[There're no dead ends. We'll be the best in the worl--No, the universe.] An RP blog for Hiro Hamada. Affiliated with Toshi City. Housing alone in Sunflower Apt. Room #6. Header pic is by sorarts on hiatus
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Beginner, Aitakatta
beginner was already answered so i’m just gonna do the other one:
Aitakatta: Aitakatta aitakatta aitakatta yes! What’s the one thing your muse missed most about their previous home/life before Toshi? Is there something or someone they would miss if they left? If your muse has lived in Toshi their whole life, what’s the one person/thing they would miss from here if they left?
Definitely aunt Cass and Tadashi. And while it was left unsaid after his brother’s passing, Hiro still missed the hectic, but exciting times of botfighting and the lack of responsibility/safety associated with it that earned him his brother’s constant protection doting. This yearning manifested the strongest sometimes at midnight when he’s struggling to rectify Baymax’s programming. But after a few months, it’s turned to an escapist musing than actual desire to return to the past.
Although sometimes he still dreamed of returning back to that day before the showcase, where his hands can actually grab at his brother’s and the fire would remained a lousy dream.
As for now, there’s no one who has terribly made enough of an impact on him in Toshi for the boy to considerably develop a deep bond with. Although hopefully, that may change soon.
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Bingo! and Beginner :D
this is 80 yrs late but sweats//
Bingo!: What’s something that catches your muse’s interest over and over again? Are there things they wish to never see again as well? Is your muse the type or rush things, or take everything one day at a time?
Being a science enthusiast, Hiro acts very excited when seeing new or “cool” inventions/scientific discoveries or just general technical ingenuity, particularly so when it heavily dealt with mechanics and robotics, although they don’t necessarily have to fit in that mold. As for things he doesn’t want to see again: fires stupid people and troublesome types he used to encounter at alleys back in SanFranyos. He’s not exactly one who would be considered unfriendly, but that doesn’t mean his patience with (and acceptance of) people run as high as his more tolerant brother’s.
When it comes to science-related businesses and academics, he’ll be extremely determined and patient in order to achieve the best results he can (this depends on the level of intellectual engagement, a.k.a things need to be difficult enough for him to actually give a crap.) He’s not as single-minded as his bro, of course, and sometimes he would get a bit distracted. But this kid’s usually the type that get things done on time, one way or another.
Beginner: The rain has stopped, the wind has stopped, and a light we’ve never seen is shining! How does your muse handle new beginnings or fresh starts? Do they have a good sense of direction, or are they type to get lost in a broom closet?
He’s relatively flexible, although it’s better for him to accept and adopt to the changes when being surrounded by the people he loved. As insistent this boy was in exerting his desire for independence, he’s still a teen who appreciates/internally demands constant affection and trust from others; especially so when moving to new places/being in a new environment, where there’re more people he needs to be cautious of/keep a distance toward.
He has a pretty decent sense of directions. It’s pretty much required for growing up in a bustling metropolis filled with hidden alleys and corners. That said, he still treasured his GPS app.
#long-ass response to a late meme// cr ies i'm sorry i will try to be more active and less shitty#yesmihashiren#inquiries
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☁ Toshi City "Double or Nothing" Sunday!
Since two is always better than one, this week’s headcanon memes have two questions for each muse to answer, for twice the fun! Sing your heart out Aretha.
Beginner: The rain has stopped, the wind has stopped, and a light we’ve never seen is shining! How does your muse handle new beginnings or fresh starts? Do they have a good sense of direction, or are they type to get lost in a broom closet?
Iiwake Maybe: Maybe, maybe! Does your muse make excuses often? What are some of the things they would make up excuses for?
Ogoe Diamond: I want you to hear my loud-mouthed diamond~ Is there anything your muse can’t keep quiet about? What about something they wish no one would ever bring up or talk about?
Heavy Rotation: Are there things your muse just can’t stand to let go (good or bad)? Is there anything your muse is extremely passionate about?
Skirt, Hirari: What are some of your muses dreams or ambitions? Both the realistic goals, and goals of fantasy!
Bingo!: What’s something that catches your muse’s interest over and over again? Are there things they wish to never see again as well? Is your muse the type or rush things, or take everything one day at a time?
My Sun: Lalalalalala Is there anyone or anything that can brighten your muse’s day no matter what? Are there things that constantly plague and worry your muse?
Namida Surprise: Come on, blow out all the candles on your cake in one go! How did your muse spend their last birthday? How about their best birthday memory/memories?
Juunen Zakura: Does your muse believe in destiny and the fates? Have they had any “fated encounters” before?
Aitakatta: Aitakatta aitakatta aitakatta yes! What’s the one thing your muse missed most about their previous home/life before Toshi? Is there something or someone they would miss if they left? If your muse has lived in Toshi their whole life, what’s the one person/thing they would miss from here if they left?
Sugar Rush: S-U-G-A-R jump into your racing car! What is your muse’s favorite type of food? Are they a real “get up and go” type, or more of a slower starter?
Got any great ideas or comments for future memes? Drop everything you love into our trusty inbox!
#I was out of town for a whopping 2 wks whoops#anyways just send me these and i'll do the thing tomorrow hopefully
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"A Happy New Year too, everyone," he smiled at the surplus of emails in his inbox.
...What would be a great implement for an electronic signature? He doesn't want his replies to just be...well, replies.
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[i will get to the replies soon don't worry wee ps]
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[my han ds are so cold and keep shaking i can't type properly w hy this]
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He hoped all the packages arrived on time. He didn't pay those extra fees for nothing.
Well, time to shoot some emails and learn about their whereabouts.
#ic musing#he still has some troubles w/ talking on the phone b/c it requires immediate tact#and he's not sure he can provide all that after the cold shoulder he'd given all of his buddies
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For a brief moment, that soft expression on the redhead's look did reassured Hiro and he was beginning to think that hey, maybe this lying thing is going somewhere and I can get out of this in one piece until, of course, life screwed him over once again when he tried to raise his hope up. Not only was this chick haughty, but she's also downright assertive and persistent as hell. Also, she probably had troubles with hearing, because for the umpteenth time, "No--Please! It's fine! It's fine! I'm already full oh god no please--" His pleading fell on deaf ears, as expected. Also, what's up with this whole thing about treating him for a meal when she was just trying to extort him minutes ago? What could have caused such a sudden change of heart? Hiro wracked his brain for a possible answer, but it's difficult to focus when there's someone dragging him down the sidewalks with the grip of a bulldozer.
His lack of resistance also stemmed from the desire to not make a bigger deal out of this on the middle of a busy street with various curious glances directed at their dynamic. God, they were already attracting attention already, and some old couples were giving them some sappy smiles and no please don't do that. Also, she still had his textbook captive (how evil) so he couldn't exactly react rudely. The last thing he wanted to get added on top of his tuition was hefty fees for a lost textbook someone had stolen from him. Which is totally an illegal act by the way, and this chick should realize this important convention. Who did he piss off in his last reincarnation to deserve this retribution on a weekend; especially a hectic weekend when he had five theses left to finish that were all due tomorrow morning?
After a few minutes, they stopped suddenly. Or rather, the girl stopped suddenly, and Hiro almost crashed into her, but fortunately managed to stop himself in time. He didn't want to receive anymore weird stares, thank you. The following question and that lost look the chick gave him made Hiro raise an eyebrow. Did she honestly not know where she's going? Maybe her earlier account about being a new transfer had bore some truth, at least based on first impression.
"Uh,...There's a cafe two blocks down South. I think it has a big Christmas tree indoor, if that's what you count as 'holiday-themed.' "

He's too damn tired to resist this. Whatever. He should just follow her, make up something when they're there, like he was sick and had a shit metabolism or something, and then make a hasty retreat with textbook safe and sound in his grasp. There. Simple and effective. And goddamn time-consuming. But the boy realized, belatedly, that he had no other option.
He also better made a quick trip to the store after this and buy a crapload of instant coffee, because there's no way that Hiro's going to sleep early (earlier) tonight. Dammit.
.*/ rough beginnings
Kyoko watched through cockily narrowed eyes as her master plan unfolded. There was no way a submissive guy like him could say no to helping a new girl out…as long as she held this book captive, anyway. Not like he’d mind, right? The docile types were practically asking to be pushed around a little. Besides, it wasn’t like she’d make him pay for the whole meal…probably.
At first, she’d prepared herself to press the situation further, but it was the “no money” part of his statement that she felt a stab of sympathy lined with guilt. Was it possible he was going through hard times like the ones she and her family had been through? Damn, his frame had to be that thin for a reason. Messing with those who could afford it was fine, but messing with those who couldn’t was downright cruel. The fact that Christmas was almost upon them made it unforgivable! There was no way Kyoko would let her actions go uncorrected.
"No money? Not a problem." Book still in hand, she grabbed the boy’s wrist with her free hand and pulled him along down the sidewalk with her before there was any time for him to protest. There was a complete and utter disregard of the possibility that this boy might have somewhere he needs to go. She flashed him a grin as she said, "I’ll be buying you some lunch today. My treat."
Five minutes into their walk, Kyoko froze. Just where were they going exactly? Still clutching the boys wrist firmly, she turned to him and asked with the most serious of expressions, “Where’s your favorite place to eat? And is it Christmas-themed?”

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*opens door*
*sees intense Christmas spirit invading the streets*
*closes door and stays home to play MMO*
#he's not strong enough for this goodbye#i just woke up from my light coma to type up a few paragraph response w hoops#c'est la vie#ic musing
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It took a while before he heard a response to his earlier question posed to Natsume-san regarding honorifics, but eventually the older male yielded in to his request and gave a comforting verbal acceptance. The brunet, rather than slow, seemed like the type who put a lot of thought into his speech. It pleasantly surprised Hiro, who had been used to the kind of gregarious, fast-paced approach many individuals in San Franyosko went about their daily lives. He still often had trouble talking to people like them, honestly. For as fast as Hiro's brain can operate when it comes to conducting complex mathematical calculations, the boy liked to take time when talking to others, as mistakes made in socialization can often be irreconcilable.
"Nice to meet you too, Natsume-san."
"...Actually, my exam week was just over too. I was worried that my late transfer would hinder my grades, but it's not as bad as I had thought." To be frank, Hiro thought the curriculum taught in Toshi Academy, while the workload was indeed rigorous, their actual difficulty level was...disappointingly less than the boy would like. Studying for his mid-terms had seemed more like busywork than anything intellectually demanding, but it's not like he's a stranger to this kind of feeling in academia.
"What classes do you have, Natsume-san? If you're also in senior high, there's a chance we share some courses together..." He's not the type to pay much attention to the student body in his classes, as there're too many unfamiliar faces and he had too little interest in their names unless they somehow managed to gain it; an aloof cognizance, but it's true. There's a possibility that he may have shared some classes with the brunet without much awareness of it before, unless he was off in his knowledge of the city and there were more than one academic institution besides Toshi Academy.
Hearing the impromptu tidbit from the older male brought a small smile to Hiro's face, as he felt their respective barrier getting chipped down bit by bit as the conversation went on."I prefer winter too, but I really like mild seasons like autumn and spring best," Hiro smiled.
"I was considering grabbing some lunch, and then I met her and well--" Hiro gave the kitten a light pet on the head again, still trying to come up with a creative name for the animal. The task was proven more difficult that he had accounted for.
[Lingered life]
He hadn’t intended for his words to be taken so seriously. Sure, it had been a little jarring, since Natsume distinctly felt that there was so much more for him to discover and learn. He still felt a little too far from maturity for the title of Mr. to be anything other than the verbal equivalent of putting on your parent’s clothes in order to seem more like an adult. However, it didn’t bother him too terribly.
Before he could really try to verbalize any of that internal thought, he was presented with a familiar alternative. “Natsume-san is fine,” he confirmed gently, trying to convey the fact that he didn’t mind the slight error earlier - in fact, he didn’t consider it to be an error at all.
Now that he was in possession of the other’s name, he wfound himself faced with the same dilemma regarding address. Usually he simply used a last name with the appropriate honourific without needing to consider it, but he was feeling particularly conscious of the conventions just as the dark-haired boy had only moments before. He took a moment to consider his options before settling on what felt like a good balance of polite and friendly. “It’s nice to meet you, then, Hamada-kun.”
"Before? Nowhere, really. Since exams are finished, I wanted to stretch my legs a bit.” It seemed a little silly now that he had to explain it to someone else, resulting in a slightly self-conscious dip of his mouth beneath his scarf. In weather like this, it was more practical to unwind from exam pressure with a nice day in, perhaps with some hot chocolate and a good book. Just walking around, without an aim at all, was probably the last thing on the minds of busy Christmas shoppers or people hurrying home from work.
"I’m more of a summer person, but winter is just as pretty," he admitted, words still muffled by his scarf. But, enough sappiness from him. He doubted that he was the only one with (or without, he supposed) a destination in their frosty city. "How about you?"
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Why the hell did his apartment smell like gingerbread cookies even though he had not touched a cooking utensil for months.
Man, he's never aware that sleep-deprivation can impact his olfactory system this heavily.
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❅Silent Night
Name something that will remain forever unsaid by your muse. Is there something they won’t tell anyone ever about?

The fact that sometimes, he still dreams of fires licking at his feet and leaving burn marks everywhere. Even though they are just mere fantasies and cannot actually hurt him, the terror he feels in the aftermath is almost tangible.
#for a moment i was considering to make a non serious answer for the holiday spirit and all but// well#elsanon#inquiries#tc meme
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wielder-of-hearts replied to your post:wielder-of-hearts replied to...
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wielder-of-hearts replied to your post:wielder-of-hearts replied to your post:This is all...
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wielder-of-hearts replied to your post:This is all your fault. "Rocking around the...
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This is all your fault. "Rocking around the Christmas Tree, at the Christmas party hop. Mistletoe hung where you can see. Every couple tries to stop."
no regret
Ah, great. Just the first thing he wants to see when waking up from the intense all-nighter he just pulled to finish his homework. An off-tune mobile radio forecasting Christmas songs that woke him up from his short nap.
…Wait. That might have been a human caroling, although his sleep-deprived brain doesn’t really care much about the mistake. It's so loud.
Hiro slammed the door shut and collapsed on the couch. It’s too damn early.
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❇Rudolph: Request a holiday drawing!

" Shoutout to all those requested battlebots and money you NEVER give. And SERIOUSLY I have had like 15+ different ugly sweaters with various sizes and colors that I only wear once per year stop giving me more please stop please stop pl—"
#sleepmurderer#inquiries#it took this child an embarrassingly long while to realize that santa was actually tadashi#tc meme
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