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                                                  GENITAL WARTS
Are your genital warts recurring frequently even after undergoing treatment? Then Ayurveda has something in store for you. Ayurveda helps in treating genital warts from the root and there are very rare chances that warts may recur. Read on to know about genital warts, causes, symptoms and the best doctor for genital warts treatment in Delhi.
Genital warts are caused due to viral infection. The virus causing the genital warts is the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). These are the Sexually Transmitted Infection. The infection is spread through oral, vaginal and anal sex with the infected person. Warts is a particular type of symptom of HPV that can be easily recognized. The presence of genital warts, generally, have no symptoms and does not affects the quality of life however, in some cases, genital warts are painful. Although both male and female are equally affected by genital warts, the condition progresses more aggressively in females. Further, the cause of genital warts i.e. HPV has significant potential to cause cancer of vulva and cervix. CAUSES OF GENITAL WARTS
Genital wart is a sexually transmitted condition. It is caused due to the spread of the Human Papilloma Virus. Human Papillomavirus is spread through oral, vaginal or anal sex with a person who is a carrier of this virus. Human Papilloma Virus has almost 40 strains but only a few have the potential to cause genital warts. Human Papilloma Virus is highly contagious and readily spread through skin-to-skin contact. That’s why it gets easily transmitted through any type of sex. Due to the high occurrence of this virus in the population, CDC has acknowledged that most of the sexually active people get this virus at least once in their lifetime. Most of the time, the virus is kept under control by the body’s immune system and does not pose any risk of health. However, the virus may grow opportunistically, in case of a weakened immune system or in any infection and may cause genital warts.
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YES, A yeast infection is generally thought of as a female health problem, but anyone can get affected with it, including men. A penile yeast infection, if not treated, or treated properly can lead to a wide range of Uncomfortable, Painful and potentially embarrassing symptoms. It can also lead to serious complications if the infection spreads into your bloodstream.
Signs And Symptoms Of Penile Yeast Infection :
1. Red Rash 2. White Shiny Patches On The Penis 3. The Skin Of Penis May Get or Seem Moist 4. A thick white substance may be found under the foreskin or other folds of skin. 5. Itching On Penis 6. Burning Sensation On Penis
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Many people are still not aware of STDs in our country. STD stands for Sexually Transmitted Diseases. These infections and diseases are passed from one person to another during vaginal, oral and anal sex. Not knowing about it and lack of proper knowledge is very dangerous in such cases. Some major types of STDs are HIV, Genital herpes, Genital warts, chlamydia, gonorrhea.best std specialist doctor in delhi
Best STD specialist in Delhi Sexually Transmitted Disease Doctor
STDs require quick attention of the person suffering from it and needs to be tested and treated properly. People do not speak about this subject and due to this knowledge lacks in people, and this leads to myths.
Let us know about some myths which exist about STDs, STIs and the Actual Facts –
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In a male dominant society like ours, men do not feel free to speak about their infertility problems. Infertility problems in our country has grown to a greater extent and the most terrible part of it is that men suffering from such problems do not want to speak about it. But they fail to understand the sensitivity of such problems. They have to understand that issues like Male Infertility can affect not only them but their whole family.
Due to such problems the female partners do not get satisfied which creates issues between the couple. It is not only a matter of partner’s satisfaction, but after a couple gets married there is even a pressure on them of continuing their blood line by producing babies. But due to such problems when the couple is unable to do this, this gives birth to humiliation, depression and frustration.
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 What is Love : Relationships Advice - Love And Relationships, Key To a Good Relationship
Love is a feeling which cannot be expressed in words. Relationships are just like roller coaster rides, ups and downs occur frequently. Relationships are based on the mutual understanding between the couple. If the couple does have compatibility and understanding between them, then the relationship becomes a disaster and does not last for long.
Apart from love physical intimacy also plays a very important role in maintaining a relationship. Physical intimacy between a couple is based on trust. Physical intimacy has become a very important part of a relationship. If any of the partner is not satisfied physically, this can create issues between the couple.
In today’s 21st century, many sexual problems or diseases have come to limelight. Sexual problems like :
Erectile dysfunction or Lack Of Hardness in Penis Premature Ejaculation or Quickfall, STDs or Sexually Transmitted Diseases like Genital Warts, HIV etc and STIs or Sexually Transmitted Infections like Candidiasis, Balanitis, Penile Yeast Infection Low sexual desires and many such diseases (CLICK HERE) have become common now-a-days. These problems can affect the relationship, and can doom their lives. Due to such problems if any of the partner remains unsatisfied, then it becomes an issue and sometimes this also becomes a reason for the end of a relationship. To deal with such issues, consulting a Qualified Sexologist is very important. Talking about treatments, opting for the best type of treatment is very necessary. What better than Ayurveda can we think of. Ayurveda has the power to heal naturally, it does not have any side-effects. Sidri International Skin Hair And Sexology Clinic, is here to you solve your problems. Dr. Manu Rajput and Dr. Kanu Rajput are certified ayurvedic sexologists and are considered Best Sexologist in Gurgaon as well by their numerous patients. Dr. Manu Rajput & Dr. Kanu Rajput treat their patients with Ayurvedic treatments and medicines. The best thing about Ayurveda is that, it’s medications and treatments include natural herbs which cure the patients to a greater extent. So if you are searching for the Best Sexologist in Noida, or Best Sexologist in Faridabad, or Best Sexologist in Delhi you can simply Book your appointment with Dr. Manu Rajput & Dr. Kanu Rajput for best results.
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Speaking about sexual diseases is still not common in our Indian society, specially sexual problems related to men. One of such diseases is Erectile dysfunction.
Erectile dysfunction is classified as the inability to maintain the erection of the penis during the sexual process. Erectile Dysfunction is commonly known as Impotence.
Many myths surround this this sensitive subject and this makes you believe that your sexual life is destroyed forever. In a male dominant society like ours, men do not feel free to speak about this subject and do not want to come out of their cocoons. So this leads to myths regarding such sensitive diseases like ED and also is the cause to many problems. Let us discuss about some Myths of Erectile dysfunction –
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Andropause is a condition characterized by a reduced level of testosterone with increased age. Although there is no complete cessation of testosterone synthesis, bioavailable testosterone is very low. Unlike allopathic medicines, treatment of andropause through Ayurveda does not have side effects.
“Getting old” is not the accurate excuse for the aging male suffering from various symptoms such as insomnia, weight gain and loss of libido. The main culprit, in most cases, reduces the action of the male dominating hormone, testosterone. The concentration of testosterone and dihydrotestosterone gets reduced in between the ages of 35 to 65 years. Significant reduction in the concentration of testosterone leads to andropause. This reduction progresses with age and affects the quality of life in males. The person has mild to moderate mood swings and experiences physiological, psychological and sexual symptoms.
Testosterone is the male dominating hormone and is responsible for a wide variety of androgenetic features includes initiation of puberty, increasing muscle mass, and prepares the body for fighting against tough situations. Testosterone is also responsible for energy and stamina. Although after the age of 30-35 years, the level of testosterone starts reducing, the onset of symptoms of andropause appears at the age of around 50 years. At this age, the level of testosterone has reached that critical level which is not enough for the body to perform testosterone-guided functions.
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Although sex is still considered as a taboo in our society, we cannot deny the fact that it is a daily need of people. Men often have a problem of penis odour. It is very important for a man to maintain a healthy penis as it may affect his sexual life. It is always said that “First impression is the last impression” . For impressing a woman at the first time itself a man needs pay attention towards the health and hygiene of his penis. They try to take preventive measures when they know that they will be landing into a situation where there is a possibility of having sex. But is this enough ? What about post sex measures which should be taken. Men often do not pay attention to measures which should be taken after the sexual intercourse.
Here is the list of some tips which should be followed by men for maintaining a healthy and hygienic penis.
Before getting into any sexual activity a man should wash and air his penis properly. Mostly, it happens that a man gets involved into other daily routine activities and forgets to air and wash his penis for hours which is really necessary. During the sexual intercourse there is a lot of sweating which dries later on and leads to odour. So, the basic tip is to get the penis rinsed before the sexual activity. Wearing a condom during sexual intercourse not only prevents sexual diseases and unwanted pregnancy, but also helps in reducing the penis odour to an extent as many condoms are flavoured. It doesn’t mean that wearing a condom will completely eliminate the odour, but will control it to an extent. Trimming of penis hair proves to be another important tip in avoiding penis odour. The hairs in that area hold the fluids which later dry and create odours. When the penis hairs are shaved, it becomes easy to wash the penis and the area around it. This helps in reducing the odour to a great extent. Sex is a very tiring activity, mostly men prefer to sleep after the intercourse and forget to wash their penis and the area around it. Trimming of hair makes it easy for them to wash it. Using an appropriate cream for penis is really necessary. Men forget about this part, but the use of such cremes may help in destroying harmful bacteria from the skin of the penis and around it. Mostly creams with vitamin A should be preferred, as it’s valuable properties fight against bacteria and destroy it. Mostly these bacteria are responsible for penis odour. Using of such creams may help in eliminating penis odours.
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Love is an emotion which cannot be expressed through words. As you all might have heard about a phrase that ” Actions speak louder then words”. Love needs to be expressed through action, and what better action would express it better then kissing.
WHAT A KISS MEANS : Without speaking a word, kissing helps a couple in expressing their love, feelings and thoughts for each other.
kissing connects two people emotionally and mentally. But did you know that it has some health benefits too. connecting to each other emotionally, expressing love without uttering a word etc are one side of the coin. But flipping the coin and seeing the knowing about the other side of it is also necessary. Kissing release a hormone into the blood named epinephrine, which helps in pumping the blood faster and thus, reduces bad cholesterol.
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                                                SIDRI INTERNATIONAL
Sidri International Skin Hair and Sexology is a place which has been providing Ayurvedic Skin care treatments, Hair care treatments and solutions for sexual problems from past so many years. It has been almost 8 years since Sidri International has been working remarkably to cure the ailments of their patients. Doctors here are experts in the field of Sexology and are certified from renowned institutes of England. The team at Sidri International Skin Hair and Sexology Clinic has been working hard since its inception for the resolution of Hair and sexual ailments. Sidri International has been winning hearts with their hard work and dedication. Patients come here with problems and leave with content treatment. The team has always made a point to live up to the expectations of their patients and the goodwill of Sidri International. The Sole motto of Sidri International Skin Hair and Sexology Clinic has been to serve the patients and to cure their ailments completely with the help of natural Ayurvedic Treatment which does not create any side effects for the patients. This Motto of Sidri International team has won number of hearts, the team at Sidri International has been so trusted by their patients that once they begin their treatment here, they do not choose to go anywhere else. Inter personal conversations with the doctors are to be credited for the trust that patients have in Sidri International Skin Hair and Sexology Clinic. Step by step care is taken of the patients that come to sidri international from the very first minute of treatment. Patients are treated in the best possible ways and every minute detail regarding to the patients problem are taken due cars of by the doctors. Sidri International Clinic first came into existence in the year 1987, when it started as a clinic rendering Skin and hair treatments to the aesthetic citizens of India. The services were rendered at National Level by many like-minded professionals who have treated the Skin and Hair of thousands of beauty conscious people of the country. Apart from rendering astounding beauty services, the Pioneers at Sidri International were leading lecturers and trainers in the field of advance aesthetic treatment also conducted training programs in the field of aesthetic treatment. Sidri International took a next turn with the advent of Dr. Manu Rajput who was a specialist in the field of Ayurveda. Dr. Manu Rajput has always been providing the best care with extreme dedication towards his patients. He further brought many reformative techniques of treatment with ayurveda which enhanced the lives of thousands of patients by helping them with their sexual diseases. Soon the team of Sidri International took a step ahead in its functioning as Dr. Kanu Rajput had joined in and began his practice. Dr. Kanu Rajput is known for his Inter-personal Communication skills which make his patients feel very comfortable and entrusted. Sidri International has been working wonders over these years. In this article we will further read about the experts who provide world class advice and treatment of Skin Hair and Sexual problems through Ayurvedic Medications. Both the Doctors of Sidri international are listed in Sexologist Doctors, Sexologist Doctors for Males and Females, Impotency Doctors, Ayurvedic Doctors for Sexual Disorders. The doctors are well-versed with different aspects of human sexuality that include sexual orientation, sexual dysfunctions, dynamics of sexual relations etc. they have earned a huge reputation and have become the most trusted Sexologists in the city who have patients coming from all over the world.
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In the 21st century people have a tight and hectic schedule as soon as they get up from their bed. At such point of time, thinking of sex does not seem to be an option for anyone. Mostly everyone prefers to have sex in the night. But have you ever thought about morning sex and it’s impacts? It is said that a man is physically and psychologically ready for sex in the morning, but has to follow his daily routine and schedule. On the other hand a woman’s body takes time to warm up after leaving the bed and they prefer to carry on their daily work in the early mornings. But having a sexual intercourse in the morning is way beneficial then having sex in the night or any other time.
Let us throw some light on the benefits of morning sex : Happier Mood : Morning sex makes a person happy and makes them feel refreshed. In their day to day life people face a lot of hurdle which may spoil their mood. Some serious issues may also lead to depression, irritation and frustration. Morning sex keeps a person happy and helps in controlling such feelings and emotions as it releases happy hormones.
Read More...Best Sexologists In Delhi, Top Ayurvedic Sexologist Near Gurgaon NCR, Sex Specialist Doctors at Sidri International Clinic
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Best Doctors For Sexual Dysfunction In India Doctors For Sexual Dysfunction In delhi
Consumption of alcohol occasionally is considered normal. It does not affect the body. But daily consumption of alcohol can lead to several health hazards. We all know these few things already:
For more information read more...Best Sexologists In Delhi, Top Ayurvedic Sexologist Near Gurgaon NCR, Sex Specialist Doctors at Sidri International Clinic
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                              HOW TO KEEP A RELATIONSHIP ALIVE
Sex is the daily need of life. Sexual life of a couple becomes boring after a few years of togetherness. This may have a negative impact on the relationship between the couple. It is very necessary for a couple to maintain the freshness in their relationship. Like flowers need water to maintain their freshness, our sexual life too needs a fresh breath of air. Here are 6 healthy relationship tips for couples :
1. Being spontaneous is the key to maintain freshness : After a few years couples stop thinking about about new and innovative ideas for maintaining the spark in their sexual life. They become stereotype and follow a follow the same daily routine. Whether its is the position during the intercourse or it is the place of having sex spontaneity is very necessary. Couples should try for new positions and a even try having sex in a different place rather then the same one.
2. Pubic hair is a big turn off : Shaving pubic hair increases the sensitivity of the genital areas which makes sexual intercourse a more pleasurable activity. Moreover it makes the genital area look more attractive visually. Removing pubic hair even increases the sexual arousal of the person.
3. Don’t let shyness be a hurdle : Opening up of both the partners with each other is very necessary. If they do not do so, they will not get sexual satisfaction and will ultimately ruin their sexual life and the whole relationship. Both the partners should try to speak to each other about their likes and dislikes. This will help them to know each others interests, improve their bonding and have a happy sexual life. It is really necessary for both the partners to get out of their cocoons to live a happy life.
4. Experiment with lingerie : Clothing is a very important part. It can be a turn on or a big turn off at the time of sexual intercourse. Experimenting with the lingerie of both men and women can a good option. It is the 21st century and there can be many options found for lingerie in markets and on online shopping sites for both men and women. It is a known fact that the right type of lingerie can increase the sexual arousal of an individual.
5. Sex toys : Sex toys are a ways of increasing the level of excitement and arousal between the couple. There are many types of sexual toys available for both men and women in different shapes and sizes. If used in a proper way, sex toys can prove to a good way of stimulating both men and women.
6. Sensitive parts of both men and women : There are some sensitive parts of both men and women which turn them on. Both the partners should focus on such parts of each other so that the sexual intercourse becomes more enjoyable.
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benefits of high testosterone
Are you really curious to know what foods you can eat for a better sex life? If yes, then the blog post could help to get close to that knowledge.
Let’s get this straight, including certain foods in your diet will not do wonders overnight because a healthy sex drive also depends on other factors.
But still, in a long run, a healthy nutritious diet helps you to improve your sex life, increase libido, boost testosterone and help with improving Erectile dysfunction.
Curating a list of seven nutritious sex foods which are certainly the vitamin-rich and easiest way to increase your energy level and will help you to reach the optimal level of sex life-
natural foods to boost testosterone and sex drive
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AYURVEDIC TREATMENT FOR HAIR LOSS AND REGROWTH : Hair fall is the scariest thing for millennial’s or anyone for that matter. Many people have been facing this problem for many years and still in a dilemma how to deal with it. This dilemma causes them more hair fall and takes them near to baldness.
Sometimes, doctors come to their rescue with some allopathic treatments, but only with the purpose to drain their pockets. These allopathic medicines, supplements, and serum only rob their money without any guarantee of recovery.
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Yoga drastically improves sexual life. Various asanas in Yoga helps improve sexual performance and helps to manage premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction. Yoga helps in improving blood circulation and increases hormonal secretion.
yoga for the bedroom
To most people, it seems that easy as well as complex Yoga asanas may not improve the sexual life either in male or female. But that’s not the case. Yoga is a powerful technique to bring back vitality in the human body by comprehensively altering the functioning of organs whether heart, liver, kidneys, lungs and musculoskeletal system. Sexual health is not exempted from this revitalizing process. It is important to mention that for improving sexual health with yoga, you do not have to perform complex yoga asanas; just a few simple ways are significantly helpful in attaining healthy sexual life. Now the question arises, how do these simple yoga asanas have so much impact on sexual health. Well, for that we need to discuss the prime benefits of yoga on sexual health:
Relaxes body and mind: One of the most amazing benefits of yoga is that it relaxes body and mind. It improves the psychological characteristics of a person. It helps improving stress, anxiety, and depression probably by increasing the blood flow in the brain as well as by reducing certain chemicals such as cortisol.
Helps reduce premature ejaculation: Certain specific asanas of Yoga have a huge impact on managing premature ejaculation. Different asanas perform this function by imparting different effects. Some of them improve the digestive system while some increases the energy by accelerating metabolism. Some of the asanas are helpful in increasing sperm potency.
Helpful in increasing libido: Yoga may help increase libido and sexual orgasm. It helps in maintaining the overall sexual health. Yoga does this by improving blood circulation in oxygen level where it matters most i.e. in the abdominal and pelvic region. Further yoga helps increase focus and concentration that helps improve confidence while making physical relations.
Alleviates pelvic pain: Pelvic pain is one of the common hurdles in maintaining physical relations with the partner. By alleviating the pain of the pelvic region, yoga helps to improve sexual function and overall quality of life.
Increases sexual satisfaction: Yoga has such a power that apart from the normal people it also helps improve the sexual satisfaction in people suffering from a severe disease like multiple sclerosis. A study conducted in this regard on Iranian women revealed that Yoga techniques are helpful in improving physical activities and sexual satisfaction.
Unbiased improvement in men and women: Yoga does not differentiate between men and women. Both men and women are benefitted in improving sexual activity through yoga. The types of asana may be different for men and women.
Improves cardiovascular health: Cardiovascular health proves to be vital when it comes to sexual activity. Proper blood flow is required to achieve and maintain erection and for increased energy level in the pelvic and abdominal region. Yoga helps improve blood circulation and increases oxygen and nutrition.
Improves flexibility: Yoga helps improve flexibility, and strength and helps tone your body. It would make feel good about your body and develop more confidence while being sexually active.
Increases pelvic strength: Yoga also helps increase the strength of pelvic muscles, functioning of which is critical to achieving sexual pleasure.
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10 Signs Of Low Testosterone in Males
WHAT IS TESTOSTERONE? In simple words, testosterone is the hormone that turns a boy into a man. It causes many changes, both mental and physical, like :
Making muscles and bones strong during and after puberty, Increasing height, Increasing body hair, Increasing pubic hair, Increasing penis size, Increasing sexual desire (Libido) etc Every male body produces this hormone at some rate and it plays a deciding role in sexual and development process. But unfortunately, due to some reasons, the male body doesn’t produce enough testosterone. It happens with age, but other factors also work here. Keep reading this write-up to know :
10 Warning signs that you are having low testosterone & its effects on your body
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