sidemensidekick · 7 years
All This Could Be Yours (Miniminter) (Part 4)
I was laying in Simon's bed waiting for him to finish recording, and scrolling through my phone.
He shouted something before doing his outro and turned around.
"Hey Jess" he said spinning around in his chair.
"Mhm?" I say not looking up from my phone.
I feel a weight on the other side of the bed and continue scrolling through my instagram, I'm shaken out of my boredom when I feel his lips on my neck.
I put my phone down, and flip us over straddling him and kissing his neck. His phone vibrates and he looks at it before nearly knocking me off of him.
"Really Simon?" I say feeling annoyed.
"Hey, I'm super sorry, Mia wants to go to the cinema tonight and I still have a few more videos to edit." He says getting up.
"So I waited half an hour for nothing" I say, annoyed.
"I promise next time I won't fake you out" He says walking behind me as I get up, kissing the back of my neck.
"Maybe there shouldn't be a next time." I say walking away and putting on my boots.
"What do you mean?" he asks, sitting in his chair.
"I mean, if you're seeing Mia, you probably don't want to have a fuck  buddy." I say, picking up my phone and car keys.
"Yeah but me and Mia are hanging out as just friends right now" He says frowning at me.
I make my way to the door "Is that really how you want to be with her?" and I walk out.
I walk past Vik on my way out. "Hey Jess, you okay?"
"No" I say, before walking out of the house, fighting back tears.
I wake up with more energy than I've had for a while, Mandy was out with Josh so I was at home alone. An old friend of mine from California had hooked me up with a job with her boss. She works for a business who was looking for someone who could manage some of their financials in their British offices.
Since I mostly worked with spread sheets and online documents, I could work from home, and today, I had almost nothing to do.
I hadn't seen any of the Sidemen since I had walked out a few weeks ago and Simon had tried to call me and text me a few times, but I had ignored him.
I had been in touch with Vik and he said that Simon and Mia were really getting along so I decided to stay out of it to avoid complicating things.
I missed Simon so much and it hurt not being around him but he was going to be happier without me so I stayed away.
As I pulled out my laptop, Vik texted me and I turned on some random music.
How are you doing?
Have anything going on today?
No, why?
You haven't been around lately, do you want to come over and watch a film or something
Idk, is Simon there
you can't avoid him forever
I know but I can try
He's worried about you
He has no reason to be
He cares about you Jess
I know, and I care about him which is exactly why I'm staying away
Just come over, please?
I walked in the door to the Sidemen house, using the key Simon had given me a while back. I'm greeted by the sounds of JJ yelling and someone in the kitchen.
I peak in the kitchen and catch a  glimpse of Simon and someone else in there.
"Who's there?" He calls from in there.
"It's just me Simon" I say, heading for the stairs.
"Jess, why haven't you been answering my texts" He asks coming out of the kitchen and walking towards ms.
I shrug "I don't know I've been busy"
"Hey Mia" He calls to the kitchen, and I feel my heart drop.
"Yeah Si?" She asks, walking out.
"This is Jess, Jess this is Mia" He says smiling at her.
I smile weakly and give a pathetic wave. "I'm actually here to see Vik, so I'm gonna head up." I say and turn around.
I hear Simon say an almost disappointing sounding "Oh" before Mia giggles and they walk away.
I get to Vik's room and he's recording with the Pack. I lay on his bed going on my phone, trying to not make too much noise.
"He turns around in between rounds of something and says "Hey Jess, I'll be another like 20 minutes" I not and he turns back around.
"She's not my girlfriend" I hear him say and I look up at his screen as he randomly runs around where ever he was.
I shake my head and go back on my phone.
Someone open's Vik door and I look up to see Simon. He motions for me to come out with him and I sigh, leaving my phone in Vik's room.
"What do you want" I ask once Vik's door is closed.
"What did I do?" He asks as I avoid eye contact.
"You didn't do anything" I say.
"Then why are you avoiding me?"
"I'm not"
"Now that's complete bullshit"
"Believe whatever you want."
He grabs my face, making me look him in the eyes.
I try to look away but he keeps my face there, and I can tell, he's searching for something in my expression.
I back away "I can't do this Simon, you have Mia"
"I don't understand why you can't just be my friend" He asks, letting go of me.
I walk back into Vik's room and grab my phone, he had just finished recording.
I feel a warm tear slide down my cheek and I grab my phone "I'm sorry Vik, I can't do this right now" I say heading for the door.
" Jess, please, just stay, do you want to talk about it?"
"I can't be over here right now"
"Then let's go somewhere else, do you want to go to the Cinema?"
"You feeling better?" Vik asks as we walk out of the theater.
"Yeah, thanks, I was just gonna go home and mope anyways."
"So what's up with you and Simon?"
"He doesn't get why I can't just be friends with him, I just can't it hurts to see him with her." I say, looking at my phone.
I had 10 texts from Simon asking what was wrong and what he did.
"I know the feeling." Vik says looking out into the distance.
"You like Mandy don't you" I say, realizing what he meant.
He nodded and I sighed.
"We have the worst luck" I say and we both laugh.
My phone vibrates, this time it's Mandy.
Hey, where are you
Just got out of the Movies with Vik
Oh Simon just came looking for you, he just left
oh, that it?
"Simon just went to Mandy's place looking for me." I say, frowning at my phone.
"He does care about you, he's probably worried about how you stormed off and haven't been answering his texts."
"Yeah, maybe. Do you want to get a bite to eat?" I ask.
"Sure let's go to Nandos" He says and I roll my eyes.
Me and Vik are eating our food, when Simon walks in searching until he sees us.
"Jess" He calls out before walk towards us.
"How did you even find us?" Vik asks.
He holds up his phone and says "Find my Friends"
"That's a little overboard don't you think?" I ask.
"I need to talk to you" He says ignoring my comment.
"What if I don't want to talk to you?" I say, avoiding eye contact.
"Please Jess, just five minutes" He begs.
I stand up "Five minutes"
We walk outside and I give Vik an apologetic look.
"Why are you ignoring me?" He asks, trying to catch my eyes.
"Because it's hard to be around you Simon" I say, avoiding his eyes.
"I don't get it" He says making me look up at him.
"Simon, if you're that much of an idiot that's ridiculous" I say, looking away.
"What is it" He asks getting frustrated.
"Simon I have feelings for you, so sorry I don't want to be around you when you're with Mia." I say, turning around.
"Jess..." He trails off and I open the door.
"Just leave me alone" I say walking back into Nandos, and to my table with Vik.
"You okay Jess" He asks and I shake my head, leaning back in my seat.
I can see Simon outside, pacing and he pulls his phone out before Vik's buzzes but he ignores it, continuing to eat his food.
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sidemensidekick · 7 years
All This Could Be Yours (Miniminter) (Part 3)
I had snuck out of the house every time me and Simon had hooked up in the past, but this time I had fallen asleep on top of Simon after a long day of work. It was currently 11 and the Sidemen house was waking up and I was woken up when JJ opened the door, yelling Simon's name.
I quickly make sure I'm covered and Simon quickly wakes up, realizing what had happened.
"Oh" JJ said looking from me and then to Simon and back to me.
"Do you mind?" I ask, and he winks at Simon and leaves.
"Are you going to be late for work?" He asks me as I start pulling on some clothes, some of mine having migrated into Simon's closet.
"No, I got fired from the desk job yesterday after someone else blamed me for a mistake they made on some paperwork, I'm trying to pick up more hours at my coffee shop but they only needed me for those few hours." I say, brushing out my hair with my hands.
"If you ever need somewhere to crash our doors are wide open" He says and I smile.
I don't know when it had happened but he had me under his finger. Maybe it was the conversations after sex or it was the goofy nature he had but somewhere in between I had started looking at him and saying to myself god, I love this man. And he didn't have a clue.
"I might be crashing with Mandy for a while, I'm already giving my months notice for my flat, I definitely will not have enough to afford that place now." I say laying back on his bed.
"That sucks, I'm so sorry" he says pulling on some clothes himself.
"I was expecting it, my boss was a dick anyways." I say checking my phone. I had a text from Vik.
Hey, can you remind Simon about the thing today?
What thing
Just say that I said to remind him about the thing, he'll know.
"Vikk said to remind you about the "thing"" I say using finger quotations, trying not to stare at him.
"Oh, we're supposed to go in to town and vlog today, do you want me to cancel so we can mope around here?" He asks, and I internally want to say yes.
"No, I need to start packing up my flat and bringing stuff over to Mandy's" I say getting up.
I smile when I reach the door "I'll text you later"
The next time I see Simon is when him and Vik come over to help me pack the next week. I was selling anything big that I had and the rest had to go in boxes until I had somewhere new to crash.
As we packed up my stuff we all made small talk, talking about whatever was going on.
"So Simon" Vik says, putting a few of my books in a box "Have you called that girl from the cinema?"
"Yeah, we're texting she's nice" he says smiling.
I feel out of the loop and avoid interrupting.
"She's totally into you, me and Josh were gone for like half an hour after the film and you didn't even notice" Vik says.
"Maybe..." Simon trails off and I look up at him, a smile on his face.
I feel my own smile falter and I look down at my box, shoving a few more things into it.
"I guess, maybe I'll call her later and ask her out" He says and finishes his box.
"Hey Jess, I've gotta go record with Josh, do you mind dropping Vik off after you two finish?" Simon asks, standing up.
I shake my head and he leaves, shutting the door. I feel myself lean back into the wall behind me and Vik notices me staring into nothingness.
"You okay Jess?" He asks and I snap out of it.
"Huh? Yeah I've just got a lot going on right now." I say picking at my leg.
"Yeah, I'm really sorry about what happened, that sucks" He says.
I smile "Thanks, I'm just stressed trying to find a new job, and moving out of here and everything, and It was fine just a week ago" I say, taking a deep breath.
"Hey, we'll always be there for you" He says and I smile. I hadn't known him or any of the Sidemen for very long but they had wormed their way into my heart.
Something else was bothering me too now, but I wasn't going to tell Vik about it, it was something I needed to keep to myself.
We finished the job and I went over to Mandy's with a car full of half of my stuff and two containers of ice cream.
When she opens the door and finds me with the ice cream, she ushers me inside and without saying a word starts up her laptop and gives me a blanket before getting spoons.
When she sits next to me on the couch she finally asks "What happened."
"Simon met this girl that day he went into town with Vik and Josh, the day after I lost my job" I say and she nods. "Vikk was saying that she was totally into him, and now he's gonna ask her out" I finish.
"You guys are just Friends with benefits right?" She asks and I nod " So technically this shouldn't bother you"
"I know but, a) I'm loosing said benefits and b) you know how I feel about him." I say.
"Then tell him how you feel, and if he doesn't feel the same you need to move on at some point." She says shrugging.
"I've tried but as soon as I'm getting to it he has to go somewhere or my phone buzzes and I have to leave" I say.
"So next time make sure you have time to say it, make sure he can't run away."
My phone buzzes and she pulls up some random movie on her laptop and starts playing it.
It was Simon.
You know that girl Vik was talking about?
She said yes!
Oh that's great Si
We're going to coffee sometime next week and she said she works at a book store
maybe she could hook you up with a job
don't worry about me Si, I'll find a job on my own
I know I was just offering
can you come over tomorrow?
you know why
I start typing asking him if we should stop since he's going to see this girl bur for once in my life I do something for myself and instead write
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sidemensidekick · 7 years
All This Could Be Yours (Miniminter) (Part 2)
Part 1 https://sidemensidekick.tumblr.com/post/160459794062/all-this-could-be-yours-miniminter-part-1
I wake up in Simon's room with a pounding headache and his arm around my waist and head in the crook of my neck. I carefully untangle myself from him and slip on my clothes from the floor, before finding a scrap of paper on his desk (which was a mess).
'000-000-0000 sorry for running, call me'
I put my boots back on and slip out of his room closing the door behind me and running right in to Vik.
"Hey..." I say awkwardly, looking at my shoes.
He looks a little surprised to see me come out and then smiles "Hey Jess, Amanda is in Josh's room but he said that she told you to just go home."
"Thank goodness I really don't want to deal with a hungover Mandy" I say reminding myself of my own hangover.
"Do you want some pain killers?" He asks seeing me wince.
"That would be great, thanks" I say and follow him down in to the kitchen.
He pulls a bottle from the cabinet and hands me a few pills and a glass of water.
"You're a life saver" I say smiling and swallowing the pills.
"No problem, I'm used to it, Josh tends to take a few people home once in a while" He says scratching his neck.
"And Simon?" I ask sipping my water.
"Never, last year his ex cheated on him and he hasn't been with anyone since" He says looking at his hands.
"Oh..." I say a little surprised.
"I was a little surprised when I watched you walk out of his room earlier." He says.
"Yeah..." I drift off "Mandy has been nagging at me to get back out there, when I moved here from California I left behind my boyfriend and we agreed it wasn't going to work because it wasn't a temporary thing." I say rubbing my thumbs on the glass.
"Oh, sorry" he says.
I smile "It's okay, I'm glad I came to the party though. I've gotta go, I have my weekend job that starts at noon."
"Oh, I would say see you around but who knows.
If that's going to happen." He says.
"I wrote my phone number down somewhere in Simon's room, text me sometime" I say making my way to the front door.
I wake up with a slight headache with the sheets next to me tussled. As I remember what happened last night I get out of bed, slipping on some sweatpants and a random sidemen shirt.
I look at my desk and I see a note scribbled on a random piece of paper, I put the number in my phone and make my way downstairs where I found Vik eating some cereal
"Hey Simon" He says as I get a glass of water and a painkiller.
"Hey, were you awake when Jesse left?" I ask, swallowing the pill.
"Yeah, she said she had work and she had a pretty bad hangover." He said.
"Oh.." I say feeling like shit for not being awake when she left.
"So, are you ready to get back out there?" He asked.
"I don't know, but she seems really nice, maybe I'll just see where it goes.
I hear footsteps on the stairs and Amanda walks in in one of Josh's shirts, holding her head.
"Morning" I say, passing her the painkillers.
"Thanks" She says yawning.
"Is Josh up?" Vik asks and she nods.
"Showering", she says before dry swallowing the pills "I'm assuming Jess left last night"
"This morning" Vik corrects.
"Oh really, wow" she says looking at me and I take another sip of water.
She walks out and back up the stairs before I make myself some toast and text Jess.
hey, sorry for running out on you
it's fine, at least you left a note
i have work at noon so i wanted to get home and shower before i had to go
where do you work?
on weekends and thursday nights i work at a coffee shop near my apartment and during the day on week days i work the front desk of an office building
did you ever go to uni?
no, i dropped out after my first semester, it wasn't for me but i'm working on getting a degree in business online.
sorry i've gotta go, i'll call you later.
The next time I saw Simon was when I ran in to him Christmas shopping in early December, I was walking out of the office and he was passing by.
"Simon" I called when I noticed him.
"Hey Jess, what are you doing here?" he said smiling at me.
"I work here" I say pointing at the sign above us.
"Oh, I'm just out doing some early Christmas shopping." He said.
I shivered under my jacket "Did you drive here?" I asked.
"No, Josh dropped me off." he said.
"Do you want a ride home?" I ask
"That would actually be great, thanks." He said and we walked into the parking garage across the street.
Once we were in my car I turned on the radio and we started driving. We talked about little things like the weather and what we had been doing.
He rested his hand on my knee as I drove and I was very aware of it. Throughout our conversation, every time we hit a bump in the road it seemed to crawl up and neither of us said anything.
When we got to his house he unbuckled and thanked me before leaning over to kiss my cheek.
I don't know what came over me but I moved my head at the last minute to catch his lips with mine.
He was surprised but went with it but soon we were making out with me straddling him in the passenger seat.
"Do you want to come inside" he says before kissing my neck.
"Is anyone home?" I ask moving my hair out of the way.
"I don't think so" he replies and I open the door, grabbing my phone and car keys.
I lay in his bed, my head nuzzled in to his neck and his arm around my waist.
"So what does this mean?" He wonders aloud.
It takes me a second to realize what he was saying, I guess I hadn't thought about it.
"I don't know, but I'm not sure but I don't know if I'm ready for a full on relationship at the moment" I say playing with his hand.
"Neither am I" he says and pulls a few sheets over his shoulders.
"So..." I trail off.
"Friends with benefits?" he questions and I shrug.
Someone knocks of his door and I quickly pull on my underwear and one of his shirts while he answers and puts on boxers.
"Hey, Simon do you want anything from Nandos?" Vik asks from the other side.
"Uh sure, whatever" he says.
I hear Vik walk away and the fron door open and shut again.
"Is anyone else home?" I question.
"Nope, Josh is at a friend's for the weekend and JJ is visiting home."
I roll over on top of him and smile "round two?"
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sidemensidekick · 7 years
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sidemensidekick · 7 years
All This Could Be Yours (Miniminter) (Part 1)
I slam my hands on the steering wheel as I pull onto the freeway, the traffic was horrific and I was supposed to meet Amanda at my place in half an hour.
Just as I'm about to pick up the phone to call her it rings and I put it on speaker, focusing on getting out of the mess I was in as soon as possible.
"Hey Jess she says through the speaker, as I turn of my radio.
"Hey Mandy, I am so sorry, I got held up at the office and I'm stuck in horrible traffic." I say groaning as I nudge my way through traffic.
"That's perfect!" she yells through the phone and I shake my head at her happiness of me being in traffic "Josie's been screwing this guy and he's having a birthday party tonight, and she said I should come with a plus one. Apparently he has some cute friends"
"That would be great Mandy, if i was actually looking for something right now." I saw remembering the relationship I had to end to move here.
"I know Jess, but you've gotta start somewhere and its been almost a year, you should at least break that dry spell of yours." she says and I can almost see her smile on the other end.
"Mandy!" I yell.
"It's true, you can even borrow one of my dresses." she says and I envision her closet.
"Yeah I'll pass" I say shivering at the thought of me in one of those scraps that don't cover half of her body.
"Okay not one of my dresses, but you're coming, and if you think you can get out of it, I'm at your flat-"
"Apartment" I correct her, smiling as I hear her frustratingly sigh.
"I'm British, it's called a flat, and I'm here going through your closet" she says and I hear hangers slide.
"Fine" I give in as I finally get off at an exit and begin to navigate the side streets "be there in 20."
I run my hands through my hair as I stare at myself in the mirror, I'm wearing a little black dress with long sleeves and  goes down to right above my knees along with a pair of black boots with a little bit of a heel.
My brown hair falls in my face as I pack my purse with the essentials, phone, wallet, hair ties, lip balm, and condoms (Mandy's idea).
I try to slip the condoms out on y way out the door, but Mandy catches me.
"You are not getting pregnant tonight" she says shoving them back in my bag.
"I am not having sex tonight" I say handing them back to her.
"You never know what will happen, just take them for me okay?" she says, placing them back in my purse.
I sigh and lock the door behind us, before making our way down to the parking garage. She puts the address in her phone and guides me there.
We pull into a spot slightly down the street from the house and get out, the cold air hitting my legs immediately, and I watch Mandy shiver as she gets out.
"Where's Josie?" I ask her and she checks her phone.
"She'll meet us up front, come on lets go." She says grabbing her clutch.
Both Mandy and Josie ditched me as soon as we got in the house and I search for the alcohol I'm not drunk enough for this I think to myself.
I find a six pack of beer on a table slightly past the front door and I open it with the table, popping off the cap. I take a "sip" and walk farther in.
I spot Mandy chatting up some guys in the kitchen, a red solo cup in one hand, phone in the other. Josie is in the living room clinging off some guy who I'm assuming is Harry, the birthday boy.
I start for a wall to drink my beer in peace when a guy comes up to me.
"Hey, you look a little out of place" He says gesturing around us.
I laugh " I was dragged by a few friends, I saw motioning to Josie and then Mandy.
"I see, I'm Vik by the way" he says.
"Jesse" I reply and take a swig of my drink.
"You're from America I assume" he says noting on my non-British accent.
"Santa Barbara, California" I say proudly.
Someone from near Mandy yells his name and he sighs, "I gotta run, Harry wants a picture with all the sidemen"
"Sidemen?" I question.
"i'll explain later, promise." he says and walks over in that direction.
Seven guys including the ones Mandy was talking to lined up with Harry in the middle and Mandy walks over to me.
"Who's he?" she asks motioning to Vik.
"His name is Vik, we were just talking" I say shrugging.
"He's cute" she says wiggling her eyebrows.
"Oh god Mandy, really? You know I don't just chat up a guy so I can have sex" I say.
The group of boys disperse and Vik heads back to me and Mandy accompanied by two other guys.
"Jess, this is Simon and Josh" he says motioning to each one respectively.
"This is Mandy" I say, and motion next to me.
Her and Josh start talking and Vik and Simon explain to me what they do and what the sidemen are.
Vikk runs off with some other guys, leaving me alone with Simon.
"Want another drink?" he offers and I look at the two beer bottles already next to me.
"Sure" I say, and he gets up off the couch to grab them, Mandy is in a corner with Josh and she gives me a thumbs up, to which I roll my eyes.
When he gets back i'm scrolling through my instagram and he hands me my beer and takes my phone, putting his instagram handle in and folowing himself.
"Hey! What if I don't want to follow you on Instagram?" I say crossing my arms.
"But obviously you do, it's a constant feed of my face" he says and I laugh, my intoxicated state beginning to show.
By the time I'm on my fifth beer, I'm playing beer pong with Simon against Vik and another guy, I think he said his name was Ethan.
I make it in to the last cup and in my drunken state, kiss Simon right then and there. There are a few whistles and I think I hear Mandy yell something.
We play a few more rounds before people start actually dancing to the music playing throughout the house. In my newly confident state I start dancing with Simon and our bodies get closer and closer.
I see Mandy disappear with Josh somewhere up the stairs and I watch as Josie sneaks out with Harry.
Me and Simon keep dancing and song after song passes. When we get tired, we head into the kitchen where Vikk, Ethan and a few other people are still playing beer pong.
I grab for another beer but Vik stops me. "I think you've had enough to drink" he says.
"oh come on, you're no fun" I complain, watching as Simon starts playing.
"Are you driving home?" He asks.
"Probably not, I'm Mandy's ride home and I don't think she's leaving until tomorrow morning ,  I might get an uber or something." I say.
I don't remember when exactly me and Simon left the kitchen again but by then the alcohol in my system was working at full capacity.
I found myself somewhere near the stairs, our bodies pressed against each other and our lips moving in sync.
He moves down my neck and my breath catches, "upstairs?" he asks looking at me and I nod.
Pretty soon we're in what I assume is his room and our bodies are back together. My back is pressed against the door and his mouth is on my neck again. My body is reacting much faster to his touch as it hadn't had anything close to this in a little less than a year.
I pull his shirt off his head and start palming him through his pants, he turns us around and heads for his bed.
I feel my legs hit the back of the bed and in a swift movement he takes off my dress and I fall back.
This is not my first time writing but I always enjoy tips and feedback.
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sidemensidekick · 7 years
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All This Could Be Yours - 1 (on Wattpad) http://my.w.tt/UiNb/Yi5JhT0CZC A one night stand turns into a two night stand turns into friends with benefits, but what happens when one develops feelings and the other gets into a relationship...
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sidemensidekick · 7 years
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If the Sidemen weren’t problematic
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sidemensidekick · 7 years
Jide: It’s illegal to be better looking than me. Simon: Well shit. Guys, it looks like we’re all going to jail.
(via incorrect-sidemen-quotes)
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sidemensidekick · 7 years
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sidemensidekick · 7 years
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si looking gorgeous as always
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sidemensidekick · 7 years
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sidemensidekick · 7 years
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