Important Announcement
I’m most likely going to abandon this blog. Truth is I wasn’t happy with it and I’m unsure of how I even want to develop Patchy and Koa. Overall I’m not having fun. Peaces.
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…Sakuya initiating hand-holding. Huh… That was new, wasn’t it?
She couldn’t complain, although it was a little concerning how casual the other was acting about all this. Was this… okay? Maybe Sanae was the only one who was worried…
“Mm… Kanako-sama’s been okay. A lot better since I’ve come back, which I’m glad about. I-I really didn’t intend to abandon her, but I feel she may have gotten that impression… It’s nice that I’ve gotten to work again, though. I missed taking care of people…”
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“Even if those people are gods that should be able to take care of themselves…”
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She widened her smile. “I am happy to know that you two are on good terms, although I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss having you around the mansion.”
‘Calm down. Calm down. You’re almost somewhere safe where you can feed. Just keep walking.’
“Forgive me, I know that your place is here and not at the mansion. I have my own duties to perform as well, and I don’t think I would be able to imagine a life so drastically different from mine either. I’m sure you must have felt that way when you were visiting.”
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final-bosses-of-paradise replied to your post: Speaking of which, here’s a headcanon for...
Can she restrain Koakuma from afar with this connection so she can’t drain Sakuya all the way lol
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Unfortunately no. She has to actively be there and trap Koakuma to stop her from going any further. She is not beyond barging in during the act if it means she can save Sakuya.
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Speaking of which, here’s a headcanon for Patchouli! Her soul is bound with Koakumas in contract and because of this she is able to tell where her familiar is at all times, but that does not mean that she knows what she is actively doing. If you’re wondering why she would be able to tell if she was trying to make a meal out of Sakuya, then that’s because well, what other reason would Koakuma have to be in Sakuya’s bedroom for?
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“Mm...” Patchouli just woke up from her sleep only to realize that Koakuma was no where to be seen. Being linked to her soul, she realizes that she’s actually quite a ways away from the mansion. “Ah, she must be feeding. It has been a few days hasn’t it? If not, then I will have to punish her when she gets back.”
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Soft Affection
Send in an icon for my muse to: 
🎀 Play with your muse’s hair
✋ brush fingers/hold hands
👉 Gently poke or prod yours
💐 give a gift
🎎 sit close enough to brush knees/lean against yours
🛌 take a nap with yours
🖐 tracing fingers against your muse’ skin or over a scar/other
🍫 quietly hand over a treat/food item
☺ stroke your muse’s cheek/face
🧥 be found wearing your muse’s sweater/coat/article of clothing
✨+ add your own
🐱 to reverse
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Send my Muse some stars!
✪ = I wanna kill you ✪✪ = I hate you ✪✪✪ = I kinda dislike you ✪✪✪✪ = You’re okay ✪✪✪✪✪ = Whoa you’re kinda cute ✪✪✪✪✪✪ = Stop being so perfect ✪✪✪✪✪✪✪ = *nosebleed* ✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪ = oh god you are hella sexy ✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪ = I wanna have sex with you ✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪ = Marry me
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…Sakuya came all this way just to see her? Well– gosh, how could she possibly say no to that? “I-I’m not busy!”
She cleared her throat, trying not to seem too eager, and glanced towards the shrine herself. Sakuya did have a point; she really wouldn’t put it past Kanako to get into a fight or argument with Sakuya or even try to chase her off. That would be troublesome in a few ways.
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“Yeah, of course,” she said with a quick nod, going and setting the broom down near the doorway. She could pick that up later. “Let’s take a walk! Or a fly, if you’d prefer…” A shrug. “Well, whatever you’d like, Miss Sakuya.”
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“A walk will do just fine.” She successfully lured in the girl. It was all too easy. She takes hold of Sanae’s hand as she starts guiding her down into a forested area. She would have to find a secluded place to start the act live a grove. She didn’t want to come off as too suspicious, so she would make light conversation.
“How has life been treating you ever since you returned to the shrine? Does your goddess treat you well?”
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“Thank you…”
She took the chance to wipe her eyes when the tissues were presented. It also gave her the opportunity to compose herself and consider Patchouli’s words. 
“I know that, but… You don’t get it, Patchy. I loved her… and I could tell she loved me back. I knew it for years, but… it’s because it is her duty to serve me, that… I felt…”
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“Maybe it is better this way… I just… I want to be happy for her, Patchy, I really do.”
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“… Do you think your magic can erase love…? Perhaps feelings of jealousy…?” She was half-joking… but then again, only half.
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Patchouli stopped from taking another sip when Remilia asked that. “Magic is a very powerful and dangerous tool, Remi. There is such a thing as love magic but interfering with such an art is unhealthy. Whether making someone fall in love with you or erasing your own feelings.”
She was seriously hoping that she would not ask her to actually do it. She wouldn’t do it even if she was her mistress. “I’m sorry Remi, but you’re going to have to let your heart naturally heal.” Some concern would show in Patchouli’s voice.
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“Mmm? O– Oh! Sa– Erm, Miss Sakuya,” Sanae quickly corrected herself, instinctively tightening her grip on the broom in her hands. She hadn’t gone over to the mansion in a bit, so seeing Sakuya come to the shrine was…
Well, it was surprising, but it was really nice to see her.
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“Um, yeah! Good afternoon… My day’s been alright, but getting to see you is always an improvement,” she said with a shy smile. Yeah, just don’t say anything too gay or romantic and things’ll be fine, she thought.
Probably… “How about you? You don’t really come here much, so is there something in particular you’re here for…?”
‘The girl seems rather nervous. I’m going to have to play it safe for a bit.’
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“I’m quite alright. I decided that I wanted to visit today. You had been at the mansion for so long that it feels a bit different now to not have you there.” She stepped closer, holding herself back from trying to seduce her right away. “Perhaps we could catch up? If you’re not busy that is.”
Hearing a sound come from inside the shrine, Koakuma nervously darted her eyes towards the direction. Was there a god inhabiting this shrine? If so, then they would be able to spot her as a demon right away. She had to think of a way to get Sanae away from here now. ‘Wait, doesn’t that one god Sanae serve absolutely loathe Sakuya?’
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“Um, do you think we could move away from here? I’m afraid that your goddess may still not be too fond of me. I’m a little concerned as to what she would do if she found me talking to you out here.”
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Koakuma disguised as Sakuya would find her way to the Moriya Shrine. It was such a holy and sacred place. It made her sick. She was going to have to lure the shrine maiden away from here. Sanae was now in view sweeping the shrine grounds. Koakuma would have to put on her best impression of the maid if she wanted any chance to feed. Well, this girl seems rather gullible so that shouldn’t be too hard.
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“Good afternoon, Miss Sanae.” She would lower herself to the ground before speaking any further. “I do hope you are having a pleasant day.”
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Also, in addition to the idea I gave, a small question: What happens if someone's soul is strong enough to survive and they somehow escape? Will a soul damaged like that regenerate to become a full soul again, or are they stuck with their incomplete soul for the rest of their lives?
“Additional idea: She does drain some of their life force before they orgasm, just slowly, to make it so that they'll have no real chance of resisting her when they DO reach orgasm. maybe. iunno.”
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I actually LOVE that idea. I generally thought of the idea that once she starts sucking up their soul then they cannot resist at all. They’re completely at her mercy. Also someone who does manage to survive will regenerate their soul in a sense. The essence of the person isn’t lost as long as a sliver of their soul remains.
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Speaking of which, headcanon that Koakuma takes a rather grotesque and horrifying look when she consumes people’s life force. She consumes their life force when they are at orgasm because the soul is most vulnerable in that state of euphoria. Anyway I was thinking of ways she could like take on appearance and there is body horror so I’m putting this under the cut.
I’m not sure but it might vary? I like the idea of her jaw unhinging when she eats souls. Her sharp teeth become monstrous, developing more eyes, and overall her face becomes almost unrecognizable. Basically once her prey orgasms the next thing they see is this horrible image as their life force is taken out of their body which is very painful by the way. Once they reach that state of euphoria it’s much too late for them. They can only hope that their souls will be strong enough to survive.
Edit: Another idea I just had is several eyes appearing all over her body staring down her prey as she consumes. Yeah. I like that.
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Koakuma was looking around, thinking to herself. ‘So many people to turn into my prey today. I was right to keep myself hungry on Sundays. I wonder who would provide me a good meal today?’ She looked around until her eyes settled on a certain shrine maiden.
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‘Ah, why haven’t I ever thought of doing this before? Taking the form of Sakuya would make her such a breeze!’ Her shape and voice changes until she becomes an exact copy of the maid.
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‘Your soul will soon be mine, little girl~’
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“… Is that right…?” 
Patchouli surely didn’t intend for her words to sting as much as they did… but to Remilia, they cut like a knife. After all, Remilia had her own suspicions towards Sakuya’s… reluctance to intimacy, and what they could be attributed to… She couldn’t help but feel like the fault landed on her own fear of intimacy; intimacy towards her own, loyal servant.
The idea that Sakuya might have needed emotional support, rather than a cold and distant mistress, had barely crossed her mind except to wonder if what she was doing was really worth it the stress it was causing to herself… 
It only occurred to her what she might have been doing to Sakuya all this time… Especially how she now seemed so happy. It made her cold, undead heart ache to know that all this time, she could have… just…
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“A-Ah… Sorry…” She quickly wiped moisture from her eyes as she realized she let her mind wander again, leaving Patchouli in the awkward silence. 
“I… suppose you’re right. I am happy for her, but…”
“Do you think I’ve been too… distant to her? Am I, still…? Should I even try to get closer…?”
Her small body was shaking as she gripped the hem of her dress tightly, fighting to maintain composure in front of her friend.
“I don’t know what to do anymore, Patchy, I…”
“I loved her… a-and I pushed her away… and now I feel like she’s gone for good.”
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Oh no, she was crying. Patchouli wasn’t too good with dealing with someone who was crying, especially not Remilia of all people. She cares deeply about Remilia though as she is what Patchouli would consider a loved one, and she feels a little bad for making her words so harsh.
Patchouli levitates a box of tissues over in front of Remilia. “Well, you are her mistress are you not? For the longest time your relationship with her has been completely professional, but she does care a lot about you. We all do, Remi.”
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Patchouli was already aware of Sakuya’s feelings towards her mistress, but she would not interfere by telling her. “I understand heartbreak must be a difficult emotion for you to experience, but just because she’s dating someone else that doesn’t mean that she’s going to leave you. She’s very devoted to you, Remi. It’s almost as if she was bound by soul contract to you, but we know that’s not the case like with my familiar. She actively chooses to stay with you.”
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mayohigan-orange replied to your post: Patchouli Knowledge has appeared! What to do? Act...
Awkward hug for Patchy, and cuddle for Koakuma~
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Patchouli wasn’t too uncomfortable with the hug despite how awkward it was. She decided to give Chen a pat on the head.
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“Well, I guess this is alright.” Koakuma was hoping for an adult for a meal though. She’s a little disappointed. Not too much though as she does like cats so she will welcome the cuddles.
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“I’m glad that we have a new face at the mansion. Alphinaud seems fun to tease and be a nuisance to.” Koakuma is already having devious thoughts about how she would go about doing that.
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