Bistro
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simmora · 2 days ago
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sim with unique features.
Click for HD ๋࣭ ⭑
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simmora · 3 days ago
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Day 22 (Part I : 3/3)
Cressida is still seemingly not over the vote yesterday and thinks, as a new couple, her and Chris were scapegoated. Although she wants to get to the bottom of things, Chris is worried about what she may find out
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simmora · 3 days ago
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Day 22 (Part I : 2/3)
Dirty Diner shows off Chris and Cressida's dynamics, at least in the kitchen. Chris is in his element whilst Cressida is... getting to know the gas hob
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simmora · 3 days ago
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Day 22 (Part I : 1/3)
Starting Week 4 with Chris and Cressida hosting today's Dirty Diner!! Although Chris is excited to show off his culinary skills, Cressida is not
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simmora · 5 days ago
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Extra Bits (Part III : 2/2)
Continuation of Part 3 of Camp Dramarama - Extra Bits!
This isn't important to the storyline and can be skipped
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