The name's Sicko. Hope you haven't come looking for a nice air cruise. Just be sure to be sick in the back. ((Independent RP blog for the Star Wars: Republic Commando canon character, Sicko. I track the tag sickowithwings. You can get to the next page of my blog by clicking the invisible arrow just beneath this text.))
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
"Sure." Bliz had never "had a drink" before- why would he sneak out of the barracks when he could be pretending to sleep in his warm bed? "Just let me armor up."
He shook his head, stiffening the laugh that he was about to let free. "No need for that. Get in your civvie clothes. This isn't an ops mission."
Little Talk
"Well that’s nice and all, but I really think we don’t want to cry to each other all night. Want to get a drink?" He was used to sneaking out of the barracks.
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Again, another act of mockery. He bowed.
"Very well, my lady. Your wish is my command." A subtle wink that lasted for a fraction fluttered on his face.
Juno laughed and pushed her red hair out of her eyes. She leaned forward a bit, bracing her weight on the bulk head above him. ” didn’t say it was off the menu,darling. But, I’m afraid I’ve got more pressing matters to deal with at the moment. Things that require a pilot, and I heard that you were good.”She reached down and wiped a smear of oil from his face with her gloved finger “want to help a lady out?”
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Sicko nodded and stared passed the trooper as if he weren't paying attention. He was. But he didn't know how to show it.
Sicko didn't know how to show he cared. He didn't have squad mates he grew up with. All his life he was alone.
He felt a punch in his gut but covered it with a cocky smirk. That's what he did. His personal shield.
"Well that's nice and all, but I really think we don't want to cry to each other all night. Want to get a drink?" He was used to sneaking out of the barracks.
Little Talk
"Someone getting ripped apart, normally," Bliz said flippantly, as if it didn’t bother him at all. "Burning, but it’s never me. Certainly a lot of blood." Bliz sighed and scowled. "Yeah, not much fun. You know, the whole shabbang- screaming, breaking, tears, pain, tons of blood.”
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An amused smirk crossed his face and he shifted himself to sit upright. He shrugged with a cynical grin on his face. "Wanna talk about it?" He snorted. "I don't know why you bother to ask. You know the usual answer, but I guess I'll make an exception. Burning. That's what my messed up mind comes up with."
Drawing his feet to sit crossed legged, he leaned forward. "What about you? And don't tell me you didn't have nightmares. Everyone does. Some more evident than others."
Little Talk
"I don’t see why not," Bliz said, sitting on the pilot’s bed and crossing his legs. "You want to talk about it?" It was always the first thing he said to his men, not that they ever answered. It was also the first thing one of his men would say to him.
Not that he ever answered.
From Bliz’s position on the bed, the pilot didn’t look to comfortable on the floor.
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Ridge placed the small gift, wrapped in shiny red, on the pilot's seat. Sicko would probably be annoyed that Ridge had hacked the controls to get in, but there was no permanent damage, so it was mostly okay. The small white card attached to it red "Happy Life Day".
Sicko stopped in his tracks as his eyes lay upon the small gift on his doorstep. Ridge. Heh.
A slight chuckle rumbled in his chest and he gracefully scooped up the present.
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He noticed the trooper's decision not to talk and grunted. "Thank you."
Marik sighed and folded his hands in his lap, feeling horrible for what he’d done. He was going to apologize again, but didn’t want to annoy his brother any more, so he kept his mouth shut.
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Heh. Some other poor bloke with nightmares that can't sleep either. Man, this war is messed up.
He grunted. "Yeah. Peachy." He turned his face to the side, resting his cheek on his arm and looked up at the solider. The fatigue lined the man's face and Sicko felt a pang of guilt. He didn't know why, but it hurt him on a personal level to see brothers like this. Their life was in his hands as he was to be the pilot for this squad's mission tomorrow. He always had a gnawing feeling in the back of his mind that he may be the one responsible for the deaths of many.
It didn't help that he felt like an outsider whenever he was around these special ops clones. They all knew the basic Mandalorian culture because they had the opportunity of being trained by the best. Sicko never had that. He felt like a lone wolf, despite being surrounded by brothers.
"You come to join me in my trek of not being able to sleep?"
Little Talk
Bliz sat up, turning his head just in time to see him fall off of his bed. Quietly, so as not to disturb the peaceful sleepers, he crept up to the bunk beside him. “Are you alright?” Since he wasn’t sleeping anyway, he decided it wouldn’t hurt to check out if the pilot was okay. Bliz placed a hand on the back of the pilot’s head. “Are you alright, vod?”
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+ livingxxfree "I need your help, ma'am." He'd heard about this woman's special talents. Her pranks were legendary in the barracks and now he was strutting towards her with a smile plastered onto his face. "If you would be so kind?"
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+ agent-wennen
Sicko draped his arm on the bench he had found himself upon and tilted his chin up to the sky. Waiting to pick up a group of very slow commandos was always the worst part. He could never leave or do any work. He just had to simply wait. He hated waiting.
He brought his head up again when he felt a pair of eyes on him and met his gaze with a rather pretty looking woman. He flashed her a grin. "Hello."
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Sicko's eyes immediately snapped open and he literally fell off the bed. It was the dream again. The one where he burns.
He grunted as his body hit the floor and groaned. He didn't get off the floor. Instead, he just buried his his face into the hard flooring and brought his arms up around his face. He didn't care that he could feel eyes on him. Let them watch.
Little Talk
There was a reason Bliz didn’t like sleeping.
The Commander of the 686th lay awake on the hard cot, counting the little scratches in the bunk above him.
As much as he would have wanted it to, the even breathing and soft snoring of his brothers beside him didn’t lull him to sleep the way they did on the lucky nights where he could actually close his eyes without screaming.
Bliz turned on his side, watching the man in the cot on his right sleep evenly. He noticed that his breathing pattern had changed from deep and even to something a bit more awake.
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He nodded with understanding, causing the squid to slip off his head and into his arms. "Geonosis was a tough time for all of us. I lost a lot of good pilots that day. Stupid Jedi aren't fit for command." If he were any other clone, he probably would have shut his mouth right there and then for saying such an unspeakable thing. But this was Sicko, the bold and headstrong clone that didn't hold back any of his thoughts. He said it like a casual topic in conversation, not even batting an eye at the fact he probably could be shunned for that.
She smiled faintly. “It’s yours.”
Kar had won it during one of the huge festival weeks in the City, from one of the game booths that would line the streets. She’d merely played it for the game, amassing an amount of toys by which she split among the younglings. That had been what had been left, which had originally been left on her partner’s desk, then Horace, then back to hers in the end. It was merely amusing and she had not real attachment to the thing.
"Yeah, I’m Mandalorian," she began, "Born right in the middle of a warzone— pretty much never stayed in the same spot for more than few weeks. Dad was one of Jango’s boys. So wherever the war went, we followed." She moved in her seat and continued, "Well the commandos are like that ‘cause most of us trained them."
There was a pause. “Had one hundred and twenty five boys— lost one or two on Kamino, another thirty at Geonosis. Then the Good Ol’ Chancellor stuck me with the spooks.”
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He muttered something under his breath and continued to bury his nose into his work. "I get it, I get it. Just do me a favour and stay over there, would you? I don't need you breaking something else."
If this particular trooper had broken something different, Sicko probably would have shrugged it off with a light laugh. But this was his spacecraft they were talking about. He didn't take that kind of stuff lightly.
Marik couldn’t help but feel a tiny bit hurt. Okay, so he’d destroyed part of his brother’s ship; it was an accident. Surely he knew that?
Ridge and his buddies would have been good- they were experts in technology.
"Sorry…" Marik didn’t even know why he was apologizing- Sicko obviously #8217;t accepted the first one, the second wasn’t likely to be any different.
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#sickowithwings:tales#((feel like this is relevant considering Sicko died in a flaming crash))
((And then I cried myself to sleep.))
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It was a pleasure to burn.
Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451 (via wasthatnotprocedure)
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He glanced down at the toy. "Yeah, it's growing on me." He flashed her a smile before placing it ontop of his own head, wobbling slightly to balance it.
"So you're Mandalorian, eh? What's that like? I never had the luxury of getting to know one. The commandos seem to take a liking to the culture."
She grinned briefly and commented, “Or expect them to grateful— not that I can take any credit for a lot of my work.” She shook her head, adding “Like I said being a spook, there’s a lotta gag orders and the like, but it’s be nice to get a thanks for what I stick my neck out for.”
“‘Course, Intel doesn’t see much clones, ARCs and the Nulls, occasionally commandos, most of ‘em though are non-clone, joined up before the war, or spoiled brats trying to get back at their parents, even sudden patriots who want to serve their Republic, who don’t really know the butt from the muzzle of a blaster rifle— then little ol’ me, the girl from Mandalore who managed to survive everything, one of the few who actually knows what to do here is treated like some plague carrier.”
She sighed shaking her head. “You want to fight a war, you get yourselves some Mandalorians. If you think we’re scum of the galaxy, then fight your own damn war with your Intel office full of morons.”
She paused, “Mostly morons. Captain Quinn is okay, Sergeant Horace too, Avery, and I dunno, Mercer’s still got a punch waiting for them.”
Kar looked up and apologized. “Sorry, I’m rattling off. Kinda gotta grudge ‘bout being disrespected.” She laugh softly, and added, “So you like that thing?”
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The question caught him off guard. He didn't know how to answer that.
"You mean the fact that we're grown to be slaves?" He shrugged. "They say we're lucky to know what we're made for. Apparently some people don't get the luxury of knowing their purpose in life. Although I don't really care."
Just two minutes? That killed Leia’s hope to have a longer conversation with the man. She leaned back on her heels as she let her eyes wander along the hangar. "Oh it’s not so bad. You get used to it." She mused simply, her eyes focusing on other things. "This whole thing is strange to all the Jedi, not just the younger ones like myself."
She let her words trail off, hoping to catch the clone wondering about the strangeness of all this fighting too. She would gladly die for her people, but this just seemed too planned. Their victories seemed impossible sometimes, and she couldn’t help but worry about that.
"What do you think of all this? Is this really the only way to go about things?"
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He shook his head. "No. I got this myself. Don't want you messing things up again."
Sicko didn't seem to have any boundaries when it came to his mouth.
Marik could feel Sicko’s hopefully mild discontent. He swore that he’d do everything in his power to make it up to his brother. “I think I know who would be able to help with this…”
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