Sick fics by Pyro Yoshi
68 posts
Emetophilia themed sick fics. OCs only, no fan fiction.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
sickficsbypyroyoshi · 3 years ago
Fic re writes
I'm sticking around for now, and I'm re writing all the sick fics I posted here in the past because, I'll be honest with myself here, the writing wasn't that great. I feel like I've improved a lot since then. So far I've only re written two of the stories, but I aim to give them all a makeover.
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sickficsbypyroyoshi · 4 years ago
Thinking about deleting this blog
I'm torn. On one hand, I've been in tumblr's sickfic community for years, and I've had people tell me my blog inspired them to start their own sickfic blog.
On the other hand, I've never been able to get even close to the amount of followers a lot of other sickfic blogs have. Followers aren't everything, and I know that.
I adore my OCs, but I've always felt like no one else cares about them, hence my seldom posting. I see the way people gush and fawn over other people's OCs and I'm left puzzled and thinking, "I don't get it? How come no one likes my OCs that much?" Maybe they're just 'too boring' for the tumblr sickfic community? Not enough trauma or dark pasts in their lives? I don't know.
A couple months back I tested the waters with my sick at the refinery fic and like three people on here enjoyed it. That's better than nothing obviously, but it's still quite discouraging. I actually did plan on writing another fic--one where Drake and August go up North for a boy's weekend and get horribly sick from eating undercooked fish--but now I won't bother as I doubt anyone will care.
Even if I don't delete this blog, I'm definitely done writing sickfics. Sorry guys.
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sickficsbypyroyoshi · 4 years ago
A to Z emeto
Bored of writing the same few emeto prompts over and over? I've compiled an A to Z list of reasons why someone might puke. A few letters I couldn't think of anything, or just repeated something redundant, so if you can think of something I missed let me know.
A: airsickness, alcohol poisoning, altitude sickness
B: blowjobs/deepthroating
C: carsickness, concussion, coughing to the point of vomiting, CPR
D: deep sea fishing, drinking too much, drugs
E: ear infections
F: food allergies, food poisoning
G: gagging yourself, getting punched in the nuts, green outs
H: harmful bacteria, heart attack, heat exhaustion
I: injury (puking from pain)
J: Jager bombs
K: kidney stones/infection
L: lactose intolerance
M: medication side effects, migraines, morning sickness, motion sickness
N: nervousness, norovirus
O: overeating, overexertion
P: parasites, poisoning, pregnancy
R: radiation exposure
S: seasickness, squeamishness, stomach virus
T: trauma (mental/PTSD)
V: vertigo
W: watching someone else puke
X: xanax overdose (maybe?)
Z: zinc poisoning
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sickficsbypyroyoshi · 4 years ago
After a long period of not making any new content, I rise from the abyss to post a new sick fic. This one doesn’t feature my regular OCs, but instead two characters from my novel. Bailey (who I posted a picture of a page or so back) and Terry (who I commissioned lickstynine to draw for me).
It’s the fic version of my ‘another emeto in the trades’ post from my main blog. Two guys get food poisoning from a catered lunch and start puking at the same time while up on a refinery vessel, over two hundred feet off the ground. I guarantee you’ve never read a sick fic quite like this one.
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sickficsbypyroyoshi · 4 years ago
Country emeto scenarios
This is probably obvious through some of my OCs but I’m so weak for blue collar outdoorsy country boys. They, along with long haired metal heads, are my kryptonite and I’m thinking about some hottie in Carhartts and a John Deere hat getting sick in one of these scenarios:
1. Seasickness from fishing on rough waters. Deep sea fishing is notorious for this, as is fishing on Lake Superior. The rough waters have a tendency to upset the stomachs of many people, even those who normally don’t get motion sick. I know a guy who went fishing on Lake Superior twice, got seasick both times and couldn’t enjoy his outing because he spent the whole time puking over the side of the boat. Grade A emeto whump right there.
2. Motion sickness from 4 wheeling or mudding. Especially if you’ve been drinking. Lots of bouncing + stomach full of alcohol = recipe for puke. My OC August likes 4 wheeling and mudding but he gets motion sick so he has to drive otherwise he’ll be vomiting in no time.
3. Getting sick from food poisoning/a stomach bug while out hunting. Deer hunting involves a lot of waiting. Imagine a nauseous guy wearing a scent blocking coat sitting in a deer stand, feeling sicker and sicker as time goes by. Eventually the nausea becomes too much and he throws up all over the place, which scares all the deer away.
4. Accidentally swallowing a pinch of dip. Personally I’m not a fan of chewing tobacco, but I know a lot of guys who enjoy it. If you accidentally swallow the tobacco, it WILL make you sick and there’s a high chance you’ll puke soon afterwards. There’s nothing you can do either. Once you’ve swallowed it, there’s no going back.
5. Food poisoning from improperly cooked fish or game. While less likely to make you sick than store bought/factory farmed meat, animals you catch or hunt yourself can still make you sick. Maybe it looks fully cooked but it’s not, or maybe they were really hungry and the cooking meat smelled so good that they didn’t want to wait any longer. Either way, they’re going suffer later on. They’ll be laying in bed awake, unable to sleep with a bloated, heavily upset stomach that keeps sloshing and gurgling. Then it hits. They bolt for the bathroom but they don’t make it and erupt with a fountain of chunks, making a huge disgusting mess.
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sickficsbypyroyoshi · 4 years ago
Underrated emeto scenarios
I love characters puking from food poisoning, stomach bugs, motion sickness and overindulgence of alcohol as much as everyone else, but can we talk about some less common for someone to puke?
I’d love to see some sick fics with the following emeto scenarios:
1. Altitude sickness! People from low elevation areas can sometimes suffer when the altitude changes too much, and it can cause nausea and vomiting. Imagine a person from say, Florida, going to a place like Mt. Rainier in Washington, which is over 14,000′ above sea level. That’s a huge change, and someone who suffers from altitude sickness would be in for a really bad time. Plus, altitude sickness can affect anyone, wether or not they’re prone to motion sickness.
2. Ear infections! Specifically, the type with internally dripping fluid due to an inner ear blockage. Swallow too much of that stuff and you’ll be feeling really sick. The sick character would likely be dizzy as well, and they might need someone to help them get to the bathroom.
3. Concussions! I’m not talking life threatening knockouts, but more minor head injuries. Unlike movie characters, real people can’t simply walk off a concussion. If you get knocked out for more than a couple seconds, you’ll probably feel really sick and throw up upon waking. Even if someone doesn’t get fully knocked out, head injuries will often make people puke. Emeto + injury = A+ whump.
4. Zinc poisoning! This one is rather obscure to people who don’t work in the trades, but the whump potential is great. There’s a reason why welding is done in a well ventilated area: the zinc galvanization can cause vapors that make you sick. When welding galvanized metal, the zinc coating needs to be ground off. If it gets too hot, it can release harmful vapors that might make you dizzy, nauseous and cause you to puke. 
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sickficsbypyroyoshi · 4 years ago
Wait, WHAT novel are you writing? Is that an emeto novel, or was this just emeto fanservice for a non-emeto novel? xD
Fan service for a non emeto novel I’m afraid. Though one of the guys does get sick and puke a couple times. It’s more graphic than a typical literary puke scene, but not graphic enough to make readers ask “wtf why is there two paragraphs describing this dude puking?”
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sickficsbypyroyoshi · 4 years ago
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@lickstynine did an awesome commission of my OC Terry, a character from the novel I’m working on. Men making themselves throw up by deepthroating objects = good shit.
I love it, thanks again!
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sickficsbypyroyoshi · 4 years ago
Guys, I’m really loving the idea of a sick gangster. Like an old time mafioso in a nice suit and a fedora who usually smokes high quality cigars but he’s been feeling sick all day and just the thought of lighting one up makes him want to puke.
Some poor bastard who owes the mafia money or had information they want is tied to a chair in the middle of an old warehouse. A group of mafioso is surrounding him, and the leader is off to the side giving orders.
The guy who’s been feeling really sick all day is given the order to break a few fingers. On any other day, this wouldn’t be a problem. But when he approaches the guy, his stomach revolts and he projectile vomits all over the bound man.
Cue the leader shouting, “Tony, what the hell! That’s not what I meant when I said let him have it!”
Meanwhile the bound guy is like “Augh! Okay, okay! I’ll get you the money! Just don’t puke on me again! Oh god, it’s getting down my pants...”
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sickficsbypyroyoshi · 4 years ago
Can I just say - your fics? *Chef's kiss* SO good!
Why thank you, kind anon! I aim to please.
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sickficsbypyroyoshi · 5 years ago
Definitely a community thing. It seems there aren’t many active sick fic blogs anymore, which is a shame. I have ideas for fics, but I haven’t written them since I don’t know if there’s much of anyone left to care. I’ll probably write and post them anyways, even if they only get 3 notes a piece.
Then again 2020 has been an absolute clusterfuck and people have much more important priorities to take care of. Maybe next year will be better. I won’t give up hope yet.
I always want to write these days but feel like this platform is mostly dead. Is that the case? I knew it had steadily been going down for a while but I’m not sure if the lack of engagement or interaction is a me-thing or a community thing?
I’m not trying to complain - I just work hard on my writing and I’m trying to decide which platform is best.
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sickficsbypyroyoshi · 5 years ago
Yes! Characters puking at work is one of my all time favorite scenarios.
god actually I really enjoy the thought of being sick at work. I've been thinking about it for a few days because of that last anon and it's one of my favorite scenarios that I've... never written about for some reason?
but like, the vulnerability of puking somewhere that isn't your home, of not having time to hover over the toilet waiting for your nausea to blow over! the concept of having to go to your boss or coworkers and miserably admit that you threw up!
a good Hashtag Concept for this is a character who feels sick all day, finally pukes in the bathroom and tells their manager that they're sick, but they have an important task that needs to get finished today, and they're the only one who can do it – maybe the manager is sympathetic but asks if they can hold out for another half hour, just long enough to finish the most important part of said task, and then they can take the rest of the day.
or maybe the manager is Shitty and doesn't believe the character and /demands/ that this task be finished before they leave, but it'll take hours for the whole thing to be completed
or maybe the manager is still nice, but the character underplayed their illness and said something like "I'm not feeling great" instead of admitting that they threw up, so in a similar situation to the first scenario, they're asked if they can complete their work for the day, and they agree out of politeness
either way I'm just thinking about a character hunched over a computer with their trashcan on their lap, leaning over it to burp unsteadily every few minutes.
(bonus: how do their coworkers react? do they try and help the character with their work so they can go home? are they disgusted when the character finally pukes? are they sick too?)
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sickficsbypyroyoshi · 5 years ago
Nurse Heidi
@snickery-storm​ requested sick Jamie with Heidi as the caretaker, and I obliged. Since this focuses more on the care taking aspect, it’s a little fluffier and cuter than what I normally write. Jamie gets sick and Heidi takes care of him. It’s short, but I hope you like it anyways, I enjoyed writing it!
Hey. I’m here with the game. Jasper beat it and loved it, thanks for letting him borrow it.
Heidi stared at her phone, like that would make Jamie reply faster. She’d been waiting for seven minutes, but her message was still unread. She was a very patient person for the most part, but if she sent a text and didn’t get a reply within five minutes, she was very likely to text repeatedly until she got a response. Or ‘harassing the shit out of you until you get fed up and reply’ as she called it. It was one of her bigger faults.
She waited for another minute, but impatience got the better of her.
Come on Jamie. I know you’re home. My car is parked right next to yours. Can you let me in please?
No response.
Heidi picked up Jamie’s copy of Silent Hill that he’d let her boyfriend Jasper borrow, got out of the car and began tapping on his patio door.
Jamie and his roommate Kevin shared a two bedroom apartment on the first floor of their complex. It was that same typical copy and paste floor plan common to nearly every other apartment building in town; four bland, boring and beige square shaped rooms with no interesting features. Heidi had much more whimsical tastes and would surely rip her own hair out if she had to live in such a boring building.
Heidi knocked on the glass door again.
“Jamie? I’ve got your game. Are you taking a shit or something?” she called out. 
She was about to call him when he came shuffling from the hallway and opened the patio door to let her in. 
“Was I interrupting a jerk off session or...damn. You look terrible.” she trailed off when she finally got a good look at him.
Jamie was pale, looked fatigued, wasn’t wearing his glasses and had one arm wrapped around his stomach.
“Thanks, I feel terrible too,” he said sarcastically, but he didn’t put much effort into it.
“Sorry, I didn’t know.” Heidi replied sheepishly. “Do you feel sick?”
Jamie nodded. It was more than a slight understatement. He felt horrendously nauseous and knew he was going to puke any minute, so it was only fair to warn her beforehand. 
“Yeah, I feel really bad. I think you’ve got about two minutes until I projectile vomit all over the place. I wasn’t ignoring your texts, by the way. I just felt too sick to move.”
“That sucks, but you won’t suffer alone. I’m not leaving you like this.” Heidi volunteered and let herself in.
“No, I’ll be fine. I’ll...uh...” the color drained from Jamie’s face as he spoke and he swallowed thickly as he was overwhelmed with nausea. He didn’t want to puke in front of her, but he knew her well enough to know that she meant it. She wasn’t going to leave unless the building suddenly started on fire.
“You sure about that?” Heidi put the game back on Jamie’s shelf and gave him a knowing look. “You are not fine.”
Jamie groaned and put the back of his hand over his mouth. A muffled gag came from behind it.
“That’s what I thought. Come on.” she gently touched his shoulder and guided him down the hall to the bathroom.
The bathroom was small and according to Heidi’s standards, on the disgusting side. She was a bit of a clean freak and could tell that Jamie and Kevin didn’t clean or even dust it very often, but chose not to comment on that. She couldn’t realistically expect two straight twenty something guys to keep a spotless, sparkling clean bathroom.
Jamie knelt in front of the toilet to wait. His mouth was slightly open and saliva dripped into the bowl.
Heidi positioned herself behind him. “Just let it happen, don’t fight it.”
“I’m not,” Jamie said weakly. “Ugh, I feel so sick.” He placed a hand over his incredibly upset stomach and could feel things moving around inside it. He was so full and bloated, leaving him feeling like he’d swallowed a bowling ball filled with molten lead. That hot burning sensation spread out through his guts and quickly traveled up his throat. He grimaced and spat out sour coppery tasting saliva.
Jamie’s stomach clenched and he brought up a flood of repugnant brown vomit. It splashed into the water and a few drops got on the toilet seat. He retched noisily and threw up again, then felt Heidi’s long blonde hair tickling his shoulders.
“That’s it, get it all out. You’ll feel better soon.” Heidi soothed him and placed her hand on his sweat dampened back. She began lightly messaging his upper back as he puked violently into the toilet bowl. “You’re going to be okay.”
Wave after wave of puke came up as Jamie continued retching. Heidi was impressed in a strange sort of way. Jamie was a small guy, only 5’5” and 130 pounds soaking wet, but his stomach could hold a lot. When it came to food, he demolished large portions with ease, which made Heidi wonder where he put it all.
It did eventually end.
“Done?” Heidi asked.
“I think so,” Jamie said. His throat burned and his voice wavered a bit. He wiped his mouth, flushed the toilet and leaned back against Heidi to recuperate.
“How are you feeling?”
“A little better.”
“That���s good, I was starting to get a bit worried,” Heidi admitted. 
It got a small smile out of her friend. “Thanks Heidi. You didn’t have to do that.”
“Nonsense. I say what I mean. When I say I’m going to care for you when you’re sick, I’m going to do it.”
Jamie looked up at her. “Will you stay for a little longer?”
She smiled back at him. “Of course.”
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sickficsbypyroyoshi · 5 years ago
Thanks again, I really love them!
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A big commission for the wonderful @pyro-yoshi / @sickficsbypyroyoshi of her lads, Roy, Jamie, Dallas, August, Tristan, Lyle, and Drake! Thank you so much for the comm, I really enjoyed fucking up your boys!
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sickficsbypyroyoshi · 5 years ago
Hey could you please write a sickfic with Heidi and Jaime were they are dating, then jaimie gets a bad stomach bug and Heidi takes care of him? Thanks ❤️
Hi, thanks for your suggestion. I can definitely do a Heidi and Jamie fic, but it won’t quite match your request. Heidi has a boyfriend named Jasper (but I haven’t introduced him yet because I’m a lazy sack of shit).
But I’d love to do a fic where Jamie gets sick and Heidi takes care of him.
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sickficsbypyroyoshi · 5 years ago
Ideas or requests?
I’ve been working on my first novel for a while now, and I’m actually serious about having it published and getting my name out there as a horror author. Unsurprisingly I’ve been focusing primarily on that and this blog (as well as my main blog) have been placed on the back burner for now.
However due to the corona virus panic I’ve got a lot of time on my hands. Too much time, in fact. I’m off work and have no clue when I’ll get called back.
I’d like to get back into writing for this blog in the meantime, but I don’t have a ton of ideas. Does anyone have any ideas, prompts or suggestions? Any specific characters or situations you’d like to see? 
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sickficsbypyroyoshi · 5 years ago
Do you plan to write more characters being aroused by vomiting in the future? I eat that shit up and love it so much. It’s so underwritten and you’ve made masterpieces.
I’d love to, but my only concern is Tumblr’s ridiculous ban on anything NSFW. I’m worried that my blog will get flagged and hidden.
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