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What’s more heroic than charity work? Fighting a horde of cave trolls attempting to ransack Ye’ Olde Village O’er Yonder, probably, but Japan is shockingly deprived of cave trolls. Some simple charity work for the poor village would have to suffice.
In the meantime, Nyakuma can find other heroic deeds to tend to, such as saving the student council president from certain impending doom. What doom? Why, that of a fly buzzing her way. Flies are freaking gross.
With mastered precision, Nyakuma approaches Maya from the side, and quickly strikes – they thrust their arm forward towards the beast, and the sleeve covering their hand snaps whips out and smacks it away before it can land on Maya’s sleeve. Of course, it’s all just a happy accident, but Nyakuma looks so proud it’s hard to tell.
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“Kuhuhu… The evil is defeated. What’s up, pres?”
Maya was blissfully unaware of her incoming demise. This was evidenced by how she failed to acknowledge both the annoying buzzing sound and the annoying chattering of her fellow classmates. She was much too preoccupied digging through her bag for lipstick, after all.
So when she felt something brush against her, she was duly surprised. A very uncomposed shriek escaped her. She quickly spun around to face the culprit. Looking down, she saw it was some unfamiliar kid.
What kind of evil were they talking about? For their sake Maya hoped it wasn’t her. After brushing imaginary dust off her coat, she spoke. “At least you know who I am -- that’s more than a lot of people here can say. Unfortunately, I don’t know you nor whether you attend this school. Based on your attire, though, I have my suspicions.”
She shrugged, then held out a hand for her ‘savior’ to shake. “But I must as something. How old do you think I look? I think you look young enough to be in junior high, so there must be some secret to your success.”
Get Down Ms. President || Prologue || Maya
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Of course, why would the Horticulturist care much about the sort of equipment or spare clothes they would all be bringing to the so-called village for charity? All they know is that no matter the situation, if they are ever hired or, in some rare cases, requested to do their job, they will most definitely do it! Unfortunately that usually means bringing their usual working clothes, which is basically their own casual wear either ways… Multiples of the same torn and worn-out clothes and same pants as well as boots in addition to a pair of brown gloves… Not exactly the best equipment but that’s all they need to get the job done!
It didn’t really take long, after all they simply crammed everything inside a matching brown suitcase with various colorful floral patterns around it! Contrary to their somewhat messy appearance, Choju is actually quite the organized individual too, so while they did take their time, it didn’t take too long for them to get everything neatly folded inside the suitcase! Without really caring much for anything else, they went outside the gates and waited for the bus to arrive, that’s how they were told they would be leaving, after all! Once outside, it didn’t really take them long to spot a certain other person there… She sure looks prim and proper, and based on that, they can infer she’s most likely waiting for the bus too! That and the fact she’s carrying a suitcase as well.
Not being someone to shy away from social interaction, the Horticulturist approaches Maya without a care in the world and taps her lightly in the shoulder for a few moments before offering the girl a soft, but genuine and sincere smile followed by their introduction. “Choju hopes you don’t mind the sudden introduction, but they are wondering if you’re also waiting here for the bus? If so, that means Choju and you are going to be… Uh, workmates? Classmates? Choju doesn’t really knows, but they are very excited to get to know you! Would you mind if Choju asks you to please introduce yourself? Choju’s name is Hagiho Choju, the Super High-School Level Horticulturist, it is great meeting you, stranger!” Well one thing is evident, they certainly have a lot of energy and are quite the chatterbox.
Maya’s suitcase was resting beside her as she tapped away on her phone. She was trying to look up the village and wasn’t having much luck. Was it truly that remote? What kind of place was it going to be? Maybe she shouldn’t have packed her best clothes.
She tensed when someone touched her. Not appreciating the random gesture, she turned and gave the culprit -- a scruffy-looking kid -- a stern look. Her expression didn’t soften even after they ended their introduction.
Resisting the urge to ask them to change immediately, she said, “Miyama Maya. I’m your student council president. It’s nice to meet you… Hagiho-san.” She didn’t want to offer her hand to such a ruffled kid. Instead she dipped her head ever-so-slightly. It was a fast gesture; it didn’t occur to her it might’ve just looked like she was nodding. Well, no matter.
“A horticulturist, hm? Does that mean you always dress like you’ve rolled around a field?” It wasn’t a joke (which was evident by her stoic tone), but she quickly added, “Joking.”
Do you Think there’s a Secret Plant Council? || Prologue || ATTN: Maya
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‘Wow, Miyama-san, you look especially pretty tonight.’
‘So I’m glad it’s just the two of us.’
‘...Shall we kiss?’
Maya tap tapped away at her mobile otome game, cheeks red as she tried to keep her screen hidden. Though she had played this scene probably three times by now, the pretty boys never failed to make her blush. This was a much better distraction than trying to talk to her odd classmates.
So enraptured by the bishounen, she didn’t even notice someone stepping on her foot until she heard a voice apologize. Looking up, she noticed the person talking to her was a cute boy.
“Huh?” she squeaked in an abnormally high tone. “Oh! Ah, feel no need to fret.” She dismissed the matter with a wave of her hand. “I hardly noticed.”
She turned her attention back to her game only to notice there was a startling similarity between the boy on-screen and the boy in front of her. Her eyes darted back and forth between the phone and the boy. Finally she cleared her throat and stuck her phone in her pocket.
“My apologies,” she said. “I was only responding to some emails. What’s your name, by the way?” She resisted the urge to bring up weirdly close in appearance he was to her free-to-play mobile otome game.
One Step Fowards Two Steps Back || Yuki || Prologue || Closed for Maya
Where did you come from, where did you go, where the heck are you cotton bus joe?
With still no signs of the bus, Yuki was starting to rather ancy just standing around. While he didn’t mind waiting around for the first couple of minutes, just standing around in the sun was starting to get to him. Seeing a spot off to the side that was a bit more shaded, Yuki decided to head on over there and relax for a bit in the meantime.
Although on the way, and due to there being like 30 goddamn people around, Yuki hadn’t noticed another student standing there until he was stepping on her foot. Not moving, Yuki just blinked a couple and times and looked down before realizing what had happened. Oh… This was maybe a problem. Quickly stepping off the poor girl’s foot, Yuki gave her an apologetic look.
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“Ah… I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean to step on you… Are you okay?”
He blinks, looking at the redhead in concern. Yuki, relax, it’s just a foot not the end of the world.
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Council Tenet One: Give a Good Greeting || Pregame || Shiruku
Appearances were important to keep up, especially upon meeting new people. Maya didn’t bother to put on a friendly smile, though. Being student council president meant she ought to show people she was in control. Being cutesy would not accomplish that goal.
That being said, she was getting tired of standing around and looking aloof. It would be more fun to talk to someone. So, spotting a well-dressed girl off by herself, she decided to reach out. It was, objectively speaking, boring to be alone. Surely the girl would disagree. With that, Maya strode up to her.
“Your outfit is so nice,” she said by way of a hello. She figured small talk about the weather or such would only make the conversation drag on “What store did you get them from? I’m thinking about trying new styles. Yours looks very prim, albeit rather plain. But perhaps that’s coming back in style?”
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Public service sounded boring even to the upstanding citizen that was Maya Miyama. She wasn’t in the mood to help people out 24/7; she already did enough of that. Yet here she was with her classmates, about to go assist the poor. While it did sound interesting in theory, she had the sneaking suspicion it would be boring in practice.
She watched as someone approached, an apathetic look on her face. It didn’t occur to her that she ought to smile -- no, she was in too bad a mood for that. Instead she merely tilted her head to the side, studying him.
“Hm, maybe not,” she mused. “As riveting as service work is going to be, being in the middle of nowhere doesn’t sound fun.” She paused. “That being said, at least there will be people to talk to. Hah, do you think they’ll be interesting? Because...”
She trailed off, gestured to the crowd. The way she rolled her eyes hopefully indicated to the boy just what she thought of her peers so far.
“Though you seem interesting,” she continued. “Most people don’t dress so nicely to do charity work. I don’t recognize you, but I can tell you’re important.”
Let’s get the ball rolling | Pre-Game | Norio & Maya
Truth be told, he was excited for this but he knew he had to keep up his image. Charity work did wonders. One picture or story of you holding a shovel and you were golden. No one would think twice about someone that volunteered. 
Blue, cold eyes, glanced around the group with a sense of boredom. A few peeked his interest sure, but that was really it. A group of 30 of the most talented teenagers and he felt bored and annoyed just being here. He recalled a few of their positions, not many, but he stepped up to one he remembered only out of necessity. ( Knowing politics was his specialty. )
“Well, what do you say? Are you looking forward to this? You can certainly feel the buzz in the air between everyone.” He bit his tongue. Politics was all about appearances. 
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hi i made a maya playlist. there are like five tracks but you know what? that’s okay.
listen on 8tracks alternative stayed up all night HERE!
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Pregame Threads
Hope’s Peak Student Council presents...
Maya’s pregayme thread tracker
Just to keep tabs on whom I’ve done stuff with and whom I haven’t. If you want to thread with me, hmu on Skype (I’m Xander) or reply to this.
1. Chouju 2. Nyakuma 3. Yuki 4. Niji 5. Norio
1. Akemi 2. Hotaru 3. Hachinoko 4. Empty 5. Empty
Get rekt, gamers
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here’s maya! art by dem
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hey gamers
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i’m xander and welcome to my dq let’s play. this is maya miyama’s day off.
anyway, i live in the pacific northwest (pst/gmt-8) and i like to host silly game nights. my pronouns are he/him/his. i’m really upset club penguin is ending. all things must end, i guess.
but yeah i play maya miyama, shsl student council president. she’s ready to have fun. i’ll probably make a post detailing what you may know about her later this evening.
nice to meet you gays! remember to like and subscribe for more despair quest videos!
p.s. my trigger is terminal illness, so please none of that. thank you!
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