shvdowess-blog · 6 years
new header made by the lovely @jikishinzo
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shvdowess-blog · 6 years
‘ don’t. touch. me !! ’ feral snarl reverberated from the screaming core of her throat, down her spine and to the very tips of her bone - tipped claws. what she felt was violent, blood curdling, the inky black, acrid poison pumping through her was liquefied fear and malevolence. how she had ever survived this concoction of decrepit flaw escaped she - goddess, now so far past wanting to die she wanted to drag other souls with her, down, down to the centre of hell. ‘ we’re not safe. look at me. ’ she - umbra shrieked, holding up claws curled in their wretched fashion to resemble a cage. ‘ no matter where we go, what they - ’ they. the wretched, malconent of those spineless, white - coats. they with their beady eyes and ugly faces. they with their vicious sneers and judging mouths turned up in malignant, gruesome smiles. night’s daughter remembers all too well the conversations carried out as if they weren’t capable of coherent thought, punished when not responding to calls of “ monster ” and “ it. ” this version of the weregirl cared not for her twin’s pathetic, compassion. ‘ what they did will always remain with us. ’
“but we can fight off these shackles..” they were  looking fear wasn’t an option emotionally in this case, to bast the other looked no different than before; sisterhood was an unbreakable bond at least that’s what she thought. “you cannot let the past tear and claw at you; believe in something other than this wretched hole that we live in; believe in me if not anything else, you are all i have sekh.” it wasn’t fair and it never is; but something within reassurance perhaps kept nagging at the back of their head if the two had each other then no matter what it’d be okay. “life is unfair; but what matters is we come out undaunted and wearing the scars proud. a-and i know as long as i have you and you have me then we can weather through this; just focus on me not the past or the future focus on the now and the us please?”
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shvdowess-blog · 6 years
felid could barely hear her sister, the words rung clear as day in her mind, reverberating, violent and deafening in its intensity. help me. sekhmet pleaded, and all she had heard was ; “ help yourself. ” betrayal. anguish. abandonment. these were what the voices twisted the words into. what was encouragement distorted, mangled, rotting onto despondent mocking. her limbs trembled, shaking like ancient crumbling pillars, under fire from ancient wars. some of the voices screeching at her sounded just as old, and just as angry. these malcontent spirits had been robbed of life in the worst of ways, reverberating their agonies until glass - thin bones would shatter under their weight. ‘ there is no peace. ’ each word cut up her throat with their edges, every syllable a grating, rusted knife. hands fell to floor as talons gripped into the floor, sharp and vicious enough to cut through the stone floor. ‘ you’re just like them ! just like all of them ! ’
“No I’m not, you know full well I’m nothing like the others.” she took in a breath trying to fight off the influence from sekhmet as she closed in, arms wrapping around the other. “I’m never going to leave you; we’re safe right now, there is no one else.”  hurting the other was an unthinkable thing to do so instead the shadowess needed to just calm her sibling down. help her find that piece within herself and understand for now they were safe after all, they were in the middle of a room filled with nothing more than blood.
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shvdowess-blog · 6 years
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                                                           ind &. priv. WEISS SCHNEE. 
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shvdowess-blog · 6 years
reblog this if you actually like following me.
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shvdowess-blog · 6 years
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‘ what can i say — when it comes to the best ninjas of love volumes — some people have good opinions, and some people have yours. ’ @shvdowess + sc.
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“ding dong your opinion is always wrong..nerd.”
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shvdowess-blog · 6 years
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“just smile and say you’re fine..if you pretend it doesn’t exist than your pain will vanish...right?” Blake looked at the books on the bed, they wanted to be okay..for the family’s sake for the team’s and for Sekhmet’s after all if one of them was the brick it would be bastet. Right? The emotionally distant one. “i’m sorry..” they curled up tight against the old book which held so many memories. 
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shvdowess-blog · 6 years
doesnt really surprise me that im the replacable person.
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shvdowess-blog · 6 years
I highly recommend you follow the person I reblogged this from.
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shvdowess-blog · 7 years
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❛ It actually is a book series, too! It started as these really big books and then it was turned into movies. The movies take some weird turns away from the books though. ❜
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“that doesn’t really surprise me anymore to be frank, it’s hard to translate books into screen.” The faunus sighed a little disappointed.”but perhaps i’ll give the books a read and see how well that was adapted.”
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shvdowess-blog · 7 years
“i had to be ur fake boyfriend/girlfriend bc some creep was hitting on you and it was making you uncomfortable and now i have busted knuckles and a cut lip but hey are u okay” au
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shvdowess-blog · 7 years
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          “i, for one, like roman numerals–”
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“Who doesn’t they’re much nicer than arabic.”
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shvdowess-blog · 7 years
ship with me you cowards
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shvdowess-blog · 7 years
@shvdowess liked the starter call!
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❛ Yeah, it’s a really cool series! My friend Connie showed it to me, I think you’d like it. ❜
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“i’m more of a book person to be honest, but it sounds quite intriguing, perhaps i’ll give it a watch, would you like to join me?”
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shvdowess-blog · 7 years
bright eyes.
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     A pout immediately formed on her lips. Leave it to Blake to be the grammar cop! Ruby let herself plop onto the couch next to Blake, sinking into the soft cushions with a sigh. She watched Blake sip her tea. “I’m not mad at you, so there’s no need to apologize or anything,” she murmured. “Worried, though. Now that’s been my mood for a while now when it comes to you, Miss Blake Belladonna.”
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“you shouldn’t worry about nightshade, it can kill you even with a singular touch.” Blake kept a distance from the other, she still had so many things she needed to say; but they were an overlapping incomprehensible scream. Another sip of her tea. “like i said i’m sorry..you worried over someone like me, i’m still not at 100% cornering him like that took so much out of me.”
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shvdowess-blog · 7 years
     “Hey,” Ruby said softly.
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     A steaming cup of green tea was placed onto the table where Blake sat. It wasn’t as good as anything Blake could make—and Ruby had really tried—but she watched Blake long enough to know how she took her tea. Hopefully, this would make her ears rise up her head again. Ruby never liked seeing them flop.
     “Can I sit with you?” she asked.
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“i don’t see why you can’t you have two perfectly good legs, if you’re asking may you with me, yes you may.” The felid took the tea a soft sip from it, ears still laying back as she tried to ignore what ruby was gonna ask about. “i’m sorry i ran off like i did, i just had people i needed to see.”
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shvdowess-blog · 7 years
what the fuck is going on tonight??
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