Old Warriors in Love
42 posts
ShunUki Week // Hosted by the Senkaimon Discord Server // August 13-19th
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shunukiweek · 7 months ago
Only for you
Shunuki week day 5 Body modification/”Like that?”
Title: Only for you
Fandom: Bleach
Characters: shunuki, Shunsui Kyoraku, Jushiro Ukitake
Comments: Rated M for content (just to be safe)
Jushiro comes home from a hard day at work to find Shunsui reading something naughty.
Au, oov
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of this fic. All mistakes are mine alone.
Only for you
Jushiro Ukitake wearily dragged his tired body through the door of his home.
Shunsui Kyoraku was already there and had made himself at home. Most of his uniform was off and he was stretched across the low couch.
With an annoyed grumble Jushiro pushed Shunsui's feet to the floor, and plopped down in the spot they had been.
Usually it was Shunsui who rested his head on his lover's lap, Jushiro switched that up. He tucked a pillow under his head and laid down on the man's lap.
“Rough day, babe?”
“You could say that.” Jushiro's hand covered his eyes.
“Wanna talk or…” Shunsui stopped when Jushiro covered his mouth.
“Just give me a few moments to relax.”
“Sure thing.” Kyoraku lightly kissed his hand and returned to what he was doing, which was reading a magazine.
He had learned several ways to meditate and release stress. Many books were readily available. He concentrated on his breathing, on the ticking of the clock, Shunsui's steady breathing…. interrupted by quiet chuckling.
Reaching up he grabbed the magazine, “What's so damn funny?” He began to thumb through it. Shunsui made a wild grab for the magazine.
“I don't think that's something for you. It's pretty risque.”
“I think I'm pretty immune to shocking things after being with you for so long.”
Colorful and some disturbing tattoos blazed across the pages.
“Nothing shocking about tattoos.” he quipped. He then found the section on piercings. Some were unbelievable, even piercing of private parts. “People really get this done?”
“Yep, I was actually thinking about one of two spots.”
“Don't you dare. You've had enough holes in your body.” But he continued to look, eventually deciding that just maybe one or two would be alright. “Actually I've changed my mind, you'd look pretty good with your ears pierced….” He blushed shyly and whispered, “...maybe the nipple piercing.”
Shunsui made another grab for the magazine, “It gets worse, I don't think your pure mind can handle it.”
“We've been together for decades, I'm not that pure.”
“Too pure for this. I know I've shown you some different things, but please trust me on this….”
The page fell open to bifurcation of body parts, Jushiro shrieked and threw the magazine across the room. “That's vile. Who'd do such things? The tongue is gross, and,...and, why would a man do that to his private parts?”
“Told ya!” Shunsui stated firmly, “I don't understand the reasoning behind some like that, but I suppose it feeds into their desire to be different from society, to rebel. Some for the shock factor."
Jushiro wanted to take a scalding hot shower to wash those images out of his mind.
“Well there's a much milder part called manscaping “
“What's that?” Jushiro was biting his bottom lip.
“It falls more under personal grooming. It's when you shave body hair to be more aesthetically pleasing, but some fetishize it.”
Ukitake sat up, grabbed a few fingers full of chest hair, and gave a sharp yank. “You do something like that and we're through.”
“So more tattoos, my favorite snowdrop?”
“Quit calling me that.” He stretched up and kissed his longtime lover. “Just where did you get such filth?”
“Oh that! Lisa-chan brought it from her little shop.” When Lisa had returned to Soul Society, she opened a porn shop. It actually brought in a lot of business. Who knew the residents were so enthralled by the naughtiness. “It seems fetishes are quite the thing.”
“You two always were awful.”
“Adventurous, sweetheart.” Shunsui gently tugged Jushiro on to his lap and began to play with the soft white strands.
Jushiro rested his head on a broad shoulder and buried his face in Shunsui's neck.
“So what had you so stressed?” Kyoraku lightly pulled a pinch of hair.
“The thirds!” He sighed. “All day long, fussing over who was going to outdo the other, including but not limited to, opening my windows.”
“And where was your new lieutenant?”
“I sent Kuchiki off with a message to her brother.” Usually Rukia was able to wrangle the quarrelsome duo under some semblance of control.
“Well that was bad timing.” Shunsui scratched at his whisker-covered jawline. Jushiro hummed into his neck.
“Please don't bring those fetish type books home again, I don't enjoy looking at naked male parts.” Shunsui let out a snort. “Oh don't be offended, you don't count.” Another snort, “Yours is the only one I want to see.” He ended up blushing.
“That's better!” Shunsui laughed
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shunukiweek · 7 months ago
Fired up
ShunUki week day 7 Fireworks/”If we found a way to escape, would you consider it?”
Title: Fired up
Fandom: Bleach
Characters: shunuki, Shunsui Kyoraku, Jushiro Ukitake
Comments: When squads celebrate winter holidays.
Au, ooc
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of this story. All mistakes are mine alone.
Fired up
Winter festivals were getting set in place. Almost all the squads were decorating their various buildings and shrubs. With a few exceptions.
Squad Twelve did not ever participate.
Squad Eleven was haphazard at best. Their pink haired lieutenant would decorate whatever hit her whim, bushes, tall trees, buildings,... people.
Squad Six was done in moderation.
Even Squad One was done up. The old man had a soft spot for this holiday.
Now Squad Thirteen was, some would say…quite over the top. Their Captain was very much into the whole celebration, which included his birthday. His squad, so eager to please, decorated every square inch of their compound.
The other squads decorated as much or little as they wanted, however much their captain would allow.
Even the medical Squad Four, who kept most of the decorations outside so they did not interfere with the healing going on inside.
Squad Eight had a very lenient captain who allowed his squad to do as they will, just keeping it away from him personally. He wasn't really against the holiday per se, he just rarely celebrated anything. Not even his own birthday. It meant little to him.
Each squad were having great banquets, feasts, with noisemakers, confetti throws and it was all going to culminate in a glorious fireworks display set off by the Head captain himself.
To escape all the chaos below, Shunsui Kyoraku had climbed to the highest point on his squad's buildings. This was not at all unusual, he often escaped here or some high tree. He hated to admit it, but it was the best spot to watch the fireworks.
He felt a familiar reiatsu approaching. “You didn't have to climb all the way up here.” He grumbled softly. It was their usual argument.
“I know you'll never ever admit it to anyone, even me, but you love to come up here for the best sighting of the fireworks.” Jushiro Ukitake sat down neatly next to the larger man.
“For being an outwardly incurable, incorrigible romantic, you sure make it difficult.”
“Part of my charm.” He gave Ukitake a lopsided grin. Ukitake gave him a dazzling smile back just as the fireworks started.
They watched for a bit, then both reached into their hiding spots in their uniforms and brought out grandly wrapped gifts. They were never really expensive gifts, but ones they knew the other would like due to the simplicity.
Ukitake excitedly opened his. It was a beautifully painted glass chime, with a little poem attached. Jushiro had several of these chimes as Shunsui knew how much he liked to listen to them when he was ill in bed.
Kyoraku opened his, it was a small highly detailed glass figure. He had begun collecting them when he became a lieutenant.
They tucked them back inside their uniforms.
Shunsui tugged Jushiro onto his lap and just snuggled with him, burying his face in the soft scented hair.
“Happy Birthday, Ju-chan.” He crooned before kissing the breath out of the pale man.
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shunukiweek · 7 months ago
pulling up to fan expo in style đź©·đź’›
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and then we send hello to the man himself!
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@shunukiweek with multiple prompts 🫶
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shunukiweek · 7 months ago
Don't worry.
Shunuki week day 6 Love language/”I'll always have your back”
Title: Don't worry
Fandom: Bleach
Characters: shunuki, Shunsui Kyoraku, Jushiro Ukitake
Comments: sometimes cleaning brings memories and pain.
Ooc, au.
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of this story, all mistakes are mine alone.
Don't worry
They said it to each other hundreds of times. Almost all comrades do at some point.
Through difficult classes at the academy and the gradual climb to becoming captains it was their standard. Even when they finally exchanged vows and rings that were hidden away, because personal jewelry was frowned upon.
Years after Ukitake's sacrifice, Shunsui was doing some cleaning of clutter in his personal space. His room wasn't a mess because he was, in general, a tidy person. But the duties of being Head Captain took precedence over decluttering.
Instant food wrappers and crumbled worksheets needed to be cleared. Nanao had offered to help, but he declined because only he knew what was important junk and what was actual junk.
Even the drawer next to his bed was stuffed with work papers. He let out a pained sigh as he looked at it all. He pulled the stack of paper out of the drawer and tried to flatten them the best he could. Nanao would be angry.
As he pulled the last batch out something fell, hitting his foot and rolling across the floor. He threw himself after it so it wouldn't get lost.
It was Jushiro's ring. A tear trickled down his cheek.
He knew it was there…engraved inside, “I'll always have your back
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shunukiweek · 7 months ago
With their vacation coming to a close, Jushiro and Shunsui decide to enjoy a few more hours of their modern getaway.
@shunukiweek for day 5: "Like That?"
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shunukiweek · 7 months ago
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8/19: Fireworks / "If we found a way to escape, would you consider it?"
to find our masterlist, go here for all info!
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shunukiweek · 7 months ago
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8/18: Love Language / "I'll always have your back"
to find our masterlist, go here for all info!
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shunukiweek · 7 months ago
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For Day 4 of ShunUki Week "Please, just hold me."
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shunukiweek · 7 months ago
Fear of tomorrow
Shunuki week day 4. Competition/”Please just hold me
Title: Fear of tomorrow
Fandom: Bleach
Characters: shunuki, Shunsui Kyoraku, Jushiro Ukitake
Comments: Is it real or a nightmare.
Content warning for older teens, ooc, au, allusion of death
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of this fic all mistakes are mine alone.
Fear of tomorrow
Dark thoughts often plagued his mind.
Especially since his first confirmed hollow kill. His sword sung to him the death dirge of the hollows feeling. Why should he have such oppressive powers?
When he cleaned the sword it sang of dark things, things of mystery. Sometimes he hated the daily maintenance that one must do in order to keep the sword from rusting or becoming fouled with the remains of what was killed.
Getting thoroughly drunk would at times quiet the voice that sang to him.
In front of him was an answer to a silent prayer, Ukitake hale and hearty, hair turned black as ink. He was scary, beautiful, death.
His sword whispered to him [“Kill him.”]
[“I can't, he's my love.”]
[“Kill him, before he kills you.”]
He cursed his sword. She was relentless. This was the worst possible thing to happen. His breathing was ragged, labored.
[“I refuse to attack him.”]
[“Do you want to die? Kill him.”] She hissed.
He threw down the sword and opened his arms as his beloved drove his own sword through the willing body.
“Ahhh.” Shunsui let out a relieved sigh as he tumbled to the ground.
He was shocked awake by the sudden feel of real flooring. Drenched in sweat, body aching, and tears flowing from his eyes, he shook.
Arms wrapped around him and a soft familiar voice whispered soothing words. At first he couldn't hear, his body was in shock.
“You had a horrible nightmare, didn't you love?”
“Please just hold me.” He was trembling as the blesseded, still very much alive Jushiro drew him into a tight embrace.
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shunukiweek · 7 months ago
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8/17: Body Modification / "Like that?"
to find our masterlist, go here for all info!
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shunukiweek · 7 months ago
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It’s chilly out
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shunukiweek · 7 months ago
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ShunUki week, day 2 - Piggyback ride
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shunukiweek · 7 months ago
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Day 3! One-night stand
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shunukiweek · 7 months ago
Flour date
               ShunUki week day 3 
              One night stand/ “don't you dare”
Title: Flour date
Fandom: Bleach
Characters: shunuki, Shunsui Kyoraku, Jushiro Ukitake
Comments: How can cooking go wrong.
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of this fic. All mistakes are mine alone
The words hung over a chaotic scene in the home of Shunsui Kyoraku and Jushiro Ukitake. 
Not even a veiled threat. 
Just an absolute chaotic mess.
They were preparing dinner for their adopted children when Shunsui suggested battered fish.
Normally this was one of Jushiro's favorites. He had a tried and true recipe that his mother had given him a while ago. Not too pasty, not too sweet. The kids loved it.
He had been feeling a little off so he added the ingredients then let Shunsui mix it. 
Sometimes this was a mistake as Shunsui could be a very vigorous stirrer. 
The kids knew better than to play in the kitchen when food was being prepared. That didn't happen to be the case this evening.
Just as Shunsui was handing the bowl back to Jushiro a ball bounced into the mix, splashing all over Jushiro's front and hands.
Everything came to a screeching halt. Shunsui turned to grab a towel, then turned back to Jushiro.
He didn't miss that mischievous twinkle in his husband's eyes. 
Jushiro made claws with his hands and marched forward toward Shunsui.
“Don't you dare!!” He bellowed. Just as Jushiro pressed up against him and grabbed his backside leaving two perfect floury handprints.
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shunukiweek · 7 months ago
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8/16: Competition / "Please, just hold me"
to find our masterlist, go here for all info!
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shunukiweek · 8 months ago
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8/15: One Night Stand / "Don't you dare"
to find our masterlist, go here for all info!
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shunukiweek · 8 months ago
I've got you now.
Shunuki week day 2
Piggy back ride/”I've got you now.”
Title: I've got you now
Fandom: Bleach
Characters: shunuki, Shunsui Kyoraku, Jushiro Ukitake
Comments: Class assignment doesn't go as planned. Shunsui to the rescue.
Academy era, au, ooc
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of this fiction, all mistakes are mine alone
I've got you now
One of the classes they had together was for training reiatsu to be used for sensing others.
Shunsui had already proven he could find Jushiro. Not in a classroom setting though.
Of course the instructor teamed them up.
“Excuse me, sensei but could you hand me off to someone other than Kyoraku?”
“Why? I thought you two were friends.”
Jushiro rubbed the back of his neck, “Well yeah we are, it's not about that. He just already knows how to find me, it wouldn't be fair.”
“I don't have the patience to argue.” The instructor teamed Jushiro up with another student.
Shunsui really was far too good at this game. He was one of the first ones back with his teammate in tow.
The rest slowly trickled in. It was getting late when Jushiro's teammate came back without him.
Shunsui panicked.
“Alright Kyoraku, since you found him before, you'd better go get him.” Shunsui sprinted off.
He stopped to sense where his missing friend was a few times, when he finally found him he let out a sigh of relief.
“Hey!” He sing-songed. “What’cha doin’ way out here?”
Jushiro looked up with tear filled eyes, “I twisted my knee, and then it started getting so late. I thought I'd be lost and forgotten out here.”
“Who could forget you handsome?” he knelt in front of Jushiro who was conveniently sitting on a large stump. “Come on, hop up. I've got you now.”
Jushiro crawled onto the broad back and quietly sobbed into the shoulder.
“Welcome to the Kyoraku Express.” He broke into a modified shunpo. “Cost of the ride is one kiss.”
“Shut up, don't say such things.” He smacked the back of Kyoraku’s head.
“Whatever you say, pretty boy.” he got smacked again.
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