shvtendoji-blog · 6 years
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i swear im funny
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shvtendoji-blog · 6 years
the legend of seimei’s missing hat
one day in the trehowse seimii was playing with hiromass
but then
the wind bloo
seimpais het fli awae
it fli into the demon mounten
semen was gona find his het
he drag hiro ass wit him to fiend his het
seimeat found mor frens
one was naemed ootengled
he fli to the sky and luk for mounten
but then obume kil him wit umbrela
seimpee and hi ass kept going
they found a ocen wit sexy fish guy
he flexin on them with his thicc muscles
he found a river path for them to fiend the evil demun cassle
sun they meat more frens
yotater tot hime
yo bikini
broken arm guy
shitty dough jee
together they fiend the evil demun cassle
they found the cassle of the evil demun
k a g u r a s s
she tuk his hat
and throo it
“cum fiend me semen. u wil never get ur hat”
seimee found black semen and blacc semen took his hat
the hat was never found
t o be c o ntinu e d
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shvtendoji-blog · 6 years
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“Foolish humans, do you have any idea of the price of blaspheming the grace of god?” - Susabi from Onmyoji
I’m too busy to draw anything recently, and then I found this one in my HDD, which I drew from long ago. Susabi is still always be my most favorite Shikigami, even if I could summons someone who is more powerful than him~
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shvtendoji-blog · 6 years
If I had a choice, I would definitely prefer to have my soul guided to the underworld by the Mujou apprentices, little Kuro and Shiro.
The Mujou brothers have clearly been at this for a while and would probably be like “okay, let’s get going, off to go see Lady Enma so she can tell you exactly what a horrible person you are.” They know what they’re doing.
With Kuro and Shiro, we wouldn’t have to go directly there. They’d probably start it all serious and then one of the three of us would point out a puppy and Shiro would be all, “Ah~, where? I want to go pet it! Come on, Kuro!” And we’d go pet that dog and then another dog and maybe some cats for Kuro, then we’d go get ice cream and maybe some other fun places. My last day on earth wouldn’t even be during my technical lifetime, but whatever, it’s a great last day. I got to babysit the cutest shikigami EVER and even Hangan couldn’t even bring himself to get mad about it.
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shvtendoji-blog · 6 years
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Drew Hako shoujo!!
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shvtendoji-blog · 6 years
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shvtendoji-blog · 6 years
So looking back at the Hanami episode of Heian Tales, I remembered something I had read previously…
Obviously, Onmyoji isn’t 100% historically accurate by any means (namely in that there probably weren’t little girls with super hungry monsters on the backs of their heads, talking animals that could fight for you, and beautiful flute-playing men with wings that could kill you and all of your friends in one attack), but there are still certain historical factors that can be included without issue.
For example, the actual Minamoto no Hiromasa was said to be a big time drinking with high tolerance. The man could hold his liquor well. For this to have actually been recorded in history must mean that Hiromasa could seriously drink everyone in Kyoto under the table.
So how come in Heian Tales, Hiromasa ends up all red-faced drunk like HEY KAGURAAA GUESS WHAT UH YOU’RE UM MY LIL SISTERRRR along with everybody else’s drunk shenanigans? I have a few ideas. The first and laziest is that they just like…forgot or didn’t know.
The next is that Hiromasa drank like twice as much as everyone else. “Oh man, even Seimei and his goth doppelgänger and getting hammered. Guess I should too.”
Finally, there’s the idea that Hiromasa was pregaming. “Ugh, this party is going to be so annoying. Seimei’s bringing his stupid dog, who’s sure to be yammering the whole time. Then Ootengu with his subservient attitude toward the other Seimei…and no way is Ibaraki Doji going to ever shut up about how amazing he thinks Shuten Doji is. I’m going to need to be really wasted if I’m going to enjoy this at all…”
Well, whatever happened, Hiromasa was probably still the most sober in the end and probably did have to make sure everyone got home safely. Kohaku probably didn’t end up doing much for his hangover the next day…
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shvtendoji-blog · 6 years
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Lord Arakawa is so under-rated among the SSRs… I love his design so much I just need to get him in Global :’D
Instagram / Society6 / Commission Me!
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shvtendoji-blog · 6 years
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新的ssr 鬼切实在是帅到爆炸了, 根据宣传片里的造型画了下, 等官图出了再画全身。 (宣传片里酒吞和茨木也帅炸天了<3
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shvtendoji-blog · 6 years
In this blog we love and appreciate Susabi
🐉🌕☄ oceans dont interact ☄🌕🐉
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