silvcrstongued · 4 years
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“ I AM ? ” despite his questioning, he’s already sinking into the chair opposite cleo. he flicks the dining room window open on the way down and just as quickly lights up the cigarette perched between his teeth. “ what a fuckin’ honor this is. how am i ever going to repay you ? you can have my first born. no, wait—second born, unless the first one is a girl. if they’re both girls, they’re all yours. ” 
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cleo should have known that teddy would sit before he even does, she rubs at her temples with her thumbs. “ oh yeah, you just sound ecstatic.” it’s sarcasm dripping from lips, that earns a laugh from her lips. “ whatever you say, i don’t know that a chair earns me two kids though. but thanks ? i think ? “
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silvcrstongued · 4 years
Tulsa was not the type of person that would pick up sarcasm very well; she had been know to completely bypass even the harshest of sarcastic tones because she took words as they were. She was slowly learning that she can’t keep doing that because it landed her in situations of people taking advantage of how gullible she could really be. She was halfway between wanting to sit and leaving because she wasn’t sure if she heard actual sarcasm, “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to ask stupid questions but were you being sarcastic before and are you still being sarcastic? I’m just asking because I don’t want to intrude on alone time.”
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cleo thought the other seemed nice enough--didn’t deserve her bad attitude, so she plasters the best smile she can; in the mood that she’s in. “ oh no you’re fine, i’ve just had a bad day. some company would be great. i’m sorry about before, that was rather.. rude of me.”
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silvcrstongued · 4 years
“Ouch. I don’t know if I want to sit with you, pantaloni scontrosi “  Oliver chuckled still in his attire from the fire house. He lowered himself down across from her, and looked down judgmentally to what she had in front of her. “What is that?” He inquired, purposefully using her own less than enthusiastic tone back at her.   
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“ hey i’m allowed to have a bad day, and that’s miss grumpy pants to you.” cleo retorts, but oliver is already lightening the non-existent dark cloud above her head. “ i’m trying to get back into writing. emphasis on trying. but i clearly have forgotten how to use words or how to even write. which put me in an even worse mood.”
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silvcrstongued · 4 years
“Do you hear that ladies and gentlemen? I’m getting married to the most beautiful woman there is! She is the apple of my eye, and she is sharper than the end of that diamond,” Jude announced much too loud for anyone’s comfort, but it was his best attempt at competing with the roar of applause from the surrounding tables. It was a gracious announcement, the thrill of getting away with it ringing just as true as any excitement for an actual engagement. He knew that feeling well enough at this point either as a bystander providing the ring from his store, or being the one on his knee more than once. He adds quickly, “And this ring? Thank god for that little shop on the third floor of Magnificent Mile!”
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“She said yes! Didn’t even need a white picket fence! This is true love right here, isn’t it? You sure you’re okay with living outta my car for the next two weeks?”
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it’s excitement and adrenaline coursing throughout cleo’s veins, it’s all pretend and she knows this--but it’s the closest she’s ever gotten to a real engagement. “ you certainly are, and isn’t he just the sweetest ? “ the applause and the people only further how she’s feeling. she holds back a laugh at the mention of the plug for the store, but she can’t say she blames him much. “ for you ? baby anything even living out of a car.” she moves her mouth to his ear to conceal her voice being heard from those around them. “ you’re good at this, sure you’ve never pulled a grand scheme like this before ? “
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silvcrstongued · 4 years
wyatt’s smile was bright, he genuinely enjoyed this part of his job. another way to help people and pick on his coworkers? well who wouldn’t enjoy that. “oh please buy as many as you would like to, make sure absolutely everyone gets to see the brilliance that is this calendar.”
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“ well how can i say no to that ? i’ll take i don’t know eleven, you think that’s enough to pass around the brilliance of this calendar ? “ cleo grins, of course she’d keep one but that’s probably evident. “ i’ll also talk anyone i can into buying some as well.”
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silvcrstongued · 4 years
Audric blinked at Ella slowly, and diverted his gaze from his turtle to her. Both hands lifted from his sides to lightly bat into the air, “Oh don’t worry. Did you run here? Please have a seat so you can breathe freely, friend. Speedy has just been telling me about the adventures he has in his dreams.” Though, it was scientifically hogwash that he could carry a legit conversation with a turtle. “I think we have enough time to get dinner, before the barrier from the government goes up.”
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ella nods and gently slides into the seat, still trying to catch her breath from how quickly she had tried to get here in time. “ yeah ? what kinds of dreams has speedy been having lately ? “ internally sighing at the mention but it doesn’t show on features, or with her sunny disposition. “ that sounds great ! right about now, i’m starved. kind of missed lunch, because of my shift running over and all.”
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silvcrstongued · 4 years
avalon stretches her fingers out with the heel of her palm resting against the bar. she examines her dark nails, eyeing off any potential chips to her almost neurotically perfect manicures. she glances towards the girl rushing in towards her. her lips narrow, but proceeds forgive ella. “let’s go, we’re behind on time.”
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it’s a sheepish smile replaced onto freckled features, ella knows they are really behind on time.“ i'm really sorry.” it’s spoken again to further express, hands are on her knees still but she pulls herself together. “ how behind on time are we exactly ? “
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silvcrstongued · 4 years
“you’re welcome. after the day i had it does sound good and i would like a rum and coke please.
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“ a rum and coke it is ! that does sound pretty good right about now, you’ve got great taste.”
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silvcrstongued · 4 years
Gwen couldn’t help the small smile that graced her lips, nor the faint chuckle that escaped passed them her eyes fell upon her friend. “You’re fine, Ella, don’t worry - I honestly wasn’t waiting very long. I just barely got here, myself…and anyways, you’re here now and that’s all that matters. How was your shift?”
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“ thank god, i would have felt even worse.” ella is quick to admit, but it does help her relax more--feel less bad for running late. “ i’m definitely here, and in dire need of just chilling time. really long but not bad all in all, thank you.”
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silvcrstongued · 4 years
Rosa quickly glanced at the girl before looking back at the man she was hiding from. “Actually, if you could sit right in front of me on the bench and be as casual as you possibly can then I’d super appreciate it.” She was still eyeing the guy as she spoke, “And then if you could just subtly look and see if that guy in the blue thick coat leaves, seriously super appreciate it.”
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myriam gently sits on the bench in front of rosa to block the other from sight, glancing in the opposite direction--enough, so that she could see the man the other is speaking of; from the corner of her eye.“ yeah of course,  no problem at all. us women got to stick together, yeah ? and look out for one another whenever we can.”
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silvcrstongued · 4 years
“yeah and it’s definitely more fun to try new places with people rather than alone.” not that elliot had a problem with going out alone at all but he always liked company. social butterfly his mother had called him from the time he could talk. “excellent, let’s do it.”
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“ exactly ! “ myriam beams happily, she had heard good things and is excited to check it out. “ i’m so happy neither of us have plans, because i’ve been dying to check it out with someone.”
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silvcrstongued · 4 years
  “Guess it’s the magic of the library?” JJ teased, it was one of the easier conversations she’s had during the day time. Sure a chat at a bar was nice but she was really trying to have friends beyond a night life. “Are you from Chicago originally?”
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“ who doesn’t love the library ? it’s like escaping to a whole other world.” myriam laughs gently, but warm still written across her features. “ are you ? i don’t know that i know of many who are locals. who doesn’t love city life ? “
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silvcrstongued · 4 years
“Yeah, with the police and my insurance and, it isn’t the first incident in my area, that is for sure.“ She looked over to the nice stranger and smiled. When she agreed to help, she was so relieved. "Well, that would be amazing. Thank you!”
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“Definitely something small, something that I can carry in my purse. I plan to get my concealed carry as soon as possible. I still want it to look totally bad ass and intimidating in hopes that I never actually have to fire it.” She laughed nervously at the thought of having to use the firearm. “I mean other than the obvious training I’m going to have to do to know how to use it properly. If you don’t mind me asking what kind of gun do you use?
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“ it sucks that kind of thing is regular.” larisa would in fact keep an ear out for any mention of what the other lost. “ would you happen to have a picture of what it looked like ? “ no rest for a cop, at least not her. “ i have a glock 42.” and a few others but that isn’t shared. “ i’d recommend something smaller definitely for your first at least, perhaps something like the walther ccp m2 or the kahr arms cm9. but there’s a wide range, honestly so many options.”
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silvcrstongued · 4 years
Jameson listened to her and nodded. When he heard the name, his ear perked up but settled a bit, nodding silently. He grasped her hand and sighed, rubbing the back of her hand with his thumb.
That name… it couldn’t be… he pushed the thought away and waited for her to show him the photo. When she finally did and he saw the same boy who’d entered his bar a few weeks prior, he felt his heart skip a beat as he took the phone from her and looked closer, making sure his eyes weren’t playing tricks on him.
“I… I’ve met him. I mean… I didn’t realize he was my son but… He came into my bar and we chatted. He’s… He’s wonderful.” He felt his eyes well up more with tears and finally, he set the phone down on the coffee table and went to hug Lara close. He buried his face in the crook of her neck and silently cried. He was completely overwhelmed, nervous, happy. He definitely needed time to process this but he was glad Larisa was here to help him through it. 
“Stay tonight? I don’t… I don’t think I wanna be alone. It’s too much, you know?” he sighed, wiping his tears away. “Shit, I’m sorry. I’m a blubbering mess,” he smirked, embarrassed
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the fact that jameson is still trying to comfort her despite his own emotions, makes her heart swell. her arms move softly wrapping around him and her features are soft she just wished she could help. her head resting on top of his own. “ he is, he’s wonderful.” it’s genuine and she meant that. it’s unlikely to have passed through her lips unless she meant it. the blonde wraps her arms a little tighter, more comfortingly. “ whatever you want. i’m so sorry i didn’t say something sooner, and stop that.” no apologizes were needed and there was no judgement instead, she gives a smile. “ you have nothing to apologize to me for.” she rests her hand softly against his face. “ i’m here, and not going anywhere unless you want me to. you know what helps ? icecream.”
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silvcrstongued · 4 years
“yeah that sounds good to me! i don’t have anywhere to be today.” nowhere until the next morning when he was on early shift and elliot didn’t even know what that day would bring. always a new challenge and he loved it.
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“ me either, you wanna come with to drop duke off ? or do you just want to meet back up in say--like thirty minutes or so ? “ larisa doesn’t have a preference either way; she’s just happy to spend some time with elliot. and to hear how things are in his life.
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silvcrstongued · 4 years
lorelai glances towards the dog, under the presumptions the canine could scent the cat hair against her clothes. in spirit of keeping up appearances, she leans down to give the shephard a brief scratch behind the ears. once standing straight, the faust daughters offers a solid nod, turning on her heels to head towards her car, hands shoved into her black jacket. she lives under the assumption the fausts are always watching. as anxiety ridden as it may leave lorelai, it’s safer that way. preventing mishaps, laziness leading to clues lorelai was hiding more than they anticipated. as each day passed, it seemed she had more and more secrets to keep.
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larisa doesn’t like it either, but it’s after the arrival to the bar-- and then away from prying eyes and ears, does the actual concern etch onto features. “ what’s going on ? did something go wrong ? “ she knows it has to be something. to have lorelai searching for her, duke is nuzzled against his owners legs detecting the shift in his owners emotions. whom she softly pets on the head to confirm that she’s fine. hands are then shoved into jean pockets. “ you’ve got me all worried.”
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silvcrstongued · 4 years
❥ Doctor Jo being a cute little cupcake ♡ || ↳ Grey’s Anatomy ↬ 16x20.
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