silverstripe101a · 3 years
Hi all,
I want to start with a somewhat anonymous introduction, as I have another active account on here that’s my more prominent one (which is involved in the (mainly marvel) tickle community and in the We Are The Tigers fandom.   I haven’t posted anything on the other account as I am really struggling to write what I come up with for scenes onto my computer, and have a hard time opening up and trusting people, so I would be open to any prompts (as long as they’re SFW).  I’ll also post on my other account that I’m open for prompts. 
On to the rant:  I was (and still am to some degree), a liar when I was little.  I was also really proud of my work and would want to do everything on my own without help.  Last semester during college, I fell into a depression (I’m a little better now), and was seeing a therapist.  I have a hard time controlling my feelings around my parents, which has lead to some pretty awful screaming matches.  Tonight was just the breaking point for me, as I drove on the highway by myself (still don’t feel comfortable merging without my parents in the car), while it was raining and didn’t tell my parents as they were in a different state.  A truck almost dit me when he was merging, and I wish he had hit me a little bit.  I’m not suicidal and don’t have any intention of hurting myself or others, I just wish that I could be understood by my parents, and wish that they would be a bit easier on me.  For context, I’m taking a Stats course at a University online, to prepare me for the fall, and I’m already falling behind on notes.  I also feel like I’m a little bit of a burden and that my parents would be better if I wasn’t here for a while.  I also feel like I talk too much about myself to my friends and never ask them questions about themselves.
What do I tell my parents?
Sorry if I bored you :(
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silverstripe101a · 5 years
Just wanted to support you, and say that even though I joined before you, I know how it feels to have writers block (look at me, I haven’t posted anything yet), but it will come to you!
Best of luck out there!
Just wanted to say hello to everyone out here on Tumblr.  I’m new here, and I’m going to try to start posting soon, but does anyone have any requests?  I am in the Spn fandom, so I will mostly post that!
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