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· What did this brief require you to do?
For this assignment I was asked to create a Facebook page and a Behance page to show my portfolio and work. I was also asked to produce a company logo and name for my photography business. I also produced a new Instagram page for my business work as well.
· What was the purpose of this assignment?
The purpose of this assignment was to get us ready for when we leave college with our own businesses and building them up for future clients to look at our work which is industry standard.
· Outline the process you went through for this brief, step by step. What did you produce and why?
The first main thing that I produced in this assignment was my company name which is ‘Spotlight photographic’. This was so I know what sort of design I wanted to aim for in the logo. The second thing I made was the logo which I had drawn a couple of different styled ideas to hopefully make them look much better on Adobe Illustrator. The last two major things for this assignment were to create my Behance and Facebook pages and to produce a portfolio out of my images onto Behance. Also on Behance I added information about myself such as, Who I am, Where I’m from and the type of photography that I do.
· Which platforms did you use to promote your work, and why?
The social medias that I have used to promote my work are Facebook, Behance and Instagram. I have used these three as they are easy to get followers on and the client base on there is really high compared to other social media accounts.
· Include your final logo. What was the inspiration behind it? What does it say about you?
This is my final logo and the inspirations behind this are as the business is called ‘Spotlight Photographic’ the dot represents the spot and I feel like the logo does look really nice and professional.
· Include visual data from Facebook Insights. How many people like your page? How many saw, liked and shared your post(s)? What’s the demographic breakdown of your audience? What have you learned from these insights?
Below is my Facebook post that i created on my Spot Light Photographic page where I have promoted my Portfolio on Behance. I have looked at the statistics and it says that it has reached 98 different people but it only has two likes on it so I don’t think I reached my client basis properly. It also has 1 share on it.
I have also Promoted my Instagram account on two of my other accounts which i started off with 25 followers on my ‘spotlightphotographic’ account and within a couple of days i now have 85 followers on it just from promoting my account fr example:
· Include examples of peer feedback. What comments have you got on Facebook, Behance or elsewhere? What have you learned from them?
So far I haven’t had any feed back on any of my photography pages apart from people following them and liking my Instagram photographs.
· Overall, how successful has your promotional campaign been, and why? What could you do differently in the future?
Overall I feel like my promotions were all successful on my Instagram accounts. However, my Facebook page hasn’t boosted its self as much as I would like so i am going to carry on boosting it and promoting it on multiple social media platforms.
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Links to my social media
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Setting up my Behance
First I signed up to Behance and then I put my logo onto my profile picture by going to Edit Profile > Replace Button below the Basic Information next to the image icon.
Then I Filled out the rest of the basic information:
First name
Last name
On the next part down t says ‘On The Web’ which is for other social media that you have so you can link them to your Behance.
Finally for setting up my profile by adding the ‘About Me’ section and a description about myself.
Adding my Portfolio:
1. First I had to go to ‘Create a Project’
2. go to the ‘Upload Files’ tab and press it
3. Select all of the images you want to upload.
4. Next I had to add the tools I used to create these images for example:
- Adobe Photoshop
- Capture One
- Adobe Lightroom
5. Finally I had to add three creative fields for this image, for example I chose:
- Fashion
- Branding
- Photography
Then i had to press Post.
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SUBWAY: Visual Identity System
· Profile picture: what are artists using as their profile pictures? Is this relevant to their photographic practice or brand identity?
For this Behance account they have got 4 different people linked to it, two of them have got pictures of themselves but the other two have got images of their photography business names. These are all relevant to photography because they all show brand identity as two of them show there company names and also the images of themselves are also showing their band identity because it’s them and people can see what they look like.
· About me: What information are artists sharing on their ‘about me’ section? Is it relevant to their photographic practice or brand identity?
They are showing the links for work they have previously done for clients on their websites. They are also showing there contact details and they have shown where they are for but only the brief location so it isn’t the full one. They have also all got links to their professional accounts on all social Medias.
· Focus: how many different focuses are artists using? Why do you think they are including more than one focus?
All four of these people who are linked to this account have got roughly the same Focuses on their personal profiled for example:
· Graphic Design
· Photography
· Packaging
· Branding
· Print Design
· Creative Direction
· Culinary Arts
I feel like they have all selected more than one focus because it makes their work get out there and it also covers a range of different subjects within each assignment you do.
· On the web: what websites and social media are they linking you to? Why do you think they are inviting you to view those particular profiles / pages?
For all of these people that have links to their personal websites which on there is showing their professional social medial accounts such as:
· Facebook
· Instagram
· Twitter
· Behance
· Vivo
They are inviting you to view them social media accounts as they want you to see more work that they have done and it also means that you can keep up to date with their work.
Gallery upload:
· Title: How long is the title? Is it relevant to the images? Is it eye catching?
The title for this gallery is only 4 words long, the title for this gallery is really relevant to the images as subway a well-known shop that creates personalised sandwiches and the photographs are showing the whole vegetables and puts them into an almost surrealist view.
· Images: on average, how many images are artists using for an upload? What’s the smallest and largest amount of images you have seen?
There are 15 images that the artists have put onto this as they are multi-coloured so it catches your view and makes you want to look at all the images.
They have also included the sketches of the original designs with behind the scenes photographs as well.
· Description: what information has the artist included in the description of their work? How long is the description? Is it relevant? Why do you think they have provided the amount of information they have?
The artists have included information about why they have shot these images and who they are for which if 4 paragraphs long.
At the bottom of the post they have also included the:
· Agency
· Photographer
· Food Stylist
· Lettering Design
· Copyrighting
· Production
· Interior Designer
· Profile picture: what are artists using as their profile pictures? Is this relevant to their photographic practice or brand identity?
This photographer has a profile picture of their own face so when people see them in person they can identify them and that there is a face to the photography. I feel like this is a good idea as you are known for your photography and not your business.
· About me: What information are artists sharing on their ‘about me’ section? Is it relevant to their photographic practice or brand identity?
This photographer doesn’t have an ‘About Me’ section. However, she does talk about the business and her experiences.
· Focus: how many different focuses are artists using? Why do you think they are including more than one focus?
The focuses that this photographer have chosen are:
- Branding
- Graphic Design
- Packaging
· On the web: what websites and social media are they linking you to? Why do you think they are inviting you to view those particular profiles / pages?
On the web section she has got links to 7 different social media accounts including her website.
They are inviting you to go and follow all of these accounts as it can gain them all more followers and more publicity within the photography and graphic design industry so they can get more and more jobs.
Gallery upload:
· Title: How long is the title? Is it relevant to the images? Is it eye catching?
The title of this page is quite small but does catch your eye as it is bold but quite small so it isn’t too in your face.
· Images: on average, how many images are artists using for an upload? What’s the smallest and largest amount of images you have seen?
On this page there are 15 images with 14 of them photographs and one is a graphic design of the logo. This is one of the larger pages that I have seen with the most images on as you normally have around 10-12 for a portfolio to show your work but this one has more.
· Description: what information has the artist included in the description of their work? How long is the description? Is it relevant? Why do you think they have provided the amount of information they have?
At the bottom of the page the photographer has added a description of what the brand is and what sort of products they sell. She has also added where the brand was made and launched. The description of this product is three paragraphs long which is in detail.
Stranger Things – Official Netflix Poster
· Profile picture: what are artists using as their profile pictures? Is this relevant to their photographic practice or brand identity?
For this Behance account there was one creator by the name of Kyle Lambert who is using 4 different faces from characters that he has created. This is relevant to his work as it is showing pieces that he has done previously.
· About me: What information are artists sharing on their ‘about me’ section? Is it relevant to their photographic practice or brand identity?
This artist doesn’t have an about ‘me section’, but he has actually rote a section about himself and about where he studied and first started to train at to do digital art. His approach to art involves detailed research and experimentation with new develop mentation tools as well as new techniques to create his ‘Visually Impactful Artwork’.
· Focus: how many different focuses are artists using? Why do you think they are including more than one focus?
In the focus section Kyle has:
· Illustration
· Digital Art
· Painting
All of these are aimed to get the finished product which I can see throughout all of him images.
· On the web: what websites and social media are they linking you to? Why do you think they are inviting you to view those particular profiles / pages?
The different social media accounts that Kyle Lamber has linked to his Behance are:
· LinkedIn
· Facebook
· Twitter
· Google+
· Youtube
· Flickr
· Pintrest
This is suggesting that he is inviting you to go and follow these accounts to he can grow his following and possibly get work from them.
Gallery upload:
· Title: How long is the title? Is it relevant to the images? Is it eye catching?
The title for this gallery is only 5 words long, the title is really relevant to the graphic art as Kyle has created these for The Netflix series called Stranger Things. This s eye catching as the series is really popular, so people would really want to see this.
· Images: on average, how many images are artists using for an upload? What’s the smallest and largest amount of images you have seen?
On this gallery there are 4 images that Kyle has created which are showing the process of him creating the final image from start to finish.
· Description: what information has the artist included in the description of their work? How long is the description? Is it relevant? Why do you think they have provided the amount of information they have?
The artist has added a few different things on the post to do with the project. He added when he was commissioned to produce the art work.
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Humans of New York
What is the Brand Identity of Humans of New York? What do you associate with it?
The Brand Identity of Humans of New York are actually content driven instead of personality driven because Brandon doesn’t say anything about himself on it and doesn’t even have his personal name on it.
What is Brandon Stanton's Unique Selling Point? What makes his approach and the content he generates different?
His unique selling point is his personality and how he can get on with everyone to gt the shot to put onto ‘Humans of New York without them knowing who he is and that they just want to get their photograph taken just to be on his Facebook page with millions of followers. His approach to taking the images is to get down to their level and to make them smile and for them to tell the story within the image and he also adds a quote to each image of what his subject has said. He alters his approach to people Kids or elderly people by asking them question they understand and can personally answer.
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What is social media Optimisation
S.M.O - Social Media Optimisation
Tips for social media use:
- Appropriate Content
- Regular Updates/Consistence
- Self Promotion
- Contact Information
- Using all platforms simultaneously
~ Use hashtags
~ Don’t post full resolution images
~ Be professional
10 rules for success on your social media accounts:
1. Link your accounts: Primarily to save time and no one has time to be posting separately.
2. Use Hashtags to stay in trend: So you stay relevant and because they trend.
3. Schedule Posts: times you post your image and when’s best for example in the morning between 8-9am, Lunch time, Evenings, Sunday Night.
4. Dripfeed your context: Don’t post it all at once, spread it out as you will run out of stuff. Use teasers/Behind the scene shots.
5. Be active and responsive: Use the platform, comment on others work and follow other people and reply back to people straight away.
6. Include a call to action: this is trying to get the people that look at the post to do something and interact. For example: ‘please share’ or ‘please retweet’ or ask them questions within the post. ‘Poles’
7. Share the love: Follow people, Like there posts, pages, comment on there images.
8. Brand constantly: has to be easily recognisable, your logos, your banner. Use all same typefaces.
9. Know your audience: on Facebook you can see who are following you and have liked your page
10. Target your audience: you can choose your target audience
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Creating My Logo
1. Firstly I started to design my logo by opening a new document on Adobe Illustrator.
2. Then I created a circle by using the ‘Ellipse Tool’ And I held down ‘Shift’ at the same time so the sides are the same on each side.
3. Next I used the ‘Type Tool’ to add some text saying ‘Spot’ inside the circle that I previously created. The type face that i used was ‘Myriad Pro’ and the size of ‘77.24 pt’
4. Next I used the ‘Type Tool’ to add some text saying ‘Light’ next to the circle that I previously created and at the same height and size as the previous text.
5. On the image above it is showing my final logo only I have put the ‘Photography’ text onto the logo. The font size for this is ‘31.67 pt’.
In the image above it is showing three of the same sinal logo designs but I have changed the type face on each one.
1. Myriad Pro
2. Times New Roman
3. Tempus Sans ITC
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University application studying “commercial photography” Portfolio
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University application studying “fashion photography” Portfolio
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University application studying “documentary photography” Portfolio
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Photographer and retoucher at a high end fashion label Portfolio
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Online Identity
What is the difference between private and public information?
The difference between private and public information are that your private information should be what you keep to yourself such as your bank details and your home address and phone number and more. The public information is your business address, email and phone number but only work phone and email.
Why is it important to keep your private life private?
It is really important to keep your private life private so if your employer sees anything they don’t like or disapprove of then they could possibly fire you or not even hire you in the first place.
Why is it important to keep a public profile?
So employers can see your work and how professional you are so hopefully they would hire you.
What measures can you take to keep your private life private?
The measures you can take are to keep your accounts on private so people have to request to follow you and they also won’t be able to see any of your images or posts until you accept it.
Why is it important to be selective with your portfolio images when applying for jobs / university?
It is really important to be selective with your portfolio images as you only need images for that job so if it’s an e-commerce job then you only need to show your e-commerce photography and set ups as that will be the only things that they look at.
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What is social media?
Online Platforms - it allows you to create and share content with a community
Facebook ~
How useful is this platform to a photographer?
This is useful as you can make pages for yourself and your business. You can also post promotional work to attract visitors to your page and for a small fee you can put it out to an international audience.
People can also direct message you to have conversations which is a great way to build up a client base
This is helpful as it promotes your work and a professional looking page for people to follow and see your work.
What can you actually do with this platform?
You can make your own page and with that you can place your own images into albums and show off your work and have people message you about potential jobs.
What can’t you do?
It’s not an actual business page so you will also need a website where you take the orders and jobs.
Discuss its potential and limitations?
Potential: build up your business and give you a following.
Limitations: it doesn’t have any business options. Image quality is quite low. There are already so many photographers and competitors on there already.
Give it an overall score of 10!
Instagram ~
How useful is this platform to a photographer?
There are a lot of inspirations and interactions with people around the world. It is also made to show images/video. (Photo-oriented)
People are also allowed to comment on and ‘like’ your images.
What can you actually do with this platform?
People use it as a blog and you can see the stats with when you should post your images to get the most likes and followers. Also use # and to know what’s trending. Also you can pay for instagram to post your images as a promotion.
What can’t you do?
You can’t really make it very professional so you won’t be taken as professional and hard to get a following.
Discuss its potential and limitations?
Potential: helps you gain followers and you can promote your pages for a fee.
Limitations: you can only put images on as certain sizes.
Give it an overall score of 10!
Snapchat ~
How useful is this platform to a photographer?
This has no use to a photographer as it doesn’t help with it.
What can’t you do?
Your followers can’t interact with you unless you have them as friends and your images only last up to 24 hours on your story so people mostly just use it for behind the scene images.
Give it an overall score of 10!
Twitter ~
How useful is this platform to a photographer?
It is mostly for text and you can only post 4 images per tweet. You can also pay for adverts.
What can you actually do with this platform?
You can pay for promotional adverts and to gain a following but it can be really hard.
What can’t you do?
You can’t really get a following as a photographer because you can only post 4 images per tweet.
Discuss its potential and limitations?
Potential: Its possible to link different types of social media accounts together so when you create a post or content this automatically gets included to your Twitter.
Give it an overall score of 10!
YouTube ~
How useful is this platform to a photographer?
You can use it as a research platform as there are tutorials and you can create your own videos and place them on there.
What can you actually do with this platform?
You can only really research and place videos on there to show people how you create your images.
Give it an overall score of 10!
9/10 for research
2/10 for clients
Tumblr ~
How useful is this platform to a photographer?
You can share images but it isn’t formal as it is personal for images that you like so you can reblog them and may possibly go out to a large audience if the right person sees it.
What can you actually do with this platform?
You can place your images and you can like and reblog other peoples blogs and posts.
What can’t you do?
You can’t really get a large client base from it as it is mostly 12-25 year old people who use it.
Give it an overall score of 10!
Flicker ~
How useful is this platform to a photographer?
It is good to organise your photos and allows your to find inspirations.
What can’t you do?
It is more of a photo hosting service so you can store a lot of them online
Give it an overall score of 10!
Pinterest ~
How useful is this platform to a photographer?
You won’t get any customers through Pinterest.
You can’t upload your own images without a profile but is useful for an inspirational tool but won’t attract any customers.
Give it an overall score of 10!
8/10 creative process
2/10 customer clients.
LinkedIn ~
How useful is this platform to a photographer?
Professional social media network and photographers might use it as a cv for their photography. This would be good to use as if you are a studio based photographer.
Give it an overall score of 10!
Behance ~
How useful is this platform to a photographer?
This is an online platform where you can post your portfolio and gives you good opportunities for jobs as companies go onto it and look at your portfolio. It is also links to other social media such as Facebook and adobe platform. You can actually see the camera and lens that they have used for that shot when you open the images.
What can you actually do with this platform?
You can post your online portfolio to an international audience and gives you business. You can also can create albums of your images. It is also linked to YouTube
What can’t you do?
The smaller user base than other social media.
Discuss its potential and limitations?
Potential: could give you really good business and a much higher chance of giving you a job over any other business.
Limitations: small user base.
Give it an overall score of 10!
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Marketing photography
In small groups examine the images you have captured and identified your USR.
What is your inspirations/rationality?
My inspiration was from a photographer called Bobby Doherty of an image showing an moisturiser tube placed on a two coloured background.
Style and creativity?
I have chosen a style that I really like. However, I feel I need to work on the style to gain more experience with it. During the editing process I have edited the image to improve the way that it looks by reducing much of the reflection and I feel like I have done a really good job.
What does this image say about yourself?
I feel like this image shows how precise I am and how clean I like to keep my images by removing the dust and marks.
What method can you use to market yourself as a brand?
As a brand I can use this image to market my E-commerce photography and I can also add a logo onto the image as a promotional image.
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Name and Logo Generation
Versatile and Memorable
Unique without being overdrawn
A good logo for a photography business would include something to do with an item that you will use or a technique but it has to be related with the type of photography that your business specialises in.
- This logo is really simple but allows you to recognise it which means that the logo is versatile and memorable.
- This logo is really simple and effective but they have copied off the Instagram colours and theme so I don’t really feel like they know what sort of photography they do as Instagram has every genre of photography on it.
- This logo is really simple and effective as you can tell that they do wildlife photography as there is the bear on the logo under the aperture ring. I personally really like this for the simplicity of the design. The logo only has 4 colours on it and they all blend in with each other and look good.
- This photography logo is for a sport photography business. I feel like this logo could get really dated quickly due to the speed lines and how they have a camera on their logo which most people do have. However, it is really simple and appropriate for their target audience.
- This logo isn’t really a good logo as It doesn’t say anything about the photography that they do and the logo is simple but not quite sure why there are wings on it.
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