silveraquarium · 10 months
Okay hear me out on this: I believe Winter King would definitely use marriage as like a manipulative tactic to get Simon to stay in the Winter Kingdom(?)
Oh he absolutely fucking would.
This one isnt actually 18+
And here's the best part: Simon would fall for it stupidly easily.
If Winter came to him distraught enough about needing a consort and not wanting to take suitors, Simon would be willing to get married, but only long enough to handle the matters that require him to be married.
Winter would never let go.
That marriage is legally binding and Glob couldn't get him to disolve it.
And, as the King Consort, Simon is no longer allowed to leave the Winter Kingdom, unless at Winter's side.
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silveraquarium · 11 months
I say we burn November. 🔥
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silveraquarium · 11 months
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silveraquarium · 11 months
Why not both?
I'ma need some possessive winterkov fanfic/art in my veins.
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silveraquarium · 11 months
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"After all, it's not like I really died, right?"
Fake screenshots are my favorite! This is my half of an art trade with @warpolomewdarkmatter; I can't wait to see what she has in store for her half!
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silveraquarium · 11 months
I'ma need some possessive winterkov fanfic/art in my veins.
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silveraquarium · 11 months
Winter's Tango
And, because all of you were so patient with me, here is a little stand-alone song fic inspired by Stalker's Tango by Autoheart
I don't think there are any warnings for this one, but I didn't have my beta readers look at this one so...it's probs a bit rough around the edges.
“Oh fellow Petrikov, I know you and the girls are about to leave, but would you mind assisting me with something?” Winter’s lilting voice called after Simon as he was about to leave.
He looked to Fionna and Cake who gave him a thumbs up before he turned back to follow The Winter King back into the castle. 
They walked for what felt like forever before they were in what appeared to be a ballroom.
“So what exactly did you need my help with?” Simon was confused, there didn’t appear to be an issue.
“Simon, did we ever take ballroom dancing classes in you timeline?”
Simon laughed nervously.
“We took one, in our freshman year of college. It went badly.”
Winter nodded pensively. 
“I guess that settles it,” He took Simon’s hand and wrapped his other arm around his waist, “I’ll lead.”
Simon didn’t have a chance to figure out where the music was coming from before Winter swept him off his feet.
I know, I know, I know this situation's strange
It takes a little getting, a little getting used to
Winter broke out into song, much to Simon’s displeasure.
Worse though, they were dancing the tango.
“Winter, I think you’ve gotten the wrong idea about my being here,” Simon’s protest fell on deaf ears as Winter let go of him for a moment, only to begin to circle him.
Love me, love me, love me, love me
Love me, love me, love me, love me
Love me, love me, love me, love me more
Winter got closer to him, leaving only inches between their faces.
Than you possibly can
“Are you beginning to see the big picture my dear Simon?” Winter said with a laugh, his hands back on Simon. His grip was firm and cold.
It's not that complicated, no matter what they say
You'll never meet another me
It's not that difficult to get your head around
You'll never meet another me
You'll never-never-ever-never ever meet another me
This time Simon was ready, and though he was rusty, he was able to keep pace. 
He knew he couldn’t stay, as much as Winter wanted him to, as much as he wanted to.
Each line he sang drove the point home, that Simon would never find someone that was so compatible to him.
That there was no one else that knew him the way Winter did.
I know, I know, I know I'm always in your place
But don't you see, my dear? I am your Doppelgänger
Have your face so
Simon couldn’t look away from him if he tried. 
They did have similar features, but Simon’s bore the signs of age that Winter’s never would. He had to remind himself of that, that Winter would never age and he would. 
Still though, there was something so appealing…
Love me, love me, love me, love me
Love me, love me, love me, love me
Love me, love me, love me, love me more
Again, Winter circled him, but this time, Simon found his place and followed his lead.
They circled each other, not breaking eye contact as Winter sang.
Than you possibly can
“I don’t know what you’re trying to get at Winter,” Simon said as they came back together.
“I think you do.”
It's not that complicated, no matter what they say
You'll never meet another me
It's not that difficult to get your head around
You'll never meet another me
You'll never-never-never-ever-ever meet another me
Their steps fell in perfect synchronization as if this had been a practiced number. 
Simon couldn’t help but think that if his first class had been like this, he would’ve gone back. 
The room had darkened and grown colder as he sang.
“So what do you say?” Winter’s body was so close to his, “Stay here, with me.”
“You know I have to leave” Simon stumbled over his words, “I don’t want to, but so many people need me…”
“There’s one last verse, why don’t you sing it.” It was phrased as a question, but Simon knew it wasn’t.
It's not that complicated, no matter what they say
I'll never meet another you
It's not that difficult to get my head around
I'll never meet another you
Simon was breathing hard as the music slowed. Winter still had him in a dip, inches from the floor, but he felt stable in his fellow Simon’s arms.
Simon hesitated for only a moment. 
“I’ll stay.”
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silveraquarium · 11 months
AU where they FUCK HARD and then they GET MARRIED and then they MAKE BABIES and then they LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER also they're gay
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silveraquarium · 11 months
This is relatable on so many levels.
i like getting notifications because i'm like "oh fuck oh boy what's goin on??"
especially if it's an ask or something
idk i just like human interaction lol
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silveraquarium · 1 year
Nah I think we should B+ about this!
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silveraquarium · 1 year
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silveraquarium · 1 year
Onceler :D
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silveraquarium · 1 year
can you draw Rellik x Karl
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silveraquarium · 1 year
I nedd karl x rellik fanfics so bad pleasee at least give me some hopes
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silveraquarium · 1 year
Karl tries to escape.
Rellik was looking away booking for a therapy session and he looks back seeing Karl trying to get through the window
And rellik stop it
Karl acts stubborn and triess to be like "I'm perfectly sane ur talking nonsense" and rellik silently asking the therapist to diagnose their problems
then for a minute Karl went silent for a bit and burst out ranting and rellik was like 😮 damn
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silveraquarium · 1 year
@puffledthomas should I do this with benapuff??
unless... 👀👀
i didn't realise you could put two AIs into a room and get them to interact so with the power of technology
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now this is what AI should be used for
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silveraquarium · 1 year
Benatar is a top sorry guys
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