made myself mythical
31 posts
percy hawthorne. son of apollo.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
sibyllicson · 1 month ago
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The alcohol was what caused Percy's mask to slip off in the moment, one that had been layered and made from his own pride and pain. That part of his heart that wanted to reach out to Matteo, to be touched and kissed by him, it was refusing to be locked away any further and clung to the others body as if he were about to lose the son of Ares once more.
Pinned against the wall, memories flashed through the seers mind of how rough Matteo could be with him yet. A controlled strength that knew how to give him what he wanted without hurting Percy. A soft, needy moan escaped his lips as Matteo kissed him once more. This time there was more passion in it, as if letting out everything from the months that the two of them were apart. His hands dug through the others raven black hair, tugging on it as he kissed him.
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There was a sense of pride that swelled in his chest. He never liked to think of Percy as something he could win, but in this moment he had. Whatever wall had been put up he had broken back down. He may not have planned too, didn't even know he was chipping away at the other's defenses, but he had won. The kiss was proof enough of that. He let his hans rub at the side of the others face with a small smile of his own, "I missed you too," he needed to show a softer side to Percy needed to show that he cared just as much as the other did. "I will, I will remind you of all the good that was us being together." He pulled the other close to him with a smile, "but first i want to do something." He pushed Percy against a wall hands gripping at the hips with a bit more force. The kiss offered was deeper more passionate as he had the son of Apollo pinned. He wanted to show Percy that despite the split and the riff he never stopped caring for him.
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sibyllicson · 1 month ago
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Percy had pushed Matteo away and tried to set boundaries, something his ex boyfriend had respected... but now it was Percy who was breaking those boundaries himself. He had no right to be jealous and yet he was, he couldn't push those feelings down any longer. The two of them lived together in the same house and he'd always see Matteo.
That drunken smile only widened when Matteo spoke, stroking his ever growing ego. "Good," their lips met for a kiss and he ran his fingers through that raven black hair. He'd never forgotten the taste of Matty's lips but god, it felt so good to taste them again. To feel that warm touch against his own... Matteo was intoxicating for the son of Apollo. "I miss you, so much.." he sighed, resting his forehead against the others. Even drunken Percy knew he'd probably regret being so candid and vulnerable but Matteo had a way of opening him up, in more ways than one. "Take me home? I want to fall asleep in your arms again."
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The ease in witch he followed Percy should be concerning. This was a man that before tonight made it very clear he wanted nothing to do with Matteo, possibly even resented him for how their relationship broke down. Yet, there he was eyes locked on him as he pulled away to some dark corner of the bar so they could be alone. Maybe everyone was right, maybe he never stopped liking Percy. Maybe a part of him even loved him.
Any bubbling worry was pushed away as Percy ran his fingers in his hair. Eyes closed as he leaned into the touch opening them with a smile. "Jealous?" he spoke with a feign shock, "please one look at you and i forgot what that man looked like" Sure it was a big statement but it was true. There was no pause after the request just closing the space till their lips meet.
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sibyllicson · 1 month ago
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Through his entire prepubescence to his young adulthood, Percy wasn't given a proper and formal education. He was homeless on the streets and eventually traveling with a circus, so he what he knew was self taught.. and then he was brought to the island where he spent years studying at the Academy of Alexandria. That's why he found knowledge so valuable, you never knew how much you needed it until you didn't have it.
As the two made their way through the crowded bookshelves and piles of books and scrolls piled up, he brought Charlie to a corner. The room had high ceiling windows that filled the room with natural sunlight, but the yellow curtains hid his divination center. There was a large, round table with a crystal ball that was filled with orange and yellow smoak, almost resembling the sun itself. There was a stack of tarot cards as well as a cabinet of cups he used for tea leaves reading. "This is where I can focus on my divination."
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A beautiful room and honestly a bit surprising for a child of Apollo. Charlie had, of course, met a few in his life and he always pictured them as a bit frat broy, usually being paired up with Dionysus demigods, or seriously into acting or music, but this was a side of Apollo that Charlie has never seen. Stepping inside, he moved over to one of the bookshelves, looking over all of the covers just to see what Percy had here. " This place is beautiful Percy, I could very much get lost in here," He admitted. Charlie did love to read, he was a homebody most months out of the year and while he wasn't taking care of the inn he had a lot of hobbies that he could do on his own, reading, knitting, sewing, even a bit of painting even if he was shit at it. " Any secrets?" He knew of Sam's large hot tub and even he had a small little sauna in his log cabin, he wondered if there was any special little secrets hidden in this ispy of books.
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sibyllicson · 1 month ago
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Drinking had never been something Percy was necessarily conservative about, he liked to party as much as the next person but he did notice a spike in his drinking since he accepted the call and moved into the big house with the others. Maybe it was because the house felt more like a frat house and they all drank most nights, or maybe it was a way for Percy to brush off those nerves that had been bubbling since first moving in.
He didn't want to think about that. "Yeah, that might help." he said before chugging a shot of whatever bottle was on the table. Shaking his head, the headache slowly eased some. "I don't usually black out like that, sorry." he walked over and sat down besides Kirby, leaning in to steal a kiss. "But I do think I'm entitled that that refresher that you offered."
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"You wound me Percy. You don't remember how I had you praising god as I rode you through the night?"
Grasping at his chest he gives an exaggerated gasp as if he'd just been stabbed. His other hand raising up to his forehead as he swoons back into the bed falling into the sheets with a thud. From his position entangled in the sheets he let's out a soft sigh.
"Maybe I should give you a refresher course."
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At the mention of the hair of the dog he let's a soft chuckle escape. He'd never had much of a problem with a hangover, not since he'd developed his specialty with his healing touch. Turning onto his side he let's his head rest on his hand as he props himself back up. Uncaring how his body was still on full display, markings from the previous night littering his frame.
"Would you like me to help with that? I've been told I've got a magic touch."
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sibyllicson · 1 month ago
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"After you're homeless at the age of eleven and have to fight grown men for scraps, you learn that any food is good." Percy said nonchalantly, fishing out a pair of forks for the two of them before taking one of the plates and going to town on it. Not as good as Casemiro's, who made himself the house chef, but not bad.
While most would assume the child of Apollo would be some kind of archer, weaponry was never something that necessarily came easy to him. Not the way knowledge and magic did. Even before he knew he was a demigod and was part of a circus, the mystical art of divination drew him in. "Yeah, I know my way around a spell book."
"You looking to learn some magic, Con?" he asked with a mouthful of scrambled eggs.
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Stud earned a grunt in Percy's direction with a wry smirk before he went back to scrambling the eggs into overcooked bullets before piling them high in a bowl. Percy was actually probably the perfect person to pick his brain over the issues that Conan was having lately. Performance had never been a problem for him but magic was a whole other ballgame.
"They're nothing like Cas'." Conan conceded Hecate's son knew his way around the kitchen but Conan was a big eater. He dropped the bowl and a pair of plates in front of Percy before he started dishing them out, "You're good with spells and crap, yeah?" So eloquent.
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sibyllicson · 1 month ago
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as a wizard, knowledge was an essential tool to your power. for the entirity of his adolescence and his early adulthood, percy wasn't given the luxury of a proper education so he had to teach himself everything he knew. maybe that was why he was so passionate about it and why he delved into the academy of alexandria and everything it had to offer when he was first brought to the island all those years ago.
while his bedroom worked as a library itself with books stacked in just about every corner, it wasn't quite enough and he found himself spending a lot of his free time in one of the many libraries of the academy. after his last quest, percy was focused on reading as much as he could on those invisible tentacle monsters that attacked them in achilles' apartment and the horned one. 
"oh, hi cas" he looked up from the pile of books that he'd been carrying to an empty table. "sure." he walked over and sat across from the son of hecate, setting his books down. "oh that's interesting, what do you think you're going to do with it?"
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tucked in a comfortable corner within one of the many libraries that the house provides, casimiro balances a book on his knee, eyes scanning the pages, his free hand taking down notes. every now and then, he'll spin the pen between his fingers, humming to himself when he finds something exceedingly interesting. let's face it, most of the books in here are interesting to him. knowledge is power and power is something that he likes.
he turns the page and yawns, bringing a hand up to cover his mouth when he looks up and notices percy walking into the room. he grins to himself. matteo keeps a lot close to his chest and, as he's experienced, misinterprets a lot of information through a lens of his choosing—mostly one in which people only want him for one thing.
"hello, percy." casimiro says when the son of apollo is close enough. "need a study buddy? i'm just reading books on love and sex magic and how to counter it."
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sibyllicson · 1 month ago
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at least percy didn't wake up with matteo, that would have been embarassing... the idea of putting his heart out there like that was embarassing and percy would have to find a way to make sure napoleon forgot about his first impression of percy. looking over his shoulder, he saw the other checking him out and made an excuse to bend over to pick something up. it was a shame that they didn't hook up, though. "i'm usually not the emotional type like this," percy wasn't one to be so raw like this. "so you won't have to worry about me crying on your shoulder again."
sliding the shirt back on, percy stretched his limbs a little to wake his body up fully. "yeah, i'm percy." at least the guy seemed cool enough. "i had other ideas of how to start the day," he couldn't help but flirt a little. reaching over, he took the others hand to guide him out of the bedroom and out to the courtyard and then down to the common rooms. "but caffe works for me." percy said as they entered the kitchen. "so you're the son of poseidon, right?"
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look, napoleon tried to be a gentleman on most occasions, but he wasn’t a saint. when percy turned around, his eyes briefly caught a glimpse of those bare buttocks before the other turned to address him once again. “oh- uh, yeah.” did the other ask a question? no idea. focusing back on the subject at hand, he let out a chuckle at the apology. “nah, that’s not required. glad you destressed well.”  napoleon stood up to pick up a shirt on the floor, tossing it over to the other. “percy, right? at least that’s the name you used .” another light chuckle escaped him as he stretched sleep-laden limbs. after a crack of his neck – then another one – napoleon’s smile had become fully charged up and flashed at the other in full brightness. “so do you want something to soak up the misery? caffè?” 
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sibyllicson · 1 month ago
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While he thought he was over Matteo and that chapter of his life had been closed, having to live under the same roof as his ex boyfriend just proved that those feelings had only been pushed down... the wound was reopened and those feelings bubbling back up to the surface. It started out as simply just resentment and trying to keep his distance but now, the resentment had burned away and jealousy took over that flame. Somehow he was even angrier seeing Matteo flirting with someone else, even if he knew he didn't have any right to be jealous. He was the one who cut things off... and yet, here Percy was. Throwing himself at his ex. 
"Mhmm, I like the sound of that." the drunk Percy said, his fingers combing through those raven locks and his body slowly guiding them away from the group of people around them. He didn't even notice if the guy was still there or not, tugging Matteo away to a dark corner where preying eyes wouldn't be on them. "I know I shouldn't be jealous.. but I am." the liqour was making him more honest than he would have liked. "I just.. really wanna kiss you right now, Matty."
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yes part of the reason that Matteo invited Percy was that he missed hanging out with him. The other part was that he knew that once the other started looking into something there was a chance he would get lost in it. Their new job gave them way too much to focus on and fun would be needed or Percy would never leave his room. So if he had to run a tab up in the name of team building getting to look at Percy in a club was only an added benefit.
The night had passes mostly the same as any other night out. Dancing with any one that asked attention freely given and taken to any one that asked or offered. A smile on his face as a child of Demeter praised his biceps and asked him to flex. Matteo never one to shy away from pride did just that. Matty could have ran off with this guy not 2 seconds ago but as soon as he heard Percy's voice his focus was turned on him. . "yeah of course" no idea what this could be but he was needed so he went.
between the giggle and the hand on around his neck it was easy to be taken back to the time of them dating. "Missing me that much?" he teased with a smile of his own as his hands found the other's lips. "all you have to ask and ill come running"
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sibyllicson · 2 months ago
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JONATHAN BAILEY "Jurassic World Rebirth" | 2025, dir. Gareth Edwards
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sibyllicson · 2 months ago
closed for @matteofares setting ogygian club
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of course percy knew agreeing to go to the club tonight was a bad idea, matteo had been the one who invited him and yet... there was that part of him that was all to tempted to go. that voice was what won out, the son of ares agreed to buy his drinks and behave. maybe he could get to know the other demigods and get to know them a little better, instead of staying cooped up inside his bedroom yet another night while the other demigods got closer. 
as the night went on and the demigods had drink after drink, their inhibitions seemed to melt away. a few of them were paired off and percy was sitting at the bar with his drink in hand, he saw matteo chatting up some stranger. a burning jealousy seemed to burn through him, one he knew he had no right to have... there was nothing there with matteo but the alcohol was telling him to forget about the past. chugging the last of the drink, percy didn't realize he was walking in the direction of his ex until he could hear the two of them talking. his eyes narrowed in on the random guy. "matty, i need to talk to you. alone." 
once the other person was gone, percy wasted no time in wrapping his arms around the others neck. "hi.." he giggled, clearly drunk. "spend time with me."
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sibyllicson · 2 months ago
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percy had always been a morning person, maybe it had something to do with the fact that his father was the god of the sun so it was hardwired in his brain. even before he'd been claimed by apollo. but he was always up by the crack of dawn, starting his day before most of the other demigods. mornings usually consisted of some light exercise and studying up in his room, there were never enough books for a wizard to master their craft. 
making his way downstairs to the kitchen, percy's eyes were fixated on the giant of a man who seemed to be scrambling eggs. he didn't know conan very well, but the son of zeus stood out like mount olympus herself in comparison to the other fourteen chosen. "mornin', stud." percy said as he sat on the edge of one of the countertops, balancing himself. "think there's enough eggs for me too?" the smell of food must have awoken his stomach, which was now growling.
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@sibyllicson location: Some common room, Big House notes: pick me choose me love me, here's something cute
Morning routine was usually the same. Jog or swim. Maybe row but he always ended up in the kitchen after a shower hot enough to burn a few layers off. He liked the quiet of the trickling hours preceding the break of dawn, when Ogygia hung in suspension between night and day it reminded him distinctly of home.
It'd surprise no one to learn that Conan only knew how to barbeque and make either spaghetti or scrambled eggs. It was nine in the morning so with a cracked beer on the counter next to him, Conan scrambled the eggs he'd broken into the pan until they were leathery bullets.
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sibyllicson · 2 months ago
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spending his entire adolescence and early adulthood in a circus, living with a crew of unique individuals who all came from such different walks of life wasn't new for percy. so much of his life had been spent sleeping in a caravan curled on a small bed in a corner, now it felt like him and the fourteen other chosen demigods were living like royals in a palace that overlooked their subjects. the demigod was the son of poseidon, the two hadn't been acquainted yet but percy would always remember a handsome face.
at least he didn't end up drunkenly texting his ex, now that was something he couldn't have lived with. 
"oh..." he turned around, his bare backside was on display for the other who was fully dressed. "well, that's embarrassing.." drunk percy certainly did get more emotional, maybe the idea of living in such a massive room reminded him of how lonely he felt here but those were feelings he wasn't really in the mood to sort through. at least not in that moment. "apologies, mate." he said as he strolled through the bedroom, grabbing a pair of underwear and a pair of pants. "i'm usually not such a mess... but i suppose this is one way to meet."
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okay, so the big house is kind of a frat house. the men, the parties, the creaks heard in the night ─── napoleon would have made the connection sooner if he hadn’t been so preoccupied with orchestrating said parties. but frat house or not, their home was now a collective space shared by a motley crew of fourteen. and its tenets deserved some company. that explained how he ended up sleeping next to one of the chosen, someone he hadn’t met previously. napoleon let out a small groan at the other's movement, waking from a warm, comfortable slumber. he stretched lazily across the expensive silk sheets, moved an arm to cushion his head, and lay there with his eyes closed for a moment ... before realization bolted him awake. he spotted the other immediately, still half-lidded and waking. “good morning!” napoleon chirped, his words escaping slightly raspier from sleep. then, after a pregnant pause: “look, i can explain. well, first of all, nothing happened. you looked super tipsy last night and asked to cuddle, so i thought i’d sleep next to you. for, ya know, security reasons.” he motioned to his own clothed state.
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sibyllicson · 2 months ago
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drowning himself in a bottle of wine was quite the norm for percy, sometimes it was to quiet those demons that were demons in his head, to celebrate, or simply it to cut the nerve from a rather shitty day. he'd woken up with plenty of strangers over the years and simply disappear into the streets of new olympia to never see them again, but this was different. percy was a chosen now and he'd have to deal with fourteen other demigods every day. things were already messy enough with matteo, who knew if this would only make things worse.
"i don't really remember much," percy could feel the splintering headache still, he didn't usually black out but he really drowned his sorrows in the bottle of wine he found in the kitchen the night before. finding a shirt, he slid it over his frame before looking back over to the man who was in his bed. the son of hades, kirby. "drunk me really has great taste." he said, getting up to find another bottle of wine in his cupboard. "just some hair of the dog."
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Kirby was used to celebration. He was used to the excitement of the entertainment district. Of bodies writhing in euphoria. He clung to the excitement, any chance to celebrate was a reason to find jubilation. As a child of death he knew better than most that life was fleeting, that no matter what we all turned to dust sooner or later. But it was because of that that he chose to take any opportunity to enjoy himself. To spread his wings and just live.
So as the night had grown long, and the party had pulled him under he let himself freely move from one person to the next. It was only as the morning sun broke through thick curtains that he felt himself stir. He sighed wistfully at the thought of another day of celebration. Stretching out as sheets jostled next to him, he could tell that this was not his own home. Who's place he'd stumbled into he wasn't exactly sure. Hell his head was still pounding a bit from all the drinking yesterday, but nothing some coffee couldn't fix.
Slowly sitting up in the bed he smirks as he watches the other man begin to search for their clothes.
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"And here I thought I'd ask for a round three? four? Was hard to keep track last night."
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sibyllicson · 2 months ago
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the demigods had been chosen a few weeks ago and yet percy hadn't fully acquianted himself with most of the other demigods. it was far more intimidating than he anticipated and after how badly he did the night before on his first mission, percy had those doubts now planted within his mind. maybe it would be better to close himself off, or keep some space.. and then he got drunk and ended up in bed with one of them. nick, or so he thought... percy still wasn't entirely sure since he only heard his name once or twice in passing. 
"well," he looked over to the other demigod who was still wearing his underwear. "considering that i don't have a sharp pain in my ass and you're not naked... i would assume we just got drunk and fell asleep together." was he entirely sure of that? no, not entirely. he turned his focus away from nick once more, his backside bare for nick to look at as he found a pair of pants tossed by the door. "i'm percy, by the way. we haven't properly met yet."
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⟣  ─  ˑ  〃  ۫  nick  stirs  at  the  rustling ,  the  noise  creeping  into  the fog of a sleeping  brain.  the  ache  in  his  head  is  immediate ,  sharp ,  like  someone ’ s  been  pounding  on  his  skull .  he  blinks ,  struggling  to  get  his  bearings ,  the  room  around  him  spinning  in  slow  motion .  too bright . the bed  too  soft ,  all of it too  unfamiliar .
he ’ s  shirtless ,  just  in  a  pair  of  tight  briefs ,  and  the  cool  air  bites  at  his  skin .  he ’ s  not  sure  how  he  ended  up  like  this .
the  guy  next  to  him ,  brown  hair  messy  and  eyes  half - open ,  is  scrambling  for  his  clothes .  nick  rubs  his  face ,  trying  to  shake  off  the  confusion . " what  the  hell . . . ? "  he  mutters  under  his  breath .  his  voice  is  hoarse ,  thick  with  the  remnants  of  whatever  had  him  so  messed  up  last  night .
" listen -- did  something . . .  happen  last  night ? "  the  words  come  out  slowly ,  his  gaze  flicking  between  percy  and  the  disheveled  state  of  the  room .  it ’ s  more  of  a  question  to  himself ,  a  hazy  realization  he  doesn ’ t  want  to  deal  with .  he  leans  back  against  the  pillows ,  the  headache  pressing  in  as  he  waits  for  an  answer  he ’ s  not  sure  he  wants .
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sibyllicson · 2 months ago
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"now, i didn't know you were trying to claim my heart, samael carroll." percy's lips curled into a smile, he'd always been the type to be forward and wasn't afraid to make his move. he learned from a fairly young age that life was short and he didn't want to let himself be caught up with those pesky 'what if's' that kept some up at night. maybe there was a reason that both him and sammy had been chosen and their fates were intertwined, it was worth exploring. 
as the two made their way upstairs towards the bedrooms, sam's room was only a few away from his own. holding the others hand firmly, his eyes widened some as he looked around the room. "well, you've certainly got the flail for design, sammy." he took a step forward, it wasn't anything like his own room. lots of open space and a pool in the center of the room, unlike his room that was a chaotic collection of his own mess. "i'm honored to be the first one to see your bedroom." percy said with a grin, turning back to sam. 
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samael was not unused to percy's tales, to the struggles he lived through, though some of them surprised him. he was not a complete stranger to hunger but he had never been that familiar with it, no. "no... i didn't." he replied, as casually as he could, "i'll make sure to get you the best food, then." he told himself he was still keeping his distance, and he tried really hard to act like it.
"i guess we'll see how it acts, now that i'm here." he said, "i don't know what it thinks i crave, to be honest. it's a lot for one room."
percy's words made him regard him more carefully, they were indeed alone, but he hadn't... at least not consciously invited him with second intentions. it looked as if he wanted that though, invited it even.
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samael was only hesitant given their proximity, their overlapping studies. then again, maybe percy was just comfortable. "i don't mind skinny dipping," he said, pulling him along with a hand against his back, leading the way. "i'll give you a tour, then you can relax. there are grapes, if you feel like a bite."
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sibyllicson · 2 months ago
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percy wasn't exactly the type who hid their emotions well, his face would always give away whatever he was feeling in that moment and right now he was staring daggers at his ex.. if you could even use that term, since matteo never seemed to acknowledge what it was that they were. instead of fighting or trying to make the relationship work, percy cut himself out of the equation. he wasn't going to try and force someone to make an effort to be with him. no, the son of apollo had far too much pride. 
"thank you." percy's tone was short, not really giving back to what matteo was trying to do right now. those were just some of the words he'd wanted to hear and yet it took matteo how long to say them? even after he cut things off, it was radio silence... and now the two of them had to live together. "yeah, my room is pretty much filled to the brim with them. i've already got a head start on them." 
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Mateo may not have the best emotional intelligence, but he could tell when people where mad at him. So he had avoided Percy the best that he could for the first couple months, but now they live together and it was next to impossible. Moments like this would happen over and over again they were bound to bump into each other a lot more now.
"Maybe i didn't show but i did care about you Perc." The nickname rolled off his tongue as he looked at him. Maybe if had shown that more it wouldn't be so awkward right now. "bet you have a lot more books to eat up your time now shocked you just didn't take that back to where you are reading." He shrugged looking at him just leaning on the counter not noticing that Percy stepped back a bit. "you know us all of us are sore losers so they weren't the happiest but what can they do i won"
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sibyllicson · 2 months ago
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although percy wasn't well acquianted with most of the other demigods, there were a few he knew before being chosen. him and sammy had been friends and colleagues, now both in the same field as wizards and then there was matteo... his ex boyfriend who the son of apollo had a rather strained relationship with in the moment. charlie was a sweetheart and it was nice knowing someone so kind was one of the fifteen chosen demigods, at least he'd be fun to be around.
as the two made their way back upstairs to the bedrooms, they found his bedroom that had a golden sun on the front of it with his name. opening the door, charlie could see his bedroom. bookshelves filled to the brim with books, stacks of books piled everywhere, a corner that was covered in curtains where his crystal ball and tarot cards were, and ceiling length windows that filled the entire room with sunlight. it was chaotic and yet organized, everything was exactly where percy intended it to be. 
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There was truly only a handful of demigods that Charlie knew fairly well, Ezrah was by far the one he was closest to, then there was those that came to The Hearth and those he met on his backpacking trips, Percy fell into the latter category. He did enjoy the short amount of company he had with Percy and he was happy to see him chosen. There currently wasn't any demigod that Charlie had ill-will with. Charlie couldn't help but smile at Percy suddenly taking charge, his hand taken and being guided upstairs, the demigod gave a longing look to the open bottle of wine he left behind. As they walked up and into the courtyard, he looked around at all the door, still finding hard to believe the various worlds that laid beyond those doors, " Your room isn't far from my own yeah," He was still trying to remember the layout of the house, he could have swore it shifted on him once or twice.
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