Corian kissed Carlo on the forehead.
“Hush, my son. The sun is still low in the sky, and your mama has not yet awakened.”
Carlo yells from his crib. Still too early to be up
His eyes fluttered open as he sat up, rubbing his face with a soft groan before he got out of bed to see what his son was crying out for.
He was still adjusting his shirt as he made his way to Carlo’s crib, a soft smile on his face.
“It is still so early, little one.”
Even as he said that, he gently brushed his fingers through Carlo’s hair.
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Send anonymous voices to my muse
These may be intrusive thoughts or literal voices that my muse hears in their head! So long as the mun is comfortable with it, anything goes!
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PROMPTS FOR FEELING SAFE / EXPRESSING COMFORT * assorted dialogue, adjust as necessary, send "reverse" for the reversal of action prompts. suggested by judgementdaysunshine
i haven't felt like this in a very long time.
i wanted to thank you for protecting me back there.
you stepped in when you didn't need to.
for once in my life, i feel safe.
this place gives me a good feeling.
i feel safe in your arms.
it's been a while since i slept through the night without any nightmares.
i could get used to this.
i won't let anything happen to you.
you make me feel safe.
you didn't have to step in and help me, but you did, and i appreciate that.
no one's ever stood up for me like that before.
my whole life has been filled with conflict and pain. not anymore.
maybe i'll finally know peace with you.
we deserve an easy life.
you're my port in the storm.
i can't tell you the last time i actually felt safe.
you know me. i don't let my guard down for just anyone.
something changed to make me feel this way.
you're safe here with me.
they won't come after you, and if they do? they'll have to go through me.
it feels nice, being here with you.
you make me feel like i can accomplish anything.
i can be myself with you.
we're looking out for you.
you won't judge me for the things i say.
just stay here a while, if you don't mind.
so this is what safety feels like.
i can finally breathe again.
nothing can touch you while i'm here.
you can go back to sleep. it's safe.
no one will hurt you anymore.
my life is in your hands.
promise me you won't abandon me?
i'll be right here when you wake up.
you taught me how to protect myself.
[ lean ] sender slowly leans into receiver's shoulder and rests there for a while
[ sleep ] sender manages to fall asleep in receiver's presence
[ snuggle ] sender snuggles closer to receiver as they sleep
[ reach ] sender reaches for receiver in their sleep
[ shelter ] sender uses their body to shield receiver from danger
[ seek ] sender seeks out receiver for a protective hug
[ choose ] sender has plenty of options on where to sit in a crowded space, but chooses to sit directly beside receiver
[ reassurance ] in a tense moment, sender takes one of receiver's hands to hold
[ stay here ] sender guides receiver to a safe place and tells them to wait there while they deal with a problem
[ interrupt ] sender stops a confrontation between receiver and someone else, stepping between them and coming to receiver's defense
[ home ] sender shows receiver their new home
[ nightmare ] sender comforts receiver after they wake up from a nightmare
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Corian sighed with a smile before reaching down and lifting his son out of the crib, holding him gently to his chest.
“Alright, alright. With the fuss you were making, I’m sure Mama won’t be far behind.”
Carlo yells from his crib. Still too early to be up
His eyes fluttered open as he sat up, rubbing his face with a soft groan before he got out of bed to see what his son was crying out for.
He was still adjusting his shirt as he made his way to Carlo’s crib, a soft smile on his face.
“It is still so early, little one.”
Even as he said that, he gently brushed his fingers through Carlo’s hair.
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Carlo yells from his crib. Still too early to be up
His eyes fluttered open as he sat up, rubbing his face with a soft groan before he got out of bed to see what his son was crying out for.
He was still adjusting his shirt as he made his way to Carlo’s crib, a soft smile on his face.
“It is still so early, little one.”
Even as he said that, he gently brushed his fingers through Carlo’s hair.
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silver-prince-corian · 4 months
Brush little carlos curly hair back and boom. He is his papi's little me
“Hey Nouma, look,”
Whenever she looks at Corian he is holding his son’s hair back like the way he wears his own.
“Mama,” says Corian as if it is his son speaking, “We must impose taxes on cookies.”
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silver-prince-corian · 7 months
The way she held the blade… she was a fighter alright.
Indeed, anyone who could match one of his siblings in battle couldn’t be called anything less. But even so, there was a softness in the manner she handled the weapon and his other gifts, something he began to see more of since she was restored to life.
Still, he was surprised when she buried herself into his chest, feeling her warmth against him. She was so cold before - literally and figuratively. And then, though muffled, he was able to make out a murmur of gratitude from her. He smiled as he gently pet her hair.
“You’re welcome,” he whispered before gently kissing the top of her head.
“Happy Valentine’s day, Marie.”
The white haired prince presented her with a small bouquet of wildflowers, some treats he managed to make with tutelage from his sister, and finally a silvered blade like the one he wielded in combat.
He smiled gently as he offered these gifts to her, simply happy that they could meet in the day outside the city.
“I hope these are to your liking.”
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She holds the items, flowers cradled in one hand and blade held with a strange delicate assuredness in the opposite grasp. For her appearance, he would know of the disparity of that and her skill, but when she rose her green gaze to his, it was softened.
At first, she let him speak only, then his once-ghostly paramour stepped forth with a still-ethereal grace and nestled her face into his chest. Marie is quiet as ever and though unseen, her cheeks turn flush. A pink hue was difficult to achieve before, and feelings overwhelmed now that she could have them. Eventually, though, if he paid attention to her mumbles, he would hear "Thank you..."
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silver-prince-corian · 7 months
Corian accepted his little bundle of joy as he rubbed his cheek against his son’s cheek.
“I have that effect on people.”
He winked as he bounced slightly.
“Isn’t that right?” he said as he held Carlo closely.
Nouma had put their son in a cute little bear onesie. The newborn is just frowning. Angry little bear cub
"Happy valentines day!"
“Aw, look who it is!”
Corian gave his son a kiss on the forehead before giving Nouma a kiss as well.
“Happy Valentine’s day, dearest.”
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silver-prince-corian · 7 months
Nouma had put their son in a cute little bear onesie. The newborn is just frowning. Angry little bear cub
"Happy valentines day!"
“Aw, look who it is!”
Corian gave his son a kiss on the forehead before giving Nouma a kiss as well.
“Happy Valentine’s day, dearest.”
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silver-prince-corian · 8 months
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gift from one @clueless-tarnished, truly captures his princely quality
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silver-prince-corian · 8 months
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silver-prince-corian · 9 months
"how should we tell your sisters? They will have to know they are gonna be aunts"
Taking a sip of her tea. The craving for castella style tea has been strong since there is a bun in the oven
“I will simply tell them. Castella will be pleased as tea of course. Lilliana would be… less than thrilled. Lucilla slightly happier than Lilliana. Either way, I think I can handle them just fine.”
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silver-prince-corian · 11 months
Corian gets a present. Opening the box. It reveals to be baby blanket and little onesie.
"You're gonna be a daddy"
[Corian gets his well deserved happy ending]
Corian opens the box, then stops as he looks between the items within and Nouma.
“Is this true? It’s really happening?”
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silver-prince-corian · 11 months
When you pick up a sword for the first time you will be slow and awkward. This is frustrating, but refuse the temptation to try and become a “faster” fencer. Chasing after speed is like trying to catch smoke. If you try and pursue speed, all you will accomplish is haste. Haste is the enemy of 1st class fencing.
Speed is a lie the untrained mind tells itself when it sees an action it cannot follow. The truth is a combination of timing, control, and fluidity. Fluid motion, even done slowly, will always arrive before a hasty strike. Control will allow you to move without wasteful motion that will slow you down. Timing will eliminate the need to move fast almost entirely. There is no need to get somewhere fast so long as you get there at the right time.  
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brain worms said corian should instant loss marie for her rude crimes
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full nsfw draws in links so pls no click if you dont want to see smut art
ver 1 // ver 2
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41K notes · View notes
reblog to tell your mutuals they’re lovely af.
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