ᴍᴀɴɪ, ꜱʜᴇ🩷ʜᴇʀ, ʟᴠʟ25🎮, ʟᴇᴏ♌️, ᴇɴꜰᴊ☘️ ✦ᴄʜᴇᴄᴋ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ✦
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Same here
I stopped coming online all together and just open it when I get a notification
Okay, guys i fucking hate tumblr. I'm following like a hundred people here, but i only see the same like 12 on my dash.
I turned notifications on on my mobile for the tumblr app, but please, if you know that i follow you but still feel like i dont interact with your posts it's because I don't see them on my dash 😭🤌
I go to your blog and turn on notifs there too, i hope this will help 😥
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Frustrated Steven? cute
Self-loathing stubborn goat Marc? Amazing
Voice of reason Jake? HOT
Marc holds out his hand toward your dress. “You’re going to be Steven’s wife. I guess I just want to apologize that sometimes, it has to be me in the body. I’ll try to keep myself away as much as I can. You do look gorgeous. You look like a dream I had once, actually. Um, never mind.” He shakes his head. “My point is-“
Marc nods, his hands finding their way to his hips again, like this was a construction job that was finished. He was surveying the work, approving it. Job done.
Something about this made me laugh so hard! He is such a dad😂
Also always having the resting judgemental face😂😂😂Rally your writings give me life!
steven grant & marc spector- marry me
Summary: You’re marrying Steven. You think Marc doesn’t like you. Understanding ensues. (fem reader wears wedding dress, romance but not even a kiss in this one, lots of angsty feelings, Marc doesn’t love himself, ~2.3k)
“Look, mate, I only need you to do this one thing, yeah? Just sign the marriage license,” Steven says. “I don’t legally exist and you know how dodgy Jake gets.”
Steven adjusts his bow-tie, dark purple with subtle gold stars. He has on his black tuxedo, making sure things are just right for his wedding to you in, checks watch, 30 minutes.
The beautiful old barn in the countryside where you’d wanted to get married is perfect. You’d kept it small, only about 20 people. You’re getting ready in the room next door.
A warm afternoon breeze rolls in through the window, carrying the scent of the flowers from outside and the faint smell of fresh hay. It’s idyllic. You’d made everything perfect. Not just the wedding, but Steven’s entire life.
In the mirror, Marc folds his arms and frowns. “You can forge it.”
Steven makes a face. “I’ll not be doing that, thank you very much. Not taking chances with her. Technically, she’s marrying Marc Spector.”
“Like hell she is,” Marc spits out.
Steven exhales, his shoulders slumping. “Marc-“
“Forget it,” Marc cuts him off. “I’ll sign the damn license. Just, call me when it’s over.”
“No, wait, hold on,” Steven says into the mirror.
But Marc’s gone. Steven’d seen less and less of him the closer it got to the wedding.
At first, Steven thought it was because of Layla. It was such a shame that things hadn’t worked out. They’d tried, but things kept getting more and more jumbled. In the end, it was better to be friends. Steven was happy with that. He’d thought Marc was too.
Konshu had them on assignment in America when Steven’d met you. He hadn’t been able to stop himself from falling for you, and to his complete surprise, you’d felt the same.
Marc spent weeks going on and on about what a bad idea it was, but at some point, Jake had a talk with him. Marc’d left Steven alone about it since then.
Still, Steven knew something was wrong. Maybe Marc didn’t like the idea of being tied down. Maybe he was scared. Maybe you weren’t his type. It could be a million things, but Marc wouldn’t talk about any of them. Stubborn old goat.
Frustrated, Steven pulls his bow-tie.
“Hey, let me do it,” Jake says from the mirror.
“It’s fucking crooked. No matter how I tie it,” Steven says, exasperated.
“Give me the hands,” Jake says calmly.
Steven blinks hard, surprised by how upset he is. Jake ties the bow-tie calmly, perfect the first time.
“Marc needs to talk to her,” Jake says.
“That’s exactly what neither of them want. Marc’s always been weird about her and she thinks he’s completely indifferent to her, or worse, he hates her. It makes her feel bad. I won’t let her feel like that, not today,” Steven says. “He’ll just say something mean and I’d have to punch him in the face and then I’d have to get married with a bloody nose.”
“Honorable. But wrong. Just put them in a room together. For all our sakes,” Jake says, disappearing again.
The first thing Marc does is take off Steven’s bow-tie. It strangled him.
He didn’t want to ruin Steven’s big day by existing at all, but once Steven dug his heels in there was no changing his mind. He’d insisted on Marc talking to you.
So, Marc knocks on the door of your dressing room. He has 25 minutes to say some bullshit to smooth things over. Problem is, he has no idea what to say. He’s never been smooth or romantic or lovable in any way, not to his mind.
“Marc?” you say through the door, your voice quiet.
Early on, Steven, Marc, and Jake had started using separate knocks, so you’d know who was on the other side of the door. You don’t need them anymore. You can tell them apart on sight.
Today, though, Marc defaulted back to the earlier habit.
Back to more than a year ago when Steven had told you the truth. When Marc had introduced himself. And he’d messed it up, right at the beginning.
You open the door, just your head peaking out. He can see the edge of your white dress.
“Is something wrong?” you ask, concerned.
“No.” He lifts his hand to brush it though his hair, but then remembers how much time Steven put into making sure every curl was just how you liked it. Marc drops his hand. “Can we talk?”
You bite your bottom lip. “Well, you’re not really supposed to see me.”
“It doesn’t matter. I’m not the groom.” Marc sighs.
A sad, pained look crosses your face and Marc wants to jump out a window. Bitterness wells up his throat, burning like stomach acid.
You step back, letting him in, the door swinging open.
You look…
God you look beautiful.
But all that comes out of Marc’s mouth is, “nice dress.”
Fucking idiot.
“Thanks,” you mumble, your eyes not lifting from the ground.
Marc pulls the door shut. He runs a hand over his face.
“I don’t want to mess up your wedding or anything,” he says.
You shift your weight, still not meeting his eyes. “What do you want, Marc?”
“You’re Steven’s, obviously. I would never do anything to jeopardize that,” he says, talking without thinking. There’s a little niggle at the back of his mind, Steven trying to come through. Marc shuts him out. “You’re rightfully his.”
Finally, your face lifts again. Beautiful of course, but confused. “What does that mean?”
Marc holds out his hand toward your dress. “You’re going to be Steven’s wife. I guess I just want to apologize that sometimes, it has to be me in the body. I’ll try to keep myself away as much as I can. You do look gorgeous. You look like a dream I had once, actually. Um, never mind.” He shakes his head. “My point is-“
“Yeah, what is your point?” you ask. You don’t seem angry, to Marc’s surprise. You seem curious.
He exhales loudly. “I’m sorry I give you a hard time.”
A little frown pulls between your eyebrows. Your head tilts a fraction, empathetically. “Marc, you give yourself a hard time. You always do.”
You take a step closer to him and he knows he should step back. But you smell so good.
“Will you just accept my apology?” His words come out short and gruff.
Your mouth screws up toward one side of your face as you think. Marc thinks it’s maybe the most adorable thing he’s ever seen.
“No,” you say, “apology not accepted.”
Marc unbuttons the tux jacket, rests his hands on his hips. “Fine. I know I’m an asshole. I’m trying to say you don’t ever have to see me again. Maybe you’ll like it better that way.”
“No, I wouldn’t,” you argue with him, “but I do think you’d like it better if I weren’t around.”
His arms drop back down. “I didn’t say that.”
“You don’t have to. I know you’ve always thought it,” you say, turning away.
“Sweetheart, don’t cry,” Marc says softly.
He hears the tiniest sniffle. He takes the handkerchief out of Steven’s pocket and hands it to you over your shoulder. You yank it out of his hand with surprising force, which shouldn’t make him smile, but it does.
After a few seconds, your voice is steady again. “Why don’t you like me?”
His heart stops. Of course you’d think that. He’d done everything he could to make sure you did.
It hurts like hell to hear the truth, though.
When it comes to fighting evil or doing things that would destroy a normal body, Marc never hesitates to jump in. He’ll heal.
If he gets this wrong, though, he knows he won’t ever get over it.
He’s used to feeling afraid. Honestly, he’s afraid of everything. You deserve his bravery.
“Sweetheart,” he says again. He gently, just barely, rests his hand on your bare shoulder. You gasp like it’s a splash of cold water, but you don’t pull away. “I do like you. I always have.”
When you don’t turn around, Marc lets the weight of his hand drop his hand down. His hand naturally follows the soft curve of your shoulder, down your arm. It makes his mouth run dry.
“You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to us,” Marc says. “You don’t even realize how important you are to Jake and me.”
That catches your attention. “Actually, Jake and I talk a lot. It’s you, Marc. You’re the one who-“ you shrug, looking away from him again.
Marc takes a half-step to the side, catching your gaze. “I know. But you have to understand, I don’t have any right to your time or attention.” He lays his hand on his chest. “I haven’t earned any of the good things you bring into Steven’s life. You’d never choose to marry me. You’re marrying him.”
“I can’t marry Steven without committing myself to you and Jake too, in a way. That’s how it works. It’s the only way this works. If you don’t want to talk to me, I’m not sure this wedding should even happen,” you say, frustrated.
Marc’s jaw goes rigid.
“I didn’t choose to be a miserable bastard,” Marc says, his voice almost at a yell. As soon as the words are out of his mouth he hears how delusional they sound.
“You choose to be miserable every second of every day.” Your voice raises slightly before you catch yourself and lower it. Your heart hurts. Not at all what you’d wanted to feel on your wedding day. “Whatever, Marc. Fine. I accept your stupid apology and I guess I’ll see you never.”
You roll your eyes, but not before Marc sees the fresh tears in them. You turn away, wiping the corners with the purple and gold handkerchief.
“Let me,” he says. “Your makeup’ll smear.”
He takes the handkerchief, with a gentleness you didn’t think he had, and dabs at your lower lash line. You end up just looking him straight in his beautiful, brown eyes.
You know those eyes so well. You love them so much. Even with Marc looking out of them, you feel a pull. You try to see beyond that, though.
The physical part of your relationship with Steven has always been tricky. It had taken practice to respect the body that 3 men shared. That when Marc or Jake was around, you didn’t have the right to wrap your arms around them or snuggle on the couch.
And suddenly, you understand what Marc’s saying.
That you’re familiar to him, but not his. The question is, would he want you to be?
Marc tucks the slightly crumpled handkerchief back into Steven’s pocket. He shoves it in all wrinkled and lumpy. You smile, take it back out to fold it neatly and make it look nice again.
“You said you like me. Well, I like you too,” you say, trying to be as clear as you can. “I think we got off to a bad start.”
Marc closes his eyes for a few seconds. “Yeah, I’m sorry about that. I didn’t mean to come off like such a jerk. You know, usually I give a woman a week or two to figure that out,” he says with a self-deprecating smile.
“No, it was my fault. I was way too familiar with you because I just assumed we’d be super close. I ignored your signals to take things slowly. I’m sorry too,” you say.
Marc nods, his hands finding their way to his hips again, like this was a construction job that was finished. He was surveying the work, approving it. Job done.
“Wait,” you say, having an instinct that Marc was trying to wrap things up.
He looks at you suspiciously. For once though, you’re not offended. You know he’s not doing it to be mean. He just has resting judgmental face.
You look at the clock on the wall. Only ten minutes until the ceremony.
You smile at Marc, feel dumb about it and stop.
His face turns amused. “What is it? Spit it out.”
“Okay, okay,” you say, brushing your hands down the skirt of your dress. “You know how usually, a bride’s father walks her down the aisle?”
“I’ve heard of that one,” Marc says sarcastically.
It almost makes you laugh. Like he can sense it, Marc’s shoulders visibly relax.
“Well, since my dad’s performing the wedding ceremony, I was going to walk down the aisle alone,” you say. “But maybe you could walk me down.”
Your face feels hot. Maybe you shouldn’t have asked. It was too much, too soon.
“I’d be honored,” Marc says solemnly. His gaze drifts for a second, a familiar look. “And Steven’s on board. He’s delighted, he says.”
You smile so hard your cheeks hurt. “Really? Thank you, Marc.”
“No, I’m the one thanking you,” Marc says, clearing his throat around the emotion you hear in his voice. “I have a hard time accepting the way I am. I think I was taking it out on you. I didn’t really believe you could accept me, Steven, and Jake. You’re smart and funny. So beautiful. You seem too good to be true, but you’re not. You’re just as great as you seem.”
You have a hard time breathing for a second.
“Wow, that’s really nice of you,” you say, feeling like this is a first date or something, which is a very odd feeling considering you’re getting married in a few minutes. Before you start crying again and ruin your makeup, you squeeze his arm with your hand, grinning. “Maybe you could make that your speech at the reception. How great I am.”
Marc laughs. “Sure thing. Right after I explain to all your confused guests why you British husband sounds like this.”
He glances at his watch.
“Show time,” he says with a smile.
Marc holds out his arm with a dramatic flourish and you take it happily, glad that this is the first day of the rest of your lives, in more ways than one.

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I love this sm😭someone makes this into a fic pls!!!
Scenes from a marriage: The curious incident of the bug in the night time
Moon Knight Blooper Reel
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Moon Knight Sketchbook
Just some sketches of Marc, Steven, and Layla I did last month. When my art block is really ramping up, the best thing is to put down the iPad and take out the pens and sketchbook. Something about not being able to erase and having no undo button does wonders for letting me draw something without worrying if it's perfect :)
#moon knight#fanart#marc spector#steven grant#moon boys#layla el faouly#mr. knight#scarlet scarab#marvel#marvel rivals#art rec
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Something weird for you 💚

Hahahaahaha Fen! I LOVE YOU!😂
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I don't know this anon but after an unsuccessful bang cutting and crying, I completely understand them and happy this fic is here
Can I request Steven trying to make reader feel better after they had cut their bangs too short? I just trimmed my own bangs, and they didn't turn out how I wanted. Some gentle encouragement from Steven would be lovely.
Aww of course! <3 I bet your hair looks amazing!
Kiss It Better
Steven Grant x gn!Reader • Rating: mature pals • Masterlist• ao3• want to be tagged? | request info • buy me a coffee? •
Summary: Steven cheers you up after you cut your hair and it doesn't look like you wanted it to.
Warnings: Kisses, fluff, pet names, tickling, overuse of italics, not beta read, please let me know if I've missed a warning.
Word Count: 493
“It’s really not that bad love, I think it looks cute!” Steven smiles kindly and rubs your shoulders while you’re slumped on the sofa.
“You could cut them super short like to your forehea-” Marc’s cut short by Steven.
“Mate, you’re not helping.”
“I am.”
You snort, looking at them and smiling.
“See?” Marc says internally.
Steven tuts, but it’s good-natured. “You’ve made Marc gloat now, love.”
You chuckle, “You two are always bickering.”
“Only half of the time.” He smiles and strokes your cheek. “It’s really, really nice. I think you did a great job.”
You give him a disbelieving look.
He gives you the puppy eyes. “You look like an angel.”
That makes you laugh again.
“Or maybe… a sexy angel?” He raises his eyebrows a little at you, purposefully being a little over the top to cheer you up.
“So this is what does it for you?” You gesture to your hair and he nods.
“You’re so silly.”
“I’m being one hundred percent honest, cross my heart and hope to die.” He holds up his hands.
“I don’t believe you.”
He opens his mouth to object, but you continue before he gets the chance.
“I think you’re biased.”
“Biased?” He looks insulted. “How?”
“You love me. And you’re too nice. You’d say anything to make me feel better.”
He huffs, again another over the top action to amuse you. “I am not too nice. I’d tell you if you looked like shit.”
You laugh kindly, “No, you wouldn’t.”
“I would.”
“Okay then,” you smile, calling his bluff. “Say I look like shit now?”
“No, no ‘see’,” he tickles you lightly until you squeal and flinch away slightly. “Don’t twist my words, I said, ‘I’d tell you if you looked like shit’, because I’m honest. But you don't, so I'm not going to lie and say that you do.”
“Flawless logic.” You tease and lightning fast he grabs one wrist in his warm hand to keep you from wriggling away and going to tickle you again with the other.
You yelp and giggle, “No, no, no, I’m sorry.”
He pauses, his hand in midair. “I don’t want to hear ‘I’m sorry’, I want to hear, ‘Yes, Steven how I cut my hair is amazing and I look lovely.’”
You pause and he tuts again, this time not stopping when you try to squirm away. He pins you down onto the sofa under his body weight and tickles your side mercilessly.
“Stop, stop!” You snort, your body tense as you try to escape his onslaught.
He does, smiling happily, but stays on top of you, keeping most of his full weight off of you with his forearm.
“Admit you look beautiful.” He nods at the end of the sentence triumphantly.
“I look beautiful.” You mumble.
“Sorry? I didn’t catch that?”
“I look beautiful.” You say, clearer this time.
“Good. Because you are.” He leans down and kisses you softly.
Thank you for reading!
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Oscar and Pedro 💖
Buy me a coffee! • Linktree • Open Commisions
I couldn’t help myself into drawing them 🤍 They healed my heart like you wouldn't believe it.
Alter B&W version under the cut

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a spoonful of sugar
summary: marc's not very good at taking his medicine.
(I was the worst at drinking this stuff as a kid so I need validation)
cw: fluff, sickfic, marc is a little baby
You knew it was coming. Even as he flapped his hand and rolled his eyes and laughed allergies, baby, you knew. When it was eight in the morning and your early bird boyfriend hadn't even stirred, you knew. That rumbling cough wasn't an annual pollen allergy.
There was a pot of tea on the stove before he woke. You'd prepped the supplies - tissues, a damp towel, some anti-inflammatory, and were in the middle of making food when his croaky voice broke the silence. You knelt by his bed and pulled the blankets away from his sweaty face.
"Help," he rasped, "I'm -cough- dying..."
The desperate display of obvious dramatics made you grin. He was always such a tough guy; scoffing at band-aids and ice packs. It was tempting to tease but his puppy eyes were too much.
"Come on, big guy, let's get some food in you." You gently pulled the covers down to help him up, but he harrumphed and yanked them right back.
"Sod off," came Steven's weary voice from under the comforter. "Marc's being a toff and making me deal with the sore throat." A pitiful sniffle and a hacking cough erupted from his broad shoulders. The blankets shuddered as Steven raked in a breath.
"Marc, come on," you cooed, rubbing his back. "Leave poor Steven alone. I've got some stuff for you, you'll feel better."
A pause, then some grumbling as he sat up. "Poor Steven? Wha' bou' me?"
His whining was choked up by the pressure in his throat. You could see the blockage in his sinuses as he struggled to keep his eyes open. A whistling sigh left his lips. He was definitely sick. Deliriously, Marc dragged a hand through his wild, sweaty hair. He reminded you of a scruffy ragdoll cat dragged in from the rain.
With a fussy Marc in tow, you fixed a cup of herbal tea and some food. So far he just seemed congested but he needed some food to handle the medicine. He miserably blew at the steaming mug, swaying on his feet. You held him against you sympathetically. He greedily drank in the attention, sniffing louder to earn a few forehead kisses.
Marc didn't get sick very often. He was pretty good at eating well, getting sleep when he could, and exercising regularly. Usually he could sleep it off and be totally fine. Every once in a while though, he'd get kicked on his ass for a while.
The kitchen island had every box of decongestant and cough syrup you could find splayed out in a heap. You weren't sure which one he preferred, so you'd let him pick. Not one of them seemed to be opened.
He had finished half of the tea, grimacing after every sip. Marc much preferred coffee, said his beseeching glance at the coffeemaker.
"Caffeine won't help," you chided gently, standing in front of the alluring machine. He sent you a sour look and folded his arms, shivering at another wracking cough. You reminded yourself to be gentle - Marc didn't like feeling weak.
Letting him go about grabbing water and wolfing down more toast, you examined the available medicines.
He'd need some ibuprofen, and probably a decongestant. You'd give it to him now so he could take a hot shower while you changed the sheets. Airing out the flat would clear the germy air well enough.
Marc approached you warily, eyeing the pharmaceutical stash you had amassed.
"Whassat?" he asked hoarsely, ducking his chin against your neck. Petting his cheek absently, you continued your perusing.
"We need to get you some meds, honey. Do want the grape stuff or no flavor? Haven't got anything better, looks like."
You felt his lips frown against your skin. "I'll just take a shower, don't neeb all tha' stuff." he coughed again, wincing at the blockage in his nose. His breath was hot. You frowned, pressing your palm against his head.
"You're feverish, Marc, you need something more than a shower. You can take one after." Filling a glass with water, you handed him a tablet and nodded. "Take that."
Muttering, he knocked it back and slugged down the water. Sliding behind you, he made his way towards the bathroom but you tugged his sleeve back.
"Hang on, one more." You slowly measured out a dose of decongestant. The garish red syrup glug-glugged quietly, an acrid smell of medicinal berry coating your nose. Blegh, you winced. It was baffling how nobody had thought to make it a tasteless pill. Drinking ounces of disgusting syrup was your least favorite way to knock out a cold.
Turning, you carefully handed Marc the little cup. "Drink that and another glass of water, then you can shower. I'll address the sheets."
You made sure to adjust the thermostat on your way to the bedroom. Once his fever dropped he'd want some warmth to sleep in. The window let in a cooling breeze, washing away the stuffy scent of sick. London's quiet din rumbled outside, providing a soundtrack for your relaxed cleaning.
Bundling the sheets and towels into your arms, you made your way to the washroom. You paused.
Marc was hunched over the counter, glaring at something.
A flicker of embarrassment, then he curled his body away and grumbled a response. Frowning, you tossed the sheets in the hamper and crossed to him.
"What've you been doing? I gave that to you a while ago."
He nodded, still scowling at the viscous berry medicine. A pause. you tilted your head.
"...You okay?"
Marc didn't respond. That little serving of medicine continued to endure his baleful wrath, practically trembling on the countertop. The spell was broken by an enormous sneeze. Marc reeled from the sound, shaking the fuzz from his head.
"I think you've intimidated it enough," you joked softly, rubbing his shoulder. "But really, honey, you need to drink that."
A familiar pair of wide brown eyes blinked sorrowfully at you. "But...it tastes foul," Steven whined, sticking his lip out for emphasis. You raised your eyebrow and poked his side.
"Spector, stop shoving off to Steven. You're the one who wanted to sleep with a window open in November, you gotta suffer the consequences."
A moment of twitching and he was back, bleary and disgruntled. Ears pink with Steven's admission, Marc hedged away from you again and tried to escape to the bathroom. His clumsy feet shuffled along the creaky baseboards. You let him have his way for a moment, but soon enough was enough.
"Marc, you've literally drunk the most disgusting alcohol ever without a second thought."
He looked at you reproachfully, trying to work Steven's angle of adorable petulance. His grumpy frown did make your heart fawn, but the wracking cough and guttural sneeze overran the knee-jerk reaction.
Irritated that his tactics weren't working, Marc slumped onto your shoulder. Chuckling, you rubbed his back, rocking him side to side. His hands were insistent, tugging you backwards. You realized, almost too late, that he was trying to angle himself closer to an escape path.
Before you could grab him, he had disappeared into the bathroom and turned on the tap.
You sighed. At least he was showering.
The laundry was done, and the apartment sufficiently sanitized by the time Marc reappeared, damp hair curling around his ears. He looked a little brighter. His eyes were clear and his cheeks a healthier ruddiness rather than feverish.
And, just like before, the little cup of syrup lay sitting on the counter for him. He was visibly bothered when you hadn't forgotten.
"Meds," you said firmly when he moved in for a kiss. The comment offended him, and he tried to peck you anyway. You put a hand over his mouth and pushed gently, handing him the cup.
"I don't wan' to," he rasped, lip curling. "It tastes like lighter fluid - cough - and I don't feel better anyway."
"How would you know, you haven't taken it?"
Marc huffed, dramatically folding his arms and turning his nose up.
Your tone made him duck his head. It was funny to watch him squirm; his reluctance almost reminded you of Steven. Usually he would bite the bullet and do anything that made him uncomfortable with nothing but a shrug. Hell, you'd seen him clean Steven's sick off the toilet after a night out with less of a reaction.
Sympathizing a little bit, you poured a glass of orange juice and slid it over.
"If you drink the medicine really fast, you can wash it down with juice."
Marc grumbled, still wrinkling his nose.
"Does that work?"
"Hmmm no," he huffed, folding his arms tighter. "I thin' you should gib me a kiss 'cause you're bein' meab," he garbled, voice strangled around the congestion. You bit down a laugh, trying to seem sincere.
"You can't even talk, Marc, I am not gonna kiss you."
The admission made his head snap up, eyes terrified. You worked this new angle, putting your hands up and backing away. "I don't want your germs."
He protested quietly, hands reaching out.
"No buts," you said, tone gentle again, "come on. Just a second. It'll take like two seconds and then you can drink some juice and go lay down. Yes, I'll lay with you," you acquiesced at his narrowed gaze.
He was stubbornly refused. "Marc," you sighed, dragging a hand over your face. "You'd be done with this by now if you just drank it."
"I don' like it," he bit out. Unbelievable. You stared at each other for a moment, disdainfully scowling at the situation.
"You know what, fine," you griped, taking the cup in your hand. "Pick a number between one and five."
He blinked, but relented. "F...four," he wheezed, wiping his nose with his sleeve. You held up four fingers.
"I will give you four kisses if you drink this."
He brightened. "snfff- wait, I meant fibe."
You leaned forward and nudged his nose. He tried to grab you for a kiss but you ducked back, taking the opportunity to grab his jaw gently. Eyes hazy and loving, he smiled at you.
"Open," you said softly, tapping his lips and winking.
Marc obeyed, clearly expecting a kiss. Instead, you gently tipped the medicine to his lips. Marc yelped at the sharp taste. He fussed and balked, struggling not to choke. You shushed him, tipping the cup until it had all dribbled past his lips.
"Drink it quick, honey, there you go, all done-" You shoved him the glass of juice, coaxing him to finish the dose. Marc spluttered and gagged, wincing at the taste. Eyes watering, he glared at you.
"Tha' was rude," he pouted. You cuddled him up and kissed his forehead.
"Yeah, but now you can go snuggle into bed." This outcome placated him greatly, nuzzling into your shoulder as you situated the bed. Marc jabbed your side insistently and you paused to give him a kiss.
Wrinkling your nose, you nodded. "Wow. Yeah, I can taste that. It's pretty shit."
He threw his hands up, rolling his eyes as you giggled. "Sorry for torturing you," you teased, peppering his cheek with light kisses.
"Fuggin' waterboarded me with that," he grouched, supressing a grin at your doting affection.
The blankets, still warm from the dryer, were tucked high around his drowsy face. You lay as close as you could, draping your arm over his side. Marc snuffled and coughed for a few moments but was asleep soon, breath puffing hot against your neck. You monitored him for a while, hands gently stroking his hair before succumbing to your own nap.
@krakenkitty @ominoose @bulletgoth @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @justsomeonecalledemma @iolaussharpe-24 @rosegnome @twwcs @heeheehoohoofictimr @steven-grants-world @ael-xander @to-be-a-sunshine @weasleyswizarding-wheezeswheezes
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Yeah, I believe Marc would joke about his trauma bitterly just to shove it away as a healing and coping mechanism. They have been together enough that reader is also picking up on it.
And he is a dream man for being a simp and beating your game for you so you won't go look for spoilers🥹
Chapter 2 :
𝐊𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭'𝐬 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲 𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ¤
● Marc Spector x GamerGirl!Reader ● Rating : E
➤ Main MasterList :
➤ Writing MasterList :
✦ Character AI Bot Based On This Chapter ✦
✦ Steven's Chapter : Fair Play
✦ Jake's Chapter : Coming Soon...
─┉┈˚*・༓ ☾ ༓・*˚┈┉─
✦ Summary : You've got your hands on a new video game and been hyperfixating over it. Moonboys aren't taking it well at how they've been neglected.
✦ Tags : Established relationship and reader has moved in with them, but reader doesn't know about their knightly duties (or does she!?)
Marc's POV, Grumpy puppy Marc, Gaming, itty-bitty angst where Marc is insecure a bit about the relationship, He calls reader baby/sweetheart, Fluff, Smut
✦ Smut Warnings : Slightly sub Marc, Oral Sex m!receiving, p in v, overstimulation, sex on the couch
✦ Word Count : 3,533
➻ Note : This was purely inspired by @melodygatesauthor headcanon on moon boys with a gamer partner.
➻ Note : Happy Birthday to Marc Spector ♡ It was fate I post the 2nd chapter on his birthday!
➻ Note : Comments and Reblogs are appreciated ♡
─┉┈˚*・༓ ☾ ༓・*˚┈┉─
It was so natural for him that the first thing he called for and remembered was *you* rather than his alters or the weight of his doomed life. He looked for you instead of pieces of himself. Instead of the comfort of Steven and Jake.
He squinted, trying to shield his eyes from the faint light coming from the living area, his hand swiped over the mattress, searching for your warm body, and instead finding only cool sheets beneath him. Lifting his head, curls sprawled all across his forehead, curtaining over his eyes, he tried to blink himself back to the awake world.
It was dark outside. Probably late evening.
And yep. You weren’t there in bed with him.
And of course he couldn’t stop himself from pouting and grumpily groaning as his face fell on the blankets, inhaling your scent and letting himself smirk to the faint smell of your mixed essences.
Marc tried to remember how he reached home, nose bent over the crinkles of the blanket. He remembered how tired he was. How much he missed you. How much his bones ached from fighting injustice. And how much he ached from being away from you for a few days.
He sighed to the familiar sound of clicking as he turned his head, inhaling sharply from freeing his nose.
You were sitting there on the couch, furiously tapping on the controller with your thumbs. He fought against the loud groan that came with moving his stiff limbs.
How long had he been sleeping?
He remembered it was around afternoon that he got home while you were struggling with the key to get inside the flat.
Did he give you the chance to say you missed him, or was it only him breathing out the words onto your lips and just picking you up in his arms to crush his mouth on you?
He didn't dwell on it much but simply shrugged his bare shoulders, hands pushing back his curls as his feet carried him to the couch. To you.
A scoff left his lips, his irritation only heightening when you didn't look up at him. He walked towards you with slow sleepy steps, his bare feet padding against the cool floor. When he reached you, he loomed over you, his arms crossed as his eyes gleamed in the dim glow of the screen. "Baby?"
"Good morning." Your sweet voice was quiet and soft like it was actually early in the morning instead of the Khonshu-ing hours of the night.
He fell on the couch with a huff, lifting up your arm to place his head on his favorite pillow, your thighs. You giggled down at his little growl before your face hardened, your attention snapping back to the tv.
"You came to play instead of waking me up." He wasn't scolding or chiding. And of course, you didn't hear the disappointment in his tone, his lips pressed tightly together.
Now that you didn’t have to be careful of not waking him up, completely drowned in your game, you made a disapproving sound between a hard gasp and a huff to the *Defeated* glaring at you in an angry red on the screen.
Despite his weariness of sleeping for so long and waking up late and groggy, Marc chuckled as his head bounced on your thigh while you tapped your foot in agitation.
"How many times?" Marc's voice was husky and deep, nuzzling his cheek to your thigh. The scratch of his stubble rough on your bare thigh that got a giggle and soft wiggle to get away from him. But his strong hand was quick to grip your thigh, stopping you from moving it away from under his head. His fingers digging to the supple flesh of your inner thigh.
"I don't know. It's one of those hard boss fights." You explained, your shoulders slumping, leaning back on the couch as your grip on the controller tightened. You pressed the button to start at the last checkpoint once again.
The warmth and softness of your thigh were lulling him back to sleep as he fought to keep his eyes open as your character got into the fight again. "Who's that?" He mumbled against your skin, the hand draped down the couch rising, pointing at the enemy and landing back on his stomach with a soft smack.
"Your mom!" You said through clenched teeth, trying hard to parry the attacks and dodge in time, oblivious to the way you winced away from his head like the boss attacked you instead of the character.
"Ha, Ha. Very funny." Marc sat up, his eyes sharpening as he held his hand out for the controller.
Your eyes flicked between his open palm and the tv before yielding and giving up the controller, the *Defeated* casting its red glow over both of you.
"Now, watch and learn, sweetheart." He mumbled under his breath, his fingers skillfully maneuvering the controller as he rewound the battle. "Should be easy enough."
As the battle began, Marc's fingers moved with precision and of course, experience, since he was the one introducing you to this game. He quickly dodged the enemy's attacks, countering with quick slashes of his weapon.
He could feel how you observed the way he combined the clicks on the controller, the character moving easier than it did while you were playing, your gaze traveling between his hands and the screen.
His brows furrowed, his lips pursed into a thin line. Marc moved the character with a fluidity that was almost mesmerizing, taking down the boss with calculated moves. He obviously had memorized this boss fight since it was one of the hardest, and his chest swelled with pride when he took the bastard down.
"MARC! YOU DID IT!" You cheered in a screeching squeal, hopping on the couch and throwing your arms around his neck as he gave a smug smirk to the tv, his arm coming to wrap around your waist. If this was how happy you got upon defeating a fictional bad guy, he couldn't imagine the way you would cheer for him when he sent the real world's bad guys to jail.
"Of course I did it. Don't ever doubt my gaming skills. It’s Steven who can't hold the controller." Marc looked down at you with a teasing gleam in his eyes when you pouted, ready to defend his alter.
"Hey! He is learning well! And he will be better than either of us soon." You removed your arms from his body and crossed them over your chest. The tantalizing sight of your cleavage didn't go unnoticed by him.
He hummed in his throat when your gaze went to the controller in his hand. He was quick to pull it away the moment you lunged at it.
"Nuh-huh." Was the sound coming from deep in his chest when his free hand hooked around your waist again, the controller placed on the coffee table to grip your hand with his.
His gaze darkened as slowly as he leaned in pleadingly for a kiss. As slow as the guide of his hand to place yours over the hot semi-hardness between his thighs.
The needy low moan Marc let out was tempting you to just push him against the couch and climb on him.
"Someone's trying to get a reward or something?" You murmured when you cupped his chin to push his head up, his eyes hungry and hooded, wet lips parted in longing of having yours against his again.
"No. I just missed you." His hands rubbed up and down on your thighs, the soft flesh warming under his palms.
"And where were you?" Your brow went up when he tried to lean in to kiss you, lips turning down grumpily with a huff.
"I had to go check on my uncle's, uh, farm, whatever! Let me–" He grumbled in annoyance when your hand pressed his head back against the couch, an impatient moan heavy in his chest from how deliciously your core was radiating its warmth to his clothed cock, the weight not enough. He needed more. More of your body, more of your kisses and touches. He needed you, he needed to stop thinking.
It wasn't a good time to *think*. To start confessing about the nature of his job. That, he wasn't attending some farm of some uncle that he never had. That actually he was some sort of vigilante hero, saving people. Being an ancient Egyptian god's Avatar. The guilt of not being able to be honest with you settled in his chest in contrast to the fire growing in his groin.
They will come clean. They had decided long before. Steven and Jake were on board with telling you everything on this year's anniversary. Which was so close now. They had everything planned out.
The date night. The exact time and place he will come clean.
Soon you would know everything about them and everything would be better.
Or worse...
What if you decided that you were done?! That you were putting up with them enough, tending to three different men living in one body was insane. And now that you would know they were some kind of vigilante...
Maybe you would leave them...
Maybe that would be the last straw...
"Hey," your soft voice and soft lips on his with a sweet peck brought him back from his thoughts, his hazy gaze clearing when you had picked up on his overthinking. "Jake sent me a text and explained that there were some issues and you would be late. I didn't mind." The drag of your thumbs over his cheek soothed the turmoil in his head. "I missed you too, Marc." His eyes closed to the gentle way your lips smacked over his one, two, three times.
"So you agree I deserve a reward?" His playful words made you giggle, the twinkle in your eyes making the weight lift slowly from his heart.
"Reward for what? I was going to google how to defeat that thing eventually. You just saved me time." You shrugged, lashes prettily fluttering and getting his heart to flutter the same.
"Hm." He hummed, hands starting to glide over your thighs and pulling you snuggly over his lap, fingertips grazing the skin beneath your t-shirt. Not yours. His. "Wasn’t that the same boss you reached when I left home?" He didn't let you protest, the grip of his hands slightly increasing. He knew how stubborn you were to figure out any obstacles in your games because you hated spoilers. "How long have you been trying to get past this level?"
You sighed, pouting at him and leaning your forehead against his. "Okay, fine. Thank you for helping me." You murmured, his brain nearly stopped working from how he was sharing your hot breath. He wanted to kiss you. Devour you. Tear the clothes off your body and have his mouth on every inch of you.
"No. First tell me how long you've tried to defeat him." His voice was a deep husky rumble in his chest.
"Marc!" You giggled at how his breathing had picked up and his heart beat under your hand when you pulled away. "Stop being a brat. You want your reward," Sliding down his body to sit between his legs on the floor, you gazed up at his blown out dark eyes. "Let me reward you then." You cooed up at him, hand brushing against his bulge and massaging his thighs over his sweatpants. Soft fabric and his hotness under your palm had your attention, watching him hardening further into your touch.
Marc's strained groan brought you out of your haze before you could drool just from the gentle twitches of his cock. His shaky hands had cupped your cheek, leaning in to press a kiss to the crown of your head as he pushed a cushion under your knees.
Warmth bloomed in your chest at his thoughtfulness of your comfort while he barely could remember how to breathe from need.
And it was so sweet how he tried to compose himself, a whiny breath leaving his half open mouth when you nuzzled into his erection, his hips bucking up needily when you pressed his body back to the couch.
"I missed you." You mumbled into the hardness in his sweatpants. Feeling his cock twitch against your nose and cheek, your hands caressed the skin above his hips, that slutty waist of his, where the elastic of the sweatpants felt itchy now that he wanted to get rid of them.
"Please..." Marc bit on his lip, your teasing touches making his head spin and fog with desperation as you mouthed at the dampened fabric where the tip of his cock was smearing precum, the friction maddening and not enough.
You really wanted to giggle at the giddy eagerness of his movements when he lifted his hips. When you finally hooked your fingers under the waistband and pulled down the offending garment. Or when his sigh of relief turned into a strangled moan once you eagerly licked up his length.
"Oh, god..." The noises Marc made when you traced the veiny underside of his cock with your tongue made your thighs squeeze on the sweet ache that was steadily increasing, making you need the girth in your mouth inside of you instead.
The thought of that delicious stretch made you moan around him, his hips thrusting up into your mouth with a desperate sob of your name when you sucked on the tip of his cock.
"Stop..." He breathed out, his thighs trembling under your splayed fingers. "Plea–please..." Marc sighed deeply, his chest rising and falling when you showed mercy.
"What happened?" You cooed up at him, tracing a pattern over his thighs. "Out of practice?" Your hand inched closer to his painfully hard cock again, giggling at how it jumped. "Gonna come this easily?"
He frowned down at your teasing, a cute grumpy pout on his panting lips. "No."
"Hm, you sure?"
Marc's brows furrowed up, his breath hitching and the muscles of his abdomen straining under your wandering fingertips. "Don't." The whimper in his chest died in his throat when his hips bucked up on their own accord when your fingers ran down his happy trail, so close to where your saliva was cooling on his twitching cock.
He was trying his damn best not to just let go of the cushions in his tight grips and fist your hair and pull your mouth back on himself till he came. He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to even out his breathing.
Later. Coming in your mouth.
Now, he needed to be inside you. Too feel you flutter and squeeze his cock deeper.
You smiled up at his desperate state, "What do you want?" You purred, moving your hand to his clenched fists over the cushion beside him. His fingers immediately wrapped around yours, his eyes opening with a soft pleading gaze.
You would give everything to him when he was looking at you like that, his brown eyes dark and hooded, cheeks tinted with the heat under his skin.
"Marc," You squeezed his hand gently, your free hand coming to trace his cheekbone, his head immediately tilting into your soft caress. "If you don't want my mouth, tell me what you want."
You knew what he wanted exactly. You wanted it too. Craved and needed it too. You were burning from inside out to have him in any way he'd ask of you.
You watched him gulp, his throat working against his stubbornness. "Ride me." He mumbled into your palm, lips grazing your wrist and around your fingers in a set of soft kisses.
You had half a mind to tease him and ask him to repeat himself louder. But you knew those two words came from a place of desperation.
That was the deal with Marc. He wouldn't ask for anything and everything you gave him made him feel undeserving of it. Which made you usually work on him and edge him till he cried for more and felt better at receiving pleasure.
Now though, it was a different story as you both had missed each other so much to care about playing around. He was at the verge of crying anyway as you stood up from the ground, kicking the cushion under you away after your soaked panties fell on it.
Marc let out a sob, his hands quick to grip your hips to guide you as you straddled his hips. The further you sank on his length, the further his hands grazed up under your shirt, greedily touching, groping and squeezing your breasts.
By the time you bottomed out, you both were a moaning mess, impatient for more.
His lips were on you the instant he yanked his shirt off of your body, crying into your mouth as he lifted your hips and let you sink down. His chest hurt from the heady sparks of pleasure in his body, at the way your hips rose and met his rapidly in a wet slap of skin on skin while he desperately tried to thrust up into you and match your rhythm.
"Yes...just like that..." He let your head tilt back, his arms around your body as he pushed his face between your breasts in a trail of hot kisses down your neck when pleasure was making you arch your back. "Oh god..." He groaned your name into your chest, the vibration going right to your core and making your walls tighten around him, making him sob.
"Shit!" Marc moaned breathily when your fingers gripped his unruly curls and exposed his neck to your mouth and teeth, paralyzing him with how you were grinding and bouncing on him for your own pleasure. By the time your lips found his again, he had forgotten how to kiss you back or how to battle your tongue in his mouth.
He was nearing the edge faster than he had thought and the thought of coming before you was the only thing that held his consciousness together and not letting him slip into the bliss he was so close to tasting.
"Please, baby..." He whimpered hotly into your mouth, one hand leaving your hips to rub at your stiffened clit and making you cry. "Come with me... I– I can't hold on much longer..."
The pressure of his thumb and the motion of it, the stretch of his cock and the deep thrusts of his hips coupled with the desperation in him was enough to topple you over the edge, your screams of pleasure helping him follow after you, coming inside of you.
"Damn." Marc panted into the crook of your neck, his lips grazing your skin with kisses lovingly, his vision clearing slowly and recovering from the blissful black out.
"Damn indeed." You whispered, rubbing his back as you both shivered in the aftershocks of your orgasms.
And after some moments, you felt his lips stop, pouting into your skin.
"Wait," He started, his gaze going around the living room and how the early morning sunlight was seeping into the flat and how your hair and skin shined beautifully above him. "It's morning?!"
"I said good morning to you." You leaned back slightly, watching him with a smile.
"It’s morning? And you woke up early to play?" Your smile faded at his statement, lips agape in shock of what to say. Your brain was too slow to lie just like the slow way of his cock going soft inside of you.
"YOU PLAYED ALL NIGHT?" Marc asked despite knowing the answer from the sheepish smile on your lips, his frown deepening when he held your chin while you giggled.
"Sorry." You murmured with your lips puckered out. It shouldn't have made his heart thud softer, but it does and it makes him sigh in frustration.
"Baby, we talked about this." He cupped your cheeks in his hands. "That you will sleep at night–"
"I know. But today is Saturday." Your hands mirrored his, fingertips caressing his cheekbones.
He raised a dark brow. "Is it?"
"Yep." You smooched the tip of his nose with a giggle.
"Alright then." Marc's arms wrapped around you securely holding you against him and he got up from the couch. "Up we go to bed."
"I don't feel sleepy!" You protested with a playful pout. "Besides, you slept the whole afternoon and night. How can you sleep again!?"
"Who said anything about sleeping?" His smirk said it all. Either you were going to sleep or he would fuck and exhaust you into sleeping.
And neither option sounded bad.
─┉┈˚*・༓ ☾ ༓・*˚┈┉─
TagList: @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @missdictatorme @pygmi-cygni @lounilu
@reallyrallyauthor @faretheeoscar
♡Want to be tagged ? Comment down below♡
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Marc was born to be a desperate needy man!🙂↕️
Thank you🧡
Chapter 2 :
𝐊𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭'𝐬 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲 𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ¤
● Marc Spector x GamerGirl!Reader ● Rating : E
➤ Main MasterList :
➤ Writing MasterList :
✦ Character AI Bot Based On This Chapter ✦
✦ Steven's Chapter : Fair Play
✦ Jake's Chapter : Coming Soon...
─┉┈˚*・༓ ☾ ༓・*˚┈┉─
✦ Summary : You've got your hands on a new video game and been hyperfixating over it. Moonboys aren't taking it well at how they've been neglected.
✦ Tags : Established relationship and reader has moved in with them, but reader doesn't know about their knightly duties (or does she!?)
Marc's POV, Grumpy puppy Marc, Gaming, itty-bitty angst where Marc is insecure a bit about the relationship, He calls reader baby/sweetheart, Fluff, Smut
✦ Smut Warnings : Slightly sub Marc, Oral Sex m!receiving, p in v, overstimulation, sex on the couch
✦ Word Count : 3,533
➻ Note : This was purely inspired by @melodygatesauthor headcanon on moon boys with a gamer partner.
➻ Note : Happy Birthday to Marc Spector ♡ It was fate I post the 2nd chapter on his birthday!
➻ Note : Comments and Reblogs are appreciated ♡
─┉┈˚*・༓ ☾ ༓・*˚┈┉─
It was so natural for him that the first thing he called for and remembered was *you* rather than his alters or the weight of his doomed life. He looked for you instead of pieces of himself. Instead of the comfort of Steven and Jake.
He squinted, trying to shield his eyes from the faint light coming from the living area, his hand swiped over the mattress, searching for your warm body, and instead finding only cool sheets beneath him. Lifting his head, curls sprawled all across his forehead, curtaining over his eyes, he tried to blink himself back to the awake world.
It was dark outside. Probably late evening.
And yep. You weren’t there in bed with him.
And of course he couldn’t stop himself from pouting and grumpily groaning as his face fell on the blankets, inhaling your scent and letting himself smirk to the faint smell of your mixed essences.
Marc tried to remember how he reached home, nose bent over the crinkles of the blanket. He remembered how tired he was. How much he missed you. How much his bones ached from fighting injustice. And how much he ached from being away from you for a few days.
He sighed to the familiar sound of clicking as he turned his head, inhaling sharply from freeing his nose.
You were sitting there on the couch, furiously tapping on the controller with your thumbs. He fought against the loud groan that came with moving his stiff limbs.
How long had he been sleeping?
He remembered it was around afternoon that he got home while you were struggling with the key to get inside the flat.
Did he give you the chance to say you missed him, or was it only him breathing out the words onto your lips and just picking you up in his arms to crush his mouth on you?
He didn't dwell on it much but simply shrugged his bare shoulders, hands pushing back his curls as his feet carried him to the couch. To you.
A scoff left his lips, his irritation only heightening when you didn't look up at him. He walked towards you with slow sleepy steps, his bare feet padding against the cool floor. When he reached you, he loomed over you, his arms crossed as his eyes gleamed in the dim glow of the screen. "Baby?"
"Good morning." Your sweet voice was quiet and soft like it was actually early in the morning instead of the Khonshu-ing hours of the night.
He fell on the couch with a huff, lifting up your arm to place his head on his favorite pillow, your thighs. You giggled down at his little growl before your face hardened, your attention snapping back to the tv.
"You came to play instead of waking me up." He wasn't scolding or chiding. And of course, you didn't hear the disappointment in his tone, his lips pressed tightly together.
Now that you didn’t have to be careful of not waking him up, completely drowned in your game, you made a disapproving sound between a hard gasp and a huff to the *Defeated* glaring at you in an angry red on the screen.
Despite his weariness of sleeping for so long and waking up late and groggy, Marc chuckled as his head bounced on your thigh while you tapped your foot in agitation.
"How many times?" Marc's voice was husky and deep, nuzzling his cheek to your thigh. The scratch of his stubble rough on your bare thigh that got a giggle and soft wiggle to get away from him. But his strong hand was quick to grip your thigh, stopping you from moving it away from under his head. His fingers digging to the supple flesh of your inner thigh.
"I don't know. It's one of those hard boss fights." You explained, your shoulders slumping, leaning back on the couch as your grip on the controller tightened. You pressed the button to start at the last checkpoint once again.
The warmth and softness of your thigh were lulling him back to sleep as he fought to keep his eyes open as your character got into the fight again. "Who's that?" He mumbled against your skin, the hand draped down the couch rising, pointing at the enemy and landing back on his stomach with a soft smack.
"Your mom!" You said through clenched teeth, trying hard to parry the attacks and dodge in time, oblivious to the way you winced away from his head like the boss attacked you instead of the character.
"Ha, Ha. Very funny." Marc sat up, his eyes sharpening as he held his hand out for the controller.
Your eyes flicked between his open palm and the tv before yielding and giving up the controller, the *Defeated* casting its red glow over both of you.
"Now, watch and learn, sweetheart." He mumbled under his breath, his fingers skillfully maneuvering the controller as he rewound the battle. "Should be easy enough."
As the battle began, Marc's fingers moved with precision and of course, experience, since he was the one introducing you to this game. He quickly dodged the enemy's attacks, countering with quick slashes of his weapon.
He could feel how you observed the way he combined the clicks on the controller, the character moving easier than it did while you were playing, your gaze traveling between his hands and the screen.
His brows furrowed, his lips pursed into a thin line. Marc moved the character with a fluidity that was almost mesmerizing, taking down the boss with calculated moves. He obviously had memorized this boss fight since it was one of the hardest, and his chest swelled with pride when he took the bastard down.
"MARC! YOU DID IT!" You cheered in a screeching squeal, hopping on the couch and throwing your arms around his neck as he gave a smug smirk to the tv, his arm coming to wrap around your waist. If this was how happy you got upon defeating a fictional bad guy, he couldn't imagine the way you would cheer for him when he sent the real world's bad guys to jail.
"Of course I did it. Don't ever doubt my gaming skills. It’s Steven who can't hold the controller." Marc looked down at you with a teasing gleam in his eyes when you pouted, ready to defend his alter.
"Hey! He is learning well! And he will be better than either of us soon." You removed your arms from his body and crossed them over your chest. The tantalizing sight of your cleavage didn't go unnoticed by him.
He hummed in his throat when your gaze went to the controller in his hand. He was quick to pull it away the moment you lunged at it.
"Nuh-huh." Was the sound coming from deep in his chest when his free hand hooked around your waist again, the controller placed on the coffee table to grip your hand with his.
His gaze darkened as slowly as he leaned in pleadingly for a kiss. As slow as the guide of his hand to place yours over the hot semi-hardness between his thighs.
The needy low moan Marc let out was tempting you to just push him against the couch and climb on him.
"Someone's trying to get a reward or something?" You murmured when you cupped his chin to push his head up, his eyes hungry and hooded, wet lips parted in longing of having yours against his again.
"No. I just missed you." His hands rubbed up and down on your thighs, the soft flesh warming under his palms.
"And where were you?" Your brow went up when he tried to lean in to kiss you, lips turning down grumpily with a huff.
"I had to go check on my uncle's, uh, farm, whatever! Let me–" He grumbled in annoyance when your hand pressed his head back against the couch, an impatient moan heavy in his chest from how deliciously your core was radiating its warmth to his clothed cock, the weight not enough. He needed more. More of your body, more of your kisses and touches. He needed you, he needed to stop thinking.
It wasn't a good time to *think*. To start confessing about the nature of his job. That, he wasn't attending some farm of some uncle that he never had. That actually he was some sort of vigilante hero, saving people. Being an ancient Egyptian god's Avatar. The guilt of not being able to be honest with you settled in his chest in contrast to the fire growing in his groin.
They will come clean. They had decided long before. Steven and Jake were on board with telling you everything on this year's anniversary. Which was so close now. They had everything planned out.
The date night. The exact time and place he will come clean.
Soon you would know everything about them and everything would be better.
Or worse...
What if you decided that you were done?! That you were putting up with them enough, tending to three different men living in one body was insane. And now that you would know they were some kind of vigilante...
Maybe you would leave them...
Maybe that would be the last straw...
"Hey," your soft voice and soft lips on his with a sweet peck brought him back from his thoughts, his hazy gaze clearing when you had picked up on his overthinking. "Jake sent me a text and explained that there were some issues and you would be late. I didn't mind." The drag of your thumbs over his cheek soothed the turmoil in his head. "I missed you too, Marc." His eyes closed to the gentle way your lips smacked over his one, two, three times.
"So you agree I deserve a reward?" His playful words made you giggle, the twinkle in your eyes making the weight lift slowly from his heart.
"Reward for what? I was going to google how to defeat that thing eventually. You just saved me time." You shrugged, lashes prettily fluttering and getting his heart to flutter the same.
"Hm." He hummed, hands starting to glide over your thighs and pulling you snuggly over his lap, fingertips grazing the skin beneath your t-shirt. Not yours. His. "Wasn’t that the same boss you reached when I left home?" He didn't let you protest, the grip of his hands slightly increasing. He knew how stubborn you were to figure out any obstacles in your games because you hated spoilers. "How long have you been trying to get past this level?"
You sighed, pouting at him and leaning your forehead against his. "Okay, fine. Thank you for helping me." You murmured, his brain nearly stopped working from how he was sharing your hot breath. He wanted to kiss you. Devour you. Tear the clothes off your body and have his mouth on every inch of you.
"No. First tell me how long you've tried to defeat him." His voice was a deep husky rumble in his chest.
"Marc!" You giggled at how his breathing had picked up and his heart beat under your hand when you pulled away. "Stop being a brat. You want your reward," Sliding down his body to sit between his legs on the floor, you gazed up at his blown out dark eyes. "Let me reward you then." You cooed up at him, hand brushing against his bulge and massaging his thighs over his sweatpants. Soft fabric and his hotness under your palm had your attention, watching him hardening further into your touch.
Marc's strained groan brought you out of your haze before you could drool just from the gentle twitches of his cock. His shaky hands had cupped your cheek, leaning in to press a kiss to the crown of your head as he pushed a cushion under your knees.
Warmth bloomed in your chest at his thoughtfulness of your comfort while he barely could remember how to breathe from need.
And it was so sweet how he tried to compose himself, a whiny breath leaving his half open mouth when you nuzzled into his erection, his hips bucking up needily when you pressed his body back to the couch.
"I missed you." You mumbled into the hardness in his sweatpants. Feeling his cock twitch against your nose and cheek, your hands caressed the skin above his hips, that slutty waist of his, where the elastic of the sweatpants felt itchy now that he wanted to get rid of them.
"Please..." Marc bit on his lip, your teasing touches making his head spin and fog with desperation as you mouthed at the dampened fabric where the tip of his cock was smearing precum, the friction maddening and not enough.
You really wanted to giggle at the giddy eagerness of his movements when he lifted his hips. When you finally hooked your fingers under the waistband and pulled down the offending garment. Or when his sigh of relief turned into a strangled moan once you eagerly licked up his length.
"Oh, god..." The noises Marc made when you traced the veiny underside of his cock with your tongue made your thighs squeeze on the sweet ache that was steadily increasing, making you need the girth in your mouth inside of you instead.
The thought of that delicious stretch made you moan around him, his hips thrusting up into your mouth with a desperate sob of your name when you sucked on the tip of his cock.
"Stop..." He breathed out, his thighs trembling under your splayed fingers. "Plea–please..." Marc sighed deeply, his chest rising and falling when you showed mercy.
"What happened?" You cooed up at him, tracing a pattern over his thighs. "Out of practice?" Your hand inched closer to his painfully hard cock again, giggling at how it jumped. "Gonna come this easily?"
He frowned down at your teasing, a cute grumpy pout on his panting lips. "No."
"Hm, you sure?"
Marc's brows furrowed up, his breath hitching and the muscles of his abdomen straining under your wandering fingertips. "Don't." The whimper in his chest died in his throat when his hips bucked up on their own accord when your fingers ran down his happy trail, so close to where your saliva was cooling on his twitching cock.
He was trying his damn best not to just let go of the cushions in his tight grips and fist your hair and pull your mouth back on himself till he came. He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to even out his breathing.
Later. Coming in your mouth.
Now, he needed to be inside you. Too feel you flutter and squeeze his cock deeper.
You smiled up at his desperate state, "What do you want?" You purred, moving your hand to his clenched fists over the cushion beside him. His fingers immediately wrapped around yours, his eyes opening with a soft pleading gaze.
You would give everything to him when he was looking at you like that, his brown eyes dark and hooded, cheeks tinted with the heat under his skin.
"Marc," You squeezed his hand gently, your free hand coming to trace his cheekbone, his head immediately tilting into your soft caress. "If you don't want my mouth, tell me what you want."
You knew what he wanted exactly. You wanted it too. Craved and needed it too. You were burning from inside out to have him in any way he'd ask of you.
You watched him gulp, his throat working against his stubbornness. "Ride me." He mumbled into your palm, lips grazing your wrist and around your fingers in a set of soft kisses.
You had half a mind to tease him and ask him to repeat himself louder. But you knew those two words came from a place of desperation.
That was the deal with Marc. He wouldn't ask for anything and everything you gave him made him feel undeserving of it. Which made you usually work on him and edge him till he cried for more and felt better at receiving pleasure.
Now though, it was a different story as you both had missed each other so much to care about playing around. He was at the verge of crying anyway as you stood up from the ground, kicking the cushion under you away after your soaked panties fell on it.
Marc let out a sob, his hands quick to grip your hips to guide you as you straddled his hips. The further you sank on his length, the further his hands grazed up under your shirt, greedily touching, groping and squeezing your breasts.
By the time you bottomed out, you both were a moaning mess, impatient for more.
His lips were on you the instant he yanked his shirt off of your body, crying into your mouth as he lifted your hips and let you sink down. His chest hurt from the heady sparks of pleasure in his body, at the way your hips rose and met his rapidly in a wet slap of skin on skin while he desperately tried to thrust up into you and match your rhythm.
"Yes...just like that..." He let your head tilt back, his arms around your body as he pushed his face between your breasts in a trail of hot kisses down your neck when pleasure was making you arch your back. "Oh god..." He groaned your name into your chest, the vibration going right to your core and making your walls tighten around him, making him sob.
"Shit!" Marc moaned breathily when your fingers gripped his unruly curls and exposed his neck to your mouth and teeth, paralyzing him with how you were grinding and bouncing on him for your own pleasure. By the time your lips found his again, he had forgotten how to kiss you back or how to battle your tongue in his mouth.
He was nearing the edge faster than he had thought and the thought of coming before you was the only thing that held his consciousness together and not letting him slip into the bliss he was so close to tasting.
"Please, baby..." He whimpered hotly into your mouth, one hand leaving your hips to rub at your stiffened clit and making you cry. "Come with me... I– I can't hold on much longer..."
The pressure of his thumb and the motion of it, the stretch of his cock and the deep thrusts of his hips coupled with the desperation in him was enough to topple you over the edge, your screams of pleasure helping him follow after you, coming inside of you.
"Damn." Marc panted into the crook of your neck, his lips grazing your skin with kisses lovingly, his vision clearing slowly and recovering from the blissful black out.
"Damn indeed." You whispered, rubbing his back as you both shivered in the aftershocks of your orgasms.
And after some moments, you felt his lips stop, pouting into your skin.
"Wait," He started, his gaze going around the living room and how the early morning sunlight was seeping into the flat and how your hair and skin shined beautifully above him. "It's morning?!"
"I said good morning to you." You leaned back slightly, watching him with a smile.
"It’s morning? And you woke up early to play?" Your smile faded at his statement, lips agape in shock of what to say. Your brain was too slow to lie just like the slow way of his cock going soft inside of you.
"YOU PLAYED ALL NIGHT?" Marc asked despite knowing the answer from the sheepish smile on your lips, his frown deepening when he held your chin while you giggled.
"Sorry." You murmured with your lips puckered out. It shouldn't have made his heart thud softer, but it does and it makes him sigh in frustration.
"Baby, we talked about this." He cupped your cheeks in his hands. "That you will sleep at night–"
"I know. But today is Saturday." Your hands mirrored his, fingertips caressing his cheekbones.
He raised a dark brow. "Is it?"
"Yep." You smooched the tip of his nose with a giggle.
"Alright then." Marc's arms wrapped around you securely holding you against him and he got up from the couch. "Up we go to bed."
"I don't feel sleepy!" You protested with a playful pout. "Besides, you slept the whole afternoon and night. How can you sleep again!?"
"Who said anything about sleeping?" His smirk said it all. Either you were going to sleep or he would fuck and exhaust you into sleeping.
And neither option sounded bad.
─┉┈˚*・༓ ☾ ༓・*˚┈┉─
TagList: @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @missdictatorme @pygmi-cygni @lounilu
@reallyrallyauthor @faretheeoscar
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More whiney Marc shall be on his way👀
Chapter 2 :
𝐊𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭'𝐬 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲 𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ¤
● Marc Spector x GamerGirl!Reader ● Rating : E
➤ Main MasterList :
➤ Writing MasterList :
✦ Character AI Bot Based On This Chapter ✦
✦ Steven's Chapter : Fair Play
✦ Jake's Chapter : Coming Soon...
─┉┈˚*・༓ ☾ ༓・*˚┈┉─
✦ Summary : You've got your hands on a new video game and been hyperfixating over it. Moonboys aren't taking it well at how they've been neglected.
✦ Tags : Established relationship and reader has moved in with them, but reader doesn't know about their knightly duties (or does she!?)
Marc's POV, Grumpy puppy Marc, Gaming, itty-bitty angst where Marc is insecure a bit about the relationship, He calls reader baby/sweetheart, Fluff, Smut
✦ Smut Warnings : Slightly sub Marc, Oral Sex m!receiving, p in v, overstimulation, sex on the couch
✦ Word Count : 3,533
➻ Note : This was purely inspired by @melodygatesauthor headcanon on moon boys with a gamer partner.
➻ Note : Happy Birthday to Marc Spector ♡ It was fate I post the 2nd chapter on his birthday!
➻ Note : Comments and Reblogs are appreciated ♡
─┉┈˚*・༓ ☾ ༓・*˚┈┉─
It was so natural for him that the first thing he called for and remembered was *you* rather than his alters or the weight of his doomed life. He looked for you instead of pieces of himself. Instead of the comfort of Steven and Jake.
He squinted, trying to shield his eyes from the faint light coming from the living area, his hand swiped over the mattress, searching for your warm body, and instead finding only cool sheets beneath him. Lifting his head, curls sprawled all across his forehead, curtaining over his eyes, he tried to blink himself back to the awake world.
It was dark outside. Probably late evening.
And yep. You weren’t there in bed with him.
And of course he couldn’t stop himself from pouting and grumpily groaning as his face fell on the blankets, inhaling your scent and letting himself smirk to the faint smell of your mixed essences.
Marc tried to remember how he reached home, nose bent over the crinkles of the blanket. He remembered how tired he was. How much he missed you. How much his bones ached from fighting injustice. And how much he ached from being away from you for a few days.
He sighed to the familiar sound of clicking as he turned his head, inhaling sharply from freeing his nose.
You were sitting there on the couch, furiously tapping on the controller with your thumbs. He fought against the loud groan that came with moving his stiff limbs.
How long had he been sleeping?
He remembered it was around afternoon that he got home while you were struggling with the key to get inside the flat.
Did he give you the chance to say you missed him, or was it only him breathing out the words onto your lips and just picking you up in his arms to crush his mouth on you?
He didn't dwell on it much but simply shrugged his bare shoulders, hands pushing back his curls as his feet carried him to the couch. To you.
A scoff left his lips, his irritation only heightening when you didn't look up at him. He walked towards you with slow sleepy steps, his bare feet padding against the cool floor. When he reached you, he loomed over you, his arms crossed as his eyes gleamed in the dim glow of the screen. "Baby?"
"Good morning." Your sweet voice was quiet and soft like it was actually early in the morning instead of the Khonshu-ing hours of the night.
He fell on the couch with a huff, lifting up your arm to place his head on his favorite pillow, your thighs. You giggled down at his little growl before your face hardened, your attention snapping back to the tv.
"You came to play instead of waking me up." He wasn't scolding or chiding. And of course, you didn't hear the disappointment in his tone, his lips pressed tightly together.
Now that you didn’t have to be careful of not waking him up, completely drowned in your game, you made a disapproving sound between a hard gasp and a huff to the *Defeated* glaring at you in an angry red on the screen.
Despite his weariness of sleeping for so long and waking up late and groggy, Marc chuckled as his head bounced on your thigh while you tapped your foot in agitation.
"How many times?" Marc's voice was husky and deep, nuzzling his cheek to your thigh. The scratch of his stubble rough on your bare thigh that got a giggle and soft wiggle to get away from him. But his strong hand was quick to grip your thigh, stopping you from moving it away from under his head. His fingers digging to the supple flesh of your inner thigh.
"I don't know. It's one of those hard boss fights." You explained, your shoulders slumping, leaning back on the couch as your grip on the controller tightened. You pressed the button to start at the last checkpoint once again.
The warmth and softness of your thigh were lulling him back to sleep as he fought to keep his eyes open as your character got into the fight again. "Who's that?" He mumbled against your skin, the hand draped down the couch rising, pointing at the enemy and landing back on his stomach with a soft smack.
"Your mom!" You said through clenched teeth, trying hard to parry the attacks and dodge in time, oblivious to the way you winced away from his head like the boss attacked you instead of the character.
"Ha, Ha. Very funny." Marc sat up, his eyes sharpening as he held his hand out for the controller.
Your eyes flicked between his open palm and the tv before yielding and giving up the controller, the *Defeated* casting its red glow over both of you.
"Now, watch and learn, sweetheart." He mumbled under his breath, his fingers skillfully maneuvering the controller as he rewound the battle. "Should be easy enough."
As the battle began, Marc's fingers moved with precision and of course, experience, since he was the one introducing you to this game. He quickly dodged the enemy's attacks, countering with quick slashes of his weapon.
He could feel how you observed the way he combined the clicks on the controller, the character moving easier than it did while you were playing, your gaze traveling between his hands and the screen.
His brows furrowed, his lips pursed into a thin line. Marc moved the character with a fluidity that was almost mesmerizing, taking down the boss with calculated moves. He obviously had memorized this boss fight since it was one of the hardest, and his chest swelled with pride when he took the bastard down.
"MARC! YOU DID IT!" You cheered in a screeching squeal, hopping on the couch and throwing your arms around his neck as he gave a smug smirk to the tv, his arm coming to wrap around your waist. If this was how happy you got upon defeating a fictional bad guy, he couldn't imagine the way you would cheer for him when he sent the real world's bad guys to jail.
"Of course I did it. Don't ever doubt my gaming skills. It’s Steven who can't hold the controller." Marc looked down at you with a teasing gleam in his eyes when you pouted, ready to defend his alter.
"Hey! He is learning well! And he will be better than either of us soon." You removed your arms from his body and crossed them over your chest. The tantalizing sight of your cleavage didn't go unnoticed by him.
He hummed in his throat when your gaze went to the controller in his hand. He was quick to pull it away the moment you lunged at it.
"Nuh-huh." Was the sound coming from deep in his chest when his free hand hooked around your waist again, the controller placed on the coffee table to grip your hand with his.
His gaze darkened as slowly as he leaned in pleadingly for a kiss. As slow as the guide of his hand to place yours over the hot semi-hardness between his thighs.
The needy low moan Marc let out was tempting you to just push him against the couch and climb on him.
"Someone's trying to get a reward or something?" You murmured when you cupped his chin to push his head up, his eyes hungry and hooded, wet lips parted in longing of having yours against his again.
"No. I just missed you." His hands rubbed up and down on your thighs, the soft flesh warming under his palms.
"And where were you?" Your brow went up when he tried to lean in to kiss you, lips turning down grumpily with a huff.
"I had to go check on my uncle's, uh, farm, whatever! Let me–" He grumbled in annoyance when your hand pressed his head back against the couch, an impatient moan heavy in his chest from how deliciously your core was radiating its warmth to his clothed cock, the weight not enough. He needed more. More of your body, more of your kisses and touches. He needed you, he needed to stop thinking.
It wasn't a good time to *think*. To start confessing about the nature of his job. That, he wasn't attending some farm of some uncle that he never had. That actually he was some sort of vigilante hero, saving people. Being an ancient Egyptian god's Avatar. The guilt of not being able to be honest with you settled in his chest in contrast to the fire growing in his groin.
They will come clean. They had decided long before. Steven and Jake were on board with telling you everything on this year's anniversary. Which was so close now. They had everything planned out.
The date night. The exact time and place he will come clean.
Soon you would know everything about them and everything would be better.
Or worse...
What if you decided that you were done?! That you were putting up with them enough, tending to three different men living in one body was insane. And now that you would know they were some kind of vigilante...
Maybe you would leave them...
Maybe that would be the last straw...
"Hey," your soft voice and soft lips on his with a sweet peck brought him back from his thoughts, his hazy gaze clearing when you had picked up on his overthinking. "Jake sent me a text and explained that there were some issues and you would be late. I didn't mind." The drag of your thumbs over his cheek soothed the turmoil in his head. "I missed you too, Marc." His eyes closed to the gentle way your lips smacked over his one, two, three times.
"So you agree I deserve a reward?" His playful words made you giggle, the twinkle in your eyes making the weight lift slowly from his heart.
"Reward for what? I was going to google how to defeat that thing eventually. You just saved me time." You shrugged, lashes prettily fluttering and getting his heart to flutter the same.
"Hm." He hummed, hands starting to glide over your thighs and pulling you snuggly over his lap, fingertips grazing the skin beneath your t-shirt. Not yours. His. "Wasn’t that the same boss you reached when I left home?" He didn't let you protest, the grip of his hands slightly increasing. He knew how stubborn you were to figure out any obstacles in your games because you hated spoilers. "How long have you been trying to get past this level?"
You sighed, pouting at him and leaning your forehead against his. "Okay, fine. Thank you for helping me." You murmured, his brain nearly stopped working from how he was sharing your hot breath. He wanted to kiss you. Devour you. Tear the clothes off your body and have his mouth on every inch of you.
"No. First tell me how long you've tried to defeat him." His voice was a deep husky rumble in his chest.
"Marc!" You giggled at how his breathing had picked up and his heart beat under your hand when you pulled away. "Stop being a brat. You want your reward," Sliding down his body to sit between his legs on the floor, you gazed up at his blown out dark eyes. "Let me reward you then." You cooed up at him, hand brushing against his bulge and massaging his thighs over his sweatpants. Soft fabric and his hotness under your palm had your attention, watching him hardening further into your touch.
Marc's strained groan brought you out of your haze before you could drool just from the gentle twitches of his cock. His shaky hands had cupped your cheek, leaning in to press a kiss to the crown of your head as he pushed a cushion under your knees.
Warmth bloomed in your chest at his thoughtfulness of your comfort while he barely could remember how to breathe from need.
And it was so sweet how he tried to compose himself, a whiny breath leaving his half open mouth when you nuzzled into his erection, his hips bucking up needily when you pressed his body back to the couch.
"I missed you." You mumbled into the hardness in his sweatpants. Feeling his cock twitch against your nose and cheek, your hands caressed the skin above his hips, that slutty waist of his, where the elastic of the sweatpants felt itchy now that he wanted to get rid of them.
"Please..." Marc bit on his lip, your teasing touches making his head spin and fog with desperation as you mouthed at the dampened fabric where the tip of his cock was smearing precum, the friction maddening and not enough.
You really wanted to giggle at the giddy eagerness of his movements when he lifted his hips. When you finally hooked your fingers under the waistband and pulled down the offending garment. Or when his sigh of relief turned into a strangled moan once you eagerly licked up his length.
"Oh, god..." The noises Marc made when you traced the veiny underside of his cock with your tongue made your thighs squeeze on the sweet ache that was steadily increasing, making you need the girth in your mouth inside of you instead.
The thought of that delicious stretch made you moan around him, his hips thrusting up into your mouth with a desperate sob of your name when you sucked on the tip of his cock.
"Stop..." He breathed out, his thighs trembling under your splayed fingers. "Plea–please..." Marc sighed deeply, his chest rising and falling when you showed mercy.
"What happened?" You cooed up at him, tracing a pattern over his thighs. "Out of practice?" Your hand inched closer to his painfully hard cock again, giggling at how it jumped. "Gonna come this easily?"
He frowned down at your teasing, a cute grumpy pout on his panting lips. "No."
"Hm, you sure?"
Marc's brows furrowed up, his breath hitching and the muscles of his abdomen straining under your wandering fingertips. "Don't." The whimper in his chest died in his throat when his hips bucked up on their own accord when your fingers ran down his happy trail, so close to where your saliva was cooling on his twitching cock.
He was trying his damn best not to just let go of the cushions in his tight grips and fist your hair and pull your mouth back on himself till he came. He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to even out his breathing.
Later. Coming in your mouth.
Now, he needed to be inside you. Too feel you flutter and squeeze his cock deeper.
You smiled up at his desperate state, "What do you want?" You purred, moving your hand to his clenched fists over the cushion beside him. His fingers immediately wrapped around yours, his eyes opening with a soft pleading gaze.
You would give everything to him when he was looking at you like that, his brown eyes dark and hooded, cheeks tinted with the heat under his skin.
"Marc," You squeezed his hand gently, your free hand coming to trace his cheekbone, his head immediately tilting into your soft caress. "If you don't want my mouth, tell me what you want."
You knew what he wanted exactly. You wanted it too. Craved and needed it too. You were burning from inside out to have him in any way he'd ask of you.
You watched him gulp, his throat working against his stubbornness. "Ride me." He mumbled into your palm, lips grazing your wrist and around your fingers in a set of soft kisses.
You had half a mind to tease him and ask him to repeat himself louder. But you knew those two words came from a place of desperation.
That was the deal with Marc. He wouldn't ask for anything and everything you gave him made him feel undeserving of it. Which made you usually work on him and edge him till he cried for more and felt better at receiving pleasure.
Now though, it was a different story as you both had missed each other so much to care about playing around. He was at the verge of crying anyway as you stood up from the ground, kicking the cushion under you away after your soaked panties fell on it.
Marc let out a sob, his hands quick to grip your hips to guide you as you straddled his hips. The further you sank on his length, the further his hands grazed up under your shirt, greedily touching, groping and squeezing your breasts.
By the time you bottomed out, you both were a moaning mess, impatient for more.
His lips were on you the instant he yanked his shirt off of your body, crying into your mouth as he lifted your hips and let you sink down. His chest hurt from the heady sparks of pleasure in his body, at the way your hips rose and met his rapidly in a wet slap of skin on skin while he desperately tried to thrust up into you and match your rhythm.
"Yes...just like that..." He let your head tilt back, his arms around your body as he pushed his face between your breasts in a trail of hot kisses down your neck when pleasure was making you arch your back. "Oh god..." He groaned your name into your chest, the vibration going right to your core and making your walls tighten around him, making him sob.
"Shit!" Marc moaned breathily when your fingers gripped his unruly curls and exposed his neck to your mouth and teeth, paralyzing him with how you were grinding and bouncing on him for your own pleasure. By the time your lips found his again, he had forgotten how to kiss you back or how to battle your tongue in his mouth.
He was nearing the edge faster than he had thought and the thought of coming before you was the only thing that held his consciousness together and not letting him slip into the bliss he was so close to tasting.
"Please, baby..." He whimpered hotly into your mouth, one hand leaving your hips to rub at your stiffened clit and making you cry. "Come with me... I– I can't hold on much longer..."
The pressure of his thumb and the motion of it, the stretch of his cock and the deep thrusts of his hips coupled with the desperation in him was enough to topple you over the edge, your screams of pleasure helping him follow after you, coming inside of you.
"Damn." Marc panted into the crook of your neck, his lips grazing your skin with kisses lovingly, his vision clearing slowly and recovering from the blissful black out.
"Damn indeed." You whispered, rubbing his back as you both shivered in the aftershocks of your orgasms.
And after some moments, you felt his lips stop, pouting into your skin.
"Wait," He started, his gaze going around the living room and how the early morning sunlight was seeping into the flat and how your hair and skin shined beautifully above him. "It's morning?!"
"I said good morning to you." You leaned back slightly, watching him with a smile.
"It’s morning? And you woke up early to play?" Your smile faded at his statement, lips agape in shock of what to say. Your brain was too slow to lie just like the slow way of his cock going soft inside of you.
"YOU PLAYED ALL NIGHT?" Marc asked despite knowing the answer from the sheepish smile on your lips, his frown deepening when he held your chin while you giggled.
"Sorry." You murmured with your lips puckered out. It shouldn't have made his heart thud softer, but it does and it makes him sigh in frustration.
"Baby, we talked about this." He cupped your cheeks in his hands. "That you will sleep at night–"
"I know. But today is Saturday." Your hands mirrored his, fingertips caressing his cheekbones.
He raised a dark brow. "Is it?"
"Yep." You smooched the tip of his nose with a giggle.
"Alright then." Marc's arms wrapped around you securely holding you against him and he got up from the couch. "Up we go to bed."
"I don't feel sleepy!" You protested with a playful pout. "Besides, you slept the whole afternoon and night. How can you sleep again!?"
"Who said anything about sleeping?" His smirk said it all. Either you were going to sleep or he would fuck and exhaust you into sleeping.
And neither option sounded bad.
─┉┈˚*・༓ ☾ ༓・*˚┈┉─
TagList: @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @missdictatorme @pygmi-cygni @lounilu
@reallyrallyauthor @faretheeoscar
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I will make him plushies and drown him in them!
InCorrect Moon Knight quote inspired by this beautiful post 🥰
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I know times are super tough for everyone right now, but if you have any spare small change or time to reblog, I would really appreciate it 💚🫂
My best friend's amazing son (9) has been growing his hair for 4 years to donate it so it can be made into a wig for those who have lost their hair.
The chairty (Little Princess Trust) estimates that it takes around £550 to make a wig from donated hair. So his parent has set up a just giving page to try to raise a little money for the charity. (The money goes straight to the chairty from the donation page.)

Link to page here
If anyone would like to/is able to support I would be so grateful, and so happy to gift a little drawing/fic/edit 💚🫂
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Chapter 1 :
𝐅𝐚𝐢𝐫 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲 𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾

● Steven Grant x GamerGirl!Reader ● Rating : E
➤ MasterList :
✦ Character AI Bot Based On This Chapter ✦
✦ Marc's Chapter : Knight's Play
✦ Jake's Chapter : Coming Soon...
─┉┈˚*・༓ ☾ ༓・*˚┈┉─
✦ Summary : You've got your hands on a new video game and been hyperfixating over it. Moonboys aren't taking it well at how they've been neglected.
✦ Tags : Established relationship and reader has moved in with them, Steven's POV, Sad puppy Steven, Marc mentioned and appears only at first (red sentences), Gaming, itty-bitty angst where Steven is a tiny bit smad and feels ignored, He calls reader love/dove/darling, Fluff, Smut
✦ Smut Warnings : SoftDom Steven, Oral Sex f!reader receiving, fingering f!reader receiving, p in v, overstimulation
✦ Word Count : 4,099
➻ Note : This was purely inspired by @melodygatesauthor headcanon on moon boys with a gamer partner.
➻ Note : Comments and Reblogs are appreciated ♡
─┉┈˚*・༓ ☾ ༓・*˚┈┉─
Is she still playing?
Marc's voice brought him back from the trance he was in while watching the flurry of colorful lights coming from the living area in the darkness of the flat.
Steven sighed as he glanced back at the mirror beside bed, seeing Marc trying to peek through at you.
He hummed when he closed his book and turned his attention to Marc. He looked as tired as himself. Unruly curls, dark circles under his eyes and all from waiting for you.
But it's been three hours!
Steven let out another soft frustrated sigh, but this one was meant for Marc. At how he thought he couldn't count the hours that you haven't been in bed. Or the nights that you skipped sleeping till the late hours of dawn.
You still managed to spend time with them, though. With your work and life, you still managed to talk to them, be there for them, love them, and eat with them.
But Steven was getting worried. Marc was sensing it too that this videogame obsession was a bit, odd.
You have been compromising precious sleep time with them ever since you got this new game.
It's been 7 days–
8 days. It's been 8 days.
Steven bristled and side glared at Marc in the mirror. He knew it was past midnight now, so it technically made it 8 days that you were glued to your gaming controller and the tv screen after dinner with them.
He knew it better because he was the one missing you the most!
He thought maybe the first days would be like this. You, playing and enjoying your alone time with the characters you adored. It made his lips pull up into a smile at how you loved this video game. How your voice got high pitched with excitement as you explained some of the plot to him over dinners, without spoiling the game much, of course, in case he wanted to try and play it.
A chuckle even was on its way in his chest as he remembered the way you pouted at some inconvenient things the game developers had done that you thought you'd have done better for your favorite game and its story.
But he was missing you. Missing the time you usually spent in bed. Before sleep.
Sure, you still talked to him. Loved him and cuddled him on the couch or throughout the day after your jobs.
But here he was, his lips puckered out to the cold place beside him on his bed. The place where should have been warm with you and your body, snuggled close to him.
A small wince went through his body as he heard your loud grunt from losing again, probably.
She failed the quest again?
Steven draped his body across the bed, trying to watch your slumped shoulders as his cheek got hit by the cool blanket with his tilted glasses on his face. He nodded to Marc, his curls messing up more as his cheek rubbed against the sheets, his glasses’ hinge pressing into his temple.
But seeing your determined rise of body on the couch as you leaned back, the death grip you had on the controller…
He knew you wouldn't be coming to bed any time sooner.
With a deep breath, Steven decided to get up from the wrongly cool sheets, instinctively dodging the sand line, whereas the floor was long clean from it. Was clean ever since you moved in with him. With them.
He padded closer to you, passing the fish tank with a smile, trying to keep himself hopeful. You would surely return to bed in a short bit. He was sure of it.
But a small frown came over his brows as you didn't even acknowledge him being awake and standing only inches away from the couch and the tv you were glaring at.
“Love?” He didn't like the way you winced at his soft tone when your head whipped towards him.
“What– oh, Steven… I'm sorry! Did I wake you?” Steven glanced at the tv with a push up of his glasses, to the paused menu and returned his gaze back to you with a smile to answer you. “No. Not really.” He held up his book that he was reading earlier, indicating that he wasn't sulking at why you weren’t in bed with him. Because he wouldn't admit that he couldn't sleep without you and from how touch starved he was from having you around but not having you in his arms.
You gave him and his book a tight-lipped smile and turned to the screen again, un-pausing your game. Without noticing that he wanted you in bed and what his pointed look meant.
"S'alright love, I'll be sittin' here, makin' m'self comfortable while readin'." Steven's gaze never left you as he made his way and sat on his reading chair, a little upset that you didn't realize he was awake just because you were awake. Just because he wanted to have more time with you. Did you intentionally ignore what he meant, or were you just so into the game you didn't pick up his intention?
“Okay.” You mumbled absently.
A week. A whole week has been like this.
He was missing you. You were there, sure. Living and breathing near him. In front of the tv, your beautiful face illuminated by lights that danced out of the screen. But you weren't there while gaming!
You just became an entirely different person the moment your hands touched the controller. You were less responsive. Less aware. Less there!
He tried to explain it to Marc. Marc said it was the game you loved so much. The franchise you grew up with. Jake, on the other hand, was even more into letting you follow your slightly unhealthy passion.
But this much obsession was a bit concerning. He couldn't help the going off alarms in his brain. In his heart.
You seemed out of this world while gaming. Like you were in there with the characters.
It wasn't this bad at first. You would come to bed early. Make some comments about the game here and there snuggled up to his chest.
But as the week went on, and the story went on, so did your fixation on that game went on!
It was just your favorite game. Not like you would actually forget him, them, for a videogame, right?
But it was getting frustrating.
The soundtrack coming from the game... the one that indicated you were in danger or enemies were attacking... It was making him nervous!
He could swear that he heard it often times throughout this week that he felt it playing in his brain when he went on missions as Mr. Knight.
And the fact that you weren't touching him! Calming him! Your attention, not on him! Your loving gaze not meeting his eyes while playing!
"Love?" He sighed, his eyes glancing at the clock, which showed 2 AM now. Two in the morning, and you didn't even give him a side glance ever since he sat on the nearby chair.
He was missing the color of your eyes, the twinkle in them when they landed on his own eyes.
A horn went off in the game, and he lost it by yelling out your name. Steven slammed his glasses on the table in frustration at how oblivious you were to his existence while gaming even though you clearly flinched to your name being called. He wasn't even sure if it was because of the war horn, or his firm tone though.
"Steven, why don't you go to bed?!" You asked him, still engrossed in the game that was oh so much more important than him. It saddened him that you said his name only to just dismiss him. To shoo him away and continue playing.
Steven tried to contain himself. It was a game you loved so much, and he wasn't against you having your own hobbies.
But you giggled! You actually giggled at a scene playing on the tv, and it broke his heart. You hadn't giggled or laughed with him while he was sitting there all this time while he even playfully quipped about your gaming.
You didn't give him the shy giggling you usually gave him when he said, “Slaying monsters, love? You are indeed my nocturnal gaming queen.”
He took a deep breath to calm himself, but then he slammed the book shut with frustration. "Fine. It's not like I need affection or attention or love, or anything." He grumbled loudly while getting up. He was so angry with how you've been treating him tonight. Over what? Over a video game!
Not holding him. Not talking to him properly. Not giggling to him. He barely got to even look at your beautiful face while he was fronting tonight.
You were on better terms with Marc and Jake at nights. Probably fearing to upset them with not going to bed with them. But who cared if little Steven got upset, no?
No one cared while his heart broke little by little at how you didn't even hold him and cuddled him under the covers.
He fought the growing tightness in his chest that started to choke him near teary-eyed-ness as he stomped back to the bed. Not just from sadness, though. From frustration. From anger, maybe, too.
"Steven?" You sighed out his name, but he didn't even turn around. He was so mad that he couldn't bring himself to feel giddy once he heard the console beep into being turned off as he wrestled with the duvet and lay his head on the pillows.
Steven didn't let himself even feel happy once you walked closer to the bed. He was feeling guilty. Feeling bad at ruining your game because he was feeling neglected and insecure. Feeling guilty that even your breathing sounded sad as you stood by the bedside, him, being the cause of it.
His back was turned to you, and his eyes were glued to the window. But he could swear he felt you were fiddling with your fingers. He was so angry that he didn't want to look your way and give himself away at how guilty he also felt. But he kept himself in check, not turning to look at you just the way you weren’t looking at him the whole night. "Go back to your game. Don't bother," he barked, squeezing his eyes shut.
Steven tensed up when you got on the bed behind him. His muscles flinched when your arm came around him, and your face pressed into his spine, but eventually he relaxed after a while.
He tried so hard to ignore you.
But he failed. He missed you so much that having this little physical nearness ever since the last 5-ish hours made him turn into mush.
"Don't you have a game to finish?" He tried to sound annoyed. He really did try to get back that sharpness into his tone, but he just sounded like a hurt little kid.
He missed you when you paid attention to him. He missed having you all to him. He missed having you this close.
Gods, he even missed you breathing this much close to him!
Did all the anger and frustration go away when your arm tightened around him, your face gently rubbing into his back as you shook your head no with a soft sniffle?!
Yes, it all went away and made Steven's heart sink as he felt your body trembling against him. He knew, deep within him, that your obsession with the videogame probably had some deeper meaning than just it being your favorite game throughout your childhood. He had to talk to you about it, but he didn't know how to bring it up, and he never thought one day you wouldn't open up to him the way you usually did. And it hurt him even more. "Love, let me hold you..." He whispered quietly, his own throat closing with how he missed having you in his arms in bed.
He played off the sigh of relief with a soft grunt as he turned to face you when you pulled away enough to let him wrap his arms around you.
Steven's eyes were also wet from the tears he was holding back as he watched tears escape yours. "Look, dove, I know somethin's goin' on with you, and that's why you're playin' that game so much." He pulled you into a warm squeeze, "Can we please talk?"
He frowned at how you shook your head 'No' and buried your face in his chest just to hide away your teary cheeks. He let you have a moment in silence before speaking gently again, his hands soothingly rubbing your back. "No, we are goin' to talk about this. I promise, it's goin' to be fine, yeah?" His hand sneaked closer to his chest and held your chin to make you look up at his eyes that were wide with affection. "Let's start slow, yeah, dove?" He wiped the tears off your cheeks and cupped your beautiful face so tenderly. The corner of his lips lifted up on the way your walls melted down just from a sweet hold.
"I'm not good with words." You mumbled with a sniffle that could make him chuckle at how adorable you looked with those puffy lips and tired eyes if you weren’t crying.
"Now, now. Don't play Mahc Spectah for me." Steven chuckled as he wiped your last remnants of tears away when you chuckled at his playful accent, "We have enough brooding in this household." He gently tapped the tip of your nose with his forefinger. "But there will never be a day when we can't talk out our feelings. You and me." He leaned in and pressed a kiss to your forehead, relishing in the smell of your hair. "I know you have somethin' you're struggling with now, but I can't help you if you don't let me in, love." He mumbled to your skin. "You don't need to find the right words with me. I'm here, and I only want you to let me in."
"Steven..." Your sob shattered his heart as he tried to soothe you, to calm you as he rubbed your back. It was breaking him at the guilt in your eyes. And that was enough for him to forgive you.
"Shhh. I'm right here, okay? Everything's going to be fine." He pulled you so close until your faces were very close and almost touching. "Don't talk. It's fine." He whispered, sharing your warm breath as his nose nuzzled into yours.
He had missed this closeness. He was okay to have you like this even if you took longer to open up. He just wanted you to be near him. To let him in, even if it was physical.
But then he did something that he knew would distract you from whatever that was hurting you or making you sad like this. "I wanna kiss you, love." Steven whispered onto your lips, his voice raspy and playful.
"Even after I was hyperfixating on gaming? Neglecting you?" The strain in your each word squeezed his heart, but Steven couldn’t help the smile that appeared on his lips as his chocolate brown eyes twinkled at you so lovingly with that slight tilt of his head. He couldn't hold his kisses anymore. The first peck started on your lips. He kissed your neck, your cheeks, your forehead, your lips again, your nose, and then your neck again before pulling you in for a deep, passionate kiss even while you were giggling to his kissy assault. "I'll always love you, my dove. Nothing can make me want to kiss and love you any less. So please come back to me instead of goin' into this game every night. I miss you, darlin’.”
“Steven!” You scoffed a chuckle. “It's not like I never made time for you. I just come to bed a lil late.”
“It's 2:30 in the mornin’, love. How is that a bit late?” He held your chin in his thumb and forefinger, gently but firmly trying to reason with you. “You have work in the mornin’. And honestly, I wonder how you've functioned throughout this week between staying up till 4 AM and everything else..”
Steven sighed with you as you pouted sweetly and accepted your defeat. “Fine. I am sorry that I'm staying up late and playing obsessively. But–”
“No buts, love.” He stopped you with a gentle press of his fingers to your mouth.
“But I have no time to play other than nights!” You mumbled into his fingers which tickled him and made him chuckle at how you were trying to negotiate with your pouty lips rubbing onto his hand.
“al’ight. We can work through that. What about we play in the evening?” The cute pinch of your brows in confusion made his heart flutter. “We?” You asked as you scooted closer on the bed to him which meant victory for him as your face lit up and his body tingled from the way your body got pressed to his, your legs now tangled with each other.
“Yes. We.” He confirmed with a nod, your soft cheek under his palm as he caressed it. “I believe it's time I finally see what's so interesting about this game that's keepin’ my girlfriend away from cuddlin’ me before sleep.”
Your little excited squeal made him laugh as you shouted. “Really?! You will play with me?! You're going to absolutely love it! I– YOU WILL LOVE IT! I know you will!” You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him hard and suddenly, stealing his breath.
Within seconds his heart was pounding loudly against his ribcage into your chest. The molten warmth of love spreading from his heart to his whole body through his veins as his hand found the small of your back and pulled you closer to him. He let out a shaky, whimper like breath through parted lips and into your mouth to how your body slotted against his in all the right places.
“I missed you…” Steven's voice came from the depth of his chest and went right through your core as his fingertips slipped under the waistband of your pajama shorts, caressing and teasing your skin, his other arm securely holding your chest pressed to his.
“I didn't even–” Your words of protest died in your throat at how he desperately squeezed you to himself, licking into your mouth just not to let you say anything more, swallowing your soft moan when you felt the hardness of his cock warmly settling between your thighs.
“I missed you, love...” Steven repeated again as your body shivered at how his fingertips firmly dug into the meat of your asscheek and made your hips grind into him. His mouth kissing the skin of your neck and throat. “So much…” He mumbled, trailing down kisses the length of your neck to your collarbone to gently nibble on. “So, so much…” His lips were hot and wet over the top swells of your breasts, his teeth occasionally nipping at them.
A soft groan left Steven's mouth over your cleavage as he didn't know which breast to free first to kiss and suck on, his hand gripping the neckline of your shirt and your bra in one desperate grip to yank them down. To finally be able to show his love to his favorite parts of your body.
“Steven, wait… Let me–” He knew you wanted to properly take off your pajamas, but he couldn’t wait anymore. He was too desperate to have you again. Missed you too much to even allow himself to pull away slightly even for you to take your clothes off. He didn't even remove his hand from your shorts as it brushed against your hip to travel from your ass to your front.
Your moans made him tremble with need when your head fell back onto the pillows. Your hips ground onto his palm, letting your cunt soak his hand just the way it soaked through your panties, making him whimper into your ear as his own hips was grinding onto your thigh and the back of his own hand inside your shorts.
“Steven!” You moaned his name when his fingers teased and rubbed your clit, sending sparks of pleasure up to your vision as he tested your wetness with his finger. “What's gotten into you?!” You barely had time to mumble between the deep kisses when he pulled away suddenly, his hands so fast to yank down your panties and shorts in one go when you squeaked in surprise.
“I just missed you!” Steven's voice was so deep and raspy that even he himself doubted if it was him talking and not Jake when he pulled off your top clothings as well.
“I just,” His chest heaved, his eyes glued to the dripping arousal between your folds as his tongue dragged along his lower lip like it could already taste you. Which got your core pulse for him and your thighs to press together.
“Oh, no no no, love,” Steven's hands were quick to hold your ankles, to firmly press them down to the mattress and spread you to his gaze. “Don't.” He warned firmly, his lips pressing a kiss to the side of your knee, distracting you enough till his hands deftly locked his ankle restraint to your foot. Your eyes widening when he tightened it.
“Steven, now you're just being silly!” You breathed out, still panting from everything that was happening and was going to happen. “It won't even hold– I know how to open it.”
“I know.” The calm undertone in his voice, the mischief glinting in his eyes and the quirk of his smirk over his kiss-swollen lips made you squirm and pull at the restraint unintentionally. “It's not for keepin’ your legs open for me. You're a good girl, love. You'd do that for me on your own, yeah?” He whispered, tugging at the restraint, his lips pressing a soft kiss to your skin again. “This is just a little reminder…” Steven drawled his words lazily, his cheek rubbing your knee, “For you to remember your place…” his hands traveling up your ankle and calf to your thigh, teasingly, lazily and slowly, stopping so close to where you were aching for his touch. “To where you actually belong. In bed. All spread out for me.”
“Steven…” Your whimper made him chuckle, his eyes boring into your pleading eyes before glancing at your cunt that was begging for his attention.
His cock was twitching needily in his sweatpants but he wouldn't give in this easily. He wouldn't let you forget how much he yearned for your attention tonight and you just kept playing.
And that's what Steven was going to do. He would play with you till you begged for him and screamed his name. Till your sweet whimpers and moans chased the jealousy for some pixels on the tv in his heart away.
Just like the way you spent time playing your videogame, he was going to be spending his time playing with you.
His head dipped between your thighs as his tongue played with your folds and licked them so wet and hot while he moaned to your taste. Steven moaned into your core just to make you moan louder to the vibration and clench around his tongue while he rubbed your clit with his fingers, his arm looped around your thigh.
It took all his willpower not to rut against the mattress where his hips pressed into, his eyes rolling into the back of his head as you came on his tongue, writhing, your trembling thighs squeezing his head deeper into you.
He didn't let you move an inch away from his mouth as he licked and kissed and tongued you over and over again even while your fingers gripped his curls firmly, crying out from release after release.
He was so intoxicated with your scent and taste on his nose and tongue that he had forgotten the ache in his own groin for a while when he let you pull his head finally away from your overstimulated and sensitive pussy.
Steven's eyes were full of love for you as he watched your closed eyes, while you tried to catch your breath. There was satisfaction written over his grinning lips as his head moved with the rhythm of your deep panting, his cheek pressed to your naval, his hands kneading and soothing your slightly trembling thighs.
“What round is it?” He panted into your skin as he trailed such tender kisses up to your breasts like he wasn't eating you out like a starved man a few seconds ago, his tongue shoved deep into your hole.
“Hm, huh?” Steven's chuckle came out as an amused breath at the dazed state of you, kissing and licking any inch of skin he found, smearing your release over you just the way his jaw and lips were coated in.
“What round are we in?” His smooches sounded nearer to you as his lips finally took your earlobe between them. “How many times have you come f’ me, love?”
You whine in response to him, your legs trembling again as his fingers trace a delicate caress over your puffy and sensitive clit. “Four? Five?” He cooed into your ear, earning a deep moan when he dragged the tips of his middle finger and ring finger around your entrance, easily going in and out of your slicked channel.
“Five!” You yelled, your breasts pressing up into his chest, your back arched to guide his fingers to that spot inside you that made you see the stars.
“And how many times did you restart that quest tonight?” Steven's grin widened over seeing your confused expression, your brows knotted in pleasure that was inches away from his fingertips. “Your beloved videogame.” He reminded you with a soft press of the heel of his palm over your clit. “How many times did you restart?”
“Shit! Steven!” You cried in frustration into his jawline, making his body tremble to the way your hot breath hit his ear and your walls clenched around his fingers.
“It was seven, love.” The sting of being ignored and watching you restart a quest for seven times surely was dulled in his heart in the meantime after watching you come undone for him five times. It got duller as you screamed his name again when released crashed over your body for the sixth time and wetted his hand and soaked his sweatpants where his thighs were pressed to your quaking form.
“That was…?” His fingers left you after he rode your high, arms quick to pull his cotton-y soft shirt off of himself. The shuffle and drag of fabric over his skin drew your half lidded gaze up his naked body, his smirk bordering on mischievous and adorable as he mouthed ‘sixth’ to your smiling face. “And that means,” Steven crawled on you again, that shit eating, love struck, grin nearing your face as his body settled over yours, his cock hot and hard pressing to the inside of your thigh and smearing his precum over your skin. “You get to come fo’ me one more time.” He mumbled onto your lips, his hands caressing your sides and arms, your body a complete wreck at his mercy one more time.
Your mouth fell open with a deep moan when his thick cock nudged your clit, both your breaths hitching in your throats as he licked into your mouth to let you whimper to the fading taste of yourself in his mouth. His hands were all over your body, caressing you with his sure and firm hands, his skin burning yours from where he was pressed all over you.
With a gentle nudge of his hips, his cock slid so smoothly into you that got you already writhing under him, your hands clawing his back desperately as he started to move in and out of you.
Steven buried his face in the crook of your neck, biting down on your flesh not to lose himself too quickly when his thrusts started to quicken.
Hips stuttering over yours, his hands gripping yours from his buttocks to slam them above your head with a deep moan when you came again. Your walls tightened around him to a point that he only could muffle his whimper in your neck, your thighs shaking around his as he released ropes of cum into you.
Steven stayed like that for a short while, panting and smelling you.
“Oh, love, are you a'right?” With a sudden move he released your hands, rising on his forearms to make sure you haven't crushed under him, his concerned gaze searching your blessed out face.
You huffed a chuckle, wrapping your freed arms around his neck to softly kiss his swollen lips so tenderly that he couldn't believe he was feeling it.
“I'm fine, Steven.” Your voice was a bit hoarse probably from moaning his name all the time which got him smiling so brightly with a nod.
He left a trail of kisses down your forehead and nose to your chin and neck before pulling away gently, not making more of a mess with your juices, settling in next to you.
“How was that, love? Better than that silly game of yours right?” Steven's tone was playfully proud, making sure that he wasn't actually insulting your favorite game. "I made you forget about it."
“Maybeeee…” You muttered as your eyes fluttered close, the last thing you felt were his arms wrapping around you and the soft chuckle in his chest. “Maybe?! Just maybe?!” He squeezed you to himself, gaining a mock annoyed groan that turned into giggling. “Fine! It was so so much better. And yes. You made me forget it.” You mumbled into his chest, getting a grin and a kiss to your forehead that you didn't catch when you drifted into a peaceful sleep.
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Hope you enjoyed it!
#IM SCREAMING#<- the S is silent hopefully😂#AND I LOVE YOU FOR READING THIS!#thank you sm!#mani replies#dollie ❤️#steven grant
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Me to this series:
AN: In honor of Oscar's birthday and the Moon Boys birthdays, I come bearing the offering a birthday ficlet featuring driver!jake/rich girl!reader. Hope someone enjoys 😆 (apologies if this is awful, I am a tad rusty).
(this is rated m, there is a little food play involved. please let me know if i missed any other warnings)
Jake Lockley doesn’t do birthdays, never has, likely never will. He just doesn’t see the point, especially when he has no one to share the day with.
Well, no one he can admit to having, that is.
Aside from the fact that Jake doesn’t like being fussed over, he has to work anyway. No time to celebrate (what’s he celebrating anyway? Being another year closer to death? No, thank you). At least he can say he’s spending the day with someone he cares about, that’s more than some people get. His eyes flick to your reflection in the rearview mirror—your head bowed, brow furrowed in concentration—as you pour over the file in your lap. You have some important meeting tomorrow, one your father is supposedly letting you run. He knows how huge this is for you, knows how hard you’ve worked to be afforded such an opportunity.
It's early so he makes it back to the penthouse quickly, pulling into your designated parking space and turning off the car. You’re still completely absorbed in the backseat when he opens the door to retrieve you, as if you haven’t even noticed that the car has stopped. He smothers a smile as he clears his throat, holding his hand out to you when you look up at him in surprise. He takes your things from you, insisting on carrying them upstairs.
“You can take a break for the five minute elevator ride, princesa,” he explains, smiling as you take his proffered arm and walks you over to where the elevator sits.
The ride up is mostly uneventful—save for a few stolen kisses—and ends much more quickly than Jake expects. He pushes down a small pang of sadness when the doors open to reveal your foyer, knowing he’ll have to go home to his empty apartment now. It’s not normally something that bothers him, usually he craves that alone time, looks forward to it most days. So, why not today?
He’s about to push the thought away and bury it deep, deep in the back of his mind when he notices something out of the ordinary. An understated, yet tasteful, ‘Happy Birthday’ banner hangs over the archway that leads to your living room. As he looks further, he sees balloons, streamers, food, a bucket of champagne, and even a cake. Jake swallows thickly at the sight, emotions welling in his chest—he hasn’t had a birthday cake since…well, he can’t even remember when he last had a birthday cake.
Lips still parted in surprise, he looks to where you stand beside him, a soft smile on your face as you watch him take it all in.
“Surprise!” you say, smiling as you squeeze his hand a little.
He smiles back, releasing a breathless, almost disbelieving chuckle. Your eyes shine with a joy he rarely gets to see, and to know it’s because of him makes his heart skip a little in his chest.
Shit, what were you doing to him?
Excitedly, you drag him over the threshold, your bag of files still hanging over his shoulder. You talk animatedly about how you’d gone about planning all of this as you pull him toward the couch, relieving him of your bag before directing him to sit on the couch, the warmth of your hands seeping through his shirt. Emotions swirl inside him like a tornado—some are familiar, ones he usually has when he’s with you, others he’s never felt before, can’t even begin to put a name to. Before you can push him down onto the couch, he pulls you against him, wrapping you in a tight embrace as his mouth finds yours. He pours everything into the kiss, everything he can’t express with words.
You melt against him, fingers clenching in his shirt, body sagging slightly in his hold as he plunders your mouth. You’re breathless when he releases you, nuzzling his nose against yours as you attempt to regain some of your composure. He smiles when you laugh, then gently push him back toward the couch. Jake sits, as directed, his eyes glued to you as you take a few calming breaths on your way over to the table with the food. You pick up the lighter that sits on the table beside the cake, briefly meeting his gaze before igniting it and lighting each candle.
The yellow-orange flames stand out in the dim room as you carefully pick up the cake, the light from the candles casting an almost ethereal glow across your face. You begin to sing as you carry the cake over to him, your eyes flickering back and forth between Jake and the cake in your hands. A warmth spreads through his chest as he watches you draw nearer, a soft smile forming on his lips. It’s…been a long time since someone has done something lol like this for him.
The intensity of his gaze makes you shiver and you swallow hard, suddenly nervous, as you maneuver the cake so it’s within his reach. He holds your gaze as he leans in, pausing briefly before blowing out the candles.
“Happy Birthday, Jake,” you whisper, beaming at him.
He considers you for a moment, then takes the cake from your hands and places it on the coffee table. You yelp in surprise as he pulls you into his lap, chuckling as he kisses you, hard. A quiet moan escapes you and is quickly smothered by his lips and tongue. He lacks his usual finesse, almost feral as he licks into your mouth, his hands smoothing and squeezing your body as he expresses his feelings in the best way he knows how.
When air becomes necessary, he releases your lips with a pop, the sound almost drowned out by your respective labored breaths.
“Thank you,” he pants, smoothing a hand up your neck to cup your cheek.
Your smile is like a balm to his soul, as is the gentle kiss you press against his palm. “You’re welcome.”
After a moment or two, you ask him if he wants a slice of cake (“I even baked it myself,” you tell him proudly). He pretends to consider this for a moment, the hand he’d had resting on your hip ghosting up your back toward your neck. The he nods, his fingers curling around the zipper, dragging it slowly down, down, down—
“Si, princesa,” he breathes, pulling the material already falling from your shoulders down slightly and pressing his lips against your skin.
Your hum as he kisses across the top of your chest toward your throat, your fingers clenching in his hair. “Let me get some plates then, hmm?”
He chuckles, the sound reverberating against your skin as he pulls your dress down so it pools at your waist, exposing your breasts to him.
“I’ve already got mine,” he mumbles, unable to resist mouthing at your soft skin as he reaches over to collect some of the icing with his finger.
It’s cold when he slathers it across your skin, your nipples pebbling quickly. He brings his finger to your lips to lick off the excess and you moan softly, wrapping your lips and tongue around the digit. Jake bites his lip as he watches, then leans in to gently lap at the icing on your chest. You let your head fall back, eyes closing as he licks and sucks the icing off of your skin. His mouth is molten as he sucks your breasts clean, your hips grinding unconsciously against his.
Jake hums as he finishes, licking his lips as he meets your eyes again. He smiles as he takes you in, boneless, completely at his mercy. Perhaps, he considers, birthdays weren't so bad after all.
If you enjoyed this, please let me know! I appreciate every single reblog and/or comment. Thank you. 💖
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Dude I thought there is a tinge of angst!
“I wasn’t ever really born,” he went on, gesturing animatedly. “I sort of…emerged, honestly. I told you I’m a system?”
I truly started to cry into my pillow I can't read the rest
My poor baby boy😭
Steven, It's Your Birthday?
Steven doesn’t think he has a birthday • tinge of angsty fluff • wc 700 • gn!boss!reader • not beta’d • inaccurate allusions to DID
Read Marc’s birthday story
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
9:45 A.M.
"Steven, could I please see you for a second?"
You buzzed your assistant, who instantly scurried in from his outer office.
"Hey," you smiled at him brilliantly. "That was quick."
Granting you a mock salute, Steven asked, "How can I help, boss?"
Pushing off your office chair, you eased around to lean against the front of your desk. "You've been keeping a secret from me?"
Eyes wide and blinking, his cheeks heated under your scrutiny. "A secret?"
"Mm-hmm," you went on conspiratorially, "Something about today?"
"Today, em," clearing his throat, he quickly scanned his phone for an appointment he may have missed. "I'm not sure..."
"Steven, it's your birthday. Right?"
He paused, tucking his phone back into his pants pocket. "Right," he agreed. "That's right, the 9th of March. I suppose it is, isn't it?"
Smiling wryly, you reached out and squeezed his forearm. “I know you’re the one in charge of birthdays for the office. Did you think it wasn’t okay for us to celebrate yours?”
His eyes flew to where your hand rested on his sleeve, then right back to your tender gaze.
“It’s alright,” he shrugged one shoulder. “Can’t eat the cake anyway, since I’m vegan.”
“Of course,” you quickly nodded, withdrawing your hand. “Since I didn’t realize it was today, I didn’t even get you anything. So, I wondered if I could buy you a drink. Unless you have other birthday plans?” You blinked at him hopefully.
“No. No plans,” he almost coughed out. “A drink sounds wonderful. Brilliant, actually.”
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
5:45 P.M.
“Steven, hi,” you gushed, seeing your assistant walk into the restaurant you chose. “I hope this is okay?”
“Of course,” he agreed, sitting across the booth from you. Live piano music drifted through the air. “Nice place.”
“Thanks, I like it here. But let me ask you something.”
“All right,” he agreed.
“Is it okay if we celebrate your birthday at the office tomorrow?” You asked, making sure he saw the menu that the server left for the two of you.
Gaze dropping, Steven pulled his hands to his chest uncertainly, compelling you to apologize for overstepping.
“No, it’s not that, it’s just…” Chewing on his lip, he paused, inhaling deeply. “We're friends, aren't we?"
Smiling warmly, you agreed. "I feel like we are."
"Good. Good, so I feel I can tell you things, from time to time. You see, I don’t really have a birthday.”
Shaking your head in confusion prompted him to continue.
“I wasn’t ever really born,” he went on, gesturing animatedly. “I sort of…emerged, honestly. I told you I’m a system?”
You nodded. “Yeah of course.” You’d met Marc a few times. He’d even worked a couple of Steven’s shifts when Steven wasn’t fronting.
“So, you see, Marc’s birthday is today, but I-I don’t remember any of our birthdays. I wasn’t even really born then. Or ever, actually.”
Reaching across the table, you squeezed his hand gently but briefly. “That must be difficult. I’m sorry.”
“No, it’s all right, don’t be.” With trembling breath, he grasped your hand, enveloping it with his own. “This is so kind of you, really, and you’ve been absolutely lovely today.”
“You deserve it. You deserve to be celebrated, Steven,” you assured him with a tender smile. “On whatever day, in whatever way you want. You’re a person and you were born and you matter.”
“Thank you,” he breathed, eyes shining, fixed on yours. “No one’s ever…” Clearing his throat, he went on. “I don’t think anyone’s ever noticed my birthday before.”
“I notice everything about you, Steven,” you quietly gushed. Noticing his cheeks heat up, you cleared your throat. “Sorry, I mean, I’m your boss, but…I just can’t believe sometimes that no one’s ever…” You trailed off, hoping not to insult him. How was he possibly still on the market? Although you tried to keep your thoughts to yourself and avoid office drama, you couldn't help but flirt with him sometimes.
The corner of his mouth curled and he cocked his head as if imbued with a touch of confidence. “Are you trying to say this is a date?”
You gulped, noticing how his thumb brushed across your knuckles. “Do you want it to be?”
Leaning in, he fixed his gaze on yours. “It's all I could want for my birthday."
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
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