9 posts
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silverstickle · 2 days ago
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Four swords design!
Until I figure out more details this is all you get
I actually have some "lore" to this design if you could even call it that(yay me doing extra work!), I'll write it underneath here.
(*post-story*) After spending so long with the others, "full" Link is actually having a hard time adjusting to the silence.
Unfortunately, having your being split into four whole other beings has some drawbacks. The tethers keeping Link's personality in one piece have been worn out and it's starting to show.
Basically, I've given Link DID(Dissociative identity disorder). The different personalities of each Link shine through. The others aren't trying to escape, it's just that the barrier keeping them separate is so thin that they fall/phase through every once in a while.
I still need to expand on this idea and do more research and blah blah blah but I'll get it done eventually I promise!
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silverstickle · 4 days ago
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May or May not be working on a minish cap design..
(Also gives me an excuse to post something)
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silverstickle · 4 days ago
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ALBW & EOW Links!! very quick sketches tho
Seeing @silverstickle 's design for ALBW Link inspired me to finally get off my ass and draw a couple Link designs/characters I'd been thinking about whoops. Go look at their design though it's so cute, I was heavily inspired by them for my version of World.
(I also went for more kind of a dress look with him because c'mon this man had a whole entire adventure in Hytopia he is not afraid to wear a dress)
In the future I'm planning on writing like, an LU longfic, but one that has all of the links in a more canon timeline (so think Legend and World and properly separated, as are Minish Cap Link and FS FSA Link, and also Spirit Tracks Link and Wind), and kind of exploring that. Cuz I love LU so so so much. But I'd wanna see what a journey would be like with like, the actual canon timeline Links
Also more of my Tri & Link are one and the same propaganda, I wrote a fic about that if anyone's interested
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silverstickle · 5 days ago
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Yeah no problem I'll just lie here don't worry about it.
Thought it would be funny if Sheerow brang an automated letter to Link every time he lost all his hearts in battle(or clumsiness).
why is that bird so hard to draw explain it to me.
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silverstickle · 5 days ago
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Yet another Link sketch!
Still up in the air but I love love the idea of giving him a dummy smile..
Feel free to throw me some opinions or suggestions I clearly need them.
Drew them at a DND meet hehe. Why do I always get a burst of inspiration when I should be listening? Especially when I don't have my sketchbook with me.
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silverstickle · 6 days ago
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Quick little interaction I thought up(might be a bit hard to see because of the highlighter)
Is it really that hard to cook an egg?
Might make a digital version so it looks like something instead of scribbles.
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silverstickle · 6 days ago
I need more people to include Ravio being a weaponsmith (thanks to the person who told me about this term) and furthermore, that boy makes magic infused weapons, I repeat, MAGIC infused weapons, which has to mean he has some sort of magic himself and I'm very enthralled by that concept, particularly I think Lorulean (lolian?) magic is likely a kind of shadow magic and I think sheerow must just be attuned to it and that's why he finds it so easily when you go game over, but also, I like the possibility that Ravio, knowing magic, just put a sort of location spell on his weapons so he wouldn't lose track of them and could make sure they were returned.
This has potential for fics if we consider Legend is a hoarder, has a gazillion artefacts he probably doesn't even know how they fully work and Ravio just probably loves figuring out the magic properties of each. I also head canon that Legend has no clue how to actually channel his magic outside if using magic artefacts while Ravio just casually knows every intricacy of his own magic and has likely figured how Legend's works, he just hasn't told him because he's convinced Legend knows how his light magic works.
Like, this is aside from that, I know we joke a lot as a fandom about Ravio's scammer tendencies and his love of rupees, and some people think it clashes with the selflessness he exhibits in his decisions to leave Lorule not knowing what was ahead to find a hero just to help Hilda and Lorule, personally I think considering the state of Lorule that Ravio might come from poverty and seeing as the kingdom is fully in shambles that boy had to learn how to steal, scam and do his own thing to get money (weapons), which the whole magic weapon thing might've been what got him to work for the crown of Lorule, he probably is like this due to economic instability in his country and as a child.
Okay, that's it for now
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silverstickle · 6 days ago
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ALbw Link design!
I'm kinda sick of every Link looking the same but not being the same in the slightest so tahdah!
This is going to be a long project if I am indeed going to do every Link but I had to do ALbw because he's my favorite and I love him.
You can also see some Lorule-looking details ahem hint hint..
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silverstickle · 7 days ago
Hello! 💐
(pinned post)
This is me introducing myself the best I you can see I'm brand new to the Tumblr setting(at the time of this post) and I would love to start building a following!
You probably won't see much on here as of now, but I'll try my best to maintain a steady flow!
I'm currently going to school to become an architect(*suffering).
My favorite Zelda games are ALbw(A Link between worlds), 4s(Four swords), and Tp(Twilight princess).
My favorite characters(at the moment) are Arven(Pokemon S/V), Ravio(ALbw), Dark Link(4s), and Daisuke(Mouthwashing).
My favorite pokémon are stoutland, luxray, joltik, and jolteon(you can probably tell my favorite type).
My favorite media atm is The Magnus archives, The legend of Zelda, Mouthwashing, EPIC, Ghostbusters, Sonic, and Cookie run kingdom.
My favorite musical artists are Will Wood, Cavetown, Jorge Rivera-Herrans, Madilyn Mei, Lemon Demon, and more..
I play the guitar, the clarinet, and the piano,
And my favorite color is green!
Consider this post a directory.
As I post more and more there should be some links to stuff right below here.
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