siincore · 3 years
because I'm thinking about it, consider this thread ( feat. @deadmans-flush ) where, rather than how Ares laid there at the end of this thread, she carefully joins Nick under her jacket, curled up against him with her arms gingerly wrapped around his chest so she doesn't end up hurting him but remains as close as possible before he goes full mitch. telling him how much she loves him, reminiscing on their time together - good and bad - and just generally being pressed against him so she can enjoy what may be her last moments alive. hopefully letting that closeness, that affection, become his last memories - of her or at all.
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siincore · 3 years
“Seriously hope I ain’t the only one left..”
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siincore · 3 years
The Cave (video game) - sentence starters
1. “Welcome. Don’t let my sultry and mysterious voice startle you.” 
2. “Well, you may think of this evening as a failure, but it was not.” 
3. “Well, this brings our exciting adventure to an end this evening. I hope you had as much fun as I did.” 
4. “The important thing to remember is: there are no refunds in ______.” 
5. “You took long enough. I was going to send out a search party, but they’re still looking for the last group.” 
6. “They just want to go outside and play. What could be more innocent than that?” 
7. “It’s a journey filled with peace and enlightenment… and murder.” 
8. “There’s no dying in _______. At least not this soon.” 
9. “You know, the truth is I can’t let anyone die in here because of what it would do to my insurance rates.” 
10. “I might be going out on a limb here, but I don’t think those kids are as sweet and innocent as their pasty white skin and vapid, soulless eyes devoid of life would suggest.” 
11. “I’d made a Mary Poppins joke right now, except that it’s not in the public domain, and I don’t want to get sued. Again.” 
12. “Look, I don’t want to stereotype here, but has there ever been a set of twins that weren’t evil?”  
13. “Oh, that is very nice. Taking the thing someone else desires most was a stroke of genius.” 
14. “I should probably get them out. Nothing scares away the tourists like a rotting corpse.” 
15. “Ah, the zoo. Observe nature’s wondrous and terrible beauty safely imprisoned behind unbreakable steel bars.” 
16. “This place is a nightmare. I hate zoos. No, I never liked zoos. Never.” 
17. “Whoops. Looks like someone forgot to close the gate to the dragon’s den.” 
18. “I’m sure the princess will be fine. She’s way up in the tower, and I don’t think dragons can fly. She’ll be fine.” 
19. “Who said cheaters never win? Losers, that’s who.” 
20. “This might be a good time to… as we sat in show-biz… exit stage left and quickly.” 
21. “That sweet smell of cotton candy and roller coaster vomit can mean only one thing: the carnival is in town.” 
22. “This really is an oily rag and dry grass infested fire trap, isn’t it?” 
23. “You know, when you’re stuck in an ancient, curse-ridden deathtrap, it usually helps to jump on everything you can. Also screaming. Screaming helps.” 
24. “Looks like it’s a win-win. Well, not for the princess, but win-win for the knight and the dragon.” 
25. “Oh my, they’re not doing what it looks like they’re doing, are they?” 
26. “’Now, I am become death, destroyer of worlds.’ Yeah, I read that somewhere. Seems appropriate.” 
27. “No doubt you have realized by now that here in ______, the rules of time and space are not exactly… set in stone, so to speak.” 
28. “Remember: even with the best of intentions, time travel can be… unpredictable. And with the worst of intentions, well, I guess we’re about to see.”
29. “Time machines really take the fun out of trying to teach hard lessons about consequences.” 
30. “Great misfortune is said to fall on those who disturb _____’s slumber. You know, locusts, boils, peanut allergies. That sort of thing.” 
31. “I couldn’t devise a better team-building exercise myself. There was a bit of collateral damage at the end, but let’s call it a win.” 
32. “Don’t forget to wipe the _____ bits off the amulet before giving it to _____. It’s just good manners.” 
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siincore · 3 years
jesus christ, you're still alive??
“Yes I am, motherfucker. You got a problem with it?”
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siincore · 3 years
I like to think fallout!Ares and Nick would be begrudging companions
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siincore · 3 years
hi I know it's been forever but I'm fuckin musing for ares rn so like feel free to send starters
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siincore · 3 years
85 starters. CW: cussing, sexual themes, violence. Some starters are just random quotes from Tik Tok creators, some starters are from Tik Tok trends that have popped up over the past year or so. The original sources of these trends are from various memes, shows, songs, and other popular media. Feel free to change words and pronouns as needed! [PART 1]
“Is it cursed? Let’s find out!”
“Will you be the best man at my funeral?”
“You better believe I love me like a friend!”
“Say you’ll give me all of you.”
“It’s just you that I mess with.”
“You must break the pattern today or the loop will repeat tomorrow.”
“The space I long for no longer fits me.”
“I’m glad you brought it up, ‘cause I’ve been dying to talk about it for a fucking hot minute.”
“Please don’t call me an eyesore when you literally look like a discontinued Cabbage Patch Kid.”
“I’m feeling like I did too much.”
“What kind of fuckery is this?”
“You’re coming home with me!”
“Keep about your wits.”
“Lord, give me one more chance.”
“Reminder that your boyfriend’s built like a bitch.”
“Oh my god, what is that…? OH MY GOD. WHAT IS THAT?”
“Who got you smilin’ like that, like…?”
“I pick my poison and it’s you.”
“Hey man, this look pretty good, man… Where your clothes at?”
“I don’t know what drugs you took this morning, but this is unacceptable behavior.”
“Sometimes I gotta beat the ladies off with a stick.”
“Jesus Christ, I’m so blue all the time.”
“And if you wonder if I hate you, I do.”
“I think you’re such a hottie.”
“If I let you touch my body, will you stay?”
“I’ve never loved anyone the way I love you.”
“You are my soul’s home.”
“I pray to the heavens above that I dream of you.”
“I can still feel your touch on my skin.”
“You kinda’ smell… like a baka.”
“You know I can’t make it on my own.”
“This is your daily reminder to go seek revenge on any motherfucker who’s ever hurt you. Go get ‘em, tiger.”
“And I’m sorry I left, but it was for the best, though it never felt right.”
“He really tried to stop Michael Myers with a fire hose.”
“‘Evil dies tonight’ is exactly what I say to the pharmacist every time I buy a morning-after pill.”
“Ahh, you mad!”
“I could fix him.”
“Maybe I’m cringe.”
“I like watching you watch cartoons in my room.”
“I ain’t mad, bitch. Look where you’re working at.”
“You mad, ahhh! Look where you’re eatin’ at!”
“Not to be dramatic, but I wanna die.”
“I’m not feeling very fly like a G6.”
“So your plan is posting memes until someone falls in love with you. You’re so pathetic, did you know that?”
“You know we’ll have to go out there at some point…”
“Why can’t everyone just go away? Except you, you can stay.”
“Do you ever think of the things you’ve ruined?”
“Being away from you is like Hell, but so is being next to you.”
“You have stolen my heart.”
“So can I call you tonight?”
“Literally, fuck your zodiac sign. I do not judge people based off the month they were born, their personality, my previous interactions with them, or really anything else. I judge them off one thing and one thing only: who they pick in Smash Bros.”
“My dog could beat a dinosaur.”
“I’m probably gonna tell on you if you say that again.”
“I kinda’ hate you, kinda’ love you, kinda’ wish I was you.”
“All this time spent hating on me could be used to improve your looks, your personality, your life.”
“Don’t you feel… silly? Don’t you feel… stupid?”
“I support women’s rights, but most importantly, I support women’s wrongs.”
“What are you doing in my house?!”
“Your standards are so low we done gave them things a funeral.”
“It’s hard to stay humble when your haters look like extras off Coraline.”
“What are you still trying to prove to yourself?”
“Have I told you lately I’m grateful you’re mine?”
“See, this is why I don’t play this game anymore.”
“Damn, girl… You fucked up.”
“Can’t spell funeral without fun!”
“You just don’t get it. You’ve already forgotten even though I just said it.”
“Maybe someday we will be two people meeting again for the first time.”
“Do you think we can make it the whole day without you doing something bad?”
“You look just like a dream.”
“You’ve got your demons and they all look like me.”
“Is it better to speak or to die?”
“My booty cheeks are, like, clenched.”
“I don’t know what you think I’ve done, but if we were to battle, I’ve already won.”
“I’ve played enough scary games to know that something evil is coming out of that dark hole.”
“Who wanna be girl best friends with an undeniable romantic tension that neither of us will ever address until eventually we have an inexplicably emotional friendship breakup and then never speak to each other again?”
“You very much need something to do in a zombie apocalypse. Why not fornicate? I’m just saying, ain’t nothing else to do… Besides be alive. Survive.”
“Please don’t come over here. You don’t see me. You see all this ass though. But you don’t see me.”
“If this don’t make you a believer of the paranormal, I don’t know what will.”
“Barely two words in and you already look like you want me dead.”
“You’ve changed. You’re getting weak.”
“Last time I was comfortable was in the womb. Just been disappointment since.”
“If it makes you happy, it doesn’t have to make sense to anyone else.”
“I’ve killed for you. Who else can say that?”
“I made this friendship bracelet for you.”
“Everybody wants to be my enemy.”
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siincore · 3 years
oops I thought about ares and nick again and I remembered how much I love them-
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siincore · 3 years
friendly reminder that I'm more active on mojaverunner as of right now so feel free to catch me over there!
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siincore · 4 years
pspspsps hey wastelanders I got a thing come visit @mojaverunner to chat with Summer, a high Charisma courier who is only a lil bit stupid-
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siincore · 4 years
so, back 4 blood, hm?
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siincore · 4 years
Horrific Headcanons part 2
Since it’s one of my most popular memes, here is a part 2 to THIS meme, all about RP muse headcanons that are dark, angsty, or horror/scifi-related!
😇 Does your muse pretend to be innocent if they’ve done something wrong? 😈 Are they a deceitful person, and do they see themselves as such?  👁 Have they ever been a stalker, or been stalked themselves? 👀 What is the most disturbing thing they’ve ever seen? 😴 Would they ever choose to die in their sleep? Why or why not? 😡 What would someone have to make them lash out in violent anger? 🎃 If they were to play a mean trick on Halloween, what would they do and who would be their target? 👥 Is there anyone they wish they had never met? 🤡 Do they have any phobias or irrational fears? ❌ Would they consider themselves easy to corrupt? Already corrupted? 🤞  What is one of the biggest lies they’ve told (or their most recent lie)? 🥀 How would they handle the death of a loved one? (optional: specify person) 🔫 Would they ever sacrifice someone in order to save their own life? 💣 Name one dangerous experience they survived. 🍗 Have they ever wondered what human tasted like? Or do they know? 🎵 If they were going to torture someone, what music would they play while they did it? 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨 How would they react if the person they fell in love with turned out to be a criminal? 😍How would they react if the person they fell in love with turned out to be non-human? 😪 Name one thing someone could say or do to make your muse cry. 🦋Would they choose to die if it meant they’d come back as someone stronger? 👄If your muse had the ‘kiss of death’, would they ever use it?    🗣When is the last time they yelled at someone in anger? 🍼 Would they have a family with someone who was not of the same species/human-ness as them? 👤 If they could switch bodies or lives with any one person, who would it be? 👽What would they do if they witnessed an alien ship crash landing? 🤑Would they commit a brutal murder if it meant they would become rich? 👣Do they believe in Bigfoot? What about other legendary creatures? 💥If the world were ending, would they be satisfied with their life? 🔥 In a fire, they can only save three things (including people). Who/what do they save? 🍷 What would they do if someone slipped them a slow-killing poison? 😱When was the last time they were shocked or startled? 🦉Could they stay calm lost in the woods all night by themselves? 🐲Were they afraid of monsters under the bed as a child? 🎧How would they react after hearing an unexplained sound while home alone? 🏡How much would they have to be offered to live in a haunted house for a month? 🙀Do they believe animals have extra senses that people don’t? 🔪What do they think is scarier: a killer with a gun, or a killer skilled with a knife? 👻If they were a ghost, what methods would they use to haunt someone? 🔮They have a premonition that something terrible will happen to them. How do they handle the situation? 🔭Do they have a fear of the unknown and things they can’t explain?
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siincore · 4 years
alright, since it's fallout: new vegas' 10th anniversary, I'm in the mood to talk au and fnv content. feel free to dm me or throw some shit into my inbox, I'm very excited to talk about it
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siincore · 4 years
I promise I'm trying to be more active I'm just making another blog for my courier so I can have 2 couriers to fuckin deck on any given day skxjdkkxkkx
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siincore · 4 years
ares grimm is the type to casually mention waking up in her grave, traversing the whole damn mojave and kicking caesar's teeth in simply because she forgets that other people have not been through the shit she has
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siincore · 4 years
IN THE FLESH | STARTERS send a prompt or send ✉ for a random starter. triggers apply.
do you ever get afraid?
you shrink with age, you know, like dried fruit.
i hope they find the bastard.
what’s a little dirt between friends?
people don’t like snoopers.
it was a great responsibility, but we shouldered it quite happily.
you weren’t content with the stories, with what they wrote on the walls.
it was a good bone to chew over, though.
things that happen. things you can’t control.
since when has police procedure made sense?
down the hall. turn left and left again. 
that’s why the officers are armed.
be gentle.
like a fucking rat.
so why’s it so important, anyhow?
you can only cover so many scars with a beard.
don’t waste your energy. it’s going to be a long night.
i gave up praying the morning my father died.
nobody tells me what to do. nobody.
i saw my mother. large as life.
why do they tell lies like that?
you’ve got the resources. dig around.
i’ve seen you before. walking by.
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siincore · 4 years
spooky scary haunted starters … sentence starters
“Did you call me?”
“Was that a scream?”
“Did you close that door?”
“It just turned on by itself!”
“I just saw that shadow move!”
“That was definitely not the wind.”
“It sounds like someone’s in here.”
“Is that… is that a face over there?”
“I heard breathing, right in my ear!”
“Ow! Something just scratched me!”
“I swear, I’m not joking, I saw it move!”
“Does it smell like perfume/cologne to you?”
“It’s not faulty wiring, something turned it off!”
“I didn’t slam the door. I thought that was you.”
“It feels creepy in here. Can we leave, please?”
“The lights are flickering… that’s not a good sign.”
“I could’ve sworn I heard someone talking in here.”
“There’s something standing at the foot of my bed…”
“There’s no one in here. You’re just imagining things.“
“But, there’s no one else here… who’s walking upstairs?”
“Listen, you might not believe me, but I know what I saw.”
“Wait, I thought you came home earlier. I heard your voice.”
“Haha, spooky message on the mirror, very funny. You wrote it, right?”
“It was your bright idea to use a spirit board, and now look what’s happening!”
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