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sierrcr-blog · 6 years ago
based on conversations had in the discord server my friends and i made, affectionately referred to as the “fuck english discord server”, and some of our dms outside of it. feel free to change pronouns/diction/etc as necessary.  tw; swearing and nsfw themes
“ chocolate spread on toast is and will forever be the superior thing to put on toast . ” “ being bi means loving women and ___ . ” “ what time was the mishapocalypse ? ” “ spoiler: awesome toilet seats inside . ’ “ bottoms up for christ, my boys . ” “ SQUARE UP DOLPHIN MOTHERFUCKER . ” “  we know you’re gay, __ . ” “ to err is human. to forgive is… kind of our thing . ” “ AND YOU HEAT IT IN THE MICROWAVE, FUCK IT ON YOUR TOAST, EAT IT, AND SHIT IT OUT . ” “ what is gasbagging ? ” “ i’m tired and cranky don’t touch my fuckin’ pie . ” “ i’m not fueling your mommy kink . ” “ i was standing at the bathroom sink in my underwear like ‘i wonder what it’d be like if i had a dick’ . ” “ remember, i’m the exception to the no flirting rule . ” “ he wants to vore you . ” “ it’s angst hours my guys . ” “ sometimes men are just like that . ” “ the behavior you exhibited was aquarian . ” “ good morning i need a caption for these selfies i’m about to drop . ” “ live fast, eat ass . ” “ guess how many pairs of underwear i’m wearing . ” “ five. it’s a diaper. spank proof . ” “ does anyone wanna trade siblings ? ”
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sierrcr-blog · 6 years ago
security called me at work today and told me they saw me outside chasing a frog around on the security cameras. i wasnt in trouble they just wanted to let me know they saw me. i didn’t catch him.
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sierrcr-blog · 6 years ago
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“I wish it could always be like this.”
“You’re always there for me.”
“The stars are the only thing that makes sense.”
“There’s more out there, you just have to be patient.”
“It doesn’t all have to be existential dread.” 
“You’re so much different when we’re alone.”
“I like it when the worlds quiet.” 
“There’s a place for us somewhere.”
“They’ll name constellations after you one day.”
“Your hearts beating so fast.”
“They don’t know what they want.”
“You don’t know what you want.”
“That’s what they’re supposed to say.”
“We really don’t know what we’re doing.”
“I miss the old you.”
“Nostalgias a trap.”
“Aliens are out there.”
“Did you hear that?”
“I really want pizza right now, think it’s open?” 
“What time is it?”
“But why would they abduct cows?”
“We’ll all be dead soon enough anyways.” 
“I wish we didn’t have to sleep.”
“What do you believe in?”
“What happens after we die?”
“Seems like a silly thing to say, don’t you think?” 
“And what’s your excuse?”
“You’ll get it together soon.”
“Sometimes I feel like I’ll never have it together.”
“It’d be better if people weren’t so afraid of their feelings.”
“You keep quiet and we both lose.”
“I wish I could save this forever.”
“When did you realize you were in love with me?”
“The rooms spinning.”
“I loved you long before you knew.”
“I’m not afraid of death, I think it’ll be peaceful.”
“The Universe is too big for that.”
“Do you think we’ve met in other lives?” 
“I’d come back to haunt you.” 
“Would you come back to haunt me?”
“What’s alternate universe you doing right now?”
“Tell me a secret.”
“Why haven’t you told anyone?” 
“I wish we knew each other sooner.”
“You’re a game changer.” 
“I’m a game changer.”
“Don’t ignore fate.” 
“Ignorance isn’t bliss.”
“What, is that a conspiracy theory?”
“It’s probably the Illuminati anyways.” 
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sierrcr-blog · 6 years ago
starter call !!  ( @churchvoid )
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                                                                                  ❛      -----    what  do  you  think  REALLY  went  down  in  the  production  meeting  for   WORM  ON  STRING  ?     ❜    sie’s  mumbling,  her  focused  expression  really  showing  the  passion  behind  that  strange  ass  question  she  asked.  vision  flickers  upward,  to  the  other  as  she  tilts  her  dial,  causing  bangs  to  sway  ever  so  gently  to  the  right.  A  HAND,   it  extends,   landing  on  the  opposite’s  shoulder,      ❛     and  did  they  know  they  were  going  to  be  creating  such  a  revolutionary  incredible    TOY  ?   ❜
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sierrcr-blog · 6 years ago
starter call !!  ( @oflunars )
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                                                                                                  boy  problems  by  carly  rae  jepsen  plays  in  the  background.  (  and  yes,  that  is  the   GREATEST ;   song  ever  made.  )   sie’s  spread  over  the  moon’s  lap,  a  default  simper  etched  upon  tanned  features.  optics  wide  shut  for  a   brief  period,  before  they  shoot  open  -  it  seems  an  idea  sprung  upon  the    KITTEN !    ❛   OKAY,  BABY.  HEAR  ME  OUT.  what  if   -   we   got   matching   tattoos  ...  right   NOW  ??   ❜
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sierrcr-blog · 6 years ago
i’m here, i’m gonna do a few more of those starters! c:
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sierrcr-blog · 6 years ago
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lets get this BREAD?! starter call
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sierrcr-blog · 6 years ago
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                              ‘  ‘is  nothin’  .  ’  the  words  are  almost  SPAT  out  ,  a  defence  mechanism  kicking  in  ,  his  hands  TWITCH  as  mitchell’s  head  feels  like  static  .  “  FUCKING  IDIOT  !!  should  have  hid  it  better  ,  you  were  doing  so  WELL  keeping  your  little  secret  .  ”  it’s  what  his  mind  is  screaming  at  him  as  a  hand  reaches  up  to  slam  its  palm  against  his  forehead  .  repeatedly  .  ‘  idiot  ,  fucking  idiot  ..  ’  is  muttered  with  each  resounding  SMACK  as  the  male  grows  more  and  more  agitated  ,  ‘  it’s  nothin’  ,  sie  ,  jus’  get  the  fuck  out  ‘nd  leave  ‘es  alone  !!  ’
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                                                                ❛     …   WHERE  AM  I  MEANT   ----     ❜      to  go  ?   sierra  didn’t  bother  finishing  her  sentence,  it  really  didn’t  seem  worth  it.  as  she  takes  in  his  reaction,  the  guilt  begins  to  creep  over  her  -  she  wanted  to  stop  him,  grab  his  hand  &  tell  him  he  wasn’t  an  idiot  - but  she  fears  that’d  make  the  situation  worse.  maybe  it  was  wrong  of  her  to  even  ask  what  it  was  ?  it’s  none  of  her  business,  after  all.      ❛    you  don’t  have  to  tell  me.  i  apologise  for  asking.     ❜     spoken  in  a  HUSHED  tone  as  she  brushes  past  him,  hastily  making  her  way  toward  the  exit.
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sierrcr-blog · 6 years ago
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                              his  heart  drops  to  his  stomach  as  soon  as  mitchell  turns  from  locking  the  door  and  notices  the  bag  in  her  hand  ,  it’s  panic  that  sets  in  then  .  NO  ,  NO  ,  NO  !!  no  one  was  supposed  to  find  out  ,  least  of  all  SIERRA  ,  and  he  can’t  stand  the  look  in  her  eyes  that  he  views  as  DISGUST  ,  HATRED  ,  it’s  not  long  before  he  strides  of  to  her  and  rips  the  baggie  from  her  hand  .  hands  shake  in  …  anger  ??  FEAR  ,  as  he  turns  his  back  to  the  elder  ,  ‘  the  fuck  were  you  t’inkin’  goin’  through  me  shit  ,  sie  ??  ’
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                                                         ❛      ...   ?   -   i  was  just  looking  for  batteries  ...     ❜     &   it  seems  his  heart  isn’t  the  only  one  to  sink.  the  way  her  question  is  ignored,  the  way  the  bag  is  ripped  from  her  grasp  -  it  confirms  it.        ❛      it  was  just   -   there,  mitch.    ❜       she’s  hoping  the  softer  tones  in  her  voice   are  helping  to  convince  she  isn’t  angry   -   SHOCKED,   maybe  a  little  upset  but  -  not  angry.      ❛     WHAT  is  it ?  &  uh  -  is  it  ...  yours  ?   ❜
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sierrcr-blog · 6 years ago
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bunny lisa 🐰
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sierrcr-blog · 6 years ago
‘ can i be excused for the rest of my life? ‘ from abigail
spongebob memeos / accepting !
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                                      . ❛    I  THINK  …  i  think  that’s  called dropping  out  &  yes  -  you  could  easily  do  that.   ❜
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sierrcr-blog · 6 years ago
send in 🤝 + a friendship and i’ll tell you who:
texts the other memes at 3 am:
tries to convince the other to do an idea that definitely sounds questionable:
is the designated driver and who always gets wasted:
always has to host the impromptu sleepover:
who’s netflix account gets mooched off of:
brings all the snacks and who supplies the movie:
is usually the first one to say sorry after a fight:
is the ‘ mom friend ‘:
calls the other at 12 am to wish the other a happy birthday without fail:
is the better wingman to the other:
‘ the strong must protect the sweet ‘ , who’s the ‘ strong ‘ and who’s the ‘ sweet ‘: 
pulls the other up for karaoke to sing a duet together:
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sierrcr-blog · 6 years ago
    ‘   okay, this might sound dumb or something,  ’ she giggled. ‘  but why do people go to all of this extent for valentine’s day ??  ’ the mermaid asked, looking around at all of the decorations in the various stores. ‘  shouldn’t you love your significant other the same each day ?? you don’t need to act like that for one day only.  ’ // @sierrcr
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                                                                          ❛   uhhh  -   it  can  get  excessive. i  agree.  but  i  think  ...  it’s  just  a  chance  to  go  that  extra  mile  i  guess  ?  sure  you  can  do  that  everyday  but  ...  it’s  nice  knowing  that  millions  of  other  people  are  feeling  the  same  way  as  you  are  on  that  day.  that’s  how  i  see  it  anyways.  it’s  a  big  big  warm  mini  holiday  !!   ❜    optics  peer  down   &  narrow  upon  some  of  the  more  ...  QUESTIONABLE  gifts  lay  out  in  front  of  them.   sie  giggles,    ❛   but  there’s  a  line  DEFINITELY !   ❜
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sierrcr-blog · 6 years ago
starter call !!  ( @asphaltkissed  )
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                                                                                                                optics  wander  around  the  room  aimlessly,  no  particular  goal  in  mind,  simply  just  taking  in  her  surroundings.  although,  sie’s  definitely  thinking  about   PANCAKES   ...   so  it’d  be  nice  if  one  of  them  popped  up  somewhere.  but  at  a  nightclub  ?  next  to  impossible.  maybe  she  should  just  dip  &  go  get  food  -  this place  blows  anyways  ...  what’s  this  ?  (  not  a  pancake,  but  -  )  someones  looking  her  way, and  of  course,  like  it’s  the  most natural  thing  in  the  world,  the  blonde  responds  with  a  series  of  incredibly  weak  finger  guns.   
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sierrcr-blog · 6 years ago
starter call !!  ( @punkassdaegu )
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                                                                                                        let   me   just   go  ahead  &  set  the  scene  real  fast.  just  so  -  y’know  everybody  is  on  the  same  page  in  regards  to  what  exactly  is  being  walked  in  on   ;   HOTEL  ROOM  SERVICE  BY  PITBULL  ...   FULL  BLAST.   sierra,  in  her  pjs   :   she’s  in   complete   twerk  mode.  a  cheeto  hanging  from  her  lips,  the  words   (   hotel,  motel,  holiday  inn  )  are  being  muttered  softly   ...    &  now  that  we’re  up  to  date,  there’s  a  creak  of  the  entrance  to  her  room,  causing   the  girl  to  pause,  her  eyes  going  wide.    
                                                                                      ❛    HEY  UHH  !   -   ❜     aaaaand  she’s  down,     ❛   NOT  YOUR  ROOM  DUDE  !   ❜
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sierrcr-blog · 6 years ago
starter call !!  ( @epiiphcny )
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                                                                        she’s  panicking.  being  the  literal   HUMAN  DISASTER   sierra  tends  to  be  -  the  sight  of  another  she  finds  even  slightly  attractive  will  send  her  into  a  frenzy.  hence  the  nervous  laughter  &  fiddling  of  the  sacred  bangs   ...   some  say  they  hold  a  secret   THIRD  EYE  !    ❛    i  uh  -   uhhh  -  D-DADDY LIKE A PRETTY BABY  ?    ❜
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sierrcr-blog · 6 years ago
starter call !!  ( @busanbunnie  )
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                                                                                       her   heartbeat.  she  can   …   HEAR   it  ;  for  it  bangs  in  her  chest  with  certain  aggression.   the  nervous  feeling  -  pulling  her  back,  threatening  to  knock  her  from  her  feet  -  but  alas,  she  continues  forward.  eyes  spot  her  there  ;  as  beautiful  as  ever.  it  feels  fake  ;  unreal,  other worldly.  it’s  always  odd  seeing  someone  in real  life  after  only  being  able  to  view  them  through  a  screen  for  such  a  long  period  of  time,     ❛    HANA  ?   -     ❜
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