Bonjour, I'm Belle. Pleasure to meet you all! I'm currently a junior studying on the S.S Walt. You can find me in room 427 or in the library. Just look for the brunette with her nose in a book. By the way, if you have any book recommendations, give them to me. I guess you can call me a bookworm, but hey. I could be worse.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
That's great. See you then.
Sure! In an hour?
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"Whatever you say, captain." Belle laughed, pulling a pillow behind her. She leaned back, resting on the fluffy pillow while nodding. "Yeah, I see. Well, then, I guess we're in for a movie marathon."
Belle grinned as Vanellope switched the subtitles. Belle always felt like she could never fully understand movies without the subtitles. It was weird, but Belle like subtitles. As Vanellope sat down next to her, Belle took the popcorn and tucked it in her lap. She sucked on her lollipop, pressing play after Vanellope switched the lights off.
"Really, wow. I didn't really watch TV at home." Belle whispered as the opening scene of The Lion King came on.
Movie Night || Belle & Vanellope
“I’d say.. all three. First to third.” Vanellope suggested, sliding the first movie into the DVD player. “Trust me, it’s way better watching them all in order. It’ll make more sense if you watch it start to finish, you know?”
The movie flashed on the screen, first at the menu. Being a nice person, Vanellope just switched on the subtitles. It’d always come in handy when she never heard what a certain person said in the movie, so she could just quickly read the words on the screen. Plus, subtitles did usually show some parts that you’d never notice were there in the first place.
Before she hit play, Vanellope grabbed all the food, sweets and soft drinks, turned off the lights and plopped herself down next to Belle. She looked up at the TV, munching on some popcorn.
“I can’t exactly remember the last time I watched this.. I mean, I might’ve watched this like.. 3 or 4 years ago? I kinda got banned from the TV at home.” Vanellope murmured as she looked up at the screen.
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Challenge accepted. -smiles- Do you want to meet at the dock?
All right, all right. How about this: you’ll accompany down to Paris and take me to the very best escargot place you know. And then we’ll settle this once and for all.

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Exactly. Seriously, though, you should try escargot. It's really not that bad.
Well… well…. I guess that’s a good point.
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Belle went back to her cabin to change into her pajamas. She wrapped a thick blanket around her shoulders, and tucked her key card into her pocket. The brunette walked out of her room, and began to try and find Vanellope's. Belle had hoped that maybe they'd watch the whole series, but, if they wanted, they'd just watch the last two.
Finally, she arrived at Vanellope's door, and knocked. She turned the doorknob and found Vanellope, having some candy, with a few tubs of popcorn next to her. Belle closed the door behind her, before walking over to the bag of lollipops. "So which one are we watching?" Belle asked, shuffling through the Chup-a-chups, before picking one. "If you want, we could watch the whole series, or just the last two." She stuck the lollipop in her mouth, before plopping down on the floor in front of the TV.
Movie Night || Belle & Vanellope
Vanellope was excited. Her arms were completely loaded with tubs of popcorn (as well as lollies), as she opened the door to her cabin and went inside. She quickly breathed a sigh of relief that her roommate wasn’t there (whoever she was.. Vanellope hadn’t exactly met her yet). “This is going to be awesome!” Vanellope dumped her items onto her bed and switched on the TV to set up the movie. Belle was due to arrive in a few minutes for their movie night, and she needed to get ready. She looked through her items, finally finding the key ingredient of their movie night.. The Lion King series.
Vanellope had all three DVDs, all “borrowed” from the lobby movie entertainment stocks. It wasn’t like she was going to destroy them, they were going to be just used for the night. No more, no less. She wasn’t sure exactly what Belle wanted to watch first either, so she got all three.
“Knock, knock!” she heard a sound at the door. Vanellope breathed another sigh in anxious excitement and tightened the red-licorice hair tie in her hair until it was a neat ponytail. She then opened a bag of Chup-a-chups and popped one into her mouth quickly. “Come.. in!” She managed to say, as she sucked on the lolly.
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How come no one has the same philosophy on cows? Or pigs? Pigs roll around in mud!
A snail is a snail no matter where you get it from.
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Aw, come on, they're not all that bad. Of course it depends on where you eat the escargot.
You mean… like snail? Yeah… no… I think I’ll pass…
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Yeah, last time I went, my dad and I just went to look at their landmarks. This time, I want to really explore Paris. Are you planning on trying escargot?

Probably just roaming around. I don’t know many other landmarks other than the Eifell Tower.
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Oh, are you planning to look at a few landmarks? Or are you going to just roam around, which is my favorite way to explore.

Pretty soon, as well. In an hour or so.
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Well, I hope so. I need to finish a little bit more of my homework, then I'll be off. You?

Ah, well, will you be going to explore soon?

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Of course, not all of Paris is chic cafes and love and roses. Well, I haven't explored enough to know.

Oh yeah? And what parts are those?

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Of course, it's cliched! It's the city of love, but come on. There are parts that aren't as cliched.

It’s a bit cliche, don’t you think?

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Okay, your room it is then. I doubt she'd mind, either, if she does we can always migrate to my room. Of course I won't tell anybody! Oooh great!

Alright! See you then, bye!
How are everybody's classes?
Watching the movies in mine should be alright. I doubt my roomate would mind if I had a visitor over anyways. That, and i’ve got a complete sugar stash hidden under my bed. Shh.. don’t tell anyone!

Hm, yeah. It can be kinda awkward at times too. Well, i’ll be seeing you again next Friday, huh? I’ve gotta go dash soon.
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What do you not like Paris?

Paris. That’s… interesting.
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Next Friday would be perfect! My room or yours?

Oh, I see. Haha, I can't imagine sharing a room with a person that I don't even know. I see how you feel.
How are everybody's classes?
Yep. Whatever happened to normal languages nowadays, is what i’m thinking. How does.. next Friday sound? I’m free then to relax.

Well, I do.. but I usually get back to my cabin late, so I only get to see her when she asleep. I haven’t had an actual conversation to get to know her name.
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Definitely. I mean, after the whole "that's what she said" thing started, we have to be more careful with what we say.

Well, when do you want to do it? Wow, haven't you seen her when you sleep though? Yeah, she's really sweet, but I haven't really seen her these past few days.
How are everybody's classes?
Hmm.. true that. I’m with you there, girl.. i’m with you. It’s like that back at my home too, I mean it’s so hard to have a normal conversation nowadays without thinking about how wrong something is and so on.

Ooh, yay! At last, I thought I might as well be dying from boredom. Nope, I haven’t met her, at all. I’m even afraid she might as well have stayed longer here in DSA than me. Rapunzel? Oh, yes.. i’ve met her. Yeah, she’s pretty nice.
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That's because now everybody cusses and all our slang mean something negative or inappropriate. Or most of it. Our generation's not exactly innocent.

Of course, it'll be more fun with a friend. We can be in our pajamas and have popcorn and sundaes. You haven't met your roommate? I was only on my own for a few days when Rapunzel moved in. She's nice, but we haven't talked that much.
How are everybody's classes?
Haha, it isn’t what one usually says nowadays. I rarely hear it anymore.

Ooh, yay! You don’t suppose I can join you, right? I mean, it gets pretty lonely around the cabin as I haven’t met my roommate at all yet, despite the fact that i’ve been here pretty long.
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