shxrpcs · 6 years
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Ava Sharpe … Lady killer  (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
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shxrpcs · 6 years
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shxrpcs · 6 years
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new tag drop !!
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shxrpcs · 6 years
She’s not totally convinced Ava isn’t someone Gideon created because she thought Sara needed a kick in the ass–because, the truth was they were perfect foils of each other, right down to their leading styles–but she’s still pretty sure she has to be nice to the agent. “This.” She indicates between them. “Being all nice and stuff. I don’t think either of us are very good at it.” Oh, so this was Sara’s fault. The captain was always interfering, it was like she wanted Zari to have friends and enjoy herself. Which, okay, didn’t sound like that much of a criminal offense when she put it that way. “Surprisingly, yeah, the petty insults do make me feel better, thanks.” It wasn’t really a joke, but there was some humor to the truth, wasn’t there? “You’re rigid and frustrating.” She shoots back, mouth turning up into something resembling a grin. Listening to the woman ramble on about practicality was torturous, but she made it through. “….Uh huh. Look, the Legends aren’t exactly known for being practical, in any sense of the word. And I’m actually pretty sure half of them would take it as an insult. So you might want to tone down the logic in the future.” With a half nod of her head, she indicates the door. “So, um, where’s your favorite place to eat in this city?”
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      “let’s just say that being nice isn’t exactly written in my code,” ava replies. she tries to keep her voice light and breezy, but the fact of the matter is that that specific line of truth often gets to her. there’s a lot of things that weren’t written into the code that created her. “there’s not exactly a guidebook on this kind of thing, and i’m definitely not taking any more pointers from gary,” she practically shudders. as she speaks, ava finds herself momentarily confused. is zari being facetious again or does she actually mean it? she finds it extremely hard to differentiate when it comes to sarcasm and humour. it’s a... learning curve, to say the least. “i was designed to be a leader; to be someone who could get the job done no matter what. there’s not exactly any wiggle room in that to be a free wheeling spirit.” the grin unnerves ava for a moment, but then she offers a strained one in return. “i’m definitely aware of the fact that practicality and legends do not go hand in hand, that hasn’t escaped my notice at all. in fact, i’m pretty sure i’ve mentioned it every single time you’re all brought up in conversation, but you get the job done.” frustratingly so, but fact is fact. “i’m... trying, okay? i’m going to be working alongside you and the other legends a lot more over the coming months, and i -- it turns out that not all of you are actually bad to be around. insufferable, yes, but not entirely bad. i can’t tone done my logic anymore than you can tone down your need to constantly do things your own way.” logic is the one thing that ava sharpe clings to, she doesn’t even want to know what would become of her if she lost that. “i don’t really know of many, but sara did take me to this nice chinese restaurant once. the char siu chow mein is to die for.”
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shxrpcs · 6 years
candicereeves :
Candice was about to complain that Ava was joining, but the time gate opened and she had to push the comment to to side. “Ava! So glad you could join us.” She said with a smile. Looking around Candice let out a sigh. “So what brings you along?” She asked. “Wait did you say you have plans?” She asked with a smirk. “Awe someone is a softy. Plus we are in a time machine we could literally come back two minutes after we leave.” She explained.
(( @thelegendaryhawkman @histcry-hackcr @raypalmer-atom @shxrpcs ))
Zari wasn’t known for making good decisions. Actually, she was kind of developing a reputation on the ship as someone who made bad decisions. Personally she thought the standards were too high, but whatever. Semantics. She had a mission of her own, and that involved crashing the mission the Legends were currently going on. She could probably have just asked to join, but hey, where was the fun in that?
Boot-clad feet stomping across the grass towards the jumpship, mind creating various fun one-liners she could use to announce her presence, Zari finally found herself within earshot of her coworkers (friends? Maybe that was being too generous), and she cleared her throat. “Forgetting something?”
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@thelegendaryhawkman, @raypalmer-atom, @shxrpcs, @candicereeves
Carter shrugged noncommittally at Ray’s last minute addition - he didn’t have an aversion to Ava like some of the other crew seemed to. Sara trusted her, that was enough for him. Even if it wasn’t, he didn’t have any real reason to protest - their methods might clash, but their end goal of keeping the time stream in check and stopping Mallus remained the same. He stepped aside a little as the light of the window opening struck his peripheries, giving Ava a small nod in greeting as she joined them before frowning a little in confusion at Candice’s comment. “Why are you smirking?” He questioned tactlessly.
His attention was briefly diverted as Zari made her presence known, cocking an eyebrow at her. “Hey, the more the merrier, right?” He chuckled, looking to Ray to give the final all-clear - it was his idea to pursue this mission in the first place, for now Carter was choosing to defer to him. “We’re already travelling through time to get our hands on a discovery no-one knew existed anyway, so really how much more damage can a few extra hands do?”
@raypalmer-atom @shxrpcs @candicereeves @histcry-hackcr
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“Ava.. Uh, Director Sharpe, Hi. Of course I know what I’m doing,” if Ray’s smile was slightly less than blinding just this once, that wasn’t because he was lacking confidence about his plan. Nope, not at all. “Plans?” He risked a glance at Candice when she dared to tease Ava about being a softy, and had to smother his almost chuckle after Carter’s question. Thankfully Zari chose that moment to gatecrash their quest and he grinned, reaching over to open the hatch so his friend could board. “You’re absolutely right, Carter. The more the merrier… and better odds in a fight. If it comes to that.”
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“You know I think this is the most people we’ve ever had in here, unless of course we’re counting that one flight with the Time Pirates.” His hands were back on the controls while he rambled, setting coordinates for both time and place. “But I doubt Mick would have worried about safety and making sure they were all strapped into a seat.” Here he shot a look across at everyone, making sure they were in fact all buckled up, before easing the jump ship into the air and firing up the time drive.
“Next stop, Berlin 1962.”
@shxrpcs @candicereeves @histcry-hackcr @thelegendaryhawkman
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      ava stops in her tracks before folding arms across her chest. “yes, i have plans. i do have a personal life, you know,” she responds. she has no further desire to address the questions any further. though, it does not escape her knowledge that they know what she is, and that her social circle doesn’t extend much further than the legends and, well... gary. “carter,” she nods back then makes her way over to where he stands, coming to a stop behind his shoulder. “good to know, ray,” she exhales slowly. she hasn’t exactly observed the legends without the input of their captain so she has reservations. “i don’t need to remind you all that we’re there for one reason and one reason alone: the totem. under no circumstances are you to seek out a fight. the goal is to remain inconspicuous,” she sits down then straps herself in. “year of the berlin crisis. this... just keeps getting better,” she mumbles to herself, steeling herself for the coming journey.
@candicereeves​ @histcry-hackcr @thelegendaryhawkman @raypalmer-atom
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shxrpcs · 6 years
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shxrpcs · 6 years
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shxrpcs · 6 years
“The monster in me loves the monster in you.”
Monster in me - Little Mix.
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shxrpcs · 6 years
sara: you’re coming with us? no offense, Ava, but we don’t need backup.
Ava: it’s not backup, it’s babysitting.
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shxrpcs · 6 years
Ava: *sees someone being stupid in the distance*
Ava: Pfft.. What an idiot
Ava: *realises it’s sara*
Ava: Oh wait, It’s my idiot.
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shxrpcs · 6 years
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shxrpcs · 6 years
Sara Lance: Where did Ava go?
Ava Sharpe: (from across the room) WHO wants to FUCKING DIE!?
Sara Lance: There she is.
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shxrpcs · 6 years
Sara shed the burdened layers of her own personal defense to a l l o w space for Ava to inhabit her heart. A wretched, overturned dwelling for the few who still live courageously in Star City. Distance gave her protection from the weathering effects of loving someone who wasn’t endowed with the super strength or encased in impenetrable steel. Life was precious and she’d had allowed for the fire of her own blow out in the stormy skies that whirled overhead. She leaned her cheek against the defined curve of Ava’s shoulder, unafraid of the damp blotches that littered her own cheeks. She was sick of drowning in silence but it was the sacrifice that she made taking on the ragtag team of misfits. Her misfits that would venture into the depths of time for the betterment of the world. Sara Quinn Lance had never been so proud in her whole damn life. 
Ava’s inexperienced naivety shrouded Sara in beautiful nuisances of grief. Death was a part of life but it always prompted a rebirth in those conflicted with its misery. Her own personal rebirth had been bred in the form of the hardline director who now saw the world through new eyes. Every step forward meant another new and exciting moment of growth for the woman she l o v e d. Sara couldn’t pinpoint the moment when her feelings deepened for unsung time slaying hero but she felt it stronger in the darkness. A constant tether to the future; their future. “We all share the stubbornness but she was the true leader of our family. I just tried to follow in her footsteps but got lost along the way. Sound familiar?” Sara chuckled at the absurdity of her own path in life. Laurel became a lawyer while Sara enacted justice in a more barbaric manner. Their paths intersected in the shadows and in the light.  
“She would have liked you because you never grow tired of trying to keep me in line. It was her favorite past time.” Sara squeezed Ava’s hand gently. An unspoken form of gratitude to her ability to soothe the burning ache that ravished what little space Sara allotted for such vulnerable emotions. Reaching up, she traced the natural curve of Ava’s cheek, staring back into the cerulean colored eyes that guided her through the valley of death. 
“I love you”
Sara refused to allow herself to choke on the sentiment. To lose another moment to the perils of unspoken truths. She kicked herself for not being able to express all the love she felt for her sister when she was live. Now, they were just empty words spoke to the void. Sara decided that if she ever found love again in wild unknown, she’d never waste another baited breath. 
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      if ava could, she would reach in and scoop all the pain that sara keeps bottled up and remove it completely. the boat incident, the league of assassins - sara has been through so many things in such a short life that ava can’t even begin to comprehend what that might do to someone, but what she does know is that sara deserves more that the world and herself give her. if ava can even offer up a small fraction of that then it’s been a successful day. god knows that sara lance deserves better than the continuous loss, and all she wants to do is make sure she knows that. hell, she’ll beat her over the head with a book every single day if she has to. lovingly, of course. that or she’ll record one of those mix tape things. she hears they were all the rage once.
“i don’t really know much about family,” ava begins, “but what i do know is that everyone should love the other regardless of their standing in the hierarchy. laurel may have been a leader - a great one at that - but so are you. i mean, take a look around,” ava brandishes a hand around the waverider before settling it down on sara’s knee. “rip might’ve dragged you all on board - against their will for some - but it’s you that’s made this into what it is now. you gave purpose to rory’s life, which he’ll greatly deny no doubt; you gave zari a home when everything she knew got destroyed; you gave carter and amaya a chance to live an actual life. every single member on this ship has been greatly affected by something you’ve done,” she lifts her hand and gently caresses the white canary’s cheek, “if you think for a second that that’s not something your sister would be proud of then i think you really need to get your head checked.” the ever evolving humour of ava sharpe strikes again. “you’re not just my hero, you know.”
“i mean, someone has to, right?” the director lifts a brow and grins. yes, it’s frustrating and she could use a break from having to chase after the waverider’s messes every once in a while, but it’s what makes her job interesting. she just... won’t ever admit that out loud. “it’s not like you can trust ray palmer to put his foot down with the situation calls for it, can you? he’d most likely piss himself in the attempt.” the touch of her cheek is soft and erases absolutely every thought and person from her mind that isn’t sara lance. in that moment, ava is one thousand percent captured by the entire essence of this woman and she doesn’t ever want to be let go.
“i love you.”
she repeats the statement with an almost giddy enthusiasm. who would have thought that the twelfth clone could ever be the subject of someone’s love? she surely didn’t. after all, she hadn’t been built to display any form of emotion whatsoever. in fact, those three small words - three small yet world breaking words - were a complete rebellion against the very being that she is. it’s... disconcerting, to say the least, but she doesn’t care. she doesn’t care because she can feel it, she can embrace it, and she can scream it from the rooftops.
but, for now, she’ll settle for whispering it in the jumpship.
“i’m in love with you, sara lance.”
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shxrpcs · 6 years
“Oh, right. Sure. That’s not really a better name.” Running into Ava now was always colored with a slightly uncomfortable light. They weren’t enemies anymore, but their alliance had started on such rocky terms that Zari hoped Sara knew what she was doing. Against her will, Zari can feel a smile starting to spread across her face. “Don’t do that. Be…normal and friendly and stuff. It’s weird. I think this might be the most you’ve ever said to me outside of some criticism of the team.” But (and she was starving, so she was definitely going to blame this on hunger-induced poor judgement) she gestures vaguely towards town. “If I’m hungry, and you don’t want to eat tacos anymore, I guess we should probably go eat or something, right?”
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      “--- it is,” ava’s eyes glaze over for a split second as she struggles against the highest urge to google the branch’s name. who on earth actually thought that would be a cool name? maybe it stems from the fact that if you eat too many a big belly may occur. it’s... food for thought, that’s for sure. “don’t do what?” she then lifts a brow, the words of the other pulling her back from her mental tangent. “it’s just as uncomfortable for me as it is for you, but... i promised sara,” she practically makes a face. ava functions on a straight line. she enjoys details and getting from a to b, but sara? god, that woman zig zags so often that ava is constantly dizzy just trying to keep up. the least she can do is go easy on her team. mostly. she has absolutely no interest in spending any more time than she needs to around that ‘english wanker’ that’s now unfortunately onboard. “if it makes you feel better, you’re incredibly reckless and need to learn how to follow instruction. was... that better?” she may have put it across like she’s attempting to joke (or maybe she really is just trying too hard to be funny) but it’s more than obvious that ava was actually being serious. “r-right,” she nods. “perfectly sound conclusion you have there, tomaz. it only makes sense since it’s both our end goals. functional yet satisfying. count me in.”
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shxrpcs · 6 years
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shxrpcs · 6 years
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shxrpcs · 6 years
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