simgrump-story · 2 years
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Unbridled       - 012 -
Zander: So what’s the job? Tommy: How do I know I can trust you? Zander: Guess you don’t. But you’re the ones that called me here. Tommy: Fair. Then you’ve got to earn it. Got a job for you to do first. Think of it as a... trial by fire. Zander: Cute. Tommy: I thought so.
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simgrump-story · 2 years
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Unbridled       - 011 -
Tommy: Zander, good of you to come. Zander: Yeah, well... your guy made it sound so promising over the phone. Tommy: Sit. Zander: Uh, before we get started, just have to say... I don’t work for free. Tommy: If you’re as good as they say you are, I wouldn’t expect you to.
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simgrump-story · 2 years
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Unbridled     - 010 -
Goon: You must be Moss. Zander: Zander. Or Z.  Goon: Hmm. Well, Z, Tommy’s ready for you.  Goon: Through there.
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simgrump-story · 2 years
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Unbridled     - 009 -
Zander: So, you the receptionist? Bartender: *snorts* That’s too much work. Plus, they already know you’re here.  Zander: They hire a lot of outsiders? Bartender: Not really. You must of impressed them.  Zander: What can I say? I’m an impressive guy. 
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simgrump-story · 2 years
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Unbridled   - 008 -
Bartender: Here for an early bird special? Bloody Mary or Mimosa? It’s a short breakfast menu.  Zander: Actually, I’m here for an appointment? Bartender: Bloody Mary, hold the Mary, got it.  Zander: Isn’t that just tomato juice?  Bartender: Plus a little zing. 
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simgrump-story · 2 years
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Unbridled   - 007 -
Zander: It was Kane, I know it. I fucking know it.  Maya: Kane? What? Why? Why would Kane ...-? Zander: I don’t know, but I’m gonna find out.  Maya: If they catch us, Z? I’ve seen what they do to people at one of their camps. I’m not going down like that. I’m going down swinging.  Zander: No you’re not. I’m not letting either o those things happen. No camps, no going out. We’re getting out of this. I promise. Agent: You shouldn’t make promises you can’t keep, Mr. Moss. Maya: Z?  Zander: Yeah, we’ll see about that, dickhead. I wanna parley. I want to talk to your boss... I’ve got something to offer. 
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simgrump-story · 2 years
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Unbridled - 006 -
2 years ago... Zander: Go, go, go! Maya: Did we lose them? Zander: Shhh, I’m not sure.  Maya: How did they find us?  Zander: Someone must have fucking sold us out.
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simgrump-story · 2 years
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Unbridled - 005 -
Zander: *long breath* Okay, head in the game. Infiltrating the McDowells. The... second most ruthless Magi syndicate in the city.  Maya: Yeah, only the second. That should give you some encouragement. Zander: Not helping.  Maya: Z, you’ve got this. Get in there, get buddy buddy with Tommy McDowell, get enough on him to appease the Enforcers, watch their Syndicate burn down from the inside, then we’re off the hook. Enforcers leave us alone from now on.  Zander: *scoffs* Yeah, because this will really be the last job they ever ask us to do.  Maya: Well, look at it this way, what choice do we have?
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simgrump-story · 2 years
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Unbridled - 004 -
Zander: I need a big sister pep talk.  Maya: Those don’t come cheap.  Zander gives puppy dog eyes.  Maya: Okay, listen. You fuck this up, the McDowells will send you back to me in pieces. So get your head in the game. Zander: That’s a real shit pep talk, you know? Maya: I told you. They don’t come cheap. 
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simgrump-story · 2 years
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Unbridled - 003 - 
Maya: Big Day. You ready? Zander: Don’t I look ready? Maya: You look nervous. Zander: I’m about to try to pull one over on Tommy fucking McDowell. Wouldn’t you be nervous? Maya: Yes. But I don’t think I need to remind you how dangerous it is to look nervous today. 
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simgrump-story · 2 years
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Unbridled - 002 - 
Zander: The fuck? Maya: Surprise. Zander: What’s the point of having locks if you’re just gonna bust them every time you come over?  Maya: It’s not the locks that are busted. It’s the protection runes. Get better ones.
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simgrump-story · 2 years
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Unbridled  - 001 -
132 E. Main St. - 7:03 am
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