Skin and bones
Chapter 1 (?)
You wake with a shout. You had promised yourself you weren't gonna go back there. *You lie to yourself. You cant go back there, it would ruin everything! *Nothing will change. You're stuck here forever. You have come to realise that these dreams are much better than being back there. You aren't back there anymore, now is different. *Don't let your efforts become a waste. You've changed. *You can't keep doing this, Y/N. You've grown. You're mature now.
*Sure you are.
The voice had croaked out from beside you, making you flinch. How long had they been there?! They nearly scared you half to death!
Their brown hair falls over their eyes. It does a good job of hiding the soft gaze they give you as you stretch and rub your eye crust away. You do end up catching them staring eventually though, to which they look away, whistling.
They sit up alongside you and you watch as they push themself up and out of your poorly made pillowfort, chortling to themselves as if theyve told the funniest joke known to man-kind.
"Oh har har," you groan, combing your hands through your h/c hair. You can see their eyes filled with amusement along the entrance of the blanket. Either your depressing attempt at sarcasm or your deadpan expression seems to make the ghost crack into a fit of maniacal cackles. They start to choke as you whine that it's only funny to them. In fact, it's so hilarious that you launch yourself further into your fort and promptly pretend to pout sullenly. So funny indeed. You make a grab at your phone a couple of times and finally manage to grab it. Your eyes water as you turn the device on. What the hell are they doing up at-
"FOUR-THIRTY IN THE MORNING, ARE YOU SHITTING ME???"Cue the dramatic witch cackles.
Chara reaches back in the fort to take a cracker from the snack pile you both share and you swat at their hand. They take a hold of you and force you up and into the kitchen to make some food for yourself before you go out to work. They were always looking out for you. You hum, contemplating on what to make, muttering to yourself as you open spotify and choose a random song from your playlist. You stand there for a second, unsure of what to say, you were always awkward in the silence. Chara found it annoying at first but they managed to adapt for you, bringing up ideas such as headphones or movies before bed to keep you focused on that instead of silence.
*Need help with anything yet?
Red eyes peer at you from over the counter, they glaze at the sight of the chocolate brownie box you pull out and begin to read.
"Yeah, actually! Since today is a Thursday we are making some desserts to eat with our movie marathon later. Chara, could you be a doll and help me with grabbing the sugar and flour? I cant find my stool today," you sigh. Chara nods so fast that it becomes a blur of red and brown, which makes you laugh joyously. Grabbing a whisk, milk and a few more ingredients along the way. You add them bit by bit and you get Chara to help with the right measurements to make sure the brownies are perfect for both you and Charas standards. You start to think of the many recipes you could make when you get back home from work and you bring out a notebook and pen from a drawer and start writing.
*Dude, you're making me drool here. Can we please just make the brownies before i eat everything in this damn kitchen?! You have work today, don't you?
Speaking of work, you muse. You do happen to have work in a few hours. You work dayshift in a cafe a few blocks away. It was a place where you were at peace. Most days it was packed with many different types of people and the regulars. The noise was a little bit startling when you walk in at first, yes, but then you don't have to worry about overthinking what that old lady had said to you three weeks ago on the bus as you walked past her. You take the dessert out the oven.
Chara drools as they catch a glimpse of that oh-so-delicious masterpiece. They end up immediately cringing as you crack as many places in your body possible and sigh in relief. You laugh mischievously and they sprint into the livingroom and back into the fort.
"Im away to get dressed, knock if you need anything, god can't save you if i catch you anywhere near those brownies, Chara Dreemur,"
*God is dead, i killed him in his sleep.
*Jesus too.
This is my first time ever trying to write a chaptered fanfic so lemme know what you think of it! I am sorry if i made any grammar errors as i am dyslexic lol. Which skeleton do you wanna meet first? 👀👀
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