<3These words herein are mine alone fashioned deep inside my bones. Each picture, thought, and quote you see are all reflections of what is me. Beware the urge to take this book or read it in some private nook, because it’s magick isn’t blind and I will know you’ve touched what’s mine. (If you want to borrow or use information from here just make sure to give credit if it’s my original work <3)
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
A Guide to Graveyard Work
One of the earliest introductions I had to spirit work as a baby witch was graveyard work. In short, this practice involves building relationships with the deceased spirits of a graveyard, by communicating, leaving offerings and being mindful of their space. It is part of a wider practice known as death work, but this focuses specifically on how to enter and respect what is essentially the 'home' of the spirits you are working with. You can further build on your practice from this.
This is a handy guide to the different aspects of the practice, looking into the appropriate offerings and etiquette, written with a lot of love.
Graveyard Etiquette
There are rules you must follow in graveyards, whether for your personal safety, out of politeness, or following the law of your country. Sometimes these overlap. But sometimes, the rules you hear might be no more than baseless superstition, which there is a lot of concerning graveyards. There are way too many superstitions to list, however -
Some good rules to follow are:
Don't begin this work with the intention of taking from the graveyard or using the spirits in your practice. In the same way you wouldn't take from a stranger, it's important to build a relationship before you ask for things.
Try not to stand on graves where possible, out of respect for the dead but also those mourning them. Sometimes, graveyards are set up so that it is impossible to go anywhere without stepping on something, which is okay so long as you're not intending disrespect. However, do be wary that headstones can fall and the ground can shift.
Some people believe you shouldn't take any photos of the graves. I personally think that if the grave is old enough, it doesn't matter too much. If the grave is modern, it might be inappropriate for those in mourning to see you taking photos.
You can clean up trash, but be mindful of what might be considered trash. Obvious thrown-away food and drink packaging might be appropriate to clean up, but what if someone left a deceased one's favourite food at their grave? Or what if you decide to get rid of a toy or letter left there? Try to avoid cleaning up around the actual graves and focus on cleaning near the gates or in empty areas.
Don't trespass! If the cemetery has set entry times, enter and leave only within those times. Don't jump the fence, and don't enter any areas that are clearly gated or off-limits.
Leave an offering when asking to take something from the cemetery grounds. I don't feel it necessary to leave an offering each time you enter, especially if you plan on visiting often. But, if you want to take something like graveyard dirt or plants growing there, leave an offering for sure. And make sure to ASK. If you feel wrong, it's a no.
If you EVER find anything askew in a graveyard, such as vandalism, theft, or even dug up bones (it happens, I've found them before) PLEASE report it straight to the groundskeeper, associated church, or relevant authorities. It is not your responsibility to attempt to fix these things, or take things for yourself.
You can leave offerings at the gate, or on specific graves if you want to work directly with that spirit. You don't always need to leave an offering, but it is a good thing to do when building a relationship and especially when asking to take from the site.
Some good offerings are:
Coins, especially two coins. There is a belief that the two coins are placed on the eyes of the deceased to pay the ferryman taking them over the river Styx. This has been maintained as a tradition.
Flowers. Even better if you look into Victorian flower symbolism for older grave sites and base your offering on this.
Origami. I would often fold multiple tiny cranes and leave them as offerings on individual graves. The best part is they are biodegradable.
I would be wary of leaving any kind of food or drink, as you might attract animals or even cause harm to the ecosystems living there. The same goes for anything made of plastic or that could hurt an animal.
Natural items such as seashells, feathers or stones are great, safe options for offerings.
You could also burn a candle or incense, but remember to stay with them while they burn and make sure they are extinguished when you leave.
Offerings don't have to be physical - you could say a few kind words, sing to them, or even just dedicating time to sit with the dead or talk with them can be an offering in itself.
I personally don't go into my practice thinking I could get possessed or followed by a demon at any given moment. However, I do think it's important to remember that graveyards can be full of a lot of upset, angry, and occasionally malevolent energies. Even if you don't intend to, these energies can attach to you or be taken home by you and can make you feel off.
Here are some ways you can protect yourself:
Cleanse yourself before and after entering a cemetery, even just by meditating and visualising or by using incense.
Check out my post on shielding techniques, and try to familiarise yourself with the visualisation techniques until you feel comfortable doing them.
Charm an item of clothing, such as a piece of jewellery, as an amulet to ward against negative energies that you can wear.
Find or create a protective sigil or rune that you can draw on something or on yourself.
You can pray to any deities you work with to ask for protection, especially if these deities are associated with death or spirits.
People who practice death work might communicate with the dead in different ways. They might be clairvoyant, use divination, feel energies or sometimes even just know what the spirits are saying. In any sense, spirit communication is a skill that is very much required in this practice. @koscheys-skull said it best here. You need good communication skills, in the sense that you are still talking to PEOPLE. And you need to go in with good intentions. If you are going in purely with the intention of using the dead for your own benefit, you won't get very far. If you can't talk to and actively listen with some semblance of empathy, you won't get very far. Death work is not an aesthetic, it is not for you to take your emo photos and be disrespectful. it is a serious, difficult and tolling practice that takes a lot of time and refining.
If you have gotten this far, I wish you all the best. It is a difficult but ultimately fulfilling part of spirit work, and if you are ready to dedicate the time and effort to it, you will get a lot out of it.
Thanks for reading! Please visit my tags for more guides, and feel free to reach out with requests for more information. Lots of love.
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Protection & Warding ⚔️ [long post]
A guide on protecting yourself and your home.
updated 12.8.24
Personal Protection
Wear an amulet on your person - can be made from man-made or natural materials so long as its intent is to protect
Keep a protective crystal in your pocket
Craft a small protective spell jar and keep on your person
Anoint yourself with a protective oil
Place an energetic shield around yourself
Place a glamour on yourself to go unnoticed in the presence of harmful or negative energies
Carry a piece of iron on your person
Bathe with a wash made from protective herbs
Sleep with a sachet of herbs under your pillow or hanging above your bed to prevent nightmares
Prayers and offerings to your patron deity
Hang a protective amulet from the rearview mirror in your vehicle for safe travels
Home & Hearth Protection
Hang rose stems with thorns intact above the entrance of your home
Hang an upside down horseshoe above the entrance of your home (some lore states you should hang the horseshoe right-side-up)
Hang wind chimes or bells outside of your home
Create a “Witch Bottle” and bury in your front yard, or in a potted plant on your porch
Create a “Witch’s Ladder” or “Witch Ball” and hang it either inside or outside of your home
Hang imagery of protective symbols outside or around your home
Burn protective incense in your home
Create a room spray made from protective oils and spray around your home
Create a protective wash and use it to clean your windows, door frames, and tile/wooden floors
Use the wash mentioned above to “paint” symbols of protection on the outside of your front door, on your porch, etc.
Place a protective crystal at each corner inside your home
Place a small glass of salt at each corner inside your home
Hammer 3 iron nails into your front door
Create a protective powder and sprinkle around the perimeter of your home - alternately, sprinkle outside of your front and back door
Create a sachet filled with protective herbs and crystals - keep inside or outside of your home, in your vehicle, etc.
Hang mirrors inside of your home
Place a crystal grid at the center of your home using protective crystals
Call upon your patron deity to protect your home and those who reside in it
Protective Symbols & Items
Witch’s Knot
Algiz (Elhaz) rune
Helm of Awe
Glyph of the Moon, Mars, or Saturn
Eye of Horus
Crossed Swords
Iron nails
Railroad spikes
War Water
Flying Devil Oil
Third & Fifth Pentacle of Saturn; Third & Sixth Pentacle of Jupiter; Sixth Pentacle of Mars; Second, Third, & Fifth Pentacle of the Moon
Amethyst - protection against psychic attacks and while traveling
Angel Aura Quartz - spiritual protection
Aqua Aura Quartz - protection against psychic attacks
Aquamarine - protection while traveling via water
Beryl - protection while traveling
Blue Goldstone
Catlinite - spiritual protection
Carnelian - protection from negative emotions
Celestite - emotional protection
Citrine - protection from nightmares
Clear Quartz
Fire Agate
Fluorite - protection against psychic attacks
Infinite Stone
Lapis Lazuli
Malachite - protection during pregnancy and childbirth
Moonstone - protection during pregnancy, childbirth, and while traveling via water
Mother of Pearl - protection for children
Rose Quartz - protection during pregnancy and childbirth
Ruby - protection of the home and hearth
Smoky Quartz
Snowflake Obsidian
Tiger’s Eye
Vauxite - protection from nightmares
Acacia, Aconite, Acorn (protection from lightning), African Violet, Ague, Alder (protection for the deceased), Alfalfa (protection from hunger and poverty), Alkanet (protection from snakebites and the fear of snakes), Aloe (protection from household accidents), Amaranth (protection from bullets), Amber, Angelica, Anise Seeds, Ash (protection from drowning and while traveling), Aspen (protection against thieves), Bamboo, Barley, Basil, Bay Laurel (protection from lightning), Bay Leaf (protection for your home and family, protection against baneful magic), Belladonna, Bergamot (protection from illness), Bilberry Bark, Birch (protection from lightning and infertility), Black Cohosh (protection from accidents and sudden death), Black Haw, Black Pepper, Blackberry, Bladderwrack (protection while traveling), Blessed Thistle, Bloodroot, Blue Violet, Blueberry, Boneset, Brimstone, Buckeye (protection against arthritis), Buckwheat, Cactus, Calamus, Calendula, Carnation, Caraway, Cascara Sagrada (protection against baneful magic), Catnip (protection while sleeping), Cedar (protection from lightning), Celandine, Chia, Chives, Chrysanthemum, Cilantro (protection for gardeners), Cinnamon, Cinquefoil (protection for loved ones on a journey), Clove (protection for babies), Clover, Coconut, Comfrey (protection while traveling), Coriander, Corn, Cotton, Cramp Bark, Cranberry, Cumin, Curry, Cypress, Daisy (protection for babies), Dandelion Root (protection while sleeping), Datura, Devil’s Bit, Devil’s Claw, Dill, Dogwood, Dragon’s Blood, Ebony, Elder (protection for the deceased), Elm (protection from lightning), Eucalyptus, False Unicorn Root (protection during pregnancy and childbirth), Fennel, Fern, Feverfew (protection against accidents and cold/flu), Figwort (protection for your home), Flaxseed (protection for your home, protection against baneful magic), Fleabane, Foxglove (protection for your home and garden), Frankincense, Gardenia, Garlic, Geranium, Ginger, Ginseng, Gorse (protection against baneful magic), Hawthorn (protection from lightning), Heather (protection against violent crimes), Heliotrope, Henna (protection from illness), Hickory, High John the Conqueror, Holly, Horseradish, Hyssop (protection for property against burglars and trespassers), Irish Moss (protection while traveling), Ivy, Juniper, Kava Kava, Lady Slipper (protection against baneful magic), Larch (protection against theft), Larkspur, Laurel, Lavender, Leek, Lemon, Lemon Verbena (protection of your home, protection from lightning and storms), Lettuce, Lime, Lotus, Lucky Hand Root (protection while traveling), Mandrake, Marigold (protection while sleeping), Marjoram, Marshmallow Root, Mimosa, Mint, Mistletoe (protection from lightning and fire), Mullein (protection from nightmares and baneful magic), Nutmeg, Oak Moss, Olive Leaf, Onion, Papyrus, Parsley (protection for your home), Peat Moss, Peony, Periwinkle (protection against snakes and poison), Pimpernel, Pine, Pineapple, Plantain (protection from snake bites and jealousy), Quince, Radish, Raspberry Leaf, Red Clover (protection for pets), Rhubarb, Rice, Rowan, Rue, Sage, Sandalwood, Saw Palmetto, Sea Salt, Sheep Sorrel (protection from heart disease), Slippery Elm, Snapdragon, Solomon’s Seal, Spanish Moss, Spearmint, St. John’s Wort (protection from baneful magic, lightning, and fire), Straw Flower, Sunflower, Tangerine, Thistle, Toadflax, Tonka Bean (protection from disease), True Unicorn Root (protection from baneful magic), Valerian, Venus Fly Trap, Violet, Willow (protection from lightning, storms, and disease), Witch Hazel, Wood Aloe, Wood Betony, Woodruff, Wormwood (protection against dangerous roads while traveling), Yerba Santa, Yew, Yucca (protection of your home)
Lunar Phases
Waxing - to attract protective energy and positivity
Full - generalized protection
Waning - to banish negativity, thus protecting the caster
Days of the Week
© 2025 ad-caelestia
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❌ Curse Correspondences ❌
updated 1.12.25
Agate - for use on a target who has entered a space uninvited, i.e. someone breaking into your home or vehicle; confusion
Alexandrite - causes obsession and delusions
Amethyst - causes sensitivity and self-destruction; delusions
Astrophyllite - causes those who have died at the hands of another to torment the target from the grave
Celestite - detachment
Diamond - causes blindness, confusion, and disorientation
Diopside - lowers inhibitions and causes secrets to be revealed
Emerald - causes greed, selfishness, and isolation
Flint - causes conflicts
Garnet - leeches energy from a target
Kunzite - induces vulnerability
Kyanite - used to infiltrate a target’s mind
Lapis Lazuli - illusion and detachment
Meteorite - used as a catalyst in baneful magic
Moldavite - delusions
Obsidian - used for general aggressive magic
Onyx - causes nightmares and mental torment, and is used to break up relationships
Opal - used to store negative energy, and then to be given to a target
Pyrite - illusions
Ruby - used to focus your intent on a target
Tiger's Eye - causes arrogance
Black - law, justice, manifestation, sorrow
Red - force, energy, confrontation, jealousy, anger
Greenish Yellow - strife, discord, illness, conflict, jealousy, greed
Magenta - catalyst
Ague Weed - confusion
Angelica Root - misery, strife, distress, discord
Asafoetida - drives enemies away
Bayberry - depression
Bindweed - binding
Blackberry Root - distress
Black Salt - misery, strife, distress, discord
Bladderwrack - illness
Bloodroot - substitute for blood
Blueberry - confusion, strife
Boneset - distress, confusion
Cayenne Pepper - anxiety
Chicory - discord
Chili Powder - discord, misery, strife
Cinquefoil - discomfort
Clove - stopping gossip
Cramp Bark - pain, illness
Dogbane - deception
Dragon’s Blood - destruction, strife, misery
Hemlock - discord, sadness
Henbane - illness, discord, melancholy
Jezebel Root - wickedness, ending relationships, punishing unfaithful lovers
Knot Weed - binding
Lemon - sourness, bitterness
Lemon Verbena - a boost of power, ending relationships
Lime - sourness, bitterness
Lobelia - discord
Mace - misery, strife
Mandrake - misery, strife
Mistletoe - isolation, confusion
Mullein - spirit work, nightmares
Mustard Seed - strife, discord
Myrrh - a boost of power
Nightshade (Belladonna) - discord, illness
Onion - strife
Patchouli - illness
Poke Root - confusion, discord
Poppy Seed - discord
Rue - misery
Safflower - destruction
Spanish Moss - bad luck
Slippery Elm - ending relationships
Stinging Nettle - jealousy, envy, discomfort
Sumac - bad luck
Tobacco - a substitute for any baneful herb
Tormentil - distress, harm, discord
Vetiver - silence
Wormwood (Absinthe) - misery, strife
Yew - spirit work
Yohimbe Bark - impotency
Mars - power, force, energy, war, conflict, jealousy
Saturn - law, justice, chaos, revenge
Neptune - confusion, illusion, chaos
Pluto - death, mystery, crisis
Lunar Phases:
Waning - binding, banishing
Dark - destruction, banishing, justice
Black - power, manifestation
The target’s name written on paper
The target’s signature
An item that belongs to the target
Other Ingredients:
Cigarette butts
Broken glass
Lemon/lime juice
Shark teeth
Catfish spines
Murex seashells
Flying Devil Oil
Dead insects
Black sand
Disclaimer: I do not condone the unethical practice of collecting or harvesting animal parts, or forcefully obtaining taglocks. This is just a list of theoretical correspondences and I am not responsible for the actions of others.
© 2025 ad-caelestia
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Let's Channel Spirits!

Spirit channeling is the practice of communicating with non-physical entities, such as ancestors, deities, guides, or spirits of the dead. It has existed across cultures and traditions for thousands of years, with shamans, oracles, and mystics acting as intermediaries between the human and spirit realms. In ancient Greece, the Oracle of Delphi channeled messages from Apollo, while in indigenous traditions, shamans entered trance states to receive guidance from spirits. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, spiritualism popularized spirit communication through séances and automatic writing, a practice that continues today in various forms of witchcraft, mediumship, and divination.
The rewards of spirit channeling can be profound. Many practitioners use it to receive wisdom, gain insight into personal or collective issues, and deepen their spiritual path. Ancestor work, for example, allows witches to access generational knowledge and healing, while channeling deities or spirit guides can offer profound revelations. It is also a tool for magical work, as spirits can aid in spellcasting, protection, or uncovering hidden truths. For those seeking closure, channeling deceased loved ones can bring comfort and resolution.
However, there are risks involved. Not all spirits are benevolent, and some may deceive, manipulate, or drain a channeler’s energy. Without proper protections, practitioners may attract unwanted entities or even experience psychic burnout. Psychological risks also exist, as differentiating between genuine messages and personal imagination can be challenging. Ethical concerns arise when people rely too heavily on spirit communication for decision-making, neglecting their own intuition and logic. This is why grounding, shielding, and discernment are essential.
In modern practice, spirit channeling takes many forms, from traditional trance mediumship to intuitive divination using tarot, pendulums, or scrying. Some witches use meditation and altered states of consciousness to connect with spirits, while others engage in automatic writing or guided visualization. With the rise of technology, spirit communication has even extended to digital methods, such as EVP (electronic voice phenomena), ghost communication devices and apps, and AI-assisted divination. Despite skepticism, the practice remains a vital part of many spiritual traditions, evolving alongside new understandings of consciousness and the unseen world. Whether approached with reverence or caution, spirit channeling continues to offer a bridge between realms, guiding those who seek its wisdom.

Forms of Spirit Channeling
Spirit channeling can take many forms, depending on the tradition, method, and depth of connection. Below is a list of different types of spirit channeling, ranging from light communication to deep trance states.
Mental Channeling:
• The spirit communicates through thoughts, impressions, or intuitive messages.
• The channeler remains fully conscious and translates the information received.
• Often used in mediumship, divination, and psychic readings.
Trance Channeling:
• The channeler enters an altered state where the spirit speaks or acts through them.
• Can be light (partial awareness) or deep (full surrender of control).
• Used by shamans, spiritualist mediums, and oracles.
Automatic Writing (Psychography):
• The spirit guides the channeler’s hand to write messages.
• The channeler may or may not be conscious of what is being written.
• Used for receiving detailed messages or insights from spirits.
Séances & Spirit Board Communication:
• Group or solo practice involving talking boards (Ouija), pendulums, or other tools.
• Spirits respond through movement, knocking, or written messages.
• Requires strong protection, as it can attract various types of entities.
• A person serves as a bridge between spirits and the living, often delivering messages.
• Can be done through clairaudience (hearing), clairvoyance (seeing), or clairsentience (feeling).
• Common in spiritualism and ancestor work.
Possession (Invocational Channeling):
• The spirit temporarily takes control of the channeler’s body.
• Practiced in Vodou, Santería, and certain shamanic traditions.
• Requires training and safeguards to ensure safe release of the spirit.

Dream Channeling (Astral Communication):
• Spirits communicate through dreams, often delivering symbolic or direct messages.
• Lucid dreaming can be used to initiate intentional spirit contact.
• Useful for ancestor work and deity communication.
Scrying (Visionary Channeling):
• Using mirrors, water, fire, or crystals to receive visions or spirit messages.
• The channeler interprets images, symbols, or direct communication from spirits.
• Often used in witchcraft and divination.
Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) & Technomancy:
• Spirits communicate through electronic devices, such as audio recordings or digital messages.
• Used in paranormal investigation and modern occult practices.
Nature Spirit & Elemental Channeling:
• Communicating with spirits of plants, animals, and natural elements.
• Often practiced by animists, hedge witches, and shamans.
• Involves direct communion with Earth’s energies for guidance or magic.
Each method of channeling requires different levels of skill, protection, and intent. Choosing the right form depends on the practitioner’s experience, goals, and spiritual path.
Preparing for Spirit Channeling
Before attempting to channel, it’s crucial to set a foundation for safe and effective communication.

• Regularly practice grounding and centering: (visualize roots connecting you to the Earth). Develop a strong personal shielding technique (such as surrounding yourself in white or golden light). Meditate to build focus and strengthen your psychic abilities.
• Creating a Sacred Space: Cleanse the area using smoke, salt, sound, or other purification methods. Set up an altar or designated space with candles, crystals, and symbols of protection. Light incense or herbs such as mugwort, frankincense, or myrrh to enhance spirit communication.
• Choosing the Right Spirit to Channel: Ancestors and spirit guides are excellent for beginners since they have a natural connection to you. Deities and divine beings may require offerings and devotion before they engage. Elemental and nature spirits can be unpredictable but insightful. Unknown or wandering spirits should be approached cautiously, as their intentions may be unclear.
The Channeling Process
• Setting Intentions and Boundaries: Clearly state who you wish to contact and why (e.g., "I call upon my ancestors for wisdom and guidance"). Set firm boundaries by only inviting spirits of truth, light, and benevolence. Use protective symbols (such as pentagrams, sigils, or runes) to maintain control.
• Entering a Trance State: Close your eyes and focus on your breath. Use rhythmic drumming, chanting, or binaural beats to alter your consciousness. Visualize a doorway or veil between realms opening. Allow impressions, feelings, or thoughts to flow without forcing them.
• Receiving Messages: Pay attention to words, images, sensations, or emotions that come through. If using automatic writing, keep your hand loose and let it move freely. If you hear a voice, mentally confirm that the spirit has good intentions before engaging further. Avoid leading questions—ask open-ended ones instead (e.g., "What do I need to know?").
• Closing the Connection: Thank the spirit for their presence and guidance. Firmly state, "I now close this connection. You are released in peace." Visualize the doorway closing and cleanse yourself and the space using smoke, sound, or saltwater. Eat grounding foods (like bread, nuts, or chocolate) to restore balance.

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The Necessity Of Baneful Witchcraft

Baneful magick refers to any spellwork intended to harm, manipulate, or obstruct a target, whether for justice, retribution, or personal defense. While some witches avoid it due to ethical concerns or spiritual beliefs, others see it as a natural and necessary aspect of the craft. Baneful magick has existed in various cultures for centuries, from the hexes of European cunning folk to the protective bindings of African diasporic traditions. It is neither inherently good nor evil; rather, its morality depends on intent, consequences, and perspective.
There are several schools of thought regarding baneful magick. Practitioners who follow the Wiccan Rede (“An it harm none, do what ye will”) generally avoid baneful magick, believing in karmic consequences or the Threefold Law, which states that any energy sent out returns threefold. Some witches believe baneful magick is justified when used to restore balance, enforce justice, or protect the vulnerable. In these traditions, curses and hexes are seen as rightful retribution rather than malicious acts. Many practitioners see magick as a tool, neither good nor bad. They believe in personal responsibility, understanding that every action carries consequences, but do not impose rigid moral codes on their spellwork.
Examples of Baneful Magick
• Binding Spells – Used to restrict an individual’s actions, preventing them from causing harm.
• Reversal Spells – Sending negative energy or a curse back to its sender.
• Curses & Hexes – Magick designed to inflict misfortune, pain, or long-term suffering.
• Jinxes – Short-term spells that cause minor inconveniences or bad luck.
• Poppet Magick – Using a doll or effigy to influence or harm a target.
• Gazes – Using a method such as the Evil Eye or overlooking to curse with the eyes.

Why is it Needed?
The necessity of baneful magick in witchcraft is a topic of debate among practitioners, but those who advocate for it argue that it serves several essential functions within a balanced magical practice. Here are some key reasons why baneful magick is considered necessary by some witches:
• Protection and Self-Defense: Baneful magick is often used as a form of spiritual, energetic, or even physical protection. Many practitioners believe that not all threats can be dealt with through passive means, and sometimes, direct action is necessary to deter harm or prevent further attacks. This can include curses, bindings, and hexes against those who pose a danger.
• Justice and Retribution: Some witches view baneful magick as a means of enforcing justice when mundane methods fail. If someone has committed harm without consequence, certain magical traditions believe that spells can be used to balance the scales, ensuring that the wrongdoer faces the repercussions of their actions.
• Maintaining Balance: Witchcraft, like nature, operates on the principle of balance—both creation and destruction. Baneful magick is seen as part of the natural cycle, ensuring that energies remain in harmony rather than allowing unchecked positivity to enable harm. Just as nature has predators to maintain ecosystems, some believe magick must include baneful aspects to keep equilibrium.
• Empowerment and Boundaries: Engaging in baneful magick can be an assertion of personal power and boundaries. It allows practitioners to reclaim control over their lives, particularly when they have been wronged or oppressed. It can serve as a psychological and magical declaration of sovereignty.
• Shadow Work and Personal Growth: Baneful magick forces practitioners to confront their own darkness, ethics, and the consequences of their actions. It requires deep self-awareness, ensuring that spells are cast with full knowledge of their impact. Many believe that working with darker aspects of magick leads to a more complete and mature understanding of power and responsibility.
• Dealing with Persistent Negative Forces: Some believe that certain entities, people, or energies simply will not respond to healing or banishing techniques. In such cases, baneful magick may be seen as the only viable solution for neutralizing a persistent threat or malevolent force.
While baneful magick is not necessary for every practitioner, those who incorporate it into their craft see it as a tool—one that, like any tool, should be used responsibly, ethically, and with careful consideration of its consequences. Just like nature, magick is neither black or white, it just is. As a witch, it is your right to use your magick to defend yourself, and then some.

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Graveyard Etiquette
“If you take from a graveyard, you’ll leave more than you took.”
Graveyard vs. Cemetery-
A Graveyard is a burial ground attached to a church.
A Cemetery is any burial ground.
[For simplicity, I will be refering to all burial grounds as "cemeteries."]
As a paranormal investigator first and a witch second, I find cemeteries to be the least terrifying places to interact with the dead. Yes, there are bodies all around you, but in almost all cases, cemeteries are not haunted. That being said, this does not mean the cemetery is empty. In fact, it's far from it.
Every cemetery has a Spirit designated as the Gatekeeper. They are the Guardian/Protector of the land and spirits within. This Spirit is usually from the first person buried there. Though, the job as the Gatekeeper may be taken by a physical visualization of protection for the cemetery, such as a statue (e.g., a gargoyle or angel).
When visiting a graveyard, it's always a good idea to bring an offering for the Gatekeeper.
Each cemetery has its own rules and preferred offerings. This can become more detailed when focusing on a specific spirit within the cemetery. Like people, each spirit has its own personality and tastes. When visiting a cemetery, make sure to do your research. An example: reading the Torah to the spirits of a Catholic cemetery would be seen as useless at best and rude at worst.
Offerings Ideas-
Clean the graveyard- pick up litter, and debris left behind by guests or just blown in.
Apples (an Irish tradition)
Flowers (Chrysanthemums, Hyacinth, Red Poppies, Lily, Cypress Tree, ect.)
Stones (Jewish Tradition)
When in a Cemetery-
Interact with the Graves that have less visitors
Have respect while acting normal
When dealing with children-spirits have fun, play games, or share some jokes
Walk over the Graves
Lean/sit on tombstones
Take anything without permission
Take anything off of a grave with permission or otherwise (unless the family or keeper allows you to)
[Opinion] Whistling - Some believe this act will summon a doppelganger or forerunner to appear, and if one hears whistling, this may invite Death.
Graveyard Dirt-
In certain spells and practices, the ingredient graveyard dirt may be needed or mentioned. This, as one would assume, is dirt from a cemetery.
Always ask for permission before taking anything out of a cemetery, including the dirt
Graveyard Dirt Alternatives-
Dirt from a deceased plant
Used coffee grounds
Cinnamon powder (for protection based spells)
"The cemetery is an open space among the ruins, covered in winter with violets and daisies. It might make one in love with death, to think that one should be buried in so sweet a place." -Percy Bysshe Shelley
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my& pfp masks collection from frames-designs dot com!
Plus a banner mask I& made -u- If you like or use these, a reblog would be appreciated!
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RAZOR LAYOUTS . . . not a req!
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a ton of laces, all from da-lace
The laces on this post only look good on dark mode
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star themed simply plural/pluralkit matching templates
I made these a while ago for our own system, but I figured someone else might like them too. For that reason tho, they’re very geared towards the info our system uses/gives.
No credit is needed, just don't claim as your own. Feel free to Frankenstein or Edit it as you want.
[ note: it may not be accessible for those with screen readers, and for that I apologize. I also apologize for our system name in all the pics, they are not in the template ]
System Bio
.⋆ introducing . . . __**S**YSTEM NAME *!*__ ✩˚。⋆
╭-┈ ***COLLECTIVE ID*** ┊✩ *name/s:* [bold = more attatch.] ┊✩ *prns:* ┊✩ *age:* ┊✩ *gender ID:* ┊✩ *orientation:* ┊✩ *rel. status:* ┊✩ *sys tag:* ╰-┈-┈-┈-┈- ╭-┈ ***SYSTEM INFO*** ┊✩ __*coll. disorders:*__ ┊✩ __*system type:*__ [did, udd, osdd, ect] ┊✩ __*alter count:*__ ┊✩ __*frequent fronters:*__ ┊➺ **name ‣ role ‣ pronouns** ‧₊˚ ┊➺ **name ‣ role ‣ pronouns** ‧₊˚ ┊➺ **name ‣ role ‣ pronouns** ‧₊˚ ┊➺ **name ‣ role ‣ pronouns** ‧₊˚ ╰-┈-┈-┈-┈- ╭-┈ ***BOUNDARIES*** ┊✩ __*dms:*__ ┊✩ __*frqs:*__ ┊✩ __*pings:*__ ╰-┈-┈-┈-┈-
Alter Bio
.⋆ __**S**YSTEM NAME HERE__ ✩˚。⋆
*introducing* **. . .** __ALTER NAME *!*__ ₊˚✩彡
╭-┈ ***BASICS*** ┊✩ __*name/s:*__ [bold = more attatch.] ┊✩ __*prns:*__ ┊✩ __*age:*__ NUMBER : 00/00 ┊✩ __*gender ID:*__ ┊✩ __*orientation:*__ ┊✩ __*rel. status:*__ ┊✩ __*emoji sign off:* ╰-┈-┈-┈-┈- ╭-┈ ***SYSTEM INFO*** ┊✩ __*alter type:*__ [fragment/alter. swap out diff language if wanted] ┊✩ __*primary role/s:*__ ┊✩ __*secondary role/s:*__ ┊✩ __*source:*__ ┊✩ __*activity:*__ [how often theyre front/cocon] ┊✩ __*status:*__ ╰-┈-┈-┈-┈- ╭-┈ ***BOUNDARIES*** ┊✩ __*dms:*__ ┊✩ __*frqs:*__ ┊✩ __*pings:*__ ┊✩ __*nicknames:*__ ┊✩ __*petnames:*__ ┊✩ __*flirt /p:*__ ┊✩ __*flirt /r:*__ ┊✩ __*rp:*__ ┊✩ __*touch:*__ ╰-┈-┈-┈-┈- ||__***last updated:***__||
Subsystem Bio
.⋆ __**S**YSTEM NAME HERE__ ✩˚。⋆
*introducing* **. . .** __SUBSYSTEM NAME *!*__ ₊˚✩彡
╭-┈ ***COLLECTIVE ID*** ┊✩ __*name/s:*__ [bold = more attatch.] ┊✩ __*prns:*__ ┊✩ __*sys tag:*__ ╰-┈-┈-┈-┈- ╭-┈ ***SUBSYSTEM INFO*** ┊✩ __*subsystem type:*__ [nested, grouped, ect] ┊✩ __*alter count:*__ ┊✩ __*frequent fronters:*__ ┊➺ **name ‣ role ‣ pronouns** ‧₊˚ ┊➺ **name ‣ role ‣ pronouns** ‧₊˚ ┊➺ **name ‣ role ‣ pronouns** ‧₊˚ ┊➺ **name ‣ role ‣ pronouns** ‧₊˚ ╰-┈-┈-┈-┈-
Bonus : Alter Masterlist Bio
[ note: this bio does not work in pluralkit. i use it in personal servers. if you have a place to use it, go for it, by all means. ]
.⋆ __**S**YSTEM NAME HERE__ ✩˚。⋆
*introducing* **. . .** __ALTER NAME *!*__ ₊˚✩彡
╭-┈ ***BASICS*** ┊✩ __*name/s:*__ [bold = more attatch.] ┊✩ __*prns:*__ ┊✩ __*age:*__ NUMBER : 00/00 ┊✩ __*gender ID:*__ ┊✩ __*orientation:*__ ┊✩ __*rel. status:*__ ┊✩ __*emoji sign off:*__ ╰-┈-┈-┈-┈- ╭-┈ ***SYSTEM INFO*** ┊✩ __*alter type:*__ [part/fragment/alter] ┊✩ __*primary role/s:*__ ┊✩ __*secondary role/s:*__ ┊✩ __*source:*__ ┊✩ __*subsystem:*__ ┊✩ __*layer:*__ ┊✩ __*activity:*__ [how often are they front or co con] ┊✩ __*signs of proximity:*__ ┊✩ __*fronting triggers:*__ ┊✩ __*status:*__ [dormant/active] ╰-┈-┈-┈-┈- ╭-┈ ***SYSTEM RELATIONSHIPS*** ┊✩ __*overall system standing:*__ ┊✩ __*familial:*__ ┊✩ __*platonic:*__ ┊✩ __*queer platonic:*__ ┊✩ __*romantic:*__ ┊✩ __*sexual:*__ ╰-┈-┈-┈-┈- ╭-┈ ***EXTRA*** ┊✩ __*hobbies:*__ ┊✩ __*likes:*__ ┊✩ __*dislikes:*__ ┊✩ __*fav. color:*__ ┊✩ __*fav. food:*__ ┊✩ __*fav. drink:*__ ┊✩ __*fav. animal:*__ ╰-┈-┈-┈-┈- ╭-┈ ***BOUNDARIES*** ┊✩ __*dms:* ┊✩ __*frqs:* ┊✩ __*pings:* ┊✩ __*nicknames:* ┊✩ __*petnames:*__ ┊✩ __*flirt /p:*__ ┊✩ __*flirt /r:*__ ┊✩ __*rp:*__ ┊✩ __*touch:*__ ╰-┈-┈-┈-┈- ||__***last updated:***__||
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Defense Magick: The Power of Reversing Oil to Protect and Cleanse
Reversing Oil is indeed a fascinating tool in the realm of protection magick and defense magick. Its ability to reflect negative energy back to its source is a concept found in various magickal traditions, often linked to the idea of sympathetic magick, where like attracts like. The ingredients used in the oil are typically chosen for their protective and reversing properties, such as certain herbs, roots, and essential oils known for their ability to ward off negativity.
Combining Reversing Oil with Mirror Magick is a clever and powerful approach. Mirrors have long been associated with reflecting and deflecting negative energy, making them a natural complement to the oil's properties. Together, they can create a potent barrier against harmful intentions.
It's important to note that while tools like Reversing Oil can be beneficial, they are not a substitute for addressing the root causes of negative and malevolent energy in one's life. Understanding and addressing the source of negativity, whether it be through inner work, energy clearing, or other means, can also be crucial for long-term protection and well-being.
Note To Reader: This is my simple and basic reversal formula from my practice. Reminder, that when making oils please allow your herbs to infuse in the oil for 1 moon cycle (min 28 to 30 days) before using... unless you are doing the heat-infusion method. Feel free to adjust for your needs.
One of the wonderful aspects of creating your own Reversing Oil— is it can be tailored to your specific spiritual path and magickal practice. While there are traditional ingredients and correspondences associated with Reversing Oil, such as using herbs like Agrimony, Crab Shell, or Nettle, you can adapt the formula based on your own intuition, spiritual beliefs, and what resonates with you personally.
Some practitioners might incorporate additional ingredients or symbols that hold significance to them, such as specific crystals, colors, chants, or infused frequencies. The key is to infuse the oil with your intention and focus, aligning it with your desired outcome of protection and reversal of negative energy.
Experimenting with different ingredients and variations can be a valuable part of your magickal practice, allowing you to fine-tune the formula to better suit your needs and enhance its effectiveness.
Some Ways To Use Reversal Oil:
Reversal Candles
Mirror Magick: This includes mirror boxes, mirrors on altars (great for deflecting or cloaking magick), personally worn mirror charms, and the ingredients could be infused in vinegar instead of oil to make a Cleansing Reversal Spray for mirror magick.
Can be combined with other cleansing spells and workings.
Anointing self
Reversal Chant or Incantation:
Oh defense magick, ancient and wise, With powers that fill us with wonder and surprise. Reversing Oil, a potent blend, To cleanse, and protect, from all negative energy sent.
A shield it creates, around us to guard, From any harm, our beings it will ward. For any negativity that comes our way, Will be reversed, and sent back to where it may.
No hex or curse can ever defeat, The power of this oil, so pure and sweet. It breaks through barriers and breaks through binds, To To restore balance, and peace of mind. With every drop, we feel the shift, As negative energy begins to lift.
For with Reversing Oil, I stand strong, And any harm sent my way, will not last long.

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Mirror locking
Mirrors are a liminal space, similar to doors and windows. Where spirits and energies can pass through freely. It can be positive for a few witches as they use mirrors to scry or for spells that involve a mirror. For me, personally, I feel uncomfortable having an entryway for spirits to come and go as they please, so I lock them. The energies vary, it isn't always negative energies or spirits passing through, it can be neutral or positive ones as well. I researched and researched and mixed what I found into something that works well.
Give the mirrors in your room (can be big ones, vanity mirrors, even small pocket ones as well) a good clean. I usually clean it with Moon Water or water from the offering bowls in my shrine room.
For the big mirrors, get water (can be moon water, sun water, any water) or oil (oil with protective qualities. I also use a rose body oil sometimes) and draw with your finger a protective rune in the corner (I use the Ingwaz rune or the Algiz) While drawing I say: "No entity, spirit, or energy will pass through or come from this mirror. Nothing that wishes to harm me will come through."
for the smaller ones (vanity) In a post-it note I draw the symbol while telling out the same line as above. I paste the post-it on the back of the vanity and probably tape it there as well so it stays there.
For the pocket ones, I draw the symbol with water on the cover (if it closes like the flip phones) or the back and say the same shit.
It isn't necessary for you to lock mirrors if you don't want to, but if there are mirrors in your house that face other mirrors or doors or windows, then it would be wise to lock it. Most people I know, lock the mirrors just in case. Mirrors facing mirrors, mirrors facing doors, facing windows can cause more unwanted spirit/energy activity (negative or positive)
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Magical Powder Recipes

A collection of some of my original magical powder recipes.
All-Purpose Cursing Powder
Bree's Banishing Powder
Clean House Powder
Come Hither Powder
Dead Man's Dust
Dream Dust
“Eye of Sauron” Revelation Powder
Get Thee Hence Powder
Ghost-Be-Gone Powder
Heal Thy Heart Powder
Hexbreaker Powder
Inspiration Salt
Lucky Day Powder
“Outta My Way” Powder
Peacekeeper Powder
Persuasion Powder
STFU Powder
Traveler’s Luck Powder
Truthfinder Powder
For those of you who may not be able to find herbs locally, here are some online suppliers who consistently have affordable and high-quality products.
Penn Herb Co. - Bulk herbs, spices, and botanicals - including over 400 wildcrafted herbs, gathered from the United States and worldwide. Single ounce packages are available. Excellent source for powders.
Starwest Botanicals - Bulk herbs, spices, oils, and teas. Good amount of organic and Fair Trade products, as well as supplies for holistic medicine and tea-making.
Mountain Rose Herbs - Bulk herbs, spices, and sundries. Also carries organic products and essential oils, and has link to schools that offer courses in herbalism and herbology.
Bulk Apothecary - Bulk herbs, spices, and oils, in addition to materials for the home production of soap, candles, wine, and beer.
For more recipes to fill out your potion kit, you can check out Pestlework: A Book of Magical Powders & Oils. (Available on Amazon and in my shop!)
If you're enjoying my content, please feel free to drop a little something in the tip jar or check out my published works on Amazon or in the Willow Wings Witch Shop. 😊
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In witchcraft, sigils are symbols or designs often created with a specific intention or purpose.
Practitioners may design them to represent their desires, goals, or magical intentions.
The process of creating a sigil usually involves condensing a written statement of intent into a unique symbol, which is then charged with energy to manifest the desired outcome.
Sigil magic is a common practice in various magical traditions.
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✨ Locking mirrors ✨
I recently got a mirror and wanted to put it in on my altar. Before doing that I wanted to ensure it was locked and spiritually ready to do, especially with it being in such an important location for me.
By many in the occult and spiritual communities mirrors are seen as portals, with connections to the other side and each other. Some practitioners now go out of their way to ensure that portal can’t be accessed by others.
Locking a mirror is simply putting a protection enchantment on it, with a millions what’s to do it. When doing this I like to ensure the mirror is thoroughly cleansed, usually using smoke in addition to a cleansing water. Often people then draw a symbol on the mirror. This can be anything from the pentacle to sigils, runes, alchemy symbols or the elements symbols. I draw mine on with my favorite protection oil. Once I’m finished I like to physically clean the mirror again, while focusing on the energy I’ve put down spreading over and coating the mirror fully. This process can be down a few times a year, whenever your intuition pops up and tells you it needs to be done.
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