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[There's a wrapped box of GU Energy Gels awaiting Pietro. It's a big pack of all the flavors mixed.]
They're pure carbohydrates made for athletes. We're pretty sure that still counts for your super speed, too. - Michael, Van, and Pat
["Perfection", Pietro thought to himself as he opened the box and held one of the pouches in his hand. Something with a good amount of use, and it would help him avoid those Calorie Mates unless he absolutely had to.]
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[Steve was utterly lost on what to the speedier of his new charges. He didn't open up much and honestly kept to himself. He'd scarcely seen the boy since he got out of the infirmary. So when JARVIS offered to help by looking into his files and recorded behavior, he took it. And managed to get some clues that he played basketball before. Well, he wasn't a big basketball fan himself, but if it was like any other sport, it'd be easy enough. Pietro has a new basketball and several packs of basketball trading cards. He doesn't recognize any players, but maybe Pietro would and like them?]
[Pietro eyed the basket ball and the cards curiously. He picked up the ball with one hand, propping and twisting it on his index finger as he idly looked through the cards. He felt a bit of pride as he thought of how easily he could beat each of them. One of the advantages to being him. It was almost too easy.]
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[There's a candy cane striped paper bag labeled for Pietro. Inside are some cookies that sort of smell and look like Lebkuchen.]
Fancy European cookies got a lotta ingredients in 'em. I dunno what they're supposed to taste like, but if they don't taste good, blame the recipe, not me! - Fred
[They were eaten in a matter. of. seconds. It had been too long since Pietro got to enjoy the taste of european food.]
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[Pietro receives a box set of the New York Metropolitan Ballet's orchestra performances.]
You're hard to shop for, but this stuff, they played some of it for me at the store, and it's not bad. 
Merry Christmas, Trevor
[With a small smile, Pietro put one of the discs into the stereo system in his room. Just listening to the melodies and rhythms made him want to dance. Too bad he hadn't quite found an abandoned place to do so.]
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So, the Isis puzzle, billed as the most difficult puzzle challenge ever. I'm guessing it will take you three minutes, tops?
Merry Christmas, Speedy!
["Oh, please, Bumfluff, don't undersell me." Pietro said in joking manner as he began working on the puzzle at top speed.
He solved the puzzle in two and a half minutes.]
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[Wrapped inside a black velvet bag is a holographic plaque of the Andromeda galaxy. Underneath the vision of stars is the statement: "Speed Limit 186,282.397 MPS"]
Know you hate limits, Pietro, but think this one might even apply to you. Only one I can think of, though. 
Merry Christmas, Clint
[Watching the display on the plaque for a short while, Pietro looks down to the speed limit, quietly saying, "Wonder when I'll be able to beat that."]
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Not only the most sophisticated online computing experience ever, they're also shatterproof and stylish enough for even you, Relativity.
Snarky Solstice,
[Pietro fiddles with the glasses for a moment, watching the information flicker onto the lenses. With a shrug, he slips them on to test them out.]
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Which winter holiday do you celebrate? I consider myself too Jewish for Christmas, but not Jewish enough for Hanukkah. And seeing as I'm not black, Kwanzaa is a little out of the question.  
Who do you spend the holiday with? I'm not much for classy parties, so I might go by the Brotherhood house. They are like family, I suppose.  
How do you celebrate? Watch Fred try and sing Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree on a Karaoke machine. It. Is. Hilarious.  
What gift do you want most? I have no idea. I'm not one for being given things.  
Do you believe in Santa Claus? If not, did you ever? Never. I always liked the stories about him from way back when, but I never believed he was real.  
Who are you most excited to buy a present for? Me? Shopping? And you expect me to be excited?  
What’s your favorite festive food? Something edible? I don't know. Maybe spicy?  
What really gets you in the holiday spirit? Nothing.  
Do you like eggnog? After watching Lance and Fred get into a gallon chugging contest last year? I never want to taste the stuff again.  
What’s the weirdest present you ever got? A polka dot bow tie. One of my teachers gave it to me in high school. She said it would make me look 'fetching' in the next school ID photo shoot. I still shutter at the thought of it.
Avengers Evolution Holiday Survey [Pietro Maximoff]
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With the jostling of the bay as the 'jet landed, Pietro stirred from his unusually deep sleep. Often, when he slept, he was still half awake, able to hear conversations and remember them, but this time, he had been entirely asleep, and he'd lost track of time entirely. His eyes slowly cracked open, and he immediately felt the secure blanket over his body. Now there was a sensation he didn't enjoy one bit.
His feet kicked at the blanket as he woozily murmured, "Ugh, what is this... I want it off..." What felt like a slightly secure tucking to a normal person felt like a restrictive clench to him. As much as his chest still hurt, as well as his arm, his legs instinctively fought against the blanket the best they could. "Off." He opened his eyes entirely, looking around with a look of mild frustration.
[F2F] Cap/Spiders/Iron Man/Wolverine/Quicksilver/ARSENAL (Virginia) - The Rescuers
The Spiders shared a small sad look as Tony continued to talk about her even for that short while. He didn’t sound like himself. Even over the comm there was a sudden dampening of spark that they could hear, and even recognized as something too familiar. They shared another look, uninterpretable to anyone else who couldn’t read beyond the masks, then glanced back worriedly to Cap as the awkward silence from Tony’s end dragged on. Silence was not something they were used to from Tony.
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Pietro looked only somewhat pained as he was placed on the bed, trying to relax against the cushioning to ease the pain. It didn't really seem to help. He eyed the scanner bar as it passed over him, casting a blue line over his body as it moved down. He glanced to Tony's tight smile, finding himself too distracted by pain to return the gesture. "Don't like awards much... do you?" He perked a brow.
He would had looked at the video feed, but trying to focus on anything was making his head hurt. The loud noise of the inertial darts had left his head in screeching misery. He only paid real attention to Tony when his injuries were listed off. Wonderful, bruised lungs. Those were always fun to deal with as they healed. He rolled his eyes at Tony's jokes, knowing them to be, at least in part, a way to hide his worry. "Oh... goodie..." he groaned.
However, when the spray came into contact with his burns, the sting caught most of his attention, his teeth gritting and his back tensing just a bit. The sting soon faded, however, and it left behind a numbness across all the burns. He relaxed again, letting out a small sigh. "I can... handle the rest of it.." he hissed in a breath, closing his eyes, "Just... tired. Odd feeling."
[F2F] Cap/Spiders/Iron Man/Wolverine/Quicksilver/ARSENAL (Virginia) - The Rescuers
“No, they don’t. But that doesn’t mean they don’t appreciate when their teammate gives them a hand.” Cap looked up to where he could see Tony popping up again. “I wasn’t planning on it. And from the sounds of it, he went down with the robo—” He stopped short as Wolverine broke in over the comm again with a cough and some new information. “Howard had a lab down there? The whole time?” He blinked blankly, obviously just as confused as Tony was, although without the same Stark flavor. He looked up to Tony again as he carefully assisted Pietro over to get taken. “Well, I’m a little more worried about that big robot than I am about the lab and why it was secret. But,” he obliged, taking hold of Tony himself. He was used to hitching a ride on the armor, being one of the surprisingly few Avengers who couldn’t fly, but by now he was used to it for the most part. Tony’s suit certainly had enough kick to carry them and probably more, “that robot had to have come from someplace we didn’t know about. I think we’re both going to get some answers down there.” He stepped off when Tony lowered him down, looking back to Pietro before getting ready to descend. “Take it easy when you get back there, Quicksilver.”
“Yes, sir!” The Spiders responded. They could hear it clanking away further and further, but orders stood. How far could it get, anyway? So they kept their positions. Michael kept his armed cannons ready and out in case the thing actually did decide to come back, while Van and Patrick continued to excavate the rubble pile. Chunk after chunk of everything from wood to glass to concrete to even twisted and ripped metal went flying over their shoulders. They could hear him talking now, not just from the comm, and they could definitely smell the blood from his thorough stomping.
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ooc: I kept trying to enter Pietro's login info, but it kept telling me it was wrong. When I looked to see what was incorrect, I saw that I'd written "silver_speedstar" rather than "silver_speedster"
You fucking bet Pietro's a Speedstar.
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"You have.. no idea, Captain." Pietro rolled his eyes as he thought about just how profoundly screwed up his relationship with his father actually was. "Oh God a cast." He moaned out, dropping his head back again.
When the floor shook beneath him, Pietro's first instinct was to run, and his feet already responded by bending in preparation for him to have to get up, despite how much the movement of the muscles in his back associated with his legs grew to hurt. 
As he was sat up with assistance, Pietro moaned in pain, face tightly wincing. "Oh, good lord..." he said in an exasperated tone toward the pain. Why did it have to hurt so much? And it took so long for his eyes to catch up with the motion. He didn't even notice Van had arrived until a few seconds after, when his arm was being moved. The ringing was mostly gone now, so he could make out the words they were both saying. "Medic training, what? AHH--!" He quickly hissed when his arm was moved for the splint to be placed on. "N-not fun... And... very sticky." he grimaced at the webs acting as a sling.
When Cap helped him stand, Pietro was quite shaky, but managed to steady once both his feet where in full contact with the floor. it was still a bit wobbly, but he didn't feel like he was in danger of falling. He looked to Rogers when he was given thanks. "I'm not.. sure teams work on.. owed favors, Captain." He smirked just a bit. "But.. I'll keep it in mind."
Soon Tony was there to help them, and Pietro was oddly thankful for it. He took Tony's hand with his uninjured arm, and was picked up with supreme ease by aid of the suit's power. He didn't have much strength to grip on with, especially since the Iron Suit was so slick to begin with, but he was securely held while Cap rode on the suit's back. At the mention of the whiskey, Pietro scoffed lightly. "You have no idea.. how much it would take.. to make me even tipsy. Down side to.. a high metabolism..." He was not looking forward to this lingering pain.
[F2F] Cap/Spiders/Iron Man/Wolverine/Quicksilver/ARSENAL (Virginia) - The Rescuers
Cap blinked at the comment on his speech, having never of thought about it before. That just what you said to anyone younger. “Didn’t mean it like that, but it sounds like you have a strange relationship with your father.” Or it was just his age showing. He heard the three consecutive blasts and took another peek. “Don’t worry, some bandages and a little time in a cast will have you good as new.” But it wasn’t long until that big booming voice came through again. Readjustment of alliance. That sounded pleasant, and he was glad Wolverine had the same opinion. Bet again he looked over to Pietro when the younger man started talking again. For a second, he lingered on him before his brows went up a little and he smirked. Even burnt and a little broken and struggling to breathe, which tipped him off that those ribs weren’t in any good shape, he didn’t seem to be letting it get to him. In fact, he couldn’t help but get this strange feeling that that was something that would’ve come out of Bucky’s mouth. He tapped his comm on. “Quicksilver’s down, but I think he’ll be fine. I don’t think he’s going to be tackling that robot anytime soon, though. Any luck whittling it down?” 
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It was hard to focus, and the ringing in his ears was still in the midst of fading. Normally, a human would have been deaf stricken, but his mutancy provided very durable ear drums. "Rrg..." He grit his teeth as his arm was moved, and loked to see who was touching him. The captain was there, checking over him. Through his blurred vision, he could just barely make out his face. Good God, it even hurt to take air in to speak. "Not even... my father calls me 'son'..." He winced up, making a quizzical, though still pained face. He winced again as Rogers checked over him. When he heard the injuries he seemed to have he shut his eyes and nodded. "I f-figured as much..."
Now that only semi dried water was really, really starting to become bothersome. He could feel the cold down to his core. He looked back to Cap when assurances were given. "You'd.. better. I don't plan on being.. left here, you know..." Every breath was difficult. It was like something was building in his lungs. He heard the loud noises coming from the ongoing fight, and as his vision cleared more, he tried to look. Unfortunately, Cap's shield was blocking most of the view. A protective measure, if not an annoying one. he let his head fall back with a small grunt. "Boring...." he muttered out, followed by a wet, painful sounding cough.
[F2F] Cap/Spiders/Iron Man/Wolverine/Quicksilver/ARSENAL (Virginia) - The Rescuers
It worked! At least, it seemed like it. The robot wasn’t targeting anything directly anymore, and didn’t seem to spot anyone else in front of it. Until, that was, there was a plit second of pause, as the Spiders clung to the ceiling behind Arsenal to make their next move, when Tony’s voice alerted the freshly blinded robot to what direction they were in. The hulking metal humanoid spun around and blared out a line about communism at full volume, clearly ready to attack. The Spiders scattered to the sides and out of range of both fist and, more importantly, the beam as it went off.
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Pietro felt the ice cold water soaking through his clothing. There was no use in being chilled to the bone in a fight. He listened to Cap's order, eyes pinned on ARSENAL. "On it." he said plainly. The running would dry him off, too. He darted as fast as he could. He wasn't sure about distracting it, seeing as the cameras on the machine must have been ages old; unable to keep up with him. He wasn't sure if that was a good or bad thing, considering.
He stopped at every angle he could safely get, saying in a somewhat short, exasperated tone, "No weak points from what I can see!" He was able to move and avoid the unbalanced motions ARSENAL made, but when he looked up and saw the inertial darts go off after Cap's shield hit the robot in the head, Pietro knew well that Cap wouldn't be able to dodge them like he would have been able to. "Captain!" he shouted as he dashed toward the team leader.
Grabbing him around the waist, he pushed Cap out of the way, and with the sudden motion, the darts moved to follow Pietro, instead. Pietro kept running, hoping the darts would dummy out behind him. Suddenly, however, he felt his foot drop through a section of worn down wood. Shit. He turned toward the darts just as the impact came, directly to his side. There was a loud bang, and a flash of light. Pietro was knocked loose of the hole, and landed on his side a few feet away. His uniform on that side had been singed and torn away, and the skin underneath had been burned.
He took a few moments to open his eyes again, and immediately became aware of the pain in his arm and chest afterward. "G-...Ahhh!" he grunted out, trying to roll onto his back. Great work, Pietro... Taken out in the first few moments. Sure showed your skill, didn't you?
[F2F] Cap/Spiders/Iron Man/Wolverine/Quicksilver/ARSENAL (Virginia) - The Rescuers
[Permission asked and granted for other character moves.]
Cap looked over at Tony when there was mention of Clint. There was a little pause before he asked that tipped him off that he might just be worried. “I know the basement cameras weren’t working, but from the video I saw, I’m guessing burns and cuts at least. Can’t be sure about Dr. Blake, though. If Wolverine’s not picking up his blood, then he didn’t leave any…”
“Yes, sir!” The Spiders quit the interface as they were ordered out, and quickly slipped back through the door to find Wolverine again. And it didn’t take long to find the only growly mutant examining the cane and maybe wondering how on earth they were going to move it. Michael knelt down next to it to give it an investigatory poke. “So this is as far as that trail goes.” He looked back at the hole the robot had escaped through.
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Pietro's smile grew to a shit-eating grin as he heard the conversation that followed his joke, only wishing that he could have seen their faces. "Yessir." Pietro said in response to Cap, speeding back to the quinjet and putting the bottle in the pantry. He ran back to where they were headed, which looked like the basement. The entire floor was now just one big room, when it previously looked to have been three. Just by the time he got there, there was a sudden explosion of water. The ground was suddenly wet and slick, which he was mostly unprepared for.
He feet came out from under him, and he fell onto his back. Normally, a fall like that would have seriously hurt a normal human, but with his impact resistance, it just felt like a light bump. He got up and quickly as he could, just in time to hear Tony shout 'Blow up!'. There was another explosion of water, but Pietro was prepared, this time. He dashed out of the way of the water as best he could, but still got quite the spritzing added to his already soaked outfit and hair.
He sneered and gripped his hand, cursing the fact that his hand hadn't healed entirely yet. it stung with the dirt and chlorine that had soaked through his glove, and it was momentarily distracting. He raced back just in time to see the cause of the huge mess, eyes widening. "Ah, what luck!" he spouted sarcastically, then looking to Cap for orders.
[F2F] Cap/Spiders/Iron Man/Wolverine/Quicksilver/ARSENAL (Virginia) - The Rescuers
Cap just blinked at the lightning-quick salute, before finally asking once out of ear shot (which was near instantaneously), “Was he being sarcastic? … About both of those?” The idea of Tony’s very-very personals was not one he wanted to know about.
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