silmarilasta · 6 months
i love cutthroat kitchen but bingewatching makes it really stand out how often alton brown refers to himself as ‘daddy’ and makes contestants wear spreader bars
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silmarilasta · 6 months
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Maedhros.... The idea is actually premature, it was supposed to be a raw concept of Maedhros, I vaguely had him in my mind and need to sketch him as soon as possible. It turns out to be very good, I like it, it's perfect. I think I found my Maedhros.
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silmarilasta · 4 years
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Day 11: Ring
Telpe gives Annatar one of the rings to try on
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silmarilasta · 4 years
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Day 10: Song
Finrod & Sauron
I am a little behind in days...
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silmarilasta · 4 years
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Eons late for silmarilasta day 7–although I swear I started the polar bear before I saw the absolutely delightful one by @annataryx—so here ya go.
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silmarilasta · 4 years
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[Image description: Ink and pencil drawing of Maedhros from the Silmarillion, newly crowned as high king. End image description.]
October 12, 2020
@silmarilasta Day 12: Kingship. Happy Maedhros Monday? idk if that’s a thing but I might make it one, lol.
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silmarilasta · 4 years
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[Image description: Pencil drawing of 12 platforms arranged in a circle, each with a base specific to their corresponding Vala. End image description.]
October 11, 2020
@silmarilasta Day 11: Ring! I cleverly decided to draw the Ring of Doom….then realized that I had no idea how to draw that. So I attempted to come up with symbols for each Vala…I don’t know if I succeeded.
In clockwise order from the top center, the Valar represented are Manwe, Varda, Aule, Yavanna, Irmo, Este, Nienna, Namo, Vaire, Nessa, Tulkas, Vana, Orome, and Ulmo.
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silmarilasta · 4 years
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[Image description: Pencil doodle of Maglor singing sadly by the sea. End image description.]
October 10, 2020
@silmarilasta Day 10: Song
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silmarilasta · 4 years
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Day 9: Shiny
I missed two days because I was busy studying😖
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silmarilasta · 4 years
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[Image description: Pencil drawing of Fingon, Maedhros, and Maglor from the Silmarillion. They are all dressed for war and look very grim; their eyes are colored yellow and have sparkles around them. End image description.]
October 9, 2020
For @silmarilasta Day 9: Shiny!
This one kind of got away from me? The title is “Lechind” which is the Sindarin term for Amanyar who have the Light of the Trees in their eyes - that’s what I was going for, the intimidating shinyness of their eyes. But really this is just an excuse to draw some of my favorite Noldor, lol.
Finno has a bow and arrows and a plumed helmet; Maglor’s weapons are obscured by his gigantic brother and the edge of the page, but he’s duel-wielding; Mae’s sword is still sheathed on his back. Also, Maglor is wearing a cape, idk if that came across.
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silmarilasta · 4 years
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“Burning of the Ships”
Day 8 & 9: “Ships” and “Shiny”
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silmarilasta · 4 years
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[Image description: Ink and pencil drawing of two swanships at sea. One sailor is in each of them; they are talking to each other. End image description.]
October 8, 2020
for @silmarilasta Day 8: Ships
i considered doing something angsty but decided to draw something more chill instead
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silmarilasta · 4 years
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[Image description: Pencil drawing of a polar bear, with a large host of people marching across ice in the background. End image description.]
October 7, 2020
@silmarilasta Day 7: Frozen! A polar bear on the Helcaraxe, ft. the host of the Noldor :)
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silmarilasta · 4 years
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Silmarilasta Day 7: Frozen (featuring Annatar and Telperinquar)
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silmarilasta · 4 years
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Day 6: Hands
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silmarilasta · 4 years
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For the Hands prompt I decided to do Maedhros’s prosthetic inside of his war tent.
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silmarilasta · 4 years
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[Image description: Pencil drawing of a severed hand chained to a wall, giving the middle finger. End image description.]
October 6, 2020
for @silmarilasta day 6: hands!
…………I would apologize but I do feel this is something Maedhros could get behind.
Maitimo: No, no, wait– Findekano, crying: I’m so sorry I don’t want to do this but I love you too much to leave you here– Maitimo: No I said wait not stop, just let me– Maitimo: (readjusts the hand so it’s flipping off Morgoth) Maitimo: ok THERE we go, get chopping Finno! Findekano: ………. (cuts off the hand)
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