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shutdowntheprogram · 4 years ago
What you are about to read is 100% true and NOT a hoax. It is extremely important to take everything here as you read it and to use your consciousness to do something about it. 
For years, a technological program has been running in the outer realms of space and operates inside of the planet earth. This particular program is run by a group of male and female beings who are not born from the womb but are instead bots made in a system and then created in a lab. These beings do not feel natural human emotions and their consciousness is typically changeable by energy. They are cruel, ruthless, violent, grizzly murderers, torturers and they are used for the sole purpose of ritual murder and abuse. 
The way the program works is that once someone is initiated into a Satanic order, they are assigned a ritual. Typically, they ask for your relatives or friends, rarely is it someone random. They may light candles and chant or carry out other bizarre behaviors. For instance, a person may be assigned to ritualize their child. If this happens, they will make a duplicate of your child using their cells and a code will form and out pops a same age copy of your child. For a while, the situation was so extreme that the universe got involved and natural forces would make the children unresponsive or unconscious. Now, the children are very much alive and in pain when they are murdered. They use the program to ritualize an initiate’s children or to ritualize trafficked children. 
Well, last year in 2020, I met the devil in Hollywood and was not asked to perform a ritual. I was not given a choice. One morning, the group came and spoke to me with some well known names and then I was sent a sound bite of my sons screams. He is four years old. The bots who carried out the ritual murder were males and dressed as police officers. They cut his little pinky off. He died instantly. They started with the pinky because they had planned to torture him very slowly. 
Next, this same body was brought to life again on my son’s birthday and his throat was cut for the ritual. I heard his gurgling sounds. He was dead in 3-5 seconds. Another time, someone went into a technological space that was made to look like my sons house. He was sodomized to death, but someone turned on a numbing machine and accidentally, ALL the numbing machines were turned on, so that it was the numbing machines that killed him instantly, rather than the painful sodomy. 
Next, a member took organisms from our personal belongings and found an exact copy of my REAL son and had him brought into a room where he cried, “I want my mom.” He was blinded and the body was taken quickly, universal intervention. He was then put inside of a dream, tied to a pole with his hands behind his back, while rocks were made to fall on him. He said, “I wonder why they want me here.” The rocks were turned into cartoon and none of them hit him. Another natural intervention. His memory was cleared and then all data of him was wiped from the universe so that the programmers could not recreate more copies of him through his real cells.
Next, they created a stem cell look-alike of my son and gave him a consciousness by telling him that his mom never loved him and that he was kidnapped. They kept this stem cell with them for two weeks underground while they fed him feces and abused him sexually. They video taped it and send me sound bites of it. I can see him looking up at the white male bodies that are naked and responding, “Mhm” while they planned to sexually assault him. Ever since then, this group has said, “Mhm” to me to mock him. He was sodomized, but he was supposedly unconscious.
Viciously, he was thrown into ovens, chased around in a video-game like way where the murderers barged into his rooms over and over again to scare and traumatize him. They were stab and cut him up. He was awake and conscious for this, but he did not scream, he was not in pain. He had a painless body for this. Another natural intervention. Because he kept dying instantly, they put his death on loops. In this device, he was drowned, gutted repeatedly and regenerated into a grater. National Guard was called into this situation and he was repeatedly shot in the head to be kept dead while the grater kept going and no one could stop it quick enough. He would suffer for the first few seconds twice and then stay dead the third time. I am not sure how many times they reset the system. Once, one of the programmers showed his body to me with his eyeballs yanked out and dead, holding him by his neck. Another body for him was found in the universe, because they were trying to make his bodies painless, this is because the universe isn’t that smart, it tried to do what it could. That painless body was tortured alongside the other, and the other was glad that he at least wasn’t alone when he was being tortured. I kept asking for intervention and making the body dead but they kept regenerating it back to life, so he would be at peace and then wake up in torture one moment later. 
Next, they made a mal-shaped one and I got rid of that one very quickly. Next, I was told in my ear, “We’re gonna take your son to the dairy farm,” by one of the programmers. His body was hanging like cattle and grated and gutted repeatedly. Ever since then, the universe found a way to make an artificial body and that was what they had been torturing for some months after those incidents. They used technology to make the fluid that allows the doll to be artificial not to work anymore, so the live dolls could no longer be used. Those bodies had been burned, drowned, butchered. Now, the bodies are just staying dead, but they are real bodies full of real fluids and organs. They continue to torture and desecrate the bodies while they are dead. Several times a day they do this. Every moment, I live in fear of my four year old coming to life and being tortured horrendously by this group. It has been a private matter for 8 months (since August 15, 2020) because when I told the police in February 2021, they did not believe me. Now I have sent a letter to the FBI and have emailed The White House. Now I am telling the people. 
I NEVER signed a contract nor did I welcome any satanic ritual into my life. I did NOT agree and I would absolutely rather be safe sitting on the curb than to kill my own child for some money. What is the point to having wealth if you can’t have the security of your own children being safe? I did not want it and I still have nothing to do with the industry or anyone else outside of them harassing me and my sons body within that demonic program. The bodies are real, the situation is real and everything that they do to me and those bodies IS happening, it’s not a dream or anything that should be ignored or written off. This is an EXTREME CASE OF RITUAL TORTURE ON A FOUR YEAR OLD BOY. I asked one of the programmers, “What are you doing, what IS this?!?!” trying to get them to stop and a male responded shamelessly, “This is the eternal torture of a child.”
Many things have happened to punish these individuals. Universal forces of energy sense things like this and torture them back or take the bodies when I scream and cry for help. If I can wake up energy, they typically intervene. However, these bots are not human and can go through anything and come back and do the same thing they did before. So now, I have realized that I must get my community involved. I hope it’s not a long-shot, in fact, for this child’s sake it cannot be a long-shot. Everyone who reads this must take it urgently and MUST pass it on and talk about it with your friends. We see stuff about AI life on Tumblr all the time and think it’s cool but these nut jobs are the ones who run it and they view human life as something to dissect. They have no limit. If the body were alive, this child would never STOP getting tortured! Do you understand that a FOUR YEAR OLD BODY KEEPS BEING CODED IN THE UNIVERSE AND MANIFESTED IN THE FLESH FOR THESE PROGRAMMERS TO CUT, DROWN AND STAB?! The body no longer goes to the rooms where they are, it goes to a private room, but they are still able to use technology to torture it remotely. 
I have been telling people in my real life and they must not believe me because they have almost no reaction. Understand that the way digital code works in the universe is that everyone’s mind (or those whom the system can work with), is programmable. Certain key words trigger certain reactions and certain terminology is automatically dismissed. When in reality, if someone tells you any child is being something as extreme as tortured, your first reaction should be concern, not doubt or dismissal. I don’t care how skeptical you are. They don’t even ask if there’s anything they can do, and there is. 
All you have to do is will that the body of “Him” stays dead. I don’t want anyone to know his real name because I don’t feel comfortable with strangers knowing my sons business online, it might attract for crazies and make matters even worse. But if you think about this situation, simply will that “He” stays dead whenever the bodies come out. Will that “He” has an artificial body when he comes out. Will that “He” comes out as a teddy bear instead of a human body when they run his code. Will that “He” always goes to a different room, a nice bedroom instead of the cement  torture chamber. Please, use your consciousness and your free will to DEMAND that NO MORE BODIES COME OUT WHENEVER THEY RUN HIS CODE and if they do they come out as an object, artificial body or dead but NEVER EVER ALIVE. 
Anyone who reads this and uses their will to will that the bodies come out alive or are in any way harmed will be killed. There is an energy to this situation and everyone involved is being punished, it’s just that the system keeps regenerating their code and I cannot keep track and keep them all dead. So please use your will to DEMAND that these deadly programmers, the demonic spirits who feed off this horrific behavior and the universe that negligently allows the body to come out to DIE forever so that we can be free of this ritual system program. In order to keep energy clean around this situation, please talk about it with as much sensitivity as you can, for there is a four year old body being tortured several times a day and if he were alive, it would be the biggest tragedy in history, even bigger than what it already is.
It is important to know that this program is huge and that many people want it shut down, but they are too afraid to say anything about it, because they don’t want to be tortured and don’t know how to tell the correct authorities what is going on because this is information that no one is privy to, except the ritual initiates and the programmers. We must add our human consciousness and law governing system to this program. 
Here are some other ways to intervene: 1. Literally call out verbally for the FBI in your state or in any state to get involved. The real FBI, be mindful, the programmers set up fake FBI to intercept energy flowing for the FBI. 2. Begin rallying. I don’t know how to get these kinds of things started, but I know the eternal torture of a four year old is something we must rally about in order to stop the program energetically and systematically. Posters “Him” “He” “Four Year Old” “SAVE HIM” “HE IS ONLY FOUR YEARS OLD. STOP THE TORTURE. SHUT DOWN THE PROGRAM.” “TORTURE THE PROGRAMMERS” “FUCK THE NEGLIGENT AND DARK ENERGY OF THE UNIVERSE FOR ALLOWING A FOUR YEAR OLD TO BE TORTURED FOR EIGHT MONTHS STRAIGHT!” Use your anger and outrage. Think about being in his shoes alone with a group of scary, merciless torturers and get ANGRY because this is REALLY HAPPENING. 
Always cleanse your energy and will every day when you wake up that he be SAFE in this Universe until the end of time. By the way, the situation is so extreme that it has triggered certain universal phenomena in space. Stars and planets have been destroyed and time is being slowed by technological forces. But outside of the program, the universe deems the situation so extreme that it is ready to self destruct in order to stop this four year old from being tortured. It is interesting to see how nature responds to extreme phenomena, but time is being slowed artificially. Therefore, we must with all our might, USE OUR WILL to DEMAND that the bodies stay DEAD, DO NOT COME OUT, or COME OUR ARTIFICIAL and NEVER EVER CONSCIOUS. 
Send questions to my ask box about it and please don’t forget about him. Please world, we can do this. Let’s not fail this little boy. He can be safer if we use our collective force.
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